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C. Rinaldi A. Lesmana
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang Perlemakan hepatitis non-alkoholik (NASH) merupakan bagian dari spektrum penyakit perlemakan hati non-alkoholik (NAFLD) yang dimulai dari perlemakan hati murni dan bisa berlanjut menjadi sirosis hati. Hipotesis terjadinya NASH hingga saat ini adalah teori Two Hit. Dikatakan bahwa sindrom resistensi insulin (obesitas, DM tipe II, dan dislipidemi) memegang peranan penting dalam terjadinya NASH. Sampai saat ini studi tentang resistensi insulin pada NASH belum pernali dilaporkan di Indonesia. Tujuan Penelitian Mendapatkan gambaran klinik dan besar kejadian resistensi insulin pada penderita NASH. Desain Penelitian Studi ini merupakan studi abscrvasional yang bersifat deskriptif-analitik dengan desain potong lintang perbandingan. Pasien dan Metode Didapatkan 30 pasien yang berobat ke poliklinik hepatologi di beberapa Rumah Sakit di Jakarta dengan perlemakan hati (dari hasil USG) yang bersedia menjalani pemeriksaan antropometrik, dan pemeriksaan darah perifer untuk kadar gula puasa, preftl lipid, fungsi hati dan insulin puasa. Penderita dengan riwayat minuet alkohol, narkoba, serologi virus hepatitis positif, dan ANA posilifdieksklusi. Gambaran NASH diperiksa oleh tiga ahli patologi anatomi (menurut criteria Brunt). Untuk analisa resistensi insulin (dengan reagen insulin ultrasensitif) diperiksa pada 30 penderita NASH yang dibandingkan dengan 30 kontrol normal dengan metode ELISA. Untuk analisa statistik digunakan program SPSS untuk Window versi 12 dengan uji statistik nonparametrik (Mann-Whitney). Hasil Dari 30 penderita NASH, hipertensi ditemukan pada 8 (26,7%) subyek, dispepsia pada 14 (46,7%) subyek, berat badan berlebih pada 6 (20%) subyek, obesitas pada 19 (63,3%) subyek, gangguan fungsi hati pada 20 (67%) subyek, hipertrigliseridemi pada 19 (63,3%) subyek, DM tipe II pada 5 (16,7%) subyek, dan sindroma metabolik pada 9 (30%) subyek. HOMA-IR didapatkan lebih tinggi pada kelompok subyek dengan NASH bila dibandingkan kontrol normal (p = 0,001). Resistensi insulin ditemukan pada 16 (53,3%) dari 30 penderita NASH (dengan batas HOMA-IR < 3,02). Simpulan Kebanyakan penderita NASH memiliki minimal satu dari komponen metabolik. Resistensi insulin mungkin mempunyai peran pada penderita NASH. Dibutuhkan sampel lebih banyak dan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai resistensi insulin di hati.
Backgrounds Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) is a spectrum of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) which is starting from pure fatty liver (steatosis) to hepatic cirrhosis. Most of studies about prevalence of NASH come from Western countries. The recent hypothesis of NASD which is accepted until now is the Two Hit Theory. It was noted that insulin resistance syndrome (obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia) has an important sole in NAFLD especially in progression to become NASH. In Indonesia, study about insulin resistance in NASH has not been reported. Aims of the study To know the clinical pictures and the prevalence of insulin resistance in subjects with NASH. Study Design This study was a descriptive-analytic with a comparative cross-sectional design. Patients and Methods There were 30 outpatients who come to liver clinic in several hospitals in Jakarta, with a diagnosis of fatty liver (ultrasound examination) underwent examination of anthropometric measurement, and blood tests for fasting glucose, lipid profile, liver function and fasting insulin level. Subjects with a history of alcohol intake, drug abuser, HBsAg positive, anti I-ICV positive and ANA positive were excluded. A liver biopsy proven NASH was confirmed from every subject (according to Brunt criteria), which has been examined by three experienced pathologists. The insulin resistance measured (with ELISA method) in 30 subjects with NASH by 1-IOMA-IR was compared with 30 normal controls. All analyses were performed with SPSS for Windows version 12 A significance level of 5% was used with non-parametric test (Mann-Whitney). Results From 30 subjects with NASH, hypertension was found in 8 (26.7%) subjects, dyspepsia was found in 14 (46.7%) subjects, overweight was found in 6 (20%) subjects, obesity was found in 19 (63.3%) subjects, abnormal liver function tests was found in 20 (67%) subjects, hypertrigliseridemia was found in 19 (63.3%) subjects, DM type II was found in 6 (16.7%) subjects, and metabolic syndrome was found in 9(30%) subjects. HOMA-IR was found higher in 30 subjects with NASH compared to 30 normal controls (p= 0.001). Insulin resistance was defined when HOMA-IR was more than 3.02. Insulin resistance was found in 16 (53.3%) from 30 subjects with NASH. Conclusions Most subjects with NASH have at least one component of the metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance might have a role in subjects with NASH. A larger sample was needed to support this study. Further study about hepatic insulin resistance is needed.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fikri Ichsan Wiguna
Abstrak :
Transfusi darah berulang pada subjek thalassemia mayor berpotensi menyebabkan transmisi virus hepatitis B dan / atau C. Infeksi dapat menyebabkan perubahan kadar feritin serum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi infeksi varian virus hepatitis dan hubungannya dengan kadar feritin serum. Penelitian potong-lintang dilakukan dengan membandingkan kadar feritin serum antar kelompok subjek terinfeksi varian virus hepatitis pada subjek thalassemia mayor di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Kiara Jakarta antara tahun 2006-2015. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa prevalensi infeksi hepatitis keseluruhan sebesar 10,06 subjek dan didapatkan nilai p < 0,050 dari uji komparasi antara kadar feritin serum pada kelompok subjek hepatitis B dengan hepatitis C, hepatitis B dengan hepatitis B dan C, hepatitis C dengan non-hepatitis serta hepatitis B dan C dengan non-hepatitis. Pevalensi infeksi hepatitis keseluruhan pada penelitian ini lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan penelitian lain dan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar feritin serum pada kelompok subjek hepatitis B dengan hepatitis C, hepatitis B dengan hepatitis B dan C, hepatitis C dengan non-hepatitis serta hepatitis B dan C dengan non-hepatitis. ...... Regular blood transfusion in major thalassemia subjects potentially mediates infection of hepatitis B and or C virus. Infection can change serum ferritin level. This research intends to know the prevalence of hepatitis virus variant infection and its association with serum ferritin level. This research used cross sectional method to compare serum ferritin level within each hepatitis virus variant infection subject's groups on major thalassemia subjects in RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Kiara Jakarta within 2006 2015. Results showed that prevalence of hepatitis in total was 10.06 subjects and p value from comparison test of serum ferritin level in subject's group of hepatitis B with hepatitis C, hepatitis B with hepatitis B and C, hepatitis C with non hepatitis, and hepatitis B and C with non hepatitis is p 0,050. Prevalence of hepatitis in total was lower than prevalence value in the other studies and there were significant association of serum ferritin level in subject's group of hepatitis B with hepatitis C, hepatitis B with hepatitis B and C, hepatitis C with non hepatitis, and hepatitis B and C with non hepatitis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library