"Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk melihat beberapa aspek yang belum diteliti dalam studi tentang pengaruh aglomerasi terhadap keputusan lokasi perusahan asing di industri pengolahan Indonesia. Fokus ditekankan pada diferensiasi dua jenis aglomerasi berdasarkan jenis eksternalitas yang dihasilkan, yaitu localization externalities dalam aglomerasi perusahaan dalam industri yang sama (intraindustri) dan urbanization externalities dalam aglomerasi perusahaan berbagai jenis industri (inter-industri). Data tingkat perusahaan bersumber dari Sensus Ekonomi 2006.
Model conditional logit (McFadden, 1974) digunakan untuk mengestimasi peluang dari keputusan lokasi pendirian perusahaan asing di industri pengolahan Indonesia. Aglomerasi intra-industri didapati memiliki pengaruh yang positif terhadap keputusan lokasi perusahaan FDI. Namun, aglomerasi inter-industri terbukti tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan lokasi perusahaan FDI.
Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa eksternalitas lokalisasi lebih dominan dibandingkan eksternalitas urbanisasi. Walaupun begitu, pengaruh eksternalitas dari aglomerasi intra-industri ini relatif sangat kecil. Keputusan lokasi perusahaan asing di industri pengolahan Indonesia masih sangat dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan sumber daya produksi. Sedangkan ketersediaan pasar tidak memberikan pengaruh pada keputusan lokasi perusahaan asing.
This research intends to address several unexplored aspects in the study of the effect of agglomeration toward foreign firms' location decisions in Indonesia's processing industries. The main focus is the distinction between two types of agglomerations based on the different externalities that each one produced, which are localization externalities among firms in the same industry (intra-industry) and urbanization externalities among firms in diverse industries (inter-industry). The firm-level data is acquired from the Indonesian Economic Census of 2006.
Conditional Logit Model (McFadden, 1974) is used to estimate the probabilities of newly created foreign firms' location decisions in a particular province. Intraindustry agglomeration is found to have a positive influence toward the location decisions of foreign firms. On the other hand, inter-industry agglomeration seems to have no influence what so ever to the foreign firms' location decisions.
These results show that localization externalities are far more dominant compared to urbanization externalities. However, this intra-industry externality is considerably small. In fact, foreign firms' location decisions are still heavily influenced by the availability of production resources. While the availability of market does not have any effects to the foreign firms' location decisions."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013