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Ditemukan 43 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Etyn Yunita
"The information on fish fauna in Belitung Island is still lacking. The study of ichthyofauna of Belitung Island was conducted in Pebruary-March 2002 and August 2003, using survey methods. The aims of studies are to know species richness, potency, local distribution, and related aspects. The results were recorded 60 species belonging to 27 families. Cyprinidae is dominant family with 13 species. The fishes were found almost have potency of ornamental fish. It was found that Eirmotus octzona, Acanthopsoides robertsi, Pangio shelfordii, Silurichthys hasseltii, Parakysis verrucosa, and Gymnochanda filamentosa extend their range to Belitung (new record for Belitung). Status, potency and utilization of fishes, new records distribution of geography, social economic and conservation aspects are represented in this paper.
The information about freshwater fishes from Belitung Island is still rare. Last information was reported by de Beaufort in 1939. The objective of the research is to reveal the diversity of fishes in Belitung Island and to reveal their potency and utilization, distribution, abundance, and related aspect for their management and conservation. The research was conducted at Belitung Island, Province Archipelago of Bangka Belitung, between 2002 and 2003. Location of research in Lenggang River, Buding, Balok, Kembiri, Pala, and Air Raya Gunung Tajam. Survey method is used in this research.
Specimens were collected from 21 location in six rivers by electrofishing (12 volt), gillnet (mesh size ½', ¾', and 1'), cast net, and hook. Fish specimens were fixed by using formalin 10% then soaked in alcohol 70%. All specimens are deposited at Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor, as permanent collections. Fish identification was based on Weber and de Beaufort (1916; 1936; 1953; 1965), Inger & Chin (1962), Roberts (1989), Kottelat et al. (1993), and Eschmeyer (1998). In general, these established localities followed the variety of the landscape available such as: primary forest, secondary forest, 'kerangas' forest, agroforestry, villages, and estuary environments. Informal interview was conducted with the villagers especially with those who were familiar with fishing activities.
There results were recorded 60 species belonging to 27 families. Cyprinidae is dominant family with 13 species. The fishes were found almost have potency of ornamental fish. It was found that Eirmotus octozona, Acanthopsoides robertsi, Pangio shelfordii, Silurichthys hasseltii, Parakysis verrucosa, and Gymnochanda c.f. filamentosa extend their range to Belitung (new record for Belitung). There were Tengkelesa'/Arwana (Scleropages formosus) in Lenggang River. According to the CITES, Tengkelesa' status is in Appendix I with a note captivity in Appendix II. Scleropages formosus has been protected by regulation, while according to the Governmental Legislation No.7 in 1999.
Lenggang River is one of the largest water catchment area in Belitung Island. It has much more variation of riparian habitat than the other river. The number of species and family fish decreased closer to the river mouth. Factor which may influence this are the presence of plant material, the presence of a shading canopy, and the presence dam. The range of local distribution is 0,64-5,13%. Puntius gemellus is widest distributed and most abundanced. Segment of Lenggang River would conserve the continuing populations of Scleropages formosus. This habitat establishing small harverst reserves or fishery reserves (called 'Suaka Perikanan), where local community could manage this reservat could be perfomed. Activities related to this conservation habitat, controlled fishing activity or environmentally sound fishing should be encouraged. In line with the effort to increase individual income in the area, segment of the river from the mouth of the river could function as scientific and/ or adventurous tourism."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siadari, Mutiara F.
"Akhir-akhir ini ikan dari perairan darat Indonesia sudah jarang ditemukan di pasaran, kalaupun ada harganya akan sangat mahal. Selain produksinya yang menunan terus, ukurannya pun jarang yang besar. Keadaan ini menjadi suatu tanda bahwa ikan air tawar yang hidup sekarang ini di perairan darat Indonesia tidak lagi memiliki kesempatan untuk tumbuh dan berkembang.
Keadaan ini menyadarkan manusia untuk dapat memenuhi kembali kebutuhannya serta menyediakan kembali ketersediaan sumberdaya ikan dengan mengusa fakan budidayanya. Odum (1971) mengemukakan bahwa bila populasi alam dimanfaatkan sampai batasnya, dan berkurang karena pengambilan ikan yang melampaui batas, maka tentu saja perhatian akan beralih kepada pemeliharaan ikan, atau budidaya air, terutama karena budidaya semacam itu dapat merupakan cara yang efisien untuk memproduksi pangan protein.
Budidaya diharapkan dapat menghasilkan produksi yang selalu meningkat sehingga selain dapat menyediakan kebutuhan protein ikan sehari-hari juga dapat menjaga kelestarian dari keanekaragaman hayati ikan air tawar.
