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Ditemukan 17 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wiku Bakti Bawono Adisasmito
Jakarta: Rajawali, 2012
362.1 WIK s (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tujuan pengcmbangan Sistem Informasi Program Kesehatan lbu dan Anak di Kabupaten Sanggau adalah dikembangkannya Sistem Informasi Program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak yang adekuat untuk menghasilkan informasi yang berkualitas dalarn mendukung pelaksanaan progmm Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Kabupaten Sanggau. Pengembangan Sistem lnformasi Program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Kabupaten Sanggau ini mengacu pada sistem yang sudah ada yaitu Sistem Pelaporan Program Kcschatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA) dan Sistem Pencatatan dan Pelaporan Terpadu Puskesmas (SPZTP). Namun pelaksanaan sistem ini masih terdapat masalah diantaranya pemanfaatan komputer behun optimal, ketepatan waktu pengiriman laporan rendah dan kelengkapan laporan rendah. Pemmasalahan ini menyebabkan sistem infom1asi beium adekuat dalam menyediakan data yang berkualitas dalam penguatan manajemen program Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Kabupaten Sanggau. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan siklus hidup pengembangan sistem yang terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, analisis, perancangan dan pelaksanaan. Untuk tahap pelalcsanaan hanya sampai pada kegiatan dokumentasi sistem. Pengujian sistem hanya dilakukan di laboratorium menggunakan data tahun 2005 dan tahun 2006. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, telaah dokumen dan observasi di lapangan. Unit kerja yang menjadi obyek penelitian adalah Kantor Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Sanggau dan dua Puskesmas di wilayah kerjanya. Dalam penelitian ini telah dihasilkan prototipe Sistem Informasi Program Keschatan lbu dan Anak di Kabupaten. Pelaksanaan sistem informasi ini agar berjalan dengan baik dan berkelanjutan membutuhkan komitmen dan kebijakan yang kuat dari pcnentu kebUakan, aturan yang jelas tentang organisasi pelaksana, motivasi yang kuat dari pelaksana dan dukungan dana yang berkwinambungan. Diharapkan dapat membantu dalam menyediakan data dan infonnasi Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak berkualitas yang dapat digunakan untuk penguatan manajemen progam Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak di Kabupaten Sanggau. ...... The purpose of Maternal and Child Health infomation system development is to develop an application of Matemal and Child Health Program information System is adequately that provided good quality of infomation to support Matemal and Child health programs in Sanggau District. The development for Matemal and Child Health infomation system in Sanggau District had been conducted according to Matemal and Child Health was reporting system and Health Center Integrated Recording and Reporting System was called SPZTP. There are many problems in the implementation of this system such as too using computer on data management was not optimal, lack of timely reporting, and incompleteness of reporting. These problems make the data quality is low and not adequately support the management of Matemal and Child Health program in Sanggau District. The method for this research was using system development life cycle approach that consist of planning, analysis, design and implementation stages. Implementation stage limited to documentation process. System testing have been conducted at laboratory and using data at 2005 and 2006 year. Data needed were collecting by indepth interview, and document observation. The object of research was the Health Office of Sanggau District and two selected public health centers. This research had been created a prototype of Maternal and Child Health Program Management Infomation System is Good and continuity of system implementation need the policy and commitment of decision maker, clear regulation of system organization, good motivation of the system operator and continuity of tinancial support. Hoping to help on providing good quality of Matemal and Child Health data and information which support matemal and Child health program management in Sanggau District.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan data SUSENAS 2004 diperoleh data bahwa pemanfaatan fasilitas kesehaman dalam rangka Upaya Kesehatan Perorangan (UKP) yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak di luar pcmerintah (rumah sakit swasta, praktik dokter, poliklinik, prakzik pemugas kesehatan) sangat tinggi yaitu mencapai 5l,08%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa besamya peranan sarana pelayanan kesehatan yang diselanggarakan oleh swasta. Keadaan tersebut tidak _iauh berbeda dengan keadaan di Kabupatcn Bekasi, hal ini dikarenakan sarana pelayanan kesehatan swasta yang sangat lmnyak di Kabupaten Bekasi dimana wilayahnya yang berbatasan langsung dengan ibukota DKI Jakarta dan laju pertmnbuhan yang cukup tinggi yang disebabkan urbanisasi. Hal tersebut memicu pesatnya perkembangan sarana pelayanan kesehatan swasta yang melakukan perizinan, narnun belum semua sarana pelayanan kesehatan swasta melakukan dan mengetahui tentang perizinan di Kabupaten Bekasi. Oleh karena itu periu adanya sistem informasi pcrizinan penyclenggaraan sarana pelayanan kesehatan swasta yang berbasis web, sehingga pihak terkait dengan perizinan dapat mengakses informasi dan melakukan perizinan dengan lebih cepat. Pengembangan sistem yang dilakukan berdasarkan metode System Development LM; Cycle, yaitu planning ana&sis system, design, implementation, maintencmce dan evaluation system dengan memadukan konsep Data Base Management System dan data website sehingga menjadi kekuatan dalam Sistcm Informasi Perizinan Penyelenggaraan Sarana Pelayanan Kesehatan Swasta (SIP-PSPKS). SIP-PSPKS di desain untuk kemudahan input data dan otomasi proses pengolaharmya menjadi informasi. Output yang dihasilkan bempa laporan data sarana pelayanan kesehatan swasta berizin, tabulasi indikator perizinan, dan informasi perizinan herbasis web yang dapat digunakan untuk pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan kebijakan dalam meningkatkan persentase sarana pelayanan kcsehatan swasta berizin dan dapat melihat penyebaran Iokasi sarana pelayanan kesehatan swasta. Prototype aplikasi SIP-PSPKS dan Website informasi perizinan telah terbangun dan dapat diterapkan di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupatcn Bekasi karcna menggunakan teknologi yang sederha.na dengan spcsiiikasi sistem yang rendah dan ditunjang dcngan akan adanya jaringan LAN.
