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Hieronymus Djuha
"Menjelang AFTA tahun 2003 dan globalisasi 2020 dengan masuknya tenaga asing , mempengaruhi bisnis perumahsakitan, sehingga diperlukan manajemen sumber daya manusia profesional termasuk tenaga perawat profesional dalam memberikan pelayanan asuhan keperawatan yang profesional.
Pemenuhan kebutuhan kuantitas dan kualitas perawat yang ideal untak bagian rawat inap, dapat menggunakan formula jam efektif. Untuk mendukung penggunaan formula tersebut perlu diperhatikan: jumlah pasien yang masuk dan sedang dirawat per hari dengan tingkat ketergantungannya yang dibagi dalam lima kategori yaitu kategori mandiri yang membutuhkan 2 jam, minimal2.5 jam, moderat 3.5 jam, semi total 6 jam dan kategori total 7 jam, juga kebijakan rumah sakit dalam menentukan jumlah jam perawatan efektif per tahun, jumlah hari kerja efektif jumlah hari libur nasional dan cuti tahunan, perbandingan tenaga profesional non profesional, serta sistera penugasan di bagian rawat inap. Perolehan tenaga perawat profesional melalui pendidikan formal akademik.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian terapan yang bertujuan untuk menghitung kebutuhan kuantitas dan kualitas tenaga keperawatan bagian rawat inap melalui pendidikan keperawatan berlanjut strata satu, diploma tiga sampai terpenuhi kebutuhan minimal pada tahun 2004.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu jumlah kebutuhan tenaga keperawatan bagian rawat inap minus ICCU, ICU, PICU, NICU, adalah: 253 orang dengan ratio profesional non profesional 63.64 % (152 orang) : 36.36 % (92 orang), melalui program pendidikan formal rata-rata 14 % / tahun, meliputi 1-2 untuk strata satu, dan 19-20 orang untuk diploma tiga.
Saran penelitian adalah kelanjutan program pendidikan keperawatan berlanjut S1 dan D III sampai terpenuhi kebutuhan, pendidikan S2 manajemen keperawatan, penerapan sistem skoring untuk menseleksi peserta program pendidikan, pengembangan internal yang menyeluruh melalui `DJKLAT' yang dikelola secara profesional oleh tenaga profesional.
Daftar bacaan: 47 (1968 - 1996)

In the era of globalization in line with the agreement of AFTA in the year of 2003 and APEC in the year of 2020, the' foreign labor will influence the health manpower workforce and consequently will have an impact on -the hospital business in Indonesia. Therefore, it is crucial to have a better human resources management with professional competencies in providing a high quality nursing care.
In meeting the needs of nurses in term of the ideal quantity and quality in inpatient units, the formula of effective hours was applied. To support the utilization of that formula one should consider: the number of patient admitted and being taken care per day with the levels of patient dependencies which are classified into five categories as the following: self-care needs 2 hours, minimal care needs 2.5 hours, moderate care needs 3.5 hours, extensive care needs 6 hours, and total care needs 7 hours. The hospital policies in determining the number of effective nursing care hours per annum, number of effective working days, number of national holiday and yearly leave, ratio of professional and non professional manpower, and the assignment system of inpatient unit.
This study was an applied research aiming to come up with the projected quantity and quality of nursing manpowers minimally needed by the selected inpatient units through advanced nursing education at S 1 and D III degree up to the year of 2004.
The conclusion of the study was 253 nursing manpowers were needed by inpatient units excluding ICU, ICCU, PICU, NICU, with a ratio between 63.64 % : 36.36 for the professional and non professional nurses to be developed through formal education program with the average of 14 % per year producing for 1 - 2 nurses with S I and 19 - 20 nurses for D III.
This study suggested that the advanced continuing education program for S 1 and D III, S 2 (post-graduate) program of nursing management, the application of scoring system for the recruitment of the student candidates, the total internal development through the center of manpower education and training managed professionally by professional nurses were absolutely necessary.
Bibliography: 47 (1968 - 1996)
T 2346
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Munthe, Grace Ginting
"Analysis on Recruitment and Selection Process of Nursing Staff at Duren Sawit Hospital JakartaThis study is based on the fact that Duren Sawit Hospital is lacking of nursing staff. Duren Sawit Hospital as Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) DKI Jakarta Health Unit with the facility of 112 beds and BOR of 20 - 70 requires 107 nursing staffs. However, currently only 85 nursing staffs are available which consist of 27 government nursing staffs and 58 non-government nursing staffs. Duren Sawit Hospital is having difficulty to recruit government nursing staff as it is a new hospital. Therefore, in order to meet the need to have an adequate number of nursing staff; Duren Sawit Hospital needs to conduct recruitment and selection for non-government nursing staff. As the role of the nursing staff is very critical to support good service quality, recruitment and selection of non-government nursing staff has to be conducted very carefully and professionally.