Khususnya di Ibun, salah satu kecamatan di Kabupaten Bandung, masyarakat telah sejak dulu ikut berperanserta dalam pembudidayaan ikan air tawar. Namun, peranserta yang selama ini ada hanya terkait dengan kegiatan pemanfaatan dan berorientasi pada ekonomi tanpa memperhatikan kelestarian ikan air tawar. Maka, diperlukan peranserta yang aktif dari masyarakat pembudidaya ikan air tawar dalam hal perlindungan, pelestarian dan pemanfaatan secara lestari terhadap kualitas dan kuantitas ikan air tawar.
Berdasarkan uraian di etas, maka yang pertu ditetiti adalah budidaya ikan yang dapat meningkatkan produksi ikan air tawar dan pengaruh peranserta masyarakat dalam budidaya ikan air tawar terhadap kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan bersifat deskriptif analisis. Pemilihan responden sebagai sampel penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penarikan sampel secara acak sederhana. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) yang mencakup perhitungan frekuensi, ANDVA, korelasi, dan chi-square.
Hasil penelitan yang dapat dipaparkan adalah:
Produksi ikan tertinggi dihasilkan oleh masyarakat yang memiliki sistem budidaya kolam air tenang, setelah itu masyarakat yang memiliki sistem budidaya minapadi, potikultur/tumpangsari, kolam air deras, keramba, dan yang paling sedikit produksinya adalah masyarakat dengan sistem budidaya jaring apung. Jenis ikan yang paling banyak dibudidayakan adalah jenis ikan mas, lale Jumbo, nila, dan ikan nitem.
Berdasarkan jawaban dari 120 responden yang diberi kuesioner, sekitar 0,83% memiliki tingkat persepsi sangat baik, 60,83% baik, dan 38,34% memiliki tingkat persepsi cukup. Tingkat peranserta masyarakat masih sangat rendah dengan nilai 85,83%. Tingkat peranserta masyarakat kategori rendah sebanyak 5,87%, cukup 3,33%, dan kategori tinggi hanya sebanyak 4,17%.
Setelah melakukan penelitian dan pembahasan terhadap data yang didapatkan, maka ditemukan kesimpulan sebagai berikut:
1. Budidaya ikan yang diiakukan masyarakat Desa Lampegan bervariasi dalam sistem budidaya dan jenis ikan. Budidaya yang dilaksanakan terdiri dari pembenihan dan pembesaran ikan. Kesemuanya ini menghasilkan produksi ikan yang meningkat dari waktu ke waktu, bagi pemenuhan konsumsi gizi dan peningkatan pendapatan keluarga.
2. Persepsi masyarakat terhadap budidaya ikan sudah cukup tinggi, namun peranserta masyarakat masih sangat rendah. Oleh karena itu belum terlihat ada pengaruh peranserta masyarakat terhadap budidaya yang mereka lakukan selama ini.

People Participation in Sustainable Freshwater Fish Cultivation (Study Case in Lampegan Village, Ibun Subdistrict, Bandung District, West Java)Recently, fish in the Indonesia's fresh water is rarely found in the market. Because of that, it is very expensive to buy. The production keeps going down and about the size never have a big one. This situation became a sign that freshwater fish in Indonesia's water never have a chance to grow and develop.
This situation realized people to get back to fulfill human needs and to provide fish resources by develop the cultivation. In Odum (1971) explained that if natural population (in this case is fish) is used and reach the limits, people will take many ways to get back to maintain fish or fish cultivation. It is an efficient way to produce protein food.
The cultivation is expected success in production, daily fish protein needs, and conservation. In Ibun, one of the sub Districts of Bandung District, people always participate in freshwater fish cultivation. People participation only connect with economy activity without consider the freshwater fish conservation. Because of that, people in this village should participate actively in freshwater fish by conservation, protection, and sustainable cultivate to get good quality and large quantity of freshwater fish.
The problems of this research are as follows: What kinds of fish cultivation can increase the production of freshwater fish and how the impact of people participation in fish cultivation that can conserve the biodiversity?
The research is using a survey method and type of this research is descriptive analysis. Respondent election as a research sample is using a simple random sample method. Data analysis is using a SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) which includes frequency, ANOVA, correlation, and chi-square calculation.
The results of this research are as follows:
The highest fish production is produced by people who have a quiet pond cultivation system, after that people who has minapadi cultivation system, polyculture / intercropping, fast pond, keramba, and the lower production is produced by people who has a float nit cultivation system. The fish type, which is the most, cultivated, is gold fish, fete freshwater catfish, nila, and nilem.
