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Achmad Fachri
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Modalitas radiografi toraks merupakan pemeriksaan
rutin dan tersedia di hampir setiap rumah sakit. Pengukuran secara kuantitatif
berupa vascular pedicle width (VPW), cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) maupun
vascular pedicle-thoracic ratio (VPTR) melalui radiografi toraks dapat membantu
dalam membedakan jenis edema paru dengan mengetahui titik potong rerata
VPTR berdasarkan kombinasi VPW dan CTR.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan retrospektif dengan descriptive cross sectional pada
100 pasien dengan klinis edema paru yang telah melakukan radiografi toraks di
ICU Rumah Sakit CiptoMangunkusumo (RSCM) dalam rentang waktu Januari
2013 ? Desember 2015. Subjek dibagi menjadi edema kardiogenik dan non
kardiogenik berdasarkan kombinasi pengukuran VPW dan CTR. Kemudian
dilakukan pengukuran VPTR dan ditentukan titik potong rerata VPTR, sensitivitas
dan spesifisitas berdasarkan kombinasi VPW dan CTR dalam membedakan edema
Hasil: Dari total 100 subjek penelitian di ICU RSCM dengan metode Receiver
Operating Curve (ROC) didapatkan titik potong VPTR sebesar 25,1% dengan
sentivitas 90,5% dan spesifisitas 86,1% dalam membedakan edema paru
kardiogenik dan non kardiogenik. Selain itu diperoleh juga proporsi edema paru
kardiogenik sebesar 21%, sedangkan edema paru non kardiogenik sebesar 79%.
Kesimpulan: Titik potong VPTR berdasarkan kombinasi VPW dan CTR memiliki
sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang cukup tinggi dalam membedakan edema paru
kardiogenik dan non kardiogenik.

Background and purpose: Pulmonary edema in critically ill patient were
challenging in intensive care unit (ICU). Radiography of thorax is routine
examination and widely available in almost every hospital. Measurement
quantitatively of vascular pedicle width (VPW), cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) and
vascular pedicle-thoracic ratio in thorax radiography can help in differentiating
the type of pulmonary edema through the cut off of VPTR based on combination
VPW and CTR.
Methods: Descriptive cross sectional restrospective in 100 patients with clinically
pulmonary edema which have examined by thorax radiography at ICU RSCM in
January 2013 to Desember 2015. Subject divided to cardiogenic and non
cardiogenic pulmonary edema based on combination VPW and CTR. Then,
VPTR were measured and the cut off of VPTR determined based on combination
VPW and CTR in differentiaiting pulmonary edema.
Results: From total 100 subject study at ICU RSCM using Receiver Operating
Curve (ROC) metode, the cut off of VPTR is 25,1% with sensitivity 90,5% and
specificity 86,1% in differentiating cardiogenic and non cardiogenic pulmonary
edema. Beside that, the prevalence of cardiogenik pulmonary edema is 21% and
non cardiogenic pulmonary edema is 79%.
Conclusion : The cut off of VPTR based on combination VPW and CTR have
significant sensitivity and specificity in differentiating cardiogenic and non
cardiogenic pulmonary edema."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizal Adi Saputra
"Macular edema is a kind of human sight disease as a result of advanced stage of diabetic retinopathy. It affects the central vision of patients and in severe cases lead to blindness. However, it is still difficult to diagnose the grade of macular edema quickly and accurately even by the medical doctor's skill. This paper proposes a new method to classify fundus images of diabetics by combining Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) and Generalized Vector Quantization (GLVQ) that will produce optimal weight in grading macular edema disease class. The proposed method consists of two learning phases. In the first phase, SOM is used to obtain the optimal weight based on dataset and random weight input. The second phase, GLVQ is used as main method to train data based on optimal weight gained from SOM. Final weights from GLVQ are used in fundus image classification. Experimental result shows that the proposed method is good for classification, with accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity at 80%, 100%, and 60%, respectively."
