"Di akhir masa remaja, individu sering mengalami krisis identitas. Peran keluarga sangat penting dalam menjaga kestabilan pembentukan identitas remaja tersebut. Peneliti dalam penelitian korelasional ini ingin melihat keberfungsian keluarga sebagai prediktor identitas remaja akhir. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah McMaster Model of Family Functioning MMFF dan identitas Erikson. MMFF memiliki 6 dimensi di bawahnya yaitu dimensi penyelesaian masalah, komunikasi, peran dalam keluarga, respon afektif, keterlibatan afektif, dan kontrol perilaku.
Peneliti juga ingin melihat dimensi-dimensi MMFF yang memberikan kontribusi dalam memprediksi identitas remaja akhir. Pengukuran variabel MMFF menggunakan alat ukur Family Assesment Device FAD skala general functioning. Pengukuran variabel identitas remaja akhir menggunakan Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory EPSI skala identity. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 496 remaja akhir dengan rentang usia 18 hingga 22 tahun. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan simple dan multiple regression. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 18.3 identitas remaja akhir dapat diprediksi oleh keberfungsian keluargnya R=.429.
......At the end of adolescents 39 period, a person eventually experiencing an identity crisis. Family 39 s role is very important to keep the stability of adolescents 39 identity formation. Researchers as in this correlation study want to see family functioning as a predictor of late adolescents 39 identity. Theories used in this research are McMaster Model of Family Functioning MMFF theory and Erikson 39 s identity theory. Six dimensions under MMFF are problem solving, communication, family role, effective response, affective involvement, and behavior control.
The researcher also wants to see the MMFF 39 s dimensions that contribute to predicting late adolescents 39 identity. Measurement of MMFF was using a general functioning scale of Family Assessment Device FAD . Measurement of late adolescents 39 identity was using identity scale of Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory EPSI. The participants in this study were 496 late adolescents with the range of the age between 18 and 22 years. The hypothesis testing used simple and multiple regression. The results showed that the family functioning can predict 18.3 late adolescents 39 identity R .429."