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Hananto Andriantoro
Abstrak :
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty ( PTCA) is known as the mechanical alternative intervention for revascularization of coronary artcry stenosis. Unfortunately reocclusion and coronary spasm is seen on quite a number of patients. This process is said due to an imbalance of vasoactive substances at the cellular endothelial level which cause vasoconstriction of the smooth muscle cells. It's believed that endothelin and lipid peroxidc ( oxigen frec radicals) has a significant role in this process. This study is designed to prove the hypothesis that there is an increase of endothclin and lipid peroxide concomitantly immediately after PTCA proseduce. On 37 patients with stenosis at left coronary artery, local plasma endothelin and lipid peroxide were measured before and after PTCA. Blood was obtained at side of coronary sinus. Endothelin was measured by specific competitive protein binding radioimmunoassay ( RIA Technique ), while lipid peroxide was measured by using Malonaldehyde (MDA) concentration. Local plasma MDA was measured by fuorosense spectrofotometri. The results showed a significant increase of local plasma endothelin after PTCA (5,28+1-3,33 to 8,53 +1- 4,5 . Pglml, p = 0,0001) and a significant increase of local plasma MDA concentration after PTCA ( 0,540+1-0,279 to 0,868+1-0,438. Umol/L, p = 0,0001). There was no correlation found between the increase of local plasma endothelin with the duration of balloon inflation, peak pressure of balloon inflation, diameter of the balloon, length of the balloon, the number of balloon inflation. This finding suggest that beside endothelial injury during PTe" other unknown factor contribute to the increasing level of endothelin. However correlation was found between the increase of local plasma MDA and the number of the balloon inflation. Conclusions: Local plasma endothelin and lipid peroxide were significantely increased immediately after PTCA, and there was correlation between the increase of local plasma lipid peroxide with the number of the balloon inflation.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leo Alfath Araysi
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Kanker ovarium diduga dapat menyebabkan penurunan fungsi dan kerusakan ginjal. Cisplatin salah satu terapi kanker ovarium bersifat nefrotoksik. Kerusakan ginjal ini terjadi melalui berbagai mekanisme, salah satunya adalah peningkatan ekspresi ETAR. Kurkumin diduga mampu menurunkan ekspresi ETAR pada jaringan ginjal yang rusak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek ko-kemoterapi kurkumin pada cisplatin terhadap ekspresi ETAR serta gambaran histopatologi jaringan ginjal pada tikus model kanker ovarium. Metode: 24 tikus wistar betina dibagi menjadi empat kelompok: Kelompok normal sham (N), kanker ovarium tanpa perlakuan (Ca), kanker ovarium yang mendapat 4 mg/KgBB cisplatin (Cis), dan kanker ovarium yang mendapat 4 mg/KgBB cisplatin +100 mg/KgBB kurkumin (Cis+Cur). Setelah 3 minggu tikus dikorbankan, ginjal tikus diambil untuk pengamatan histopatolgi serta ekspresi mRNA ETAR. Hasil: Pada pengamatan histopatologi Masson Trichrome ditemukan fokus fibrosis pada kelompok tikus Ca dan Cis. Melalui qRT-PCR diketahui bahwa ekspresi mRNA pada kelompok Ca dan Cis relatif sama, namun meningkat masing-masing sebesar 133% (2,33 kali lipat) dan 123% (2,23 kali lipat) dibandingkan dengan kelompok normal. Sedangkan pada kelompok Cis+Cur terdapat penurunan ekspresi mRNA sebesar 31,5% (0.315 lebih rendah) dan 34,4% (0.344 lebih rendah) berurutan dibanding kelompok Cis dan Cur. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna secara statistik antar kelompok uji. Kesimpulan: Kanker ovarium dapat memicu kerusakan ginjal pada tiku dibuktikan dengan peningkatan ekspresi mRNA ETAR dan fokus fibrosis. Pemberian cisplatin pada dosis terapeutik tidak meningkatkan ekspresi mRNA ETAR pada jaringan tikus model kanker ovarium, meski demikian pemberian kurkumin sebagai ko-kemoterapi menurunkan ekspresi mRNA ETAR dan fokus fibrosis meskipun tidak bermakna secara statistik. ......Background: Ovarian cancer is believed can lead to renal functional deterioration Furthermore, cisplatin as chemotherapeutic agent has nephrotoxic effects. Increased expression of the Endothelin A receptor (ETAR) is thought to be one of the mechanisms. Curcumin is believed to have protective effects in injured kidney. This study is to evaluate the co-chemotherapy effects of curcumin for cisplatin upon ETAR expression and histopathological