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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Sebagai negara yang kaya akan kulinernya, Gastronomi Prancis berhasil mendapatkan gelar sebagai salah satu Warisan Budaya Tak Benda oleh UNESCO pada 2010. Hidangan yang disajikan dalam gastronomi Prancis kaya akan produk dagingnya. Konsumsi daging yang tinggi tidak menutup mata masyarakat Prancis akan kesejahteraan hewan. Gerakan vegan berjalan bersamaan dengan kelompok kesejahteraan hewan dalam mempromosikan gaya hidup vegan demi mengurangi angka pembunuhan hewan untuk dijadikan makanan bagi manusia. Maka dari itu, muncul pertanyaan bagaimana gerakan dari kedua kelompok ini mempengaruhi konsumsi daging masyarakat Prancis. Penelitian ini mengkaji dampak yang dihasilkan oleh gerakan kelompok kesejahteraan hewan dan veganisme dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosial dari Sartono Kartodirdjo dengan menganalisis fenomena yang muncul di masyarakat. Setelah dilakukan analisis, ditemukan bahwa gerakan veganisme dan kelompok kesejahteraan hewan berhasil menurunkan angka konsumsi daging pada 2016 dan 2019. Gerakan kedua kelompok juga berhasil membuat pemerintah Prancis mengeluarkan kebijakan pangan yang turut andil dalam penurunan angka konsumsi daging.
......As a country who has rich culinary traditions, French gastronomy was named as one of the Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2010. Dishes served in the French gastronomy are rich in meat products. The high consumption of meat has not turned a blind eye to French society for animal welfare. The vegan community works hand in hand with animal welfare groups to promote the vegan lifestyle to reduce the number of animals killed and used as food for humans. Therefore, the question arises on how the movements of these two groups affect French society’s meat consumption. This study examines the impact generated by the animal welfare movement and veganism using historical research methods. With a social approach by Sartono Kartodirdjo, this study analyzes the phenomena that appear in society. This study found that the animal welfare and vegan groups succeeded in reducing meat consumption in 2016 and 2019. The movements of the two groups also succeeded in getting the French government to issue food policies that contributed to reducing meat consumption."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Banerjee, Reshmi
The research titled "Policies & reforms in the non-farm sector - a comparative study of india & china" aims to look at policies &reforms in the non-farm sector. It would look into the growth & role of the non-farm sector in the context of global food shortages &WTO deadloct in agricultural trade. It would also look at the aspect of corporatisation affecting the sector & the impact of marketing, technology, infrastructure &finance on its growth prospects. It would finally look at the form of governance structure along with the role of civil society groups / grass root institutions / NGOs & tr tpo decipher their role on the policy implementation in the non-farm sector. The study would be a comparative analysis of Indoa & China & all the above aspects would be looked at
The research seeks to examine the following-
1. Whether the shift in the non-farm sector is beneficial & sustainable in the long run(especially in the context of global & domestic food shortages)
Whether & to what extend has corporatism affected the functioning of the non-farm sector & its impact on small producers.
3. Whether the form of government (democratic vs authoritaran) & the structure of governance affects policymaking & policy implementation & the need for governance reforms.
4. To examine finally the changing roles of the state, private sector & civil society.
The method used would be theoretical & analytical. The study would be based on primary & secondary sources. Primary sources would include interviews of policymakers, academicians, NGO workers etc. It would also include government reports, government annual plans, government surveys, annual reports of international organizations & non-government organizations etc. Secondary sources would include books, journals, magazines, newspapers & other relevant sources.
The study would be divided into the following chapters-
The first chapter deals with Conceptual &Theoritical issues. The Chapter looks into the following
A) the importance of agriculture & the conflict between the availabilit of food & fuels
B) i) the issue of diversification & the non-farm sector - the definition of diversification, the causes of it & the cross country estimates & trends.
ii) the positive effects & the shortcomings of diversification & the non-farm sector
C. The issue of agribusiness has been examined ( the definition & the reasons for its growth). The existebce & supermarkets has been observed critical questions raised about this emerging phenomenon.
D) role of good govenance-state, private institutions & civil society institutions-each institution's role in promoting good governance
E) the reasons for comparing India & China.
The second chapter examines the following
A) the history of agriculture (pre-reform) & the agrarian scene after the reform period till the present times.
