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Ditemukan 16 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Umi Fahmida
"This two month iron supplementation was a community trial study conducted in Sambelia village in Sambelia subdistrict, East Lombok district, West Nusa Tenggara province during October-December 1996. The main objective of the study was to investigate religious leader or toga as distribution channel of iron tablets for women in child-bearing age.
There were 187 women involved in this study, 94 received the tablets through religious leaders (Toga group) and 93 from cadre (Cadre group). Both groups of women received 8 tablets of 60 mg elemental iron (combined with 250 pg folic acid, 2500 IU vitamin A and 60 mg vitamin C) to be taken once weekly for two months. Coverage was defined as percentage of women in child-bearing age who received the tablets. The women's compliance was assessed by interview and stool test. Other methods of assessment included anthropometry measurements (weight, height, MUAC) and biochemical test (hemoglobin test with cyanmethemoglobin method). In addition, Focus Group Discussion on some women and personal interview with the distribution channels (toga and cadre) using Semi Structured Interview were also conducted.
The women were comparable in socioeconomic condition and hemoglobin status. The distribution through toga and cadre could cover respectively 87.1% and 86.2% of the women. Compliance was better among women in toga group who in average took 6.8 tablets compared to 5.9 among women in cadre group (p < 0.10). There was however no difference in improvement of hemoglobin (after controlling for some confounders) nor in decrease of anemia prevalence between the two groups after 2 months period The Hb increased by 0.14 g/dL and 0.30 g/dL and anemia prevalence decreased by 13.9 % and 16.2 % respectively in toga group and cadre group. In the cadre group, predictors of non full compliers were social factors (ie. age, family income, education level) and frequency of contact with the cadre, whereas in the toga group, only side effects were predictive of non-full compliers. Combining both groups, 31% of non full compliers were identified by social factors (ie. age less than 20 and living in permanent house) and provider-user dynamics (iefrequency of contact with the distribution channels).
Results suggest that toga was a potential channel of iron tablet for women in child-bearing age. With different nature of toga and cadre, their cooperation has potential for better achievement of iron supplementation program."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Rachmayanti
"Pengurangan risiko jatuh merupakan bagian dari standar sasaran keselamatan pasien yang harus diperhatikan. Untuk mengurangi risiko jatuh di rumah sakit dilakukan penilaian risiko jatuh, pada pasien anak rawat inap menggunakan instrumen penilaian Humpty Dumpty Fall Scale (HDFS) Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi gambaran tingkat risiko jatuh pada anak yang dirawat di rumah sakit. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Sampel 104 responden diambil dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan didapat dari catatan rekam medik pasien. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gambaran tingkat risiko jatuh tinggi menurut karakteristik pasien anak yaitu pasien anak usia toddler (44,6%), bayi (26,8%), dan anak usia prasekolah (14,3%), laki-laki (66,1%), diagnosis medis dengan perubahan oksigenasi (39,3%) dan gangguan neurologis (28,6%), dan anak yang menggunakan obat penenang (32,1%). Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pencegahan, pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku perawat terkait dengan tingkat risiko jatuh.