Surabaya: Faculty of Information and Technology, Department of Informatics Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wita Sukmara
"Pendahuluan. Kebocoran anastomosis merupakan komplikasi yang berat berhubungan dengan peningkatan morbiditas, dan mempengaruhi lama rawat di rumah sakit. Banyak peneliti yang telah meneliti faktor resiko terjadinya kebocoran usus, diantaranya sepsis, malnutrisi, ketegangan garis anastomosis, gangguan perfusi jaringan, obstruksi distal, dll. Usus adalah organ yang rentan terhadap cedera, cedera pada usus dapat menyebabkan edema, ileus, dan kegagalan mekanisme pertahanan usus. Kondisi ini dapat ditemukan pada gastroshizis, invaginasi, strangulasi, penyakit radang usus dan sirosis. Pemberian cairan berlebih dapat menyebabkan edema, peningkatan tekanan intra abdomen, menurunkan aliran darah mesenterik, berpengaruh terhadap penyembuhan dan meningkatkan kebocoran anastomosis. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh edema terhadap anastomosis usus. Metode. Studi eksperimental pada tikus Sprague–Dawley untuk mengetahui pengaruh edema dan pemberian cairan yang berlebihan terhadap anastomosis usus. Hasil. Tidak terdapat perbedaan antara edema usus dan pemberian cairan berlebihan dengan peningkatan kebocoran anastomosis (p=0,178)  Kesimpulan. Edema usus tidak ada hubungan dengan kebocoran anastomosis.

Introduction. Anastomotic leak is a severe complication associated with increased morbidity, and affects hospital stay. Many researchers have examined risk factors for intestinal leakage, including sepsis, malnutrition, anastomotic line tension, impaired tissue perfusion, distal obstruction, etc. The intestine is an organ that is prone to injury, injury to the intestine can cause edema, ileus, and failure of the intestinal defense mechanism. This condition can be found in gastroshizis, invagination, strangulation, inflammatory bowel disease and cirrhosis. Excessive fluid can cause edema, increase intra-abdominal pressure, decrease mesenteric blood flow, affect healing and increase anastomotic leakage. This study is to investigate intestinal edema on anastomosis. Method. This is an experimental study using Sprague-Dawley to determine the effect of edema and excessive fluid administration on intestinal anastomosis Results. There was no difference between intestinal edema and excessive fluid administration with increased anastomotic leak (p = 0.178). Conclusion. Intestinal edema is not associated with anastomotic leakage."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anindita Wicitra
Latar Belakang: terapi injeksi intravitreal bevacizumab monoterapi pasien edema makula diabetik dengan ketebalan makula sentral lebih dari 400 µm dinilai kurang efektif. Kortikosteroid dinilai dapat membantu mencegah progresifitas edema makula diabetik terkait proses inflamasi.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hasil terapi injeksi intravitreal kombinasi bevacizumab dan deksametason dibandingkan dengan injeksi intravitreal bevacizumab monoterapi pada pasien dengan edema makula diabetik derajat sedang hingga berat
Metodologi: penelitian eksperimental randomisasi acak terkontrol dua kelompok yaitu: kelompok dengan terapi intravitreal bevacizumab 1,25mg (kelompok A) dan terapi injeksi intravitreal bevacizumab 1,25mg dan deksametason 0,5mg (kelompok B). Luaran sensitifitas retina, ketebalan makula sentral serta tajam penglihatan dievaluasi pada minggu pertama dan keempat.
Hasil: sebanyak masing-masing 22 orang diteliti di kelompok A dan kelompok B. Median usia pada kelompok A adalah 53,1 + 8,4 dan kelompok B adalah 55,1 + 8. Terdapat perbaikan sensitifitas retina sebanyak 2,1 dB di kelompok A dan 2,03 dB di kelompok B (p=0,673). Perbaikan ketebalan makula sentral didapatkan sebanyak 217µ m pada kelompok A dan 249 µm pada kelompok B (p=0,992). Perbaikan tajam penglihatan dengan koreksi pada kelompok A sebanyak 8,5 huruf dan 7,5 huruf pada kelompok B (p=0,61). Analisis intragroup menunjukkan perbaikan yang signifikan di masing-masing luaran penelitian pada kedua kelompok.
Kesimpulan: Terapi kombinasi bevacizumab dan deksametason menjunjukkan perbaikan secara klinis pada luaran sensitivitas retina, ketebalan makula sentral serta tajam penglihatan dengan koreksi. Perbandingan antara kedua grup tidak signifikan secara statistik. Tren positif tampak kategori adanya kista pada Spectrum Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) dan pasien dengan Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR).