The research titled "Policies & reforms in the non-farm sector - a comparative study of india & china" aims to look at policies &reforms in the non-farm sector. It would look into the growth &role of the non-farm sector in the context of global food shortages &WTO deadloct in agricultural trade. It would also look at the aspect of corporatisation affecting the sector & the impact of marketing, technology, infrastructure &finance on its growth prospects. It would finally look at the form of governance structure along with the role of civil society groups / grass root institutions / NGOs & tr tpo decipher their role on the policy implementation in the non-farm sector. The study would be a comparative analysis of Indoa & China & all the above aspects would be looked at
The research seeks to examine the following-
1. Whether the shift in the non-farm sector is beneficial & sustainable in the long run(especially in the context of global & domestic food shortages)
Whether & to what extend has corporatism affected the functioning of the non-farm sector & its impact on small producers.
3. Whether the form of government (democratic vs authoritaran) & the structure of governance affects policymaking & policy implementation & the need for governance reforms.
4. To examine finally the changing roles of the state, private sector & civil society.
The method used would be theoretical & analytical. The study would be based on primary & secondary sources. Primary sources would include interviews of policymakers, academicians, NGO workers etc. It would also include government reports, government annual plans, government surveys, annual reports of international organizations & non-government organizations etc. Secondary sources would include books, journals, magazines, newspapers & other relevant sources.
The study would be divided into the following chapters-
The first chapter deals with Conceptual &Theoritical issues. The Chapter looks into the following
A) the importance of agriculture & the conflict between the availabilit of food & fuels
B) i) the issue of diversification & the non-farm sector - the definition of diversification, the causes of it & the cross country estimates & trends.
ii) the positive effects & the shortcomings of diversification & the non-farm sector
C. The issue of agribusiness has been examined ( the definition & the reasons for its growth). The existebce & supermarkets has been observed critical questions raised about this emerging phenomenon.
D) role of good govenance-state, private institutions & civil society institutions-each institution's role in promoting good governance
E) the reasons for comparing India & China.
The second chapter examines the following
A) the history of agriculture (pre-reform) & the agrarian scene after the reform period till the present times.
The research titled "Policies & reforms in the non-farm sector - a comparative study of india & china" aims to look at policies &reforms in the non-farm sector. It would look into the growth &role of the non-farm sector in the context of global food shortages &WTO deadloct in agricultural trade. It would also look at the aspect of corporatisation affecting the sector & the impact of marketing, technology, infrastructure &finance on its growth prospects. It would finally look at the form of governance structure along with the role of civil society groups / grass root institutions / NGOs & tr tpo decipher their role on the policy implementation in the non-farm sector. The study would be a comparative analysis of Indoa & China & all the above aspects would be looked at
The research seeks to examine the following-
1. Whether the shift in the non-farm sector is beneficial & sustainable in the long run(especially in the context of global & domestic food shortages)
Whether & to what extend has corporatism affected the functioning of the non-farm sector & its impact on small producers.
3. Whether the form of government (democratic vs authoritaran) & the structure of governance affects policymaking & policy implementation & the need for governance reforms.
4. To examine finally the changing roles of the state, private sector & civil society.
The method used would be theoretical & analytical. The study would be based on primary & secondary sources. Primary sources would include interviews of policymakers, academicians, NGO workers etc. It would also include government reports, government annual plans, government surveys, annual reports of international organizations & non-government organizations etc. Secondary sources would include books, journals, magazines, newspapers & other relevant sources.
The study would be divided into the following chapters-
The first chapter deals with Conceptual &Theoritical issues. The Chapter looks into the following
A) the importance of agriculture & the conflict between the availabilit of food & fuels
B) i) the issue of diversification & the non-farm sector - the definition of diversification, the causes of it & the cross country estimates & trends.
ii) the positive effects & the shortcomings of diversification & the non-farm sector
C. The issue of agribusiness has been examined ( the definition & the reasons for its growth). The existebce & supermarkets has been observed critical questions raised about this emerging phenomenon.
D) role of good govenance-state, private institutions & civil society institutions-each institution's role in promoting good governance
E) the reasons for comparing India & China.
The second chapter examines the following
A) the history of agriculture (pre-reform) & the agrarian scene after the reform period till the present times.