Reduction of the risk of falling is part of the standard of patient safety goals that have to be considered. To reduce the risk of falls in hospital using falling risk assessment, pediatric patients hospitalized use instruments Humpty Dumpty Fall Scale (HDFS). The aimed of this study was to identify the level of the risk of falls in chidren inpatient. The research design was a descriptive cross sectional. The sample of this study was 104 respondents who were selected with a simple random sampling technique. Data were collected using a patient medical record. The result showed a high level of the risk of falling by the characteristic of pediatric patients in which patients were children aged toddler (44.6%), infant (26.8%), and preschoolers (14.3%), male (66.1%), medical diagnosis with changes in oxygenation (39.3%) and neurogical disorders (28,6%), and children who use drugs tranquilizers (32.1%). The study recommends further research needs to be study on prevention, knowledge, attitudes and behavior of nurses associated with the risk level falls.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardelia Nada
Latar belakang: Keilitis angular dan glositis atrofi merupakan manifestasi di rongga mulut akibat kekurangan nutrisi mikro seperti zat besi, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, niasin, dan folat. Salah satu kelompok yang paling rentan mengalami kekurangan nutrisi mikro adalah kelompok anak-anak dalam masa pertumbuhan. Tujuan: Melihat status gizi, keadaan keilitis angular dan glositis atrofi pada murid sekolah dasar di Desa Setu, Kecamatan Jasinga, Kabupaten Bogor tahun 2018. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif menggunakan desain studi observasional cross-sectional dengan mengambil data langsung pada partisipan murid Sekolah Dasar di Desa Setu tahun 2018. Perhitungan status gizi menggunakan pengukuran antropometri dan penilaian keadaan keilitis angular dan glositis atrofi dengan pemeriksaan klinis. Hasil: Total partisipan yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi sebanyak 200 partisipan. Nilai status gizi sebanyak 155 (77,5%) partisipan adalah normal, 15 (7,5%) partisipan adalah kurus, 6 (3%) partisipan adalah sangat kurus, 14 (7%) partisipan adalah gemuk, dan 10 (5%) partisipan adalah obesitas. Partisipan dengan kelainan pada sudut mulut berupa keilitis angular berjumlah 6 (3%) partisipan. Partisipan dengan kelainan di dorsum lidah berupa glositis atrofi berjumlah 1 (0,5%) partisipan. Kesimpulan: Status gizi pada murid sekolah dasar di Desa Setu mayoritas memiliki status gizi normal dengan jumlah partisipan yang mengalami keilitis angular berjumlah 6 (3%) partisipan dan glositis atrofi berjumlah 1 (0,5%) partisipan.

Background: Angular cheilitis and atrophic glossitis are manifestations in oral region due to lack of micronutrients such as iron, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, niacin, and folate. The group of children in their growth period is one of some groups that are the most vulnerable to micronutrient deficiencies. Objective: To observe nutritional status, angular cheilitis and atrophic glossitis on elementary school students in Setu Village, Jasinga District, Bogor Regency in 2018. Method: This research used descriptive study with cross-sectional observational design through taking direct data on the participants of children in 2018. The calculation of nutritional status uses anthropometric measurements and the assessment of angular cheilitis and atrophic glossitis by clinical examination. Result: The number of participants corresponding to the inclusion criteria was 200 participants. The nutritional status of 155 (77.5%) participants was normal, 15 (7.5%) participants was thin, 6 (3%) participants was very thin, 14 (7%) participants was fat, and 10 (5%) participants was obese. Participants with abnormalities on the corners of  the mouth in the form of angular cheilitis amounted to 6 (3%) participants. Participants with abnormalities on the dorsum of tongue in the form of atrophic glossitis amounted to 1 (0.5%) participant. Conclusions: The nutritional status of the elementary school students in Setu village, the majority had normal nutritional status with the number of participants with angular cheilitis 6 (3%) participants and glossitis atrophic 1 (0.5%) participant."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Kantor Menteri Negara Kependudukan RI, 1998
614.47 RAH i
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Rina Amalia Caromina
"Kebocoran plasma sistemik pada sepsis dapat mengakibatkan berbagai komplikasi dari renjatan sampai kematian. Belum ada teknik andal untuk menilai kebocoran plasma sistemik pada anak. Degradasi glikokaliks, ditandai meningkatnya sindekan-1 dalam darah, menyebabkan perubahan permeabilitas vaskular sistemik. Pada glomerulus bermanifestasi sebagai albuminuria sehingga kenaikan rasio albumin-kreatinin (ACR) urin berpotensi menggambarkan kebocoran plasma sistemik. Sampai saat ini belum ada rujukan nilai sindekan-1 dan ACR urin sebagai penanda kebocoran plasma sistemik pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran ACR urin dan nilai rujukan ACR urin sebagai penanda kebocoran plasma sistemik pada anak sepsis dan mengkaji kaitannya dengan sindekan-1.
Penelitian ini terdiri atas studi deskriptif pada anak sehat dan penelitian longitudinal prospektif dengan rancangan potong lintang berulang terhadap anak sepsis, dilakukan di RSUP Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan dan RSUP Kariadi Semarang dalam rentang waktu Maret–Desember 2015. Dilakukan pemeriksaan sindekan-1 dan ACR urin pada pasien sepsis yang dirawat di instalasi rawat intensif anak pada hari rawatan ke-1, 2, 3 dan 7, dan mencatat skor Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction pada hari rawatan ke-1 dan 3.
