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Siti Nurzulaikha Putri
Abstrak :
ONE OK ROCK 18祭 ~1000人の奇跡 We are~ adalah video dokumenter yang diproduksi oleh NHK dan disiarkan pada 9 Januari 2017 di NHK TV General dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri serta semangat para remaja berusia 17 – 19 tahun. Video dokumenter ini menampilkan wawancara langsung pada remaja yang berkaitan dengan ikigai. Berdasarkan hal itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi wujud ikigai pada remaja serta mengetahui apakah terdapat perubahan pada remaja setelah menemukan ikigai mereka. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori ikigai milik Gordon Mathews (1996) yang kemudian dianalisis dengan metode mise en scene berdasarkan tanda dalam gambar yang diambil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat kesamaan dalam memperoleh ikigai pada remaja, yaitu dengan jiko jitsugen. Kemudian ditemukan lima wujud ikigai dalam video dokumenter yang dianalisis, yaitu karir, olahraga, klub sekolah, passion, dan teman. Ditemukan juga perubahan yang terjadi pada 2 dari 7 remaja dalam video dokumenter yang dianalisis setelah mereka menemukan ikigai, yaitu remaja cenderung lebih senang, bersemangat, postur tubuh mereka tegap, dan lebih bekerja keras. Dokumenter ini tidak hanya berperan dalam membantu mengatasi hikikomori pada remaja, tetapi juga berperan sebagai motivasi untuk remaja menuju pendewasaan mereka. ......ONE OK ROCK 18祭~1000人の奇跡 We are~ is a video documentary produced by NHK and broadcast on January 9, 2017 on NHK TV General with the aim of boosting the confidence and spirit of teenagers aged 17-19. The video documentary features live interviews with teenagers related to ikigai. Based on that, this study aims to identify the form of ikigai in teenagers and find out whether there are changes in teenagers after finding their ikigai. The theory used is Gordon Mathews' ikigai theory (1996) which is then analyzed using the mise en scene method based on the signs in the pictures taken. The results showed that there are similarities in obtaining ikigai in teenagers, namely with jiko jitsugen. Then five forms of ikigai were found in the documentary videos analyzed, namely career, sports, school clubs, passion, and friends. It was also found that changes occurred in 2 out of 7 teenagers in the documentary videos analyzed after they found ikigai, namely teenagers tend to be happier, excited, their posture is firm, and they work harder. This documentary not only plays a role in helping to overcome hikikomori in teenagers, but also serves as a motivation for teenagers towards their coming of age.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Irma Suryani
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini berupaya menjelaskan film dokumenter The True Cost melalui pendekatan kriminologi visual. Tujuannya adalah untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimanakah film dokumenter The True Cost memposisikan fast fashion sebagai bentuk kejahatan lingkungan terhadap negara-negara yang tidak atau belum maju (Global South). The True Cost merupakan film dokumenter yang rilis pada tahun 2015 dengan Andrew Morgan sebagai sutradaranya. Film ini menampilkan mengenai kenyataan di balik murahnya fast fashion. Fast fashion sebagai bentuk kejahatan lingkungan dianalisis menggunakan teori Southern Green Criminology oleh Goyes. Teori ini melihat bahwa fast fashion sebagai bentuk kejahatan lingkungan diciptakan oleh Global North dengan mengorbankan Global South. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa murahnya fast fashion ternyata dibayar mahal oleh kerusakan lingkungan di kawasan Global South. Film dokumenter ini memperlihatkan fast fashion sebagai kejahatan lingkungan yang merugikan manusia, hewan, dan ekosistem. Berbagai macam kejahatan lingkungan tersebut ditemukan dari proses produksi dan siklus akhir fast fashion, dimana keduanya terjadi di Global South. ......This paper attempts to explain The True Cost documentary film through a visual criminology approach. The aim is to answer the question of how The True Cost documentary film positions fast fashion as a form of environmental crime against countries that are not or have not yet developed (the Global South). The True Cost is a documentary film released in 2015 with Andrew Morgan as the director. This film shows the reality behind the cheapness of fast fashion. Fast fashion as an environmental crime is analyzed using the Southern Green Criminology theory by Goyes. This theory sees that fast fashion as a form of environmental crime was created by the Global North at the expense of the Global South. The results show that the cheapness of fast fashion is paid for by environmental damage in the Global South. This documentary film shows fast fashion as an environmental crime that harms humans, animals, and ecosystems. Various kinds of environmental crimes are found in the production process and the final cycle of fast fashion, both of which occur in the Global South.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Defiera Anindita Putri
Abstrak :
Kemunculan situs kencan daring membuka peluang baru bagi para penipu untuk melakukan variasi metode dalam aksi penipuannya, hal itu dapat dilihat dengan meningkatnya kasus online romance scam. Online romance scam terkadang digambarkan sebagai bentuk baru dari kejahatan, tetapi sebenarnya ini adalah cara terbaru dari kejahatan yang sudah ada. Tulisan ini akan memberikan tinjauan kriminologis tentang fenomena kejahatan online romance scam di aplikasi kencan daring dengan menggunakan Space Transition Theory dan Scammers Persuasive Techniques Model melalui penggambaran kasus di film dokumenter ‘The Tinder Swindler’. Metode yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis isi kualitatif, yang berguna untuk memahami isi, informasi, dan juga makna yang terkandung dalam media berupa film dan serial televisi. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa online romance scam terjadi karena ruang siber memberikan keuntungan bagi para penipu karena adanya fleksibilitas identitas, sifat ruang dan waktu yang dinamis, dan kurangnya pencegahan di dunia maya. Selain itu, kejahatan ini selalu berhubungan dengan pencurian identitas. Tulisan ini juga menemukan bahwa pelaku dalam film The Tinder Swindler menggunakan tujuh tahap untuk menipu korbannya. Tahap merawat korban adalah tahap yang paling penting bagi pelaku untuk mendapat kepercayaan korban. Kemudian, pelaku online romance scam menipu dalam jumlah uang yang besar dan menimbulkan kerugian psikologis yang serius bagi korban. ......The presence of online dating sites opens up new opportunities for fraudsters to carry out various methods in their fraudulent action, this can be seen by the increase of online romance scam cases. Online romance scam is sometimes portrayed as a new form of crime, but in fact it is the latest addition to an existing crime. This paper will provide a criminological review of online romance scam in online dating sites using the Space Transition Theory and the Scammers Persuasive Techniques Model through the representation on the documentary film, ‘The Tinder Swindler’. The method used is a qualitative content analysis technique, which is useful for understanding the content, information, and the meaning contained in the media in the form of films and television series. The results of analysis show that online romance scam occur because cyberspace provides many advantages for fraudsters due to the flexibility of identities, dynamic space and time, and the lack of deterrence in cyberspace. Moreover, this crime is always associated with identity theft. This paper also finds that the perpetrator in ‘The Tinder Swindler’ uses seven steps to deceive his victims. The stage of grooming the victim is the most important stage for the perpetrator to gain the victim's trust. Afterward, the perpetrators of online romance scam defraud large amounts of money and inflict serious psychological harm for the victims.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This study unveils the representations of women in the documentary film, Tanah Ibu Kami, which depicts women’s movements defending nature from corporations in four islands in Indonesia. It utilizes feminist critical discourse analysis which incorporates critical discourse analysis and feminist studies to disclose perplexing hegemonic power relations. The data in this study are taken from the transcription of the dialogues in the film. Some extracts constructing the representations of women in the film are extracted for further analysis. Interviews were conducted with the film’s producer and female figures. The four themes constructing the representations of women are: (1) women in patriarchal culture, (2) women as leaders in environmental movements, (3) women as symbols, and (4) women’s enthusiasm to protecting nature. The paper concludes that women are challenging traditional gender divisions and leading environmental movements. They have become the symbol of courage, bravery, and sacrifice. They are recognized as the equivalent of Kartini, a renowned Indonesian heroine, for all they have done as defenders of the land. They have raised awareness of the importance of caring relations with nature and spread the ecophilosophies by which humans can live in harmony with nature.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
909 UI-WACANA 24:1 (2023)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vinny Damayanthi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini berusaha menemukan posisi khalayak ketika memaknai pelaku pembunuhan dalam film The Act of Killing/Jagal dengan pendekatan reception analysis Stuart Hall yang memposisikan 3 (tiga) “posisi hipotesis” decoder: dominan, negotiated, dan oposisi. Jagal adalah film dokumenter yang mengisahkan kehidupan sehari-hari mantan pelaku pembunuhan massal pemberantas anggota Partai Komunis Indonesia pasca peristiwa Gerakan 30 September 1965 (G30S) dengan tokoh sentral Anwar Congo dan Adi. Sampling penelitian terbatas pada komunitas interpretatif dengan kriteria: lahir setelah tahun 1980, pernah menonton film Pengkhianatan G30S/PKI dan Jagal, pernah mengunjungi museum dan monumen bersejarah terkait G30S, dan memiliki konstruksi tentang PKI sebelum menonton film Jagal. Peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap 6 (enam) informan dengan beragam latar belakang. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mengetahui pemaknaan komunitas interpretatif terhadap 8 (delapan) adegan yang dinilai relevan dengan penelitian. Peneliti juga menghimpun informasi mengenai encoding sutradara. Dengan reception analysis, peneliti menemukan bahwa keragaman latar belakang dan pengalaman menyebabkan khalayak juga meng-encode teks media dengan beragam. Posisi khalayak tidak konsisten di satu posisi tertentu pada tiap adegan. Ada kalanya cenderung berada di posisi dominan pada adegan tertentu namun cenderung berada di posisi negotiated atau oposisi pada adegan lain.
This research tried to find audiences‟ position when they interpret murderer showed in The Act of Killing/Jagal film with reception analysis approach from Stuart Hall which had 3 (three) “hypothetical position” of decoder: dominan-hegemonic position, negotiated position, and oppositional position. Jagal is a documentary film that told us the daily life of a mass murderer who did massacre of Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) members after September 30th Movement (G30S) with Anwar Congo and Adi as the central role. The sampling were limited to interpretive community with general criteria: were born after 1980, watched Pengkhianatan G30S/PKI and Jagal film, and had construction about PKI before they watched Jagal. Researcher did depth interview with 6 (six) informants that came from various backgrounds. The aim of the interview was to revealed the meaning of the interpretive community towards 8 (eight) scenes that relevant to the research. Researcher also gathered information about the encoding that the director‟s wanted to present in the film. With reception analysis, researcher found that diversity of backgrounds and experiences caused the audiences encoded media texts in various ways. Audiences‟ positions are not stick to one position for all relevant scenes. There were times when they are dominant on particular scenes but negotiated or oppositional on another]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library