Sri Resmawati Budi P.
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komunikasi tentang perubahan terhadap komitmen pegawai untuk menjalankan Reformasi Birokrasi. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap pegawai Setjen Kemdikbud, dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 245 dan metode survei kuesioner. Komunikasi perubahan diukur dengan kuesioner Organizational Member?s Support for Organizational Change (OMSOC) yang merupakan pengembangan dari Communication and Organizational Change Questionnaire (Gravenhorst, Elving, dan Werkman, 2005). Komitmen pegawai terhadap perubahan diukur dengan tiga komponen model komitmen perubahan yang dikembangkan oleh Herscovitch dan Meyer (2002). Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif, regresi dan General Linear Model.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi perubahan berpengaruh positif terhadap komitmen pegawai dalam pelaksanaan Reformasi Birokrasi, juga terhadap affective commitment to change. Hasil lain dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komitmen terhadap Reformasi Birokrasi dipengaruhi secara positif oleh aspek necessity of the change dan role of management. Sedangkan affective commitment to change dipengaruhi secara positif oleh tiga aspek, yakni necessity of the change, role of management, dan role of supervisor. Satu-satunya aspek yang berpengaruh positif terhadap normative commitment to change adalah necessity of the change. Tidak ditemukan adanya faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap dimensi continuance commiment to change. Selain pengaruh positif, hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan adanya pengaruh negatif, yakni pengaruh aspek communication about the change terhadap komitmen perubahan, affective commitment to change, dan normative commitment to change.
......The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of change related communication on employee commitment to change in the bureucracy reformation process. The research was held in Secretariate General of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Setjen Kemdikbud) with 245 sample, using survey questionnaire method. Organizational Member?s Support for Organizational Change (OMSOC) questionnaire as the development of Communication and Organizational Change Questionnaire (Gravenhorst, Elving, dan Werkman, 2005) used to measure change related communication. The three component model of employee commitment to change (Herscovitch and Meyer, 2002) used to measure employee commitment to change. Data was analyzed using descriptive analysis, regression analysis, and General Linear Model.
The result showed that change related communication positively impact on commitment to bureucracy reformation, as well as on affective commitment to change. Other result showed that commitment to bureucracy reformation was positively influenced by two aspects, namely necessity of the change and role of management. Affective commitment to change was positively influenced by three aspects, namely necessity of the change, role of management, and role of supervisor. Necessity of the change was the only factor that positively influence on normative commitment to change, whereas the research found no significant influence on continuance commitment to change. The result also showed that the aspect communication about the change has negative influence on employee commitment to change, affective commitment to change, and normative commitment to change."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013