Tiga puluh subjek sehat dan 49 subjek sepsis diikutsertakan dalam penelitian. Pada kelompok sehat didapati median ACR urin 10,5 (3–88) mg/g dan rerata sindekan-1 sebesar 27,7 (SB 2,24) ng/mL. Sindekan-1 di atas persentil 90 (41,42 ng/mL) ditetapkan sebagai batasan kebocoran plasma sistemik. Didapati 40 orang (81,6%) subjek sepsis dengan sindekan-1 > 41,42 ng/mL dan 33 orang (67,3%) menunjukkan ACR urin > 300 mg/g pada hari rawatan 1. Didapati koefisien korelasi (r) 0,32 (P < 0,001) antara ACR urin dan sindekan-1. Area under the curve ACR urin terhadap kebocoran plasma sistemik diperoleh sebesar 65,7% (95% IK 54,5–77%; P = 0,012). ACR urin > 157,5 mg/g ditetapkan sebagai cut-off point kebocoran plasma sistemik dengan sensitivitas 77,4% dan spesifisitas 48%. ACR urin dapat digunakan sebagai penanda kebocoran plasma sistemik, peningkatan ACR urin akan mengikuti peningkatan sindekan-1.

Systemic plasma leakage during sepsis can cause several complications from shock to death. There is no feasible measurement of systemic plasma leakage in children. Glycocalyx degradation, marked by increased serum syndecan-1, alters vascular permeability. In the glomerulus this can manifest as albuminuria, therefore elevated urinary albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR) potentially provides an index of systemic plasma leakage. Nowadays. there is no reference value of syndecan-1 and urinary ACR as a marker of systemic plasma leakage in pediatric population. This study aims to analyze the role of urinary ACR and to determine its reference value as a marker of systemic plasma leakage in pediatric sepsis, by analyzing its correlation with syndecan-1.
This study consisted of descriptive study on healthy children and longitudinal prospective study with repeated cross-sectional design on septic children, was conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan and Kariadi Hospital Semarang from March to December 2015. We examined serum syndecan-1 and urinary ACR of septic patients in pediatric intensive care unit on day 1, 2, 3 and 7. Pediatric Logistic Organ Dysfunction (PELOD) score were recorded on day 1 and 3.
Thirty healthy subjects and 49 septic subjects were recruited. In the healthy group, median of urinary ACR was 10.5 (3–88) mg/g and mean of syndecan-1 was 27.7 + 2.24) ng/mL. Syndecan-1 more than 90th percentile (41.42 ng/mL) was determined as systemic plasma leakage. Forty (81.6%) septic subjects had syndecan-1 > 41.42 ng/mL and 33 (67.3%) subjects had urinary ACR > 300 mg/g on day 1. Correlation coefficient (r) between urinary ACR and syndecan-1 was 0.32 (P < 0.001). Area under the curve of urinary ACR and plasma leakage was 65.7% (95% CI 54.5–77%; p = 0.012). Urinary ACR > 157.5 mg/g was determined as cut-off point of systemic plasma leakage with sensitivity 77.4% and specificity 48%. Urinary ACR can be used as marker of systemic plasma leakage. Increased urinary ACR would indicate increased syndecan-1.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diajeng Ayesha Soeharto
"Pendahuluan. Infeksi HIV perinatal di anak adalah salah satu masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Dengan bertambahnya ketersediaan obat antiretroviral, angka kelangsungan hidup pasien HIV mengalami perkembangan. Implikasi dari hal ini adalah pentingnya mengetahui dampak HIV terhadap kognitif pada anak yang telah diberikan terapi antiretroviral tersebut, karena penurunan kecerdasaan diketahui sebagai salah satu manifestasi dari HIV stadium berat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat CD4+ awal dan tingkat kecerdasan pada anak HIV yang telah memperoleh terapi antiretroviral.
Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode cross sectional dan melibatkan anak-anak dengan infeksi HIV melalui transmisi perinatal yang berusia 5.5-18 tahun. Pasien yang terlibat dalam penelitian telah melakukan pengobatan dengan ART sekurang-kurangnya 6 bulan sebelum penelitian. Data subjek, yaitu termasuk data tingkat CD4+ awal pasien, diambil dari case record form dan rekam medis pasien dan dilakukan pada periode Juli-Agustus 2016 di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Pengukuran fungsi kognitif dilakukan menggunakan metode CIDD (Cross- Cultural Intellectual Test or Device). Hasil data akan digambarkan dalam tabel. Peneliti mencari hubungan CD4+ dan tingkat kecerdasan subjek dengan menggunakan uji uni-variat non parametric test for independent samples of Mann-Whitney dan simple correlation test. Uji multi-variat linear regression digunakan untuk mengevaluasi faktor risiko dalam fungsi kognitif anak dengan HIV.
Hasil. Jumlah subjek yang terlibat dalam studi ini adalah 76 subjek. Subjek merupakan mayoritas perempuan dengan rata-rata usia 10 tahun, dimana sebagian besar merupakan berusia dibawah 12 tahun. 80.3% subjek dilahirkan spontan dan 83% subjek diberi ASI. Angka prevalensi comorbidities adalah sebagai berikut, malnutrisi (77%), TB (66%), dan diare persisten (55%). Mayoritas subjek diberi diagnosis dengan stadium klinis WHO 4, dan HIV-associated immunodeficiency status berat berdasarkan nilai CD4+ awal. Nilai tengah dari hasil uji kognitif CIDD adalah 17. Hasil dari test korelasi mengungkapkan hubungan positif yang sangat lemah (r = 0.005) dengan uji univariat yang menunjukkan hubungan yang tidak signifikan (p-value > 0.05) antara tingkat CD4+ dan tingkat kecerdasan. Sedangkan, dalam analisa faktor risiko ditemukan bahwa umur subjek memiliiki hubungan signifikan terhadap tingkat kecerdasaan (p-value < 0.05).
Kesimpulan. Rendahnya tingkat CD4+ awal tidak menentukkan rendahnya tingkat kecerdasan pada anak terinfeksi HIV perinatal yang telah memperoleh terapi anitretroviral. Ditemukan bahwa faktor risiko yang memiliki hubungan dengan kognitif adalah umur pasien. Penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengevaluasi mengenai kognitif terhadap remaja dengan infeksi HIV perinatal dapat dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek jangka panjang HIV terhadap fungsi kognitif.

Preliminary. Perinatal HIV infection in children is one of the health problems in Indonesia. With the increase in the availability of antiretroviral drugs, the survival rate of HIV patients has progressed. The implication of this is the importance of knowing the cognitive impact of HIV on children who have been given such antiretroviral therapy, because the decrease in intelligence is known as one of the manifestations of severe stage HIV. This study aims to determine the relationship between baseline CD4 + levels and intelligence levels in HIV children who have received antiretroviral therapy.
Method. This study used a cross sectional method and involved children with HIV infection through perinatal transmission aged 5.5-18 years. Patients involved in the study had been taking treatment with ART at least 6 months before the study. Subject data, including patient baseline CD4 + data, were taken from the patient's case record form and medical record and were carried out in the July-August 2016 period at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital. Cognitive function measurements were performed using the CIDD (Cross-Cultural Intellectual Test or Device) method. The results of the data will be illustrated in the table. Researchers are looking for CD4 + relationship and the level of intelligence of the subjects using the non-parametric non-parametric test for independent samples of Mann-Whitney and simple correlation test. The linear regression multi-variate test was used to evaluate risk factors in cognitive functioning of children with HIV. Results. The number of subjects involved in this study was 76 subjects. Subjects constituted the majority of women with an average age of 10 years, with the majority being under 12 year. 80.3% of subjects were born spontaneously and 83% of subjects were breastfed. The prevalence rates for comorbidities are as follows, malnutrition (77%), TB (66%), and persistent diarrhea (55%). The majority of subjects were given a diagnosis with WHO clinical stage 4, and severe HIV-associated immunodeficiency status based on baseline CD4 + values. The mean value of the CIDD cognitive test results was 17. The results of the correlation test revealed a very weak positive relationship (r = 0.005) with a univariate test that showed an insignificant relationship (p-value> 0.05) between CD4 + level and intelligence level. Meanwhile, in the analysis of risk factors it was found that the age of the subjects had a significant relationship to the level of intelligence (p-value <0.05). Conclusion. The low initial CD4 + level does not determine the low level of intelligence in children infected with perinatal HIV who have received antitretroviral therapy. It was found that the risk factor that has a relationship with cognitive is the patients age. Further research to evaluate the cognitive of adolescents with perinatal HIV infection can be done to determine the long-term effects of HIV on cognitive function.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stiehm, E.Richard
