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Ditemukan 18 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Erni Hernawati Purwaningsih
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai efek antikandida in vitro dengan menggunakan ekstrak segar bawang putih baik jenis jantan umbi tunggal maupun jenis betina (umbi bergerombol). Bawang putih diperoleh secara acak dari beberapa pasar dan pasar swalayan. Pembuktian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metoda tabung pengenceran dan metode difusi "disc agar" untuk menetapkan kadar hambat minimal (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration = MIC) dan kadar bunuh minimal (Minimal Lethal Concentration = MLC ). Dengan metoda tabung pengenceran, MIC dan MLC bawang jantan pada inkubasi 370 C selama 24 jam berturut-turut adalah 0,98 mg/mL dan 3,91 mg/mL, sedangkan bawang putih betina : 0,245 mg/mL dan 31,25 mg/mL. Dengan metoda difusi "disc agar" hanya ditentukan MIC dengan adanya zona hambatan di sekitar kertas cakram (diameter 8 mm). Zona hambatan kedua jenis bawang mulai tampak jelas pada kadar 31,25 mg/mL sebesar 13,7 mm (bawang jantan) dan 12,6 mm (bawang betina). Secara statistik hasil tersebut tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan flukonazol sebagai kontrol. ...... Anticandidal effect study of freshly garlic extract both male type and female type of garlic has been carried out in vitro. The garlic was taken randomly from market and supermarket. By using the tube dilution method and the diffusion disc-agar method to asses Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimal Lethal Concentration ( MLC ). With tube dilution method, MIC and MLC of the male type of garlic extract is 0.98 mg/mL and 3.91 mg/mL respectively, while the female type of garlic extract is 0.245 mg/mL and 31.25 mg/mL respectively ( on 24 hour incubation at 370 C ). By using diffusion disc-agar method, the extract of garlic both male and female type of garlic as well has just shown inhibition zone around the paper disc ( 8 mm in diameter ) at 31.25 mg/mL concentration. The inhibition zone diameters are 13.7 mm for male type and 12.6 mm for female type of garlic. Statistically it is not possible to compare this result with fluconazole as a control drug.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulfathul Arzia
Abstrak :
Impor bawang putih telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia pada tahun 2011-2020 karena produksi dalam negeri hanya mencukupi sekitar tiga hingga lima persen dari kebutuhan masyarakat. Adanya tambahan pasokan bawang putih impor pada pasar dalam negeri akibat kebijakan impor tersebut diduga akan menurunkan harga eceran bawang putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh volume impor bawang putih terhadap harga eceran bawang putih di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan metode Distributed Lag Model (DL-Model) dan Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) serta data bulanan periode Januari 2011-Desember 2020, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh volume impor bawang putih mulai dapat menurunkan harga eceran bawang putih setelah satu bulan pelaksanaan impor. Pengaruhnya terus signifikan hingga 6 bulan pasca pelaksanaan impor. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa dalam jangka waktu satu bulan (jangka pendek), kebijakan melakukan impor bawang putih belum mampu mempengaruhi harga eceran bawang putih. Namun dalam jangka panjang (setelah satu bulan hingga 6 bulan), kebijakan melakukan impor bawang putih signifikan mempengaruhi penurunan harga eceran bawang putih. ......Garlic import has been carried out by Indonesian government in 2011-2020 because domestic production is only sufficient for about three to five percent of people’s needs. The addition supply of imported garlic in domestic market due to the import policy is expected to reduce garlic retail price. This study aims to examine the effect of garlic import volume on garlic retail price in Indonesia. By using Distributed Lag Model (DL-Model) and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) with monthly data for Januari 2011 – December 2020, this study shows that the effect of garlic imports volume begins to reduce the retail price of garlic after one month of import implementation. The effect continues to be significant up to 6 months after the import implementation. These results indicate, within a period of one month (short term), the policy of importing garlic has not been able to affect the retail price of garlic. However, in the long term (after one month to 6 months), the policy of importing garlic significantly affects the decline in retail prices of garlic.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisinis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farhan Nabil Prasetya
