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Yeni Rustina
"Lulusan merupakan hasil dari proses pendidikan. Utilisasi, distribusi lulusan dan reievansi antara pekerjaan yang ditekuni dengan pengetahuan yang didapat selama pendidikan dapat memberi masukan terhadap sistem pendidikan secara keseluruhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk rnengidentifikasi distribusi, utilisasi lulusan dan relevansi pekerjaan vang ditekuni dengan pendidikan yang didapat. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah berupa survey dengan menyebarkan angket kepada seluruh lulusan Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia melalui pos. Pengolahan data dilakukan secara elektrik dengan menggunakan program SPSS. Analisa data dibantu dengan uji statistik univariat. Dari 461 angket yang disebarkan, terkumpul kembali 200 angket (43%). Hasil yang diperoleh memperlihatkan bahwa lulusan Fakultas llmu Keperawatan Universiias Indonesia tersebar di 18 propinsi di Indonesia dengan tugas utama bidang pendidikan (70%) dan mayoritas bekerja sebagai dosen {52%). Waktu tunggu untuk mendapalkan pekerjaan pertama lulusan yang berasal dari Program A mayoritas (61%) kurang dari 1 bulan. Dan penelitian ini Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan mendapatkan beberapa masukan yaitu metoda pembelajaran yang dirasakan paling menunjang keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar adalah praktek klinik (23,5%); dan diskusi kelompok (19,2%) dan perlu lebih memngkatkan mata ajar Pendidikan dalam Keperawatan, Manajemen Keperawatan, dan Riset Keperawatan.
Graduate is an output of an education process Graduates utilization, distribution and its relevance between their current position and the gained knowledge during education am provide inputs to the whole education systems. This study was aimed at identifying graduates distributor, utilization and its relevance between the alumni current position a gained knowledge The methodology in this study was a survey. Data were collected by sending mailed questioner to all graduates of the Faculty of Nursing University of Indonesia throughout the country. The data was analyzed by SPSS program. Univariate statistical tests were employed to analyze the data, four hundred sixty one mailed questionnaires were sent to alumni of Program A & B, and 200 questionnaires were returned (43%). The findings indict graduates of the Faculty of Nursing University of Indonesia who spread out in IK provinces in Indonesia have I working in the field of education (70%) and the majority position as faculty members (52%). The waiting period first job for those who were graduated from Program A (f>]%) was less than f month. Through this study, the Faculty obtained several inputs related to teaching learning processes implemented at the Faculty of Nursing UI. The inputs identified the methods of learning process which were assumed at very encouraging ways for successful teacher processes There were clinical practice (23,5%) and group discussion (19,2%), mean while the courses which were significantly needed to he improved were Leadership & Management in Nursing and Nursing Research."
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library