Philadelphia : W. B Saunders , 1996
618.92 STI i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Wulandaru Sukmaning Pertiwi
"Angka kesintasan dan kualitas hidup anak dengan penyakit hepatobilier kronik meningkat seiring dengan berkembangnya transplantasi hati. Insidens infeksi bakteri 36–79% pada 6 bulan pascatransplantasi dan mortalitasnya 3,0–10,6% pada 3 bulan pascatransplantasi. Pencegahan infeksi bakteri yang adekuat akan menurunkan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas serta meningkatkan kesintasan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko infeksi bakteri pada anak pascatransplantasi hati di Indonesia. Penelitian kohort retrospektif ini melibatkan pasien anak pascatransplantasi hati di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) mulai Desember 2010 s/d April 2023 dengan metode total sampling. Subjek dibagi menjadi kelompok infeksi bakteri dan tanpa infeksi bakteri. Prevalens infeksi bakteri dari 63 subjek penelitian ini adalah 84,13%. Infeksi bakteri didominasi oleh hospital acquired infection (HAI) berupa infeksi daerah operasi (29,63%), ventilator-associated pneumonia (14,81%), dan catheter-related urinary tract infection (13,58%). Angka mortalitas terkait infeksi bakteri adalah 12,70%. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan lama rawat ICU ≥ 20 hari (RR 1,212, IK 95% 1,028 −1,426, p = 0,022) dan volume kehilangan darah selama operasi ≥ 70 mL/kg (RR 1,283, IK 95% 1,009 −1,631, p = 0,042) adalah faktor risiko infeksi bakteri pascatranspantasi hati. Besar post-hoc power dari masing-masing uji hipotesis yang digunakan adalah 5,07−71,50%. Hasil analisis subgrup menunjukkan lama rawat ICU ≥ 20 hari memiliki risiko 2,479 kali lebih besar untuk mengalami infeksi bakteri multi-drug resistance (IK 95% 1,185 – 5,187, p = 0,016). Sebagai kesimpulan, prevalens infeksi bakteri pada anak dalam kurun waktu 0–6 bulan pascatransplantasi hati di RSCM adalah sebesar 84,13%, dengan faktor risiko berupa lama rawat ICU ≥ 20 hari dan volume kehilangan darah selama operasi ≥ 70 mL/kg. Penelitian lanjutan dengan desain lebih baik dan subjek lebih banyak diperlukan.

Survival rate and quality of life of children with chronic hepatobiliary disease has improved since the development of liver transplantation. Incidence of bacterial infection is 36–79% at 6 months post-transplantation and mortality of 3.0–10.6% at 3 months post-transplantation. Adequate prevention of bacterial infection will reduce morbidity and mortality and increase survival. This study aimed to determine the risk factors for bacterial infection in children who underwent liver transplantation in Indonesia. This retrospective cohort study includes pediatric recipients who underwent liver transplantation in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (CMH) during December 2010 – April 2023 with total sampling method. Subjects were classified into groups with and without bacterial infection. Prevalence of bacterial infection of the 63 subjects was 84.13%. A majority of the bacterial infection cases were hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), comprising of surgical site infections (29.63%), ventilator-associated pneumonia (14.81%), and catheter-related urinary tract infections (13.58%). Multivariate analysis showed ICU length of stay ≥20 days (RR 1.212; CI 95% 1.028 −1.426; p = 0.022) and volume of blood loss volume during surgery ≥70 mL/kg (RR 1.283; CI 95% 1.009 −1.631; p = 0.042) were risk factors risk factors for bacterial infection following liver transplantation. Post-hoc power of each hypothesis test was 5.07−71.50%. Subgroup analysis presented ICU length of stay ≥20 days increased risk of multi-drug resistance bacterial infection by 2.479 times (CI 95% 1.185 – 5.187; p = 0.016). Conclusions, Bacterial infection prevalence at six-months post-liver transplantation of children in CMH was 84.13% with ICU length of stay ≥20 days and volume of blood loss volume during surgery ≥70 mL/kg  as risk factors. Further studies with better design and more participants are needed."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gustin Sukmarini
Latar belakang:Sepsis adalah infeksi bakteri dalam darah yang sangat serius (SBI) karena akan mengancam jiwa.