Background: Bevacizumab intravitreal injection therapy in patients with diabetic macular edema (DME) especially with a central macular thickness more than 400 μm is considered ineffective. Corticosteroid addition to the standard therapy can help prevent the inflammation that happens in the progression of diabetic macular edema
Objective: to compare the result of combination of bevacizumab and dexamethasone intravitreal injection with bevacizumab monotherapy in patient with moderate to severe diabetic macular edema.
Methods: randomized controlled trial in two parallel group. Group A received bevacizumab intravitreal 1.25mg in 0.05cc, group B received bevacizumab 1.25mg and dexamethasone 0.5mg. Retinal sensitivity, central macular thickness (CMT) and visual acuity (VA) are evaluated in first and fourth week after injection.
Result: 22 patients from each group were evaluated. Median of age was 53,1+ 8,4 in group A and 55,1 + 8 in group B. Improvement of retinal sensitivity was 2.1dB and 2.03dB in group A and B respectively (p=0,673). There was reduction in CMT about 217µm in group A and 249 µm in group B (p=0,992). Visual acuity (VA) outcomes showed little difference between groups; +8.5 letter and +7.5 letter in group A and group B respectively. Intragroup analysis shows significant differentiation in each outcome in both groups.
Conclusion: combination of intravitreal bevacizumab and dexamethasone clinically improved retinal sensitivity, CMT and VA in patient with DME. There was no statistical difference between in retinal sensitivity, CMT and VA after therapy in both groups. Positive trend was showed especially in patient with cyst appearance in Spectrum Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR) patient. "
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Hidrogel adalah salah satu jenis polimer yang dapat menyerap dan menyimpan air di dalam tubuhnya dalam jumlah besar. Salah satu parameter kinerja hidrogel adalah swelling ratio. Swelling ratio dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti morfologi hidrogel dan sifat bahan penyusun dari hidrogel. Pada penelitian ini diuji 2 sumber selulosa yaitu nata de coco dan eceng gondok. Selulosa keduanya diisolasi dan dijadikan bubuk. Selulosa dari kedua sumber diturunkan menjadi selulosa karboksimetil. Selulosa karboksimetil dijadikan hidrogel dengan menggunakan agen pengikat silang berupa asam sitrat dengan konsentrasi yang divariasikan yaitu 10, 15, dan 20 w/w CMC. Setiap hidrogel yang terbentuk akan diuji rasio pembengkakkan pada jam ke-1, 2, 3 dan 24. Hasil uji FTIR menunjukan bahwa baik selulosa, CMC maupun hidrogel sudah tebentuk dengan baik. Hasil uji swelling menunjukkan bahwa pada konsentrasi 10 dan 15 hidrogel yang terbentuk tidak stabil atau memiliki fraksi gel yang rendah, namun rasio pembengkakkan yang tinggi. Sedangkan untuk konsentrasi asam sitrat 20, hidrogel stabil dan hidrogel nata de coco memiliki swelling ratio yang tertinggi mencapai 2291. Untuk hybrid CMC nata de coco dan CMC eceng gondok 50:50 pada konsentrasi 20 terbentuk hidrogel dengan fraksi gel yang tinggi dengan swelling ratio dibawah hidrogel dari CMC yang bukan campuran yaitu sebesar 1171.