Pursuant to SUSENAS 2004 obtained by data that health facility exploiting in order to Individual Health Effort (UKP) which is carried out of outside government (private sector hospital, practical doctor, polyclinic, practical health officer) very high that is reaching 5l,08%, this matter indicate that the level of health service facility which carried out by private sector. The situation do not far differ from situation in Bekasi District, it because so many private health service facilities in Bekasi District where its region which abut on direct capital of DKI Jakarta and high enough growth rate caused by urbanization. The mentioned trigger its fast is growth of private health service facilities conducting permit, but not yet all private health service facilities conduct and know about permit in Bekasi District. Therefore need thc existence of permit infomation system of private health service facilities based on web, so that related parties with permit can access information and conduct permit faster. System development conducted by pursuant to System Development Life Cycle method, that is planning analysis system, design, implementation, maintenance and evaluation system with combine concept of Data Base of Management System and website data so that become strength in permit infomation system of private health service facilities ( SIP-PSPKS). SIP-PSPKS designed for amenity of data input and automation process its processing become information. Output yielded by in the form of data report of private health service facilities have pennitted, tabulation of permit indicator, and information of pemiit base on web able to be used for decision making in determining policy in improving percentage of private health service facilities have pcmiit and can see spreading of location of private health service facilities, The prototype of SIP-PSPKS application and Website of permit information have been developed and applicable in Bckasi District Health Service because using modestly technology by the low system specification and it has supported by developed of Local Area Network (LAN).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Sistem kesehatan pada pandemi Covid-19 ini didorong untuk mampu beradaptasi untuk melakukan pemenuhan kebutuhan dalam penanganan penyakit tersebut. Sistem kesehatan dapat bertahan dengan dukungan sumber daya yang cukup di fasilitas kesehatan terutama adanya SDMK yang memadai, terlatih dan kompeten. RSCM merupakan fasilitas kesehatan rujukan nasional dan pendidikan. Dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, RSCM telah terakreditasi nasional dan internasional. Standar akreditasi mengutamakan keselamatan pasien sebagai prioritas utama dalam pelayanan yang diberikan. Salah satu penerapan keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit adalah dengan memastikan SDMK yang ada telah terkualifikasi, terlatih dan kompeten. SDMK yang terkualifikasi, terlatih dan kompeten dapat dilakukan pemberian penugasan klinis melalui proses kredensial yang merupakan syarat dalam akreditasi rumah sakit. Penugasan klinis yang diberikan merupakan rekomendasi penilaian kompetensi dari mitra bestari dalam memastikan SDMK yang terkualifikasi, terlatih dan kompeten berdasarkan portofolionya. Pemberian penugasan klinis diajukan melalui proses kredensial. Dan kredensial ini telah dilakukan pada kelompok medik dan perawat namun belum ada kebijakan penyelenggaraan kredensial SDMK kelompok lainnnya. Radiografer adalah salah satu SDMK yang melakukan pelayanan kesehatan pada pasien sehingga rumah sakit harus memastikan keselamatan pasien dengan penapisan SDMK yang ada di unit layanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penerapan penugasan klinis dalam proses kredensial, penetapan kompetensi, pengaruh penugasan klinis dalam penempatan, pengaruh penugasan klinis dalam jenjang karir dan pengaruh penugasan klinis dalam pengembangan kompetensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Avedis Donabedian dengan variabel penugasan klinis yang mempengaruhi variabel penempatan, jenjang karir dan pengembangan kompetensi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa penugasan klinis Radiografer diberikan melalui proses kredensial, penetapan penugasan klinis menggunakan assessment kompetensi Radiografer, penempatan Radiografer yang diterapkan masih terdapat ketidaksesuaian dengan penugasan klinis yang diberikan, penugasan klinis Radiografer berdasarkan kompetensi dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan insentif, dan pengembangan kompetensi tidak sepenuhnya dari penugasan klinis Radiografer yang diberikan. Kesimpulan didapatkan bahwa penerapan pemberian penugasan klinis Radiografer berdasarkan kompetensi dapat dilakukan kepada semua kelompok SDMK dengan menggunakan assessment kompetensi yang dapat diimplementasikan dalam penempatan, jenjang karir dan pengembangan kompetensi. Rekomendasi penelitian ini yaitu penyelenggaraan kredensial SDMK selain dokter dan perawat dalam pemberian penugasan klinis SDMK dapat dilakukan sehingga perlu adanya kebijakan yang mengatur dan memperkuat penyelenggaraan di fasilitas kesehatan. ......The health system in the Covid-19 pandemic is encouraged to be able to adapt to meet the