Masih tingginya angka kematian balita karena infeksi berat dan keterbatasan fasilitas di rumah sakit daerah untuk mendiagnosis terjadinya SBI,
maka penilaian secara klinis dengan menggunakan standar yang valid dalam menegakkan diagnosis SBI sangat diperlukan.
Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai apakah anak diprediksi menderita SBI adalah dengan skala Acute illness observation scale (AIOS).
Peneliti terdahulu menemukan skalaAIOS >8 mempunyai titik potong paling baik,
tapi validasi keakuratannya perlu diteliti lebih lanjut.
Tujuan:Melakukan validasi menggunakan skala AIOS>8 untuk mendeteksi terjadinya infeksi bakteri serius pada usia 3-36 bulan yang datang dengan demam,
dan membandingkannya dengan diagnosis akhir dari dokter spesialis anak.
Metode :Uji diagnostik potong lintang dan validasi skor menggunakan tabel dua kali dua, untuk mendapatkan nilai sensitifitas,
spesifisitas, nilai duga positif, nilai duga negatif dan rasio kemungkinan positif dan negatif.
Hasil penelitian :Dari 143 sampel, subjek penderita SBI sebesar 44(30,77%), proporsi anak laki-laki sama dengan perempuan.
dan usia terbanyak adalah 3-12 bulan yaitu 27(61,4%) subjek.
Subjek penderita SBI dengan skoring AIOS > 8 sebanyak 41( (93,2%%).
Penyakit SBI terbanyak adalah pnemonia 21(47,7%) subjek, diikuti ISK (13,6%),
diare bakterial, sepsis dan ensefalitis masing masing (9,1%), selulitis (6,8%) dan meningitis (4,6%)
dan penyakit bukan SBI terbanyak adalah ISPA 36(36,4%) subjek.
Sensitifitas skor AIOS 95,5% (IK 95%; 84,5-99,4%), spesifisitas 29,3% (IK 95%; 20,6-39,3%), nilai duga positif 37,5% (IK 95%; 34,3-40,9%),
nilai duga negatif 93,6% (IK 95%; 78,4-98,3%), rasio kemungkinan positif 1,4 (IK95%; 1,2-1,6),
rasio kemungkinan negatif 0,2 (IK95%; 0,04-0,6).
AUC(area under receiver operating characteristic curve 0,655 dengan p 0,002 dan IK 95% 0,6-0,8) dapat mendiskriminasi pasien-pasien yang dicurigai SBI dengan baik.
Kesimpulan : Penggunaan skala AIOS>8 sangat sensitif untuk mendeteksi terjadinya infeksi bakteri serius pada usia 3-36 bulan.

Back ground. Sepsis is a very serious bacterial infection in the blood (SBI) because it will be life-threatening. The high rates of under-five mortality due to severe infections and limited facilities in local hospitals, a clinical assessment must be use a valid standard to diagnose SBI. One method that can be used to assess whether a child is predicted to have SBI is the scale of the Acute illness observation scale (AIOS). The previous researcher found that the scale of AIOS > 8 has the best cutoff point, but the validation of accuracy needs to be further investigated.. Aim: Validate using AIOS scale> 8 to detect the occurrence of serious bacterial infections at the age of 3-36 months who come with fever, and compare it with the final diagnosis of pediatrician.
Method. The cross-sectional diagnostic test and the scoring validation use the two-by-two tables,
to obtain sensitivity, specificity, positive predictor, negative predictor and positive and negative probability ratios.
Result. Of the 143 samples, the subject of SBI was 44 (30.77%), the proportion of boys was the same as for women.