Hydrogel is one type of polimers that is able to absorp and retain water in huge amount in its body. A parameter of performance of hydrogel is swelling ratio In this research we use water hyacinth and nata de coco. Cellulose that contains in both material is being isolated until powdered cellulose is being achieved. Both type of cellulose is then being converted into CMC. Carboxymethylcellulose was converted into hydrogel using citric acid as crosslinker in aqueous solution. Concentration of citric acid has been variated into 3 variations, 10, 15, 20 w w CMC. For each hydrogel formed, it has been assesed in term of performance, existence of functional group and morphology. Swelling ratio assessment was conducted per hour, which is swelling ratio at 1st, 2nd, 3rd and twenty 24th hour. The result of FTIR showed that cellulose, CMC and hydrogel was succeeded to be formed. Swelling ratio assessment showed that at concentration of 10 and 15 the hydrogel gives huge swelling ratio but very poor in term gel fraction and stability. At concentration of 20 hydrogel found stable and had selling ratio of 2291 for nata de coco and 1862 for waterhyacinth. Finally for hybrid hydrogel at concentration of 20 citric acid and ratio of mixing between CMC nata de coco and CMC water hyacinth of 50 50, hydrogel formed shows good gel fraction but with decreasing swelling ratio which was 1171. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafika Sari Fadli
"Edema makula diabetik atau Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) merupakan penyebab utama kehilangan penglihatan pada pasien diabetes. Patofisiologi DME bersifat multifaktorial dan kompleks. Rusaknya sawar darah retina mengakibatkan penumpukan carian abnormal dan penebalan makula retina yang diinduksi oleh berbagai faktor seperti iskemia, peningkatan Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), radikal bebas, disfungsi perisit dan endotel, serta inflamasi. Penelitian ini menilai efektivitas injeksi loading dose bevacizumab dengan kombinasi inisial deksametason dibandingkan loading dose bevacizumab. Pada studi ini dilakukan uji klinis acak terkontrol dengan randomisasi pada dua kelompok yaitu: kelompok dengan terapi loading dose bevacizumab 1,25mg dengan kombinasi inisial deksametason 0,5mg (studi) dan injeksi loading dose bevacizumab 1,25mg (kontrol). Luaran sensitifitas retina, tajam penglihatan serta CMT dievaluasi pada minggu pertama, keempat, kedelapan dan keduabelas. Sebanyak 22 orang diteliti di kelompok studi dan 21 orang kelompok kontrol. Median usia kelompok studi 53,3 + 10,9 dan kontrol 54,1 + 7,3. Dilakukan analisa terhadap sensitifitas retina, tajam penglihatan serta CMT pada kelompok studi (10 orang) dan kontrol (13 orang). Terdapat perbaikan ketebalan makula sentral 205,5μm (studi) dan 87 μm (kontrol) dengan p=0,010. Perbaikan tajam penglihatan dengan koreksi pada studi 13,5 huruf dan 3 huruf pada kelompok kontrol (p=0,23). Terdapat perbaikan sensitifitas retina 1.02 dB di kelompok studi dan 0,68 dB pada kontrol (p=0,832). Analisis intragroup menunjukkan perbaikan signifikan pada pemeriksaan CMT kedua kelompok dan pada pemeriksaan tajam penglihatan pada kelompok studi. Berdasarkan analisa pendahuluan ini dapat memberikan bukti adanya potensi untuk dilakukan penyelesaian seluruh jumlah sampel hingga akhir dimana terdapat kecendrungan perbaikan secara klinis pada setiap luaran.

Diabetic Macular Edema is a major cause of vision loss in diabetic patients. The pathophysiology is multifactorial and complex. The damage of the retinal blood barrier results in a buildup of fluid and thickening of the macula that induced by ischemia, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, free radicals, pericyte, endothelial dysfunction, and inflammation. This study assessed the effectiveness of bevacizumab loading dose with initial combination versus a bevacizumab monotherapy. In this study, a randomized controlled trial was carried out in two groups, a 1.25 mg bevacizumab loading dose with a combination of the initial 0.5 mg dexamethasone (study) and a 1.25 mg bevacizumab loading dose (control). Retinal sensitivity, visual acuity and CMT were evaluated at the first, fourth, eighth and twelfth weeks. A total of 22 people (study) and 21 people (control). The median age of was 53.3 + 10.9 (study) and 54.1 + 7.3 (control). Retinal sensitivity, visual acuity and CMT were analyzed in study group (10 people) and (13 people) control group. There was an improvement in CMT 205.5μm (study) and 87μm (control) with p = 0.010. Visual acuity improvement 13.5 letters (study) and 3 letters (control) with p = 0.23 and retinal sensitivity 1.02 dB (study) 0.68 dB (control) with p = 0.832. Intragroup analysis showed significant improvements of the CMT examination in both groups and in the visual acuity examination in study group. Based on this preliminary analysis, it can provide the potential for completion of the entire sample size until the end where there is a tendency for clinical improvement in each outcome."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alia Nessa Utami
"Latar Belakang: Tata laksana edema makula terus dievaluasi, dengan terapi anti-VEGF sebagai lini pertama. Subthreshold micropulse laser (SML) diajukan sebagai alternatif adjuvan. Studi retrospektif terdahulu menunjukkan efektivitas SML 577-nm sebagai monoterapi pada edema makula dengan ketebalan di bawah 400 μm. Akan tetapi, data prospektif efektivitas SML sebagai adjuvan masih minim.