needs in the treatment of the disease. The health system can survive with the support of sufficient resources in health facilities, especially the availability of adequate, trained and competent human resources. RSCM is a national reference health and education facility. In improving the quality of health services, RSCM has been accredited nationally and internationally. Accreditation standards prioritize patient safety as a top priority in the services provided. One of the implementation of patient safety in the hospital is to ensure that the existing human resources are qualified, trained and competent. Qualified, trained and competent human resources can be given clinical assignments through a credential process which is a requirement in hospital accreditation. The clinical assignment provided is a competency assessment recommendation from a smart partner in ensuring that HR is qualified, trained and competent based on its portfolio. The award of clinical assignments is submitted through a credentialing process. And this credential has been done on the medical and nurse groups but there is no policy to implement the credentials of other groups' SDMK. Radiographer is one of the human resources who perform health services to patients so that the hospital must ensure the safety of patients by filtering the human resources in the service unit. This study aims to determine the application of clinical assignment in the credential process, competency determination, the influence of clinical assignment in placement, the influence of clinical assignment in career level and the influence of clinical assignment in competency development. This study uses Avedic Donabedian theory with clinical assignment variables that affect the variables of placement, career level and competency development. The results showed that the clinical assignment of radiographers is given through a credential process, the determination of clinical assignment using Radiographer competency assessment, the placement of Radiographers applied is still inconsistent with the clinical assignment given, clinical assignment based on competence can increase competence and remuneration, and competency development Radiographer clinical assignment given. The conclusion is that the application of Radiographer clinical assignment based on competence can be done to all groups of human resources by using competency assessment that can be implemented in placement, career level and competency development. The recommendation of this research is that the implementation of SDMK credentials other than doctors and nurses in the provision of clinical assignments of SDMK can be done so that there is a need for policies that regulate and strengthen the implementation in health facilities.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
U ko ko
New Delhi: SEARO, 1991
613 UKO a II
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book provides an overview of modern sensing technologies and reflects the remarkable advances that have been made in the field of intelligent and smart sensors, environmental monitoring, health monitoring, and many other sensing and monitoring contexts in today’s world. It addresses a broad range of aspects, from human health monitoring to the monitoring of environmental conditions, from wireless sensor networks and the Internet of Things to structural health monitoring. Given its breadth of scope, the book will benefit researchers, practitioners, technologists and graduate students involved in the monitoring of systems within the human body, functions and activities, healthcare technologies and services, the environment, etc.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ho, Yvonne
Abstrak :
The thesis focuses on the control of blood glucose devices and design of implantable devices, and offers valuable insights on diabetes mellitus and related physiology and treatments. Diabetes mellitus is a widespread chronic disease in the modern world that affects millions of people around the globe. In Singapore, one in ten of the population has diabetes, and the severity of the problem has prompted the country’s prime minister to talk about the disease at the National Day Rally in 2017. Designing an artificial pancreas that can provide effective blood glucose control for individuals with diabetes is one of the most challenging engineering problems. The author reports on research into the development of an implantable artificial pancreas that can regulate blood glucose levels by delivering appropriate dosages of insulin when necessary. By sensing blood glucose and injecting insulin directly into the vein, the implantable device aims to remove delays that occur with subcutaneous blood glucose sensing and insulin delivery. Preliminary in-vitro and in-vivo experimental results suggest that the implantable device for blood glucose control could be a clinically viable alternative to pancreas transplant.
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hally, M. Bernard Dette
Australia: Elsevier, 2009
610.730 69 HAL g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, 1991
613.003 DES
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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