appearances in rats’ kidney. Method: Total of 24 wistar rats, devided into four treatment groups: normal group (N), ovarian cancer without treatment group (Ca), ovarian cancer which received cisplatin 4 mg/kgBW group (Cis), and ovarian cancer which received cisplatin 4 mg/kgBW + 100 mg/kgBW curcumin group (Cis+Cur). Kidney tissue specimen was obtained for histopathological examination and ETAR messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) expression. Results: Fibrosis foci were found at kidney tissue of Ca and Cis group. The mRNA expression level among Ca and Cis group were relatively equivalent; however increased by 133% (2,33 fold) and by 123% (2,23 fold), respectively compared to N group. Meanwhile, the Cis + Cur group decreased by 31.5% (0.315 lower) and 34.4 % (0.344 lower) compared to Cis and Ca group respectively. There are no statistical significant among the experiment groups. Conclusion: Ovarian cancer is associated with kidney injury, demonstrated by increased of ETAR mRNA and fibrosis foci formation. Therapeutic dose cisplatin do not increased ETAR mRNA in the kidney of ovarian cancer rat. Curcumin administration as co-chemotherapeutic agent result in the decrease of ETAR mRNA level and the decrease of fibrosis foci formation.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Hipertensi merupakan faktor risiko penyakit jantung. Endotelin-1 adalah vasokonstriktor kuat dan berkaitan dengan angiotensin II dalam pengaturan tekanan ateria. Pengaturan ini berpengaruh terhadap kondisi pantologis seperti hipertensi, gagal jantung kongesti dan gagal ginjal kronis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin membandingkan kadar endotelin-1 antara penderita hipertensi stadium 1; stadium 2 dan bukan penderita hipertensi. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah cross sectional. Subjek adalah penduduk di wilayah Kabupaten Puskesmas 2 Mlati, Sleman, DIY, pria dan wanita, usia 18-75 tahun. Hipertensi stadium 1, stadium 2 dan bukan penderita hipertensi ditentukan menuru kriteria JNC 7. Subjek penelitian diambil secara acak dengan stratifikasi, puasa minimal 8 jam sebelum sampel darah diambil untuk pemeriksaan kadar endotelin-1. Ada 43 pasien dengan hipertensi stadium 1, 54 pasien dengan hipertensi stadium 2 dan 54 orang non hipertensi. Perbedaan kadar enotelin-1 antar kelompok dianalisis dengan Anova. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi kadar endotelin-1 maka semakin meningkat tekanan darah pada tahao 1 dan 2; dan peningkatan usia lebih jelas dan berarti pada kelompok usia 50-75 tahun.
610 MUM 10:2(2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aditya Handoko H.
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Decompression sickness (DCS) masih menjadi masalah, walaupun dekompresi telah dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur[1,2,3] Insiden pada recreational diving 2-4 per 10.000 penyelaman[1]. Patofisiologi terjadinya DCS tidak hanya terjadi akibat mekanisme obstruksi dari gelembung gas[3,4], namun dikaitkan dengan gangguan terhadap fungsi fisiologis NO[2,3,4,5]. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental dengan desain cross over pada 16 orang penyelam laki-laki Dislambair Koarmatim TNI AL. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisik dan laboratorium ekspresi eNOS menggunakan teknik kuantitatif ELISA sandwich, yang diberi perlakuan penyelaman tunggal dekompresi US Navy 280 kPa dalam RUBT. Hasil : Terdapat penurunan ekspresi eNOS yang bermakna pada kelompok hiperbarik (p<0,001) dan perbedaan selisih ekspresi eNOS antara kelompok normobarik dan hiperbarik yang bermakna (p=0,01). Korelasi IMT dengan ekspresi eNOS sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok hiperbarik dan sebelum perlakuan pada kelompok normobarik berlawanan arah. Korelasi antara kebiasaan merokok dengan ekspresi eNOS sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada kelompok normobarik adalah sedang. Kesimpulan dan Saran: Penurunan ekspresi eNOS pada kelompok hiperbarik (p<0,001) dan selisih rerata ekspresi eNOS antara kelompok normobarik dan hiperbarik (p=0,001). Memperhatikan faktor individu, yaitu IMT dan kebiasaan merokok pada prosedur penyelaman dan diperlukan kajian medik langkah preconditioning sebelum penyelaman. ...... Background : Decompression sickness (DCS) is still a problem, even though decompression has been performed in accordance with the procedures[1,2,3] recreational diving incident at 2-4 per 10,000 dives[1]. Path physiology of DCS not only occur due to obstruction mechanism of gas bubbles[3,4], but is