Abstrak :
Pola hidup praktis membuat bawang putih kupas digemari karena kenyamanannya sebagai produk siap pakai. Dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang ditimbulkan akibat proses pengelupasan, perlakuan ozon sebagai agen desinfektan serta pengemasan digunakan untuk memperpanjang umur simpan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi gas ozon dan kemasan terhadap kualitas dan umur simpan bawang putih kupas. Bawang putih kupas disimpan selama 30 hari pada suhu 25°C. Berbagai konsentrasi gas ozon (1, 3, dan 5 ppm) diuji dengan mengombinasikan penggunaan kemasan berbahan LDPE, PP, dan PET. Parameter kualitas bawang putih yang dinilai, yaitu total bakteri mesofilik aerobik, kandungan kalsium, kehilangan massa, dan organoleptik, akan dievaluasi pada penyimpanan 0, 1, 72, 168, 336, dan 720 jam. Konsentrasi gas ozon 5 ppm cukup unggul dalam menurunkan tingkat mikroba hingga 96% sedangkan konsentrasi gas ozon 1 ppm memberikan hasil terbaik dalam menjaga penurunan kualitas. Kandungan kalsium pada masa penyimpanan hari ke-30 turun hingga lebih dari 40% untuk semua sampel. Kombinasi konsentrasi gas ozon 1 ppm dengan kemasan PP memiliki kehilangan massa paling rendah dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa kombinasi gas ozon dan pengemasan dapat memperpanjang umur simpan bawang putih kupas hingga 30 hari pada suhu 25°C. Validitas hasil ini juga dikonfirmasi oleh evaluasi sensori. ......The practical lifestyle makes peeled garlic popular because of its convenience as ready-to-use product. In overcoming the problems caused by the peeling process, ozone treatment as a disinfectant agent and packaging is used to prolong shelf life. This study aims to determine the effect of the combination of ozone gas and packaging on the quality and shelf life of peeled garlic. Peeled garlic is stored for 30 days at 25°C. Various ozone gas concentrations (1, 3, and 5 ppm) were tested by combining the packaging made from LDPE, PP, and PET. Garlic quality parameters assessed, namely total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, calcium content, mass loss, and organoleptic, were evaluated at 0, 1, 72, 168, 336, and 720 hours of storage. Ozone gas concentration of 5 ppm was quite superior in reducing microbial levels up to 96% while ozone gas concentration of 1 ppm gave the best results in maintaining quality degradation. The calcium content on the 30th day of storage decreased to more than 40% for all samples. The combination of 1 ppm ozone gas concentration with PP packaging had the lowest mass loss compared to the control. The results revealed that the combination of ozone gas and packaging can extend the shelf life of peeled garlic up to 30 days at 25°C. The validity of these results was also confirmed by organoleptic evaluation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herin Nilaraditya
Abstrak :
Bawang putih kupas merupakan sayuran siap masak yang populer akan khasiat terapeutik yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan, namun tergolong komoditas yang sangat mudah rusak karena rentan terhadap bakteri pembusuk sehingga diperlukan pengawetan untuk memperpanjang masa simpannya. Ozon dapat berfungsi sebagai disinfektan yang ramah lingkungan dan telah diakui memiliki status aman untuk digunakan secara kontak dengan produk makanan. Pada penelitian ini, sampel diawetkan dengan memanfaatkan gas ozon dengan variasi durasi kontak dan frekuensi pengembusan. Bawang putih kupas diozonasi dengan dosis 5 ppm, variasi durasi kontak 5 menit, 10 menit, dan 15 menit dan frekuensi pengembusan 1 kali, 2 kali, dan 3 kali dalam 15 menit. Sampel kemudian disimpan selama 30 hari untuk dievaluasi parameter kualitas yang meliputi total bakteri mesofil aerobik, perubahan massa, kandungan kalsium, dan karakteristik organoleptik sampel. Kondisi optimum dicapai oleh perlakuan ozonasi dengan frekuensi 1 kali dengan durasi pengembusan 15 menit yang menghasilkan nilai total bakteri mesofil aerobik lebih rendah (3,7 x 104 CFU/g) dibandingkan sampel kontrol (2,58 x 104 CFU/g), mempertahankan perubahan massa dan kandungan kalsium sebesar 24% dan 42%, serta menghasilkan nilai organoleptik yang lebih baik dibandingkan sampel kontrol. ......Peeled garlic is a popular ready-to-cook vegetable for its therapeutic properties that are beneficial to health, but is classified as a commodity that is very perishable because it is susceptible to spoilage bacteria, thus preservation is required to extend its shelf life. Ozone can function as an environmentally friendly disinfectant and has been recognized as having a safe status for use in direct contact with food products. In this study, peeled garlic as a sample was preserved by utilizing ozone gas with variations in contact duration and spraying frequency. Samples were