The research titled "Policies & reforms in the non-farm sector - a comparative study of india & china" aims to look at policies &reforms in the non-farm sector. It would look into the growth &role of the non-farm sector in the context of global food shortages &WTO deadloct in agricultural trade. It would also look at the aspect of corporatisation affecting the sector & the impact of marketing, technology, infrastructure &finance on its growth prospects. It would finally look at the form of governance structure along with the role of civil society groups / grass root institutions / NGOs & tr tpo decipher their role on the policy implementation in the non-farm sector. The study would be a comparative analysis of Indoa & China & all the above aspects would be looked at
The research seeks to examine the following-
1. Whether the shift in the non-farm sector is beneficial & sustainable in the long run(especially in the context of global & domestic food shortages)
Whether & to what extend has corporatism affected the functioning of the non-farm sector & its impact on small producers.
3. Whether the form of government (democratic vs authoritaran) & the structure of governance affects policymaking & policy implementation & the need for governance reforms.
4. To examine finally the changing roles of the state, private sector & civil society.
The method used would be theoretical & analytical. The study would be based on primary & secondary sources. Primary sources would include interviews of policymakers, academicians, NGO workers etc. It would also include government reports, government annual plans, government surveys, annual reports of international organizations & non-government organizations etc. Secondary sources would include books, journals, magazines, newspapers & other relevant sources.
The study would be divided into the following chapters-
The first chapter deals with Conceptual &Theoritical issues. The Chapter looks into the following
A) the importance of agriculture & the conflict between the availabilit of food & fuels
B) i) the issue of diversification & the non-farm sector - the definition of diversification, the causes of it & the cross country estimates & trends.
ii) the positive effects & the shortcomings of diversification & the non-farm sector
C. The issue of agribusiness has been examined ( the definition & the reasons for its growth). The existebce & supermarkets has been observed critical questions raised about this emerging phenomenon.
D) role of good govenance-state, private institutions & civil society institutions-each institution's role in promoting good governance
E) the reasons for comparing India & China.
The second chapter examines the following
A) the history of agriculture (pre-reform) & the agrarian scene after the reform period till the present times.
B) the non-farm sector & diversification-the role of it in the current scenario-its impact on poverty reduction, employment, environment, overall significance etc.
C) the retail sector & its role in the country.
D) the requirements for the growth of the non-farm sector & the significance of each of the variables & their current role in the economy (like land, credit, marketing, research & technology, environment etc).
E) trade policy & WTO.
All third chapter looks into the theoritical debate between democratic & authoritarian structures of governance. It also looks into the history & evolution of the character of the state in India & China. Finally, it sees the current strengths & weaknesses of the two states & their decision making structures agains the backdrop of globalization, corporatism & emerging waves of democratic upsurges.
The fourth chapter looks at the role of civil society & grass root level institutions in India & China. These institutions have been making a lot of impact in creating consciousness among the people & in promoting democratic decision making. The chapter examines how the existebce of these institutions can influence the environment & the kind of decisions that the Central Government makes in the future in both the countries.
The fifth chapter deals with the comparative analysis of India & China.
Finally the sixth chapter deals with the conclution & the measures that need to be taken in the future."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
KAJ 4(2-4) 1999
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pemerintah telah berusaha untuk meningkatkan dan mempertahankan ketahanan pangan. Berbagai kebijakan telah ditempuh untuk menjamin ketersediaan pangan, bahkan mendirikan badan ketahanan pangan mulai dari tingkat nasional hingga tingkat kabupaten. Beberapa kalangan mengkritik kebijakan pangan selama ini bersifat temporer dan justeru melemahkan kedaulatan pangan yang dinilai bersifat strategis. Ketahanan pangan merupakan peluang bagi pihak asing dan kedaulatan pangan merupakan ancaman bagi pihak asing. Kedaulatan pangan merupakan ancaman, karena apabila kemandirian pertanian Indonesia menjadi kuat, pihak asing tidak dapat memasarkan produknya…."