Tujuan: Menilai pengaruh pemberian kombinasi bevacizumab dan laser SML 577-nm dibanding bevacizumab monoterapi terhadap ketebalan makula sentral dan tajam penglihatan pasien edema makula diabetik ringan-sedang.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental lengan ganda. Dilakukan randomisasi acak terhadap pasien edema makula diabetik dengan rentang ketebalan makula 300-600 μm, kelompok kontrol mendapatkan protokol standar. Kelompok studi mendapatkan adjuvan laser SML kuning satu minggu pascainjeksi. Pasien menjalani follow-up penilaian tajam penglihatan dan ketebalan makula sentral pada 28 dan 35 hari pascainjeksi.
Hasil: Terdapat 26 subjek yang terbagi rata pada kelompok studi dan kontrol. Ditemukan signifikansi nilai CMT pada kontrol 28 hari dan 35 hari pascainjeksi baik pada kelompok studi (p=0,011 dan 0,014) maupun kontrol (p=0,006 dan p=0,001). Akan tetapi, tidak ditemukan perbedaan signifikansi selisih nilai CMT antara kedua kelompok pada kontrol 28 hari (p=0,317) dan 35 hari (p=0,84). Tidak ditemukan perbedaan selisih TPDK ETDRS antara kelompok studi dan kontrol pada kelompok 28 hari (p=0,568) dan 35 hari (p=0,128) pascainjeksi.
Kesimpulan: Kombinasi SML dengan bevacizumab intravitreal dapat mengurangi ketebalan makula sentral dan memperbaiki tajam penglihatan namun tidak ditemui perbedaan yang signifikan dengan monoterapi standar.

Background: The management of macular edema is constantly evaluated, with anti-VEGF therapy being the first line. Subthreshold micropulse laser (SML) has been proposed as an alternative adjuvant. A previous retrospective study demonstrated the effectiveness of 577-nm SML as monotherapy in macular edema with CMT below 400 μm. However, prospective data on the effectiveness of SML as an adjuvant are lacking.
Objective: To assess the effect of the combination of bevacizumab and 577-nm SML laser compared to bevacizumab monotherapy on central macular thickness and visual acuity in mild-moderate diabetic macular edema patients.
Methods: This research is a double arm experimental study. A randomized trial was performed on diabetic macular edema patients with macular thickness range of 300-600 μm. The control group received a standard protocol and the study group received a yellow SML laser adjuvant one week after injection. Patients underwent follow-up assessment of visual acuity and central macular thickness at 28 and 35 days postinjection.
Results: There were 26 subjects which were equally divided into study and control groups. Significant decrease in CMT were found in study group (p=0.011 and 0.014) and the control group (p=0.006 and p=0.001). However, there was no significant difference in delta CMT values between the two groups in the 28-day (p=0.317) and 35-day controls (p=0.84). There was no difference in ∆TPDK ETDRS between the study and control groups at 28 days (p=0.568) and 35 days (p=0.128) after injection.