ozonated with a dose of 5 ppm, varying the duration of contact 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes and spraying frequency of 1 time, 2 times, and 3 times in 15 minutes. Samples were then stored for 30 days to see quality parameters including total aerobic mesophyll bacteria, changes in mass, calcium content, and organoleptic characteristics. Optimal conditions were achieved by ozonation treatment with a frequency of once with spraying duration of 15 minutes which resulted in a lower total value of aerobic bacteria (3.7 x 104 CFU/g) than the control sample (2.58 x 104 CFU/g), maintaining the mass change and calcium content of 24% and 42%, and produced better organoleptic values than the control sample.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oshie Bimantara
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang larangan penguasaan pasar dan persekongkolan berdasarkan Undang-Udang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 dalam kasus importasi bawang putih. Bentuk tindakan yang dapat mengakibatkan praktik monopoli dan persaingan usaha tidak sehat, yaitu penguasaan pasar secara tidak adil dan persekongkolan diduga terjadi pada kasus Importasi Bawang Putih di Indonesia untuk Periode Bulan November 2012 sampai dengan Februari 2013 yang mengakibatkan terjadinya kelangkaan bawang putih dan harga yang sangat melonjak. Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) telah selesai melakukan pemeriksaan Perkara Nomor 05/KPPU-I/2013 tentang Dugaan Pelanggaran Pasal 11, Pasal 19 huruf c, dan Pasal 24 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 dalam Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat terkait Importasi Bawang Putih. Skripsi ini menjelaskan bahwa pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh para pelaku usaha dan keterlibatan pemerintah pada kasus importasi bawang putih terkait Putusan KPPU Nomor 05/KPPU-I/2013 tidak dikecualikan dalam ketentuan Pasal 50 huruf a Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 serta pertimbangan KPPU mengenai adanya pelanggaran Pasal 19 huruf c tentang Penguasaan Pasar dan Pasal 24 tentang Persekongkolan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 sesuai dengan perspektif Hukum Persaingan Usaha tidak bisa menjadikan institusi pemerintah sebagai terlapor. ......This undergraduate thesis explains about the prohibition of market control and conspiracy by Law Number 5 Year 1999 on The Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and Unfair Business Competition in the case of garlic importation (Case Study: KPPU Decision on Case No. 05 / KPPU-I / 2013). This research is conducted by way of normative legal research. This thesis tries to elaborate the kind of action that could lead to monopolistic practices and unfair business competition in form of unfair market control and conspiracy which has occurred in the case of importation of garlic in Indonesia for the period of November 2012 to February 2013 which had resulted in a scarcity and the soaring price of garlic. The analysis explains that the issue of the violations conducted by business actors and government involvement in the case of importation of garlic related to the KPPU Decision No. 05 / KPPU-I / 2013 could not be exempted in Article 50 letter a of Law No. 5 Year 1999. Moreover, regarding KPPU considerations on the violations of Article 19 letter c of Market Control and Article 24 of Conspiracy in Act No. 5 Year 1999 should not draw any Government institution as a Reported subject in accordance with the Competition Law perspective.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukas Tjandra Leksana
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Hiperkolesterolemia adalah salah satu faktor risiko mayor yang dapat memicu berkembangnya penyakit kardiovaskular, khususnya penyakit jantung koroner. Salah satu obat tradisional yang digunakan untuk hiperkolesterolemia adalah kombinasi herba seledri (Apium graveolens) dan bawang putih (Allium sativum). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran efek ekstrak terhadap profil lipid pada subjek hiperkolesterolemia. Subjek terdiri atas pasien klinik pengobatan tradisional di Jakarta. Masing-masing subjek mendapatkan tablet terapi yang berisi ektrak dan tabel placebo sesuai kelompok. Pada subjek diperiksa profil lipid, yaitu kadar kolesterol total darah, HDL, LDL, dan trigliserida. Dilakukan paired t-test dua ekor untuk menguji perbedaan antara profil lipid dari kelompok terapi dan kelompok placebo. Subjek sejumlah 44 orang. Perubahan profil lipid pada antara kelompok terapi dan kelompok placebo untuk kadar kolesterol total, HDL, LDL, dan trigliserida adalah 14,82±6,946, 1,45±2,945, 6,98±8,105, 2,48±6,504 mg/dL. Campuran ektrak berefek menurunkan kolesterol darah dan kadar LDL secara bermakna (P<0,05).