The objective of this study is to have a general description on the recruitment and selection process of nursing staff at the Duren Sawit Hospital. It is expected that this could generate useful inputs to the human resource department for the recruitment and selection process of nursing staff in the future. The study is based on the qualitative method with descriptive approach Data collection was through in-depth interview and data research. Variables that are measured are hospital policy, recruitment and selection method that is currently used, responsibility and role of team member as well as recruitment and selection process.
From in-depth interview and data research, it was identified that there was only one written policy from the director, which was the policy to establish a recruitment team to recruit temporary honoree staff in year 2003. The current recruitment and selection process is referring to that policy. There is no document describing the role and responsibility of each member of the staff. Furthermore, there is no document on the policy to plan for the implementation of recruitment and selection as well as the policy on the process itself.
No job has been evaluated for nursing staff front liner as a basis for planning and process of recruitment and selection. Planning is not equipped yet with the right competencies. Recruitment method currently used is waiting for job application entering human resource department. Selection method is via written exam, selection interview, practical exam on nursing, psycho test and medical check-up.
Bibliographical References 22 ( 1996 - 2004 )

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fakta bahwa RS Duren Sawit sangat membutuhkan tenaga keperawatan. RS Duren Sawit sebagai Unit Pelaksana Tennis (UPT) Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta dengan fasilitas 112 Tempat Tidur dan Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) 20-70%, membutuhkan 107 tenaga keperawatan. Padahal hanya tersedia 85 tenaga keperawatan, yang terdiri dari 27 tenaga keperawatan PNS dan sisanya 58 tenaga keperawatan non PNS. RS Duren Sawit sulit memperoleh tenaga keperawatan PNS karena keberadaannya yang masih baru dan statusnya adalah RS Jiwa. Guna mencukupi kebutuhan tenaga keperawatan ini, RS Duren Sawit perlu melakukan rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan non PNS. Mengingat pentingnya peran tenaga keperawatan dalam menunjang mutu pelayanan, maka harus dilakukan rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan non PNS dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang proses rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan di RS Duren Sawit, untuk dapat memberikan umpan balik kepada Seksi SDM dalam melakukan rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan yang akan datang. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Variabel yang diukur adalah kebijakan rumah sakit, metode rekrutmen dan seleksi yang digunakan, tanggung jawab dan tugas anggota tim serta proses rekrutmen dan seleksi.
Dari hasil wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen teridentifikasi hanya ada satu kebijakan tertulis dari Direktur yaitu untuk membentuk Tim Rekrutman Tenaga Honor Tidak Tetap pada tahun 2003, yang mendasari pelaksanaan rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan hingga sekarang. Tidak ada dokumen yang berisi uraian tugas dan tanggung jawab dari anggotaanggota tim dan tidak ada dokumen yang berisi kebijakan perencanaan untuk melaksanakan rekrutmen dan seleksi maupun kebijakan untuk proses itu sendiri. Belum ada analisa jabatan yang dibuat untuk tenaga keperawatan pelaksana yang mendasari perencanaan dan proses rekrutmen dan seleksi. Perencanaan tidak dilengkapi dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan. Metode rekrutmen yang dipakai adalah menunggu lamaran yang masuk ke Seksi SDM. Metode seleksi adalah melalui ujian tertulis, wawancara seleksi, ujian praktek asuhan keperawatan, psikotes dan pemeriksaan kesehatan."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Burlian Mughnie
"Kemajuan iptek bidang radiologi membawa dampak positif terhadap penggunaan radiasi dalam pelayanan kesehatan untuk menegakkan diagnosa dan terapi, radiasi disamping bermanfaat juga dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan bahkan merusak sel-sel genetik apabila penggunaan tidak sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku, karena itu penggunaan radiasi diatur melalui peraturan perundang-undangan dalam rangka keselamatan kerja radiasi para radiografer dan perlindungan hukum, sampai saat ini belum pernah diadakan penelitian, apakah penerapannya efektif atau tidak dan bagaimana persepsi baik radiografer maupun pimpinan penyelenggara pelayanan radiologi tentang perundang-undangan tersebut.
Sebagai dasar hukum yang mengatur tenaga radiografer dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan radiologi adalah sebanyak 15 peraturan terdiri dari : Undang-undang (2 buah) Peraturan Pemerintah (4 buah), Keputusan Presiden (2 buah) dan Permenkesl Kepmenkes serta SKB Menkes dan SATAN (7 buah).