The questioner is given to 120 respondents. About 0,83% from 120 respondents have a very good perception level, 60,83% has a good perception level, and 38,34% has an enough perception level. The lower people participation level is about 85,83%, low people participation level is about 6,67%, enough people participation level is about 3,33% and the highest participation level is about 4,17%.
The conclusions of this research are as follows:
1. The fish cultivation in Lampegan village is several of cultivation system and fish type. The implementation of cultivation consists of seeding and growing fish. This implementation can produce fish that increases progress. It can increase family income and nutrient needs.
2. The people perception in fish cultivation is high enough, but the people participation is very low. So there is no impact of people participation to fish cultivation in this study area.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991
589.4 GRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Wardhana
"Telah dilakukan pencacahan secara kualitatif dengan metode subsampel terhadap sampel fitoplankton dan zooplankton yang berasal perairan Teluk Jakarta, Sungai Ciliwung, dan Situ Cikaret. Sampel plankton dicuplik dari stasiun yang telah ditetapkan di masing-masing tipe perairan pada bulan Agustus dan Oktober 1998. Untuk mengetahui hubungan kuantitatif antara fitoplankton dengan zooplankton dilakukan uji korelasi Spearman.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara fitoplankton dan zooplankton di perairan Teluk Jakarta dan Situ Cikaret pada bulan Oktober bersifat positip. Korelasi negatip ditunjukkan oleh hubungan antara fitoplankton dan zooplankton di Sungai Ciliwung dan Situ Cikaret pada bulan Agustus. Hubungan negatip antara fitoplankton dan zooplankton di Situ Cikaret disebabkan oleh tingkat pemakanan fitoplankton oleh zooplankton.
Alasan ini tidak berlaku untuk hubungan yang sama di Sungai Ciliwung. Secara keseluruhan, hubungan antara fitoplankton dan zooplankton yang terjadi di tiga tipe perairan tersebut di atas tidak dapat diterangkan oleh ketiga teori hubungan fitoplankton dan zooplankton yang ada. Perbedaan kimia fisik perairan dan komposisi struktur komunitas plankton diduga sebagai salah satu penyebab tidak selarasnya hubungan antara fitoplankton dan zooplankton dari ketiga tipe perairan dengan teori yang ada.
Hasil pencacahan menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan plankton (dalam log 10) di tiga tipe perairan sangat fluktuatif berkisar antara 4,1541 - 7,7962 untuk fitoplankton di perairan Teluk Jakarta dan 0 - 6,2286 untuk zooplankton di Sungai Ciliwung.
Kelompok fitoplankon yang dominan adalah Bascillariophyta di perairan Teluk Jakarta dan Sungai Ciliwung, sedangkan di Situ Cikaret adalah Cyanophyta. Untuk zooplankton Copepoda merupakan kelompok dominan di perairan Teluk Jakarta, sedangkan di Sungai Ciliwung dan Situ Cikaret didominasi oleh kelompok Rotifera."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bahtiar Bahtiar
"The freshwater clam, locally known as Pokea, (Batissa violacea var celebensis, von Martens 1897; Bivalvia: Corbulidae) is a popular and widely consumed food in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. Despite its popularity, basic information required for conservation managenment, such as reproductive biology, is lacking. This study aims to examine the reproductive biology of the clam obtained from the Pohara River, Kendari. Pokea samples were collected monthly from February 2012 to January 2013. We recorded parameters of reproductive biology, including sex ratio, stage of gonadal maturity, gonadosomatic index (GSI), fecundity, and size of the first mature gonad from each sample. Data were analysed using chi-square test and linear regression in the package Sigma Plot v.6.0. Pokea population in the Pohara River was male-biased. The population spawns throughout the year and the peak spawning season was August-September. Mature gonad was found at small shell size (indicating early sexual maturity). Food availability might have influenced the gonadal development in Pokea. This baseline information is very relevant for conservation practices of Pokea population in the Pohara River."