ABSTRACT Hypercholesterolemia is one of the major risk factors that can trigger the development of cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease. One of the traditional drugs used for hypercholesterolemia is a combination of herbs celery (Apium graveolens) and garlic (Allium sativum). This study aims to describe the effects of the extract on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Subjects consisted of patients with traditional medicine clinic in Jakarta. Each subject received treatment tablets containing extract and placebo table corresponding groups. On the subject examined lipid profile, ie blood levels of total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. Do paired two-tailed t-test to test the difference between lipid profile of the therapy group and the placebo group. The subject of a number of 44 people. Changes in the lipid profile between the treatment groups and the placebo group for total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides was 14,82 ± 6,946;1.45 ± 2,945;6,98 ± 8,105;2,48 ± 6,504 mg/dL. A mixture of extracts affect blood cholesterol and LDL levels were significantly (P <0.05).
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lukas Tjandra Leksana
Abstrak :
Hiperkolesterolemia adalah salah satu faktor risiko mayor yang dapat memicu berkembangnya penyakit kardiovaskular, khususnya penyakit jantung koroner. Salah satu obat tradisional yang digunakan untuk hiperkolesterolemia adalah kombinasi herba seledri (Apium graveolens) dan bawang putih (Allium sativum). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran efek ekstrak terhadap profil lipid pada subjek hiperkolesterolemia. Subjek terdiri atas pasien klinik pengobatan tradisional di Jakarta. Masing-masing subjek mendapatkan tablet terapi yang berisi ektrak dan tabel placebo sesuai kelompok. Pada subjek diperiksa profil lipid, yaitu kadar kolesterol total darah, HDL, LDL, dan trigliserida. Dilakukan paired t-test dua ekor untuk menguji perbedaan antara profil lipid dari kelompok terapi dan kelompok placebo. Subjek sejumlah 44 orang. Perubahan profil lipid pada antara kelompok terapi dan kelompok placebo untuk kadar kolesterol total, HDL, LDL, dan trigliserida adalah 14,82±6,946, 1,45±2,945, 6,98±8,105, 2,48±6,504 mg/dL. Campuran ektrak berefek menurunkan kolesterol darah dan kadar LDL secara bermakna (P<0,05). Hypercholesterolemia is one of the major risk factors that can trigger the development of cardiovascular disease, especially coronary heart disease. One of the traditional drugs used for hypercholesterolemia is a combination of herbs celery (Apium graveolens) and garlic (Allium sativum). This study aims to describe the effects of the extract on lipid profile in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Subjects consisted of patients with traditional medicine clinic in Jakarta. Each subject received treatment tablets containing extract and placebo table corresponding groups. On the subject examined lipid profile, ie blood levels of total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides. Do paired two-tailed t-test to test the difference between lipid profile of the therapy group and the placebo group. The subject of a number of 44 people. Changes in the lipid profile between the treatment groups and the placebo group for total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglycerides was 14,82 ± 6,946;1.45 ± 2,945;6,98 ± 8,105;2,48 ± 6,504 mg/dL. A mixture of extracts affect blood cholesterol and LDL levels were significantly (P <0.05).
