ABSTRAKAnalisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Akibat Pembuangan Limbah Cair
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) Ulumbu ke Sungai (Pada Lapangan
Panas Bumi Ulumbu, Kabupaten Manggarai, Nusa Tenggara Timur)
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi (PLTP) merupakan salah satu sumber
energi yang ramah lingkungan karena menghasilkan volume limbah yang rendah,
salah satunya adalah limbah cair. Limbah cair panas bumi mengandung unsur
kimia, salah satunya adalah Arsen. Limbah cair PLTP akan menimbulkan dampak
apabila dibuang secara langsung ke sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengidentifikasi besarnya konsentrasi Arsen pada limbah PLTP dan air sungai di
lokasi penelitian dan dampaknya terhadap konsentrasi Arsen di sungai serta dampak
terhadap kesehatan lingkungan. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil konsentrasi
Arsen pada limbah PLTP sebesar 0,0365 mg/l. Kandungan Arsen dalam limbah
yang dibuang masih berada di bawah baku mutu, yaitu sebesar 0,5 mg/l.
Pembuangan limbah cair PLTP ini juga tidak meningkatkan konsentrasi Arsen di
sungai. Konsentrasi Arsen pada air yang dikonsumsi masyarakat adalah 0,008 mg/l.
Perhitungan risiko kesehatan masyarakat yang mengkonsumsi air sungai
menunjukkan tidak menimbulkan risiko kesehatan RQ < 1 (RQ = 0,6522).
ABSTRACTGeothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).;Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522)., Geothermal power plant is one of the green energy which produces low waste
volume, including wastewater. Geothermal wastewater contains Arsenic, a
dangerous chemical. It can generate impact when it is discharged to the river
nearby. The purpose of this research is to identify Arsenic concentration in the
geothermal wastewater and in the river on the research location. The result of this
research shows that geothermal wastewater Arsenic concentration is still below the
regulation, that is 0,0365 mg/l. Its content in the discarded waterwaste is still below
the quality standar, which is 0,5 mg/l. Geothermal wastewater discharge has no
effect to the Arsenic concentration in the river. Arsenic concentration in the river
that people consume is 0,008 mg/l. Based on this concentration, health risk
assessment ot the comunity who consume the water from the river shows no
harmful potential to cause health problem as the RQ less than 1 (RQ = 0,6522).]"