And the most ages were 3-12 months ie 27 (61.4%) subjects.
Subjects of SBI patients with AIOS scores > 8 were 41 ((93.2 %%) .
The highest SBI disease was pneumonia 21 (47.7%) subjects, followed by UTI (13.6%), bacterial diarrhea,
sepsis and encephalitis respectively (9,1%), cellulitis (6.8%) and meningitis (4.6%) and non-SBI disease were mostly ARI 36 (36.4%) subjects,
AIOS score sensitivity 95.5% (95% IK; 84,5-99,4%), specificity 29,3% (95% IK, 20,6-39,3%),
positive predictive value 37,5% (95% IK, 34,3-40,9% ), A negative predictive value of 93.6% (95% IK, 78.4-98.3%),
a positive likelihood ratio of 1.4 (IK95%, 1.2-1.6), a negative likelihood ratio of 0.2 ( IK95%; 0.04-0.6).
AUC (area under receiver operating characteristic curve 0.655 with p 0.002 and 95% IK 0.6-0.8) can discriminate well-suspected SBI patients.
Conclusion. The use of AIOS scale> 8 is very sensitive to detect serious bacterial infections at 3-36 months of age in area."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhika Paramasatya
"Stunting adalah menurunnya laju pertumbuhan panjang/tinggi badan dibawah minus 2 standar deviasi. Desa Cijeruk Kecamatan Kibin merupakan desa dengan angka kejadian stunting tertinggi di Kab. Serang dimana 233 (77,66%) balita menderita stunting. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi gambaran kejadian stunting pada balita di Desa Cijeruk Kecamatan Kibin Kabupaten Serang Banten tahun 2023 dan menganalisis hubungannya dengan Riwayat Penyakit Infeksi. Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian didapatkan terdapat hubungan riwayat penyakit infeksi dengan kejadian stunting (p<0,01). Balita dengan riwayat penyakit infeksi berisiko 21,23 kali mengalami stunting (OR=21,23,95% CI 7,15-62,01). Variabel kovariat faktor balita yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting adalah jenis kelamin (p=0,038) dan riwayat penyakit infeksi (p=<0,001); faktor keluarga yaitu pendapatan keluarga (p=0,040) dan pola asuh otoriter (p= 0,004); dan faktor lingkungan yaitu stop buang air besar sembarangan (p=0,038) dan pengamanan sampah rumah tangga (p=<0,001). Variabel MP-ASI dan stop buang air besar sembarangan merupakan variabel perancu terhadap hubungan riwayat penyakit infeksi dengan kejadian stunting. Balita yang memiliki riwayat penyakit infeksi berisiko 31,30 kali lebih tinggi mengalami stunting dibanding balita yang tidak memiliki riwayat penyakit infeksi setelah dikontrol oleh variabel perancu (OR=21,28 95% CI 6,088-74,379).

Stunting is a decrease in the growth rate of length/height below minus 2 standard deviations. Cijeruk Village, Kibin District, is the village with the highest stunting rate in Kab. Serang where 233 (77.66%) toddlers suffer from stunting. The purpose of this study was to identify the description of the incidence of stunting in toddlers in Cijeruk Village, Kibin District, Serang Banten Regency in 2023 and analyze its relationship with a History of Infectious Diseases. The research design is cross-sectional with a quantitative approach. The results of the study found that there was a relationship between a history of infectious diseases and the incidence of stunting (p <0.01). Toddlers with a history of infectious diseases are at risk of 21.23 times experiencing stunting (OR=21.23.95% CI 7.15-62.01). The covariate variables associated with stunting were gender (p=0.038) and history of infectious diseases (p=<0.001); family factors, namely family income (p=0.040) and authoritarian parenting (p=0.004); and environmental factors, namely stopping open defecation (p=0.038) and safeguarding household waste (p=<0.001). The MP-ASI variable and stopping open defecation are confounding variables for the relationship between a history of infectious diseases and the incidence of stunting. Toddlers who have a history of infectious diseases have a 21.28 times higher risk of experiencing stunting than toddlers who do not have a history of infectious diseases after controlling for confounding variables (OR=21.28 95% CI 6.088-74.379)."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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