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kuni Purwani
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Aged garlic exlraci adalah bawang putih yang telah direndam didalam ethanol 15-20% selama 20 bulan pada suhu kamar sehingga zat aktif didalam bawang putih mentah berubah menjadi komponen sulfiu' yang mudah larut dalam air, yaitu S-allylcysteine (SAC), dan S-allylmercaptocysteine Aged garlic extract dapat meningkatkan produksi nitric oxide, karena S-ajlilcysteine dapat memicu masuknya kalsium kedalam sel endotel, selanjutnya merangsang endoiheliol nitric oxide .synihase memproduksi nitric oxide. Nitric oxide yang telah dibcntuk akan segera berdiiiisi kedalam sel otot polos yang berdekatan serta mengalctifkan beberapa mekanisme yang akan menyebabkan otot polos relaksasi dan tonus pembuluh darah menurun. Cold Pressor Test adalah suatu standar tes untuk memprediksi orang yang normotensi kelak akan mengidap hipenensi jika hasil tesnya masuk kedalam kategori hiper-reaktor, karena orang hiper-reaktor teljadi hipersesitivitas pada sistem saraf simpatisnya dan gangguan pada pembentukan nitirc oxide sebagai vasodilator di pembuluh darah. Bila aged garlic extract dapat meningkatkan kadar nitric oxide maka tonus pcmbuluh darah pada orang hiper-realctor dapat dijaga agar tidak meningkat ketika teriadi vasokonstfiksi. Tujuan: Mengetahui efek aged garlic extract pada proses peningkatan kadar nitric oxide dalam darah subyek laki-laki hiper realctor usia 20-30 tahun Metode: Mendapatkan sampcl hiper-realctor dengan melakukan uji cold pressor tes! pada subyek laki-laki yang bemmur 20 - 30 tahun. 10 Subyek dibcri aged garlic exiraci 1200 mg per oral, 10 subyek diberi plasebo, kemudian dilakukan pcrncriksaan kadar niiric oxide sebelum perlakuan, sesudah 60` perlakuan dan 90` perlalcuan menggunakan Mtratedilitrite Colorimezric Assay yang dikeluarkan Oleh Cayman Chemical Company. Hasil: Kadar nitric oxide sesudah pemberian aged garlic exrraci terlihat lebih tinggi daripada sebelumnyzg namun sccara statistik tidak bcrbcda bcrmakna (p > 0,05). Demikian juga nilai nitric oxide sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan pada masing-masing kelompok antara dua kclompok, tidak bcrbeda bcrmakna untuk A 60` (p > 0,05) dan A 90` (p > 0,05). Selanjutnya dilakukan uji untuk melihat apakah nilai nitric oxide dad waktu ke waktu tersebut berbeda antara kelompok perlakuan dengan kelompok plasebo, didapatkan hasil (p> 0.0S), dan nilai niiric oxide dari waictu ke waktu tersebut tidak ada kaitannya dengan beda perlakuan (p >o,o5). Kesimpulan: Sediaan aged garlic extract sebanyak 1200 mg yang diberikan per oral kepada manusia cenderung meningkatkan kadar nitric oxide, namun secara sratistik tidak berbeda bermakna. ......Introduction: Aged gmlic extract derives from garlic that has been remained in 15-20% ethanol for 20 months at room temperature so that the active substance in garlic changes into sulfur component that is water-soluble, S-allylcysteine (SAC), and S-allylmercaptocysteine_ Aged garlic extract increase the production of Nitric Oxide (NO), this is happen because SAC stimulate the entry of calcium into endothelial cell, furthermore stimulate endothelial nitric oxide synthase to produce NO. Nitric Oxide that has been formed diftitses immediately into neighboring smooth muscle and activates several mechanisms that cause smooth muscle relaxation and decrease vascular tone. Cold Pressure Test is a standard test to predict whether a person with normotension is at risk to become hypertension if the test results fallen into hyper-reactor category. Hyper-reactor people have sympathetic nerves hypersensitivity and alteration in the production of NO as vasodilator. IfAged garlic extract is able to increase NO level, then vascular tone in a hyper-reactor person can be maintained not to increase when vasoconstriction occur. Objective: Knowing the effects of aged garlic extract to the increase level of Nitric Oxide within blood of hyper-reactor men aged between 20 -30 years. Method: Acquiring the sample by performing cold pressure test to men subject aged between 20-30 years old. Ten subjects were given 1200 mg of aged garlic extract per oral and ten other subjects were given the placebo. Then, an examination been done to check the value ofN0 level before treatment, 60’ atier treatment, and 90’ after treatment using Nitrate/Nitrile Colorimetric Assay produced by Cayman Chemical Compatnt. Result: The value of nitric oxide (NO) level aiter aged garlic extract were given is higher than before, hut statistically does not shown significant difference (p > 0.05). Both does the value of NO level before and atter treatment in each group, between two groups shows no significant difference at A60` (p > 0.05) and A90` (p > 0.05). Furthermore, a test been done to observe whether the value of NO level from time to time were different between the treatment and the placebo group, the result is p > 0.05. In addition, the value of N0 level fiom time to time had nothing to do with the different treatment (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The preparation of 1200 mg aged garlic extract that was given orally to human tends to increase the level of NO, although statistically the increase is not significantly different.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Dandy Ksatria Tanato
Abstrak :
Pada pertengahan tahun 2013 ditemukan adanya dugaan praktik anti persaingan dalam kasus importasi bawang putih setelah terjadi lonjakan harga bawang putih di pasaran. Setelah melakukan investigasi, tim investigator KPPU menilai 19 pelaku usaha melakukan pelanggaran UU Antimonopoli pasal 11 tentang kartel, pasal 19 tentang diskriminasi dan pasal 24 tentang persekongkolan menghambat perdagangan dengan bersekongkol dengan 3 pejabat pemerintahan. Selama persidangan tidak ditemukan bukti langsung yang mengarah pada kesepakatan, baik antar pelaku usaha maupun antara pelaku usaha dengan pejabat pemerintah, untuk melakukan kegiatan kartel, diskriminasi dan persekongkolan. Majelis komisi pada putusannya menetapkan 19 pelaku usaha bersalah melanggar pasal 11, pasal 19 dan pasal 24 UU Antimonopoli dan 2 pejabat pemerintah bersalah melanggar pasal 24. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai ketepatan penerapan pasal 11, pasal 19 dan pasal 24 UU Antimonopoli dalam kasus ini.