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2021
634.6 BIO 28:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivana Florentina
"[Udang kering adalah sumber daya alam Indonesia yang mudah diperoleh dan diduga
mengandung kalsium yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
kadar kalsium udang (Macrobrachium sp.) dan pengaruh metode preparasi (oven
dan non oven) dan isolasi (pengocokan, digesti asam, dan pengabuan) terhadap
pengukuran kadar kalsium menggunakan AAS dan ISE. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan kadar kalsium tertinggi diperoleh dengan metode isolasi digesti asam,
yaitu 7.749 ppm (oven) dan 8.853 ppm (non oven). Terdapat perbedaan hasil
pengukuran kalsium antar metode preparasi dan antar metode isolasi. Metode
preparasi berkorelasi kuat dengan hasil pengukuran kalsium. (r2=0,878; p<0,05);Dried shrimps is one of Indonesia?s natural resources which easily obtained and
assumed to contain high calcium. This research aims to know the calcium level in
Macrobrachium sp. and the effects of preparation (oven and non oven) and isolation
(dilution, acid digestion, and ashing) methods in calcium level measurement by AAS
and ISE. Results showed that the highest calcium level was obtained by acid
digestion isolation which are 7,749 ppm (oven) and 8,853 ppm (non oven). There
were calcium level differences between preparation methods, and among isolation
methods. Preparation methods have strong correlation with calcium level
measurement. (r2=0.878, p<0.05), Dried shrimps is one of Indonesia’s natural resources which easily obtained and
assumed to contain high calcium. This research aims to know the calcium level in
Macrobrachium sp. and the effects of preparation (oven and non oven) and isolation
(dilution, acid digestion, and ashing) methods in calcium level measurement by AAS
and ISE. Results showed that the highest calcium level was obtained by acid
digestion isolation which are 7,749 ppm (oven) and 8,853 ppm (non oven). There
were calcium level differences between preparation methods, and among isolation
methods. Preparation methods have strong correlation with calcium level
measurement. (r2=0.878, p<0.05)]"
[, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risma Rosalia
"Ikan mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan air tawar dari famili Cichlidae dan genus Oreochromis yang memiliki bentuk adaptasi serta tingkat toleransi yang tinggi terhadap kondisi habitatnya, misalnya pada tingkat salinitas yang tinggi. Danau Laut Mati Oemasapoka di Perairan Pulau Rote merupakan salah satu danau air asin yang menjadi habitat ikan mujair. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan kekerabatan spesies ikan mujair yang diperoleh dari Danau Laut Mati Oemasapoka dengan ikan mujair dari danau air tawar, Danau Ledulu yang berada pada perairan yang sama dengan melakukan identifikasi molekuler menggunakan metode DNA barcoding dengan gen CO1. Tahapan DNA barcoding terdiri atas ekstraksi DNA, amplifikasi gen CO1 melalui reaksi PCR, dan sekuensing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan gen CO1 mampu mengidentifikasi bahwa ikan mujair yang hidup di danau air asin, Danau Laut Mati Oemasapoka merupakan jenis spesies yang sama dengan ikan mujair yang hidup di danau air tawar, Danau Ledulu dengan persentase kemiripan sebesar 99,53—100%. Rekonstruksi pohon filogenetik yang dibentuk dengan metode Maximum Likelihood, model evolusi Kimura 2-Parameter, dan uji bootstrap 1000x menunjukkan bahwa ikan mujair dari Danau Laut Mati Oemasapoka dan Danau Ledulu berada dalam satu klade yang sama dengan jarak genetik sebesar 0,000—0,004. Analisis keragaman haplotipe dari ikan mujair yang diperoleh dari Danau Laut Mati Oemasapoka dan Danau Ledulu terdapat satu haplotipe dengan nilai keragaman sebesar 0,0824. Rendahnya nilai keragaman haplotipe tersebut dapat disebabkan karena ikan mujair Danau Laut Mati Oemasapoka dan Danau Ledulu memiliki tingkat migrasi yang rendah.
......Tilapia fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) is one type of freshwater fish from the family Cichlidae and genus Oreochromis which has a form of adaptation and a high level of tolerance to habitat conditions, for example at high salinity levels. Dead Sea Lake Oemasapoka, Rote Island is one of the saltwater lakes that is a habitat for tilapia fish. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between tilapia species obtained from Dead Sea Lake Oemasapoka and tilapia fish from freshwater lake, Lake Ledulu which are in the same waters by conducting molecular identification using DNA barcoding method with CO1 gene. The DNA barcoding stages consist of DNA extraction, CO1 gene amplification through PCR reactions, and sequencing. The results of this study indicate that the CO1 gene is able to identify that tilapia fish that live in saltwater lakes, Dead Sea Lake Oemasapoka are the same species as tilapia fish that live in freshwater lakes, Lake Ledulu with a similar percentage of 99,53-100%. Reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree using the Maximum Likelihood method Kimura 2-Parameter evolution model, and 1000x bootstrap test showed that tilapia fish from Dead Sea Lake Oemasapoka and Lake Ledulu were in the same clade with a genetic distance of 0.000-0.004. Analysis of haplotype diversity of tilapia fish obtained from Dead Sea Lake Oemasapoka and Lake Ledulu there is one haplotype with a diversity value of 0.0824. The low value of this haplotype diversity can be caused by a low migration rate."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reynolds, C.S.
New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 1993
589.409 16 REY e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cole, Gerald A.
Illinois: Waveland, 1994
574.526 COL t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Welch, Paul Smith
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1952
574.929 WEL l (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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