associated with disruption of physiological functions NO[2,3,4,5]. Methods : This study is an experimental study with cross-over design in 16 male divers Dislambair Koarmatim Navy. Data obtained through questionnaires , physical examination and laboratory eNOS expression using quantitative techniques sandwich ELISA, which treated single dive decompression US Navy 280 kPa in hyperbaric chamber. Results : Significant reduction in eNOS expression in the hyperbaric group(p<0.001) and the difference in eNOS expression differences between groups normobaric and hyperbaric(p=0.01). IMT correlation with the eNOS expression before and after treatment in the hyperbaric group and before treatment in group normobaric opposite direction. The correlation between smoking and eNOS expression before and after treatment in group normobaric is being. Conclusions and Recommendations : A reduction in eNOS expression in the hyperbaric group(p< 0.001) and the mean difference between groups normobaric eNOS expression and hyperbaric(p = 0.001) . Attention to individual factors , namely BMI and smoking habits on the procedures required dives and medical studies preconditioning step prior to the dive.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rissa Ummy Setiani
Abstrak :
Maen pukulan merupakan budaya Betawi yang mengandung unsur olah raga, budaya, spiritual, dan bela diri. Ia merupakan warisan yang hidup pada masyarakat Betawi serta Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Satu aliran maen pukulan yang relatif lama, eksis, dan populer pada masa kini ialah Beksi Tradisional H. Hasbullah. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengkaji penggunaan memori kolektif pada perguruan maen pukulan Beksi Tradisional H. Hasbullah sebagai bagian dari budaya masyarakat Betawi dilihat dari sistem pewarisan dan pengelolaan perguruan pada masa kini. Pada perguruan tersebut, memori yang terpelihara terbagi menjadi memori individu yang teraplikasi pada guru maen pukul dan memori kolektif yang terdapat pada komunitas. Menggunakan tiga teori mengenai memori kolektif oleh Rubin, Bernecker, dan Halbwachs ditemukan bahwa maen pukulan Beksi Tradisional H. Hasbullah berkembang menggunakan memori kolektif para guru, murid, serta masyarakat yang menanggap pertunjukan Beksi. Ditemukan pula memori individu guru membentuk pola pewarisan yang ia pilih bagi muridnya serta tipe pengelolaan yang digunakan dalam kepengurusan perguruan. Memori kolektif berperan pada pertunjukan yang mengandung Beksi di dalamnya. Memori menjadi panduan ketika terjadi perbedaan walau di sisi lain, memori yang tereduksi menyebabkan terjadinya pengerucutan pakem pertunjukan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan pentingnya peran memori kolektif untuk eksistensi dan perkembangan maen pukulan di masa depan. ...... Maen pukulan is a part of Betawinese tradition that contains sport, cultural, spiritual, and martial arts elements. It is a living heritage among Betawinese community and is found in Jakarta and its surrounding areas. A relatively old school of maen pukulan which still exists and popular today is the H. Hasbullah’s Traditional Beksi. This research aims to investigate the use of collective memory in the current Maen Pukulan Beksi Traditional H.Hasbullah schools as a part of Betawinese culture related to its cultural inheritance pattern and management. At the maen pukulan schools, there are two types of preserved memory. The first is individual memory which is applied by the maen pukulan gurus and the second is collective memory which is found among the community. Using three theories about collective memory by Rubin, Bernecker, and Halbwachs, it is found that the traditional maen pukulan Beksi of H. Hasbullah has developed through the collective memory of the gurus, students, and the publics who perceive the Beksi performance. It is also found that individual memory of the gurus forms an inheritance pattern which they choose for their students and the type of management use at the maen pukulan school organisation. Collective memory has its role in the performance that contains Beksi in it. The memory, on the one hand, becomes their guide when there is a dispute about Beksi. On the other hand, reduced memory has caused some changes and reduction, along with the continuity in the maen pukulan Beksi performance. This research shows the important role of collective memory in maintaining the existence and development of maen pukulan in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indoneisa, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library