In mid-2013, an allegation of anti competition practices in garlic importation case was discovered after a surge in the market price of garlic. After conducting an investigation, KPPU investigator team assessed 19 enterprises conducted violation against Antimonopoly Law article 11 regarding cartel, article 19 regarding discrimination and article 24 regarding trade-detaining conspiracy by conspiring with 3 government officials. During the trial, there was found no direct evidence which leads to agreement, both among enterprises or between enterprises and government officials, to form a cartel, to conduct discrimination and to conduct conspiracy. The commisioner judges in its decision established 19 enterprises guilty of violation against article 11, article 19 and article 24 Antimonopoly Law and 2 government officials were established guilty of violation against article 24. This thesis discusses about the accuracy of application of article 11, article 19 and article 24 Antimonopoly Law in this case.
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lingga Abdurrachman
Abstrak :
[Senyawa bahan alam yang mengandung banyak senyawa pereduksi dan gugus-gugus organik kurang termanfaatkan dengan baik untuk sintesis nanopartikel. Ekstrak bawang putih (EBP) (allium sativum L) dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai reaktan dalam pembuatan nanopartikel Au (AuNP). EBP dapat mereduksi dan menstabilkan AuNP. AuNP di karakterisasi menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dan TEM sedangkan EBP dikarakterisasi menggunakan FTIR, dan LCMS. AuNP optimum yang di karakterisasi menggunakan TEM memiliki ukuran 15 nm dan memiliki kestabilan hingga 33 hari. Berdasarkan hasil FTIR dan LCMS, senyawa aktif yang diduga berperan sebagai agen pereduksi adalah asam askorbat (vitamin C), gula bebas seperti, surosa, glukosa, dan fruktosa, allin, alicin, dan s-alilsitein dan senyawa aktif yang diduga berperan sebagai agen penstabil adalah -glutamilsistein, -glutamil-s-alilsistein, -glutamil phenil alanin, s-alil mercaptosistein, metil alil tiosulfonat, dan prophenil alil tiosulfonat. AuNP yang terbentuk dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pendeteksi terhadap formalin dan melamin pada kondisi pH 3,6.
Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.;Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.;Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.;Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.;Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6., Compounds of natural product that many contain reducing compounds and organic groups are less well utilized for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Garlic exstract (EBP) (allium sativum L) can be used as a reactant in the manufacture of nanoparticles Au (AuNP). EBP can reduce dan stabilize AuNP. AuNP characterized using spectrophotometer UV-Vis and TEM while EBP characterized using FTIR and LCMS. AuNP optimum that characterized by TEM has size 15 nm and has stability up to 33 days. Based on the results of FTIR and LCMS, the active compounds are expected have role as reducing agent is ascorbic acid (vitamin C), free sugar such as, sukrose, glucose, and fructose, allin, Alicin, and s-alilsitein and the active compounds are thought to act as a stabilizing agent is γ-glutamilsistein, γ-glutamyl-s-alilsistein, γ-glutamyl phenil alanine, s-allyl mercaptosistein, allyl methyl tiosulfonat, and allyl prophenil tiosulfonat. Aunp formed can be used as a detector of the formaldehyde and melamine at pH 3.6.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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