Conclusion: The combination of SML and intravitreal bevacizumab can reduce central macular thickness and improve visual acuity but there was no significant difference with standard monotherapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 51-56
An important phase in endodontic treatment is the irrigation of the root canal system. Desirable function of irrigation are antimicrobial activity, dissolution of necrotic tissue and nontoxicity to the periradicular tissue. Toxicity of NaOCl solution on vital tissue is still controversial. Severe compilations may occur if this solution is inadvertently exposed to the oral mucosa, and it is very hazardous. The purpose of this paper is to caution dentists on the hazards of using NaOCl irrigation in endodontic treatment. A case is presented in which 2.5% NaOCL solution was accidentally streaming into patient's throat because the irrigating needle was not securely attached to the syringe, with the result that the patient had difficulty in breathing. The patient was promptly taken to a pulmonologist, internist, and ENT. The patient was given dexamethasone 10 mg iv injection, delladryl 1cc iv, and nebulizer with 1 ampoule of steroid, 1 ampoule of ventolin and 5cc NaCl 3x within 24 hours, and after 24 hours the condition was increased. From this case it is concluded that the 2.5% NaOCl solution is very alkaline and irritating resulting in edema of the larynx and plugging up of the respiratory system. Clinicians need to be cautious in using NaOCl solution to avoid_endangering the patient's life."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Oktavia
"Latar belakang: Disfungsi ventrikel kanan merupakan salah satu komplikasi penyakit paru obstruktif kronik (PPOK). Penilaian fungsi ventrikel kanan penting, karena berkaitan dengan keterbatasan kemampuan kerja pasien serta prognosis yang buruk.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui proporsi disfungsi sistolik dan diastolik ventrikel kanan pada PPOK stabil, serta untuk mengetahui korelasi forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) % prediksi dengan nilai Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) dan nilai titik potong kedua variabel tersebut.
Metode: Dilakukan pemeriksaan spirometri terhadap 30 pasien PPOK stabil (rerata usia: 65 ± 6 tahun). Kemudian semua pasien menjalani pemeriksaan ekokardiografi standar, TAPSE, mengukuran dimensi ruang jantung kanan dan inflow trikuspid.
Hasil: Rerata nilai rerata FEV1 28 ± 8% prediksi. Tidak terdapat pasien dengan derajat obstruksi yang ringan, 57% subjek mengalami derajat obstruksi yang sangat berat. Semua pasien menunjukan pola spirometri campuran obstruktif dan restriktif. Rerata dimensi ruang jantung kanan pasien dalam batas normal. Terdapat 40% pasien yang mengalami disfungsi diastolik. Rerata nilai TAPSE 16, 96 ± 96 mm. Terdapat 60% pasien yang mengalami penurunan nilai TAPSE. Tidak terdapat beda rerata nilai TAPSE antara kelompok dengan derajat obstruksi sedang-berat dengan derajat obstruksi sangat berat. Tidak terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara FEV1 % prediksi dengan TAPSE, sehingga titik potong kedua variabel tidak dapat ditentukan.
Simpulan: Proporsi disfungsi sistolik ventrikel kanan 60% dan disfungsi diastolik 40%. Tidak terdapat korelasi nilai FEV1 % prediksi dengan nilai TAPSE, sehingga nilai titik potong kedua variabel tidak dapat ditentukan pada PPOK stabil.

Background: Right ventricular dysfunction is one of the common complication of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Right ventricular assessment is importance, since it related with exercise intolerance and poor prognosis.
Objective: To determine the proportion of systolic and diastolic dysfunction of right ventricle in stable COPD patients and to determine the correlation between forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) % prediction and Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) and also to determine the cut-off value between the two variables.
Methods: Thirty stable COPD men (mean age: 65 ± 6 yr) underwent spirometry. In addition to conventional echocardiographic parameters, TAPSE, right heart chambers, and trans tricuspid inflow were determined.
Results: The mean value of FEV1 was 28 ± 8% of the predicted value. There was no subject with mild airflow limitation, 57% subjects were with very severe airflow obstruction. All of pulmonary function test showed mixed restrictive-obstructive pattern. Mean of right chamber was in normal limit. Forty percent of the patients suffered right ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Means of TAPSE was 16.96 ± 96 mm. Sixty percent of the patients suffered right ventricular systolic dysfunction. There was no significant difference in TAPSE between groups with moderate-severe flow obstruction and very severe airflow obstruction. There was no significant correlation between FEV1 % prediction and TAPSE, so the cut-off value between the two variables cannot be determined.