Penelitian dilakukan di Instaiasi Radiodiagnostik dan Instalasi Radioterapi RSCM Jakarta pada bulan Juni 2000 dengan pendekatan penelitian hukum kesehatan secara normatif dan sosiologis menggunakan metode kualitatif eksploratoris deskriptif, pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, diskusi kelompok terarah, dan studi dokumen serta observasi.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir semua informan tidak tahu dan tidak memahami peraturan perundang-undangan tenaga radiografer dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan radiologi, penerapan peraturan tersebut dilapangan kurang efektif karena masih banyak peraturan belum dilaksanakan, peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada sekarang sudah cukup memadai, namun ke depan dalam mengantisipasi pasar global perlu membuat aturan-aturan yang baru, baik hasil revisi yang sudah ada, maupun membentuk yang baru sesuai diamanatkan oleh Undang-undang hingga sekarang belum ada aturan pelaksananya.
Keselamatan kerja terhadap radiasi masih dalam batas aman-aman saja, hal ini dilihat beberapa indikator memenuhi persyaratan, dan dosis yang diterima melalui film badge menunjukkan dalam batas nilai yang diizinkan, namun dalam melakukan pelayanan radiologi belum ada jaminan perlindungan hukum, karena Undang-undang menyebutkan bahwa perlindungan hukum diberikan apabila melakukan tugasnya berdasarkan standar profesi, sebetulnya para radiografer telah melaksanakan standar profesi, tetapi standar profesi sampai saat ini belum disahkan oleh Menkes, sehingga secara legal formal belum dikatakan sebagai dasar hukum.
Lemahnya pengawasan terhadap penerapan peraturan perundang-undangan dan tidak dipahami aturan tersebut dan tidak pernah dijatuhi sanksi terhadap pelanggar Undang-undang menyebabkan kurang pedulinya baik pimpinan maupun radiografer terhadap hak dan kewajiban , karena itu perlu disosialisasikan, bahkan dapat diusulkan materi hukum kesehatan ini dimasukkan dalam kurilkulum pendidikan tenaga kesehatan jenjang pendidikan menengah dan jenjang pendidikan tinggi.
Beberapa peraturan tidak sesuai lagi dengan keadaan sekarang perlu direvisi atau dicabut serta peraturan pelaksana yang belum ada sesuai diamanatkan oleh Undang-undang segera direalisir dalam rangka menjamin kepastian hukum dalam melakukan tugas profesi dan diperlukan penelitian lanjut di Rumah Sakit lain untuk mengetahui penerapan pelaksanaan peraturan perundang-undangan dalam usaha mencapai efektifitas peraturan yang optimal.
Daftar bacaaan : 43 (1985-2000).

The Analisys Regulation of Radiographer Act in the Implementation Radiology Services of The RSCM Jakarta.The progress of radiology has been bringing a possitive effect towards the radiation using in health services to maintain diagnosis and theraphy, besides usefulI radiation also can caused health disturbance and damages genetic cells when the using of radiation is not appropriate to the valid regulation therefore the application of radiation has been set up by the regulation in the framework of radiation safety work for radiogiphers and for law protection, so far it has not yet been conducted the research whether its application is effective or not and how the perception both the radiogrpher or the chief of the radiology services about the acts.
As basisc of law that manages radiographer in implementing of radiology services, there are 15 regulations that consist of: Acts (2 pcs) Government Regulation (4 pcs) President Decree decree (2 pcs) and Health Ministry Regulation I Health Minister's decisions as well as Mutual Decision Decee of Health Minister and BATAN (7 pcs).
The research tookplace at Radiodiagnostic Instalation and Radiotheraphy Instalaation of RSCM Jakarta in June 2000 with the approaching legal of health normatively and sociologic by using qualitative method exploratoris discritive, data collecting is carried out by profound interview, focused discussion in group and document study as well as observation.
The research showing that most of all informen do not know and do not comprehend about the regulation act of radiographer in the implementation of radiology service, the application of such regulaton in the field is less effective, since there are still many more regulations that are not performed yet and regulation acts that exist are already sufficient, however, in the future of anticipating the global market it is necessarily to make new regulations both the already available revision or to form the new one which is suitable to the act that up to present time there is not yet available the rule of its implementation.
The working safety towards radiation is still in the limit of just safe, this matter is seen by some indicators ful fills the requirement, and the dosis received through badge film shows in the value limit permitted, but in carrying out radiology is not provided yet the law protection assurance, since the Iaw indicates that law protection in given when the operator in carrying out his 1 her task is based on the profession, but so far the profession standard is not approved yet by Health Minister, so that formal legally can not be called as the basic law.
The weakness of observation toward the regulation act and not comprehended such regulation and never taken the sunction to law violation has caused the less attention from both manager or radiographer toward the right and obligation, this it is necessary to be socialized, it can even be propossed this health legal material is aimed in the education curriculum of health employee in medium education level and high education level.
Some regulations are no longer suitable with current condition and they need to be revisied or revoked and they need to be revised or revoked as well as the not exist of managing regulation as addressed by the act should be realized soon in purpose to give legal assurance in performing profession task and to be needed in the further research at other hospital for acknowledging the managing application of regulation act in the effort to attain the optimal regulation effective.
References : 43 (1985-2000)"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library