IKI 4:24 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joshua Jolly Sucanta Cakranegara
"Artikel ini bertujuan menjelaskan sejarah kebijakan pangan di Indonesia terkait diversitaspangan pokok pada 1945-2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah dan studi pustakaatas kajian kebijakan pangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi kesinambungan atas diversitas pangan pokok yang merupakan realitas sejarah bangsa padakebijakan pangan di masa Indonesia kontemporer. Pada awalnya, diversitas pangan pokokyang merupakan kearifan lokal masyarakat Nusantara mendapat perhatian yang cukup besardalam idealisme Presiden Sukarno. Akan tetapi, hal ini tidak terpenuhi pada periode selanjutnya, seperti dalam politik beras oleh Presiden Soeharto, gerakan ketahanan pangan oleh Presiden Megawati Soekarnoputri, kebijakan impor pangan oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, hingga kebijakan lumbung pangan oleh Presiden Joko Widodo. Diversitas pangan pokok dalam kebijakan pemerintah hanya diakomodasi dalam programjangka pendek, berskala kecil/lokal/parsial, serta tidak adaptif terhadap perubahan zaman.Dengan demikian, pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan masyarakat masih didominasi olehkebijakan pangan yang tidak inklusif."
Kalimantan Barat : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya , 2022
900 HAN 6:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iman Sukandar
"Permintaan akan bahan pangan merupakan komponen utama dan amat berperan dalam struktur kegiatan sektor pertanian. Adanya perubahan-perubahan dalam permintaan bahan pangan, akan menyebabkan perubahan pendapatan produsen. Karakteristik dari komoditi pangan pada umumnya kurang elastis terhadap perubahan pengeluaran total. Kecendrungan adanya saline keterkaitan permintaan komoditi-komoditi pangan menimbulak persoalan-persoalan dalam mengartikannya. Skrpsi ini mencoba untuk menganalisa keadaan/pola konsumsi rumah tangga Indonesia serta karakteristik dari komoditi-komoditi pangan dalam hubungannya dengan perubahan harga sendiri, pengeluaran serta harga komoditi lainnya, yang dicerminkan oleh nilai elastisitasnya, dalam upaya perencanaan strategi dan kebijakan pangan di Indonesia untuk tahun-tahun mendatang. Untuk menghindari kompleksitas, pola konsumsi pangan yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini hanya berdasarkan atas pembagian pola konsumsi pangan yang dikeluarkan oleh Biro Pusat Statistik dan tidak berdasarkan atas pembagian wilayah Jawa, Sumatra, dan sebagainya. Model yang digunakan adalah Model Almost Ideal Demand Systemn (AIDS Model).AIDS Model adalah suatu model permintaan lengkap yang meggunakan perumusan masalah alokasi konsumen den dimulai dengan klas preferensi yang dikenal sebagai Piglog Class. Piglog Class adalah kelas preferensi kusus yang memungkinkan agregasi yang tepat dari konsumen yang diungkapkan melalui fungsi anggaran. Karena adanya saling keterkaitan diantara permintaan komoditas menyebabkan diperlukannya suatu metoda pendugaan berupa metoda sistem. Artinya semua persamaan secara bersama-sama dan akan memberikan hasil pendugaan bagi semua parameter secara simultan. Metoda tersebut dikenal dengan nama Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR). Hasil yang diperoleh menyebutkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang. berarti antara pola-pola konsumsi pangan yang diuji. Penerapan restriksi-restriksi permintaan, secara umum tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap arah dan nilai elastisitaSnya. Penambahan variabel demograpi yaitu jumlah anggota rumah keluarga pada umumnya memberikan pengaruh yang positif, kecuali untuk kelompok komoditi daging + telur + susu, sayuran dan buah-buahan. Nilai elastisitas hare.a sendiri untuk semua jenis pola konsumsi mempunyai tanda yang negatif. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan teori ekonomi yang menyatakan bahwa fungsi permintaan mempunyai arah yang negatif. Nilai elastisitas pengeluaran dari semua jenis pola konsumsi mempunyai tanda positif yang berarti konsumsi untuk komoditi pangan tersebut relatif akan meningkat seiring peningkatan. pengeluaran/pendapatan. Dari hal-hal tersebut, tampaknya kebijakan pangan yang berhubungan dengan input maupun output harus lebih diarahkan pada diversifikasi pangan selain beras. Usaha-usaha yang mengarah pada intensifikasi dan ekstensifikasi la.han di Luar Jawa mutlak harus dilakukan dalam upaya menyeimbangkan pertumbuhan konsumsi dan produksi beras dalam jangka waktu menengah. Akhirnya peranan pemerintah dalam mendorong pertumbuhan produksi komoditi pertanian non beras mutlak diperlukan dalam bidang penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi, penyebaran informasi dan penerapan teknologi Baru, serta pencegahan penyakit. Hal ini cenderung bersifat mendorong dan nondistortif dengan inisentif dalam bentuk subsidi langsung."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library