Conclusions: The proportion of right ventricular systolic dysfunction was 60% and diastolic dysfunction was 40%. There was no correlation between FEV1 % prediction and TAPSE. The cut-off value between the two variable in stable COPD patients cannot be determined.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rita Zahara
"Edema miokardium dapat menyebabkan disfungsi miokardium. Pada operasi bedah pintas arteri koroner (BPAK), proses inflamasi dan reperfusion injury menyebabkan edema miokardium. Berbagai cara telah dilakukan untuk menghambat edema miokardium namun belum ada yang terbukti efektif. Statin merupakan obat yang memiliki efek pleiotropik sebagai anti inflamasi. Penelitian pada subjek hewan menunjukkan bahwa statin dapat mengurangi edema miokardium. Sebagai respons terhadap kondisi stress, jantung mengeluarkan berbagai sitokin seperti follistatin-like 1 (FSTL1). FSTL1 berperan dalam proses edema miokardium. Untuk mengurangi edema miokardium pasien BPAK dilakukan pemberian Atorvastatin 80 mg selama 2 minggu sebelum operasi.
Penelitian dilakukan secara uji klinis tersamar ganda pada pasien berusia 40–65 tahun yang menjalani operasi BPAK. Dilakukan dari Februari 2017 hingga Maret 2018 di rumah sakit jantung dan pembukuh darah Harapan Kita. Subjek penelitian diacak ke dalam dua kelompok, kelompok Atorvastatin dosis 80 mg dan Atorvastatin dosis 10 mg. Pemeriksaan edema miokardium dilakukan dengan MRI pada hari ke-6 pascaoperasi. Pemeriksaan FSTL1, PKA, PKB dan hs-CRP diambil dari plasma darah 1 hari sebelum operasi, hari ke-1 dan hari ke-6 pasca operasi. Parameter MRI yang dinilai adalah nilai T2 relaxation time.
Sebanyak 20 pasien termasuk dalam kelompok Atorvastatin 80 mg dan 20 pasien dalam kelompok Atorvastatin 10 mg. Terdapat 7 subjek yang drop out. Pemeriksaan MRI mendapatkan nilai T2 relaxation time yang lebih rendah pada kelompok Atorvastatin 80 mg (50,11 ms vs. 59,03 ms, p = 0,01). Tidak didapatkan korelasi yang bermakna antara FSTL1 dengan T2 relaxation time. Pemeriksaan FSTL1, PKA dan PKB tidak berbeda secara bermakna antara kedua kelompok sedangkan kadar hs-CRP lebih rendah serta bermakna secara statitistik pada kelompok Atorvastatin 80 mg.
Simpulan: Pemberian Atorvastatin dosis 80 mg dapat menurunkan kejadian edema miokardium pasca BPAK dan menunjukkan efek antiinflamasi yang lebih baik dari pada Atorvastatin 10 mg.

Myocardial edema can cause myocardial dysfunction in many pathological states. During coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG), there is inflammatory system activation as well as reperfusion injury which can produce myocardial edema. Many efforts has been applied in order to prevent those process but none has proven effective. Statin is a drug with many pleiotropic effects as anti inflammatory. Animal study revealed that statin can decrease myocardial edema, In response to stress conditions, heart produced many cytokines, such as follistatin-like 1 (FSTL1). FSTL1 has a principal role in reducing myocardial edema. This study tried to find the effectiveness of Atorvastatin 80 mg, also known as high dose statin, in decreasing myocardial edema after CABG surgery.
Double blinded clinical trial was performed, in patients 40–65 years of age who underwent CABG surgery. This study was conducted from February 2017 until March 2018 at National Cardiovascular Centre Harapan Kita. Subjects were randomized and divided in two groups, high dose Atorvastatin (80 mg) and low dose atorvasatin (10 mg). Myocardial edema evaluation using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was done in day-6 after surgery. FSTL1, PKA, PKB, and hs-CRP were evaluated before surgery, day-1 after surgery, and day-6 after surgery. T2 relaxation time was used as the MRI parameter of myocardial edema.
There were 20 patients treated with Atorvastatin 80 mg and 20 patients at Atorvastatin 10 mg. There were 7 subject who dropped out. MRI evaluation found lower T2 relaxation time in high dose group (50,11ms vs. 59,03 ms, p = 0,01). There was no significant correlation between FSTL1 and T2 relaxation time. FTSL1, PKA and PKB in both groups were not statistically different but hs-CRP value was statistically lower in high dose group.
Conclusion: Atorvastatin 80 mg can decrease the incidence of myocardial edema after CABG surgery and shows a better anti-inflammatory effect than Atorvastatin 10 mg. The correlation between statin and FSTL1 in term of myocardial edema has not been defined yet.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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