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Kapa Cossa Jonahtan
Perencanaan pembangunan kilang di Kawasan Industri Tanjung Buton oleh
pemerintah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memenuhi permintaan BBM di Kab.
Siak sehingga sekuritas energi bagi sektor industri dan rumah tangga dapat
terjaga, efisiensi biaya distribusi minyak mentah dari hulu disaat harga minyak
yang sedang turun, serta efektifitas dalam distribusi hilir. Kebutuhan BBM
sebagai salah satu sumber energi di wilayah Kab. Siak terus meningkat,
berdasarkan analisa ekonometri diperoleh elastisitas untuk bensin sebesar 1,10
dan untuk solar 0.49. Hasil pengolahan minyak produksi dari tiga Lapangan
Migas di sekitar Tanjung Buton dapat memenuhi konsumsi bensin oktan 88
hingga tahun 2044 dan mengurangi kebutuhan impor solar untuk Kab. Siak. Dari
pembangunan Kilang dengan sistem proses topping unit, nilai harga ekonomis
penjualan produk kilang untuk bensin sebesar Rp 8.091 /liter, solar sebesar Rp
6.577 / liter, dan listrik sebesar Rp 2.100 /kwh. Dampak dengan adanya
pembangunan kilang ini akan memberi keuntungan bagi pemerintah sebesar US$
8.445.750 per tahun, KKKS A sebesar US$ 855.881 per tahun, KKKS B sebesar
US$ 182.854, dan KKKS C sebesar US$ 63.026 per tahun dengan perubahan
skema transportasi minyak hulu. Disamping itu, dengan nilai tambah produk
sampingan berupa listrik, akan menghemat subsidi pemerintah sebesar Rp 498
/kwh dibanding dengan PLTD yang saat ini digunakan di Kab. Siak. Dengan
menggunakan analisa Input-Output Provinsi, pembangunan kilang memberi
dampak terhadap sektor industri yang berperan dalam pengolahan minyak dengan
penambahan PDRB Provinsi sebesar Rp 3,63 Triliun, dimana pertambangan dan
penggalian yang merupakan input utama memilki dampak paling besar.

Refinery at Tanjung Buton Industrial Area has been planned by government in
order to meet the demand for fuel in Siak district so that the securities of energy
for industry and household sector can be maintained, cost efficiency in the
upstream sector when oil price is falling, and improve effectiveness of the
downstream product distribution. Fuel demand as a source of energy in Siak
district continues to increase, the elasticity value is obtained by using econometric
analysis, elasticity for gasoline is 1.10 and for diesel is 0.49. Fuel production from
refinery obtained by three oil field around Tanjung Buton can fulfill 88 octane
gasoline consumption up to 2044 and reduce the need for imported diesel fuel.
The economic price product of development topping unit at refinery process
system for gasoline is Rp 8.091 /liter, diesel Rp 6,577 /liter, and electricity Rp
2,100 /kwh. Development of refinery will give the benefit for government by
amount US$ 8,445,750 per year, PSC A by amount US$ 855,881 per year, PSC B
by amount US$ 182,854 per year, and PSC C by amount US$ 63,026 per year by
changing upstream transportation scheme. In addition, added value by electricity
product will save the government subsidy of Rp 498 /kwh compared with the
diesel power plant that currently has been used at Siak district. By using the inputoutput
analysis for Province, development of the refinery will give the
macroeconomic impact on the industrial sector which play a role in the processing
of refinery product with the addition of the Province GDP is Rp 3.63 Trillion.
Mining and quarrying sector as the main input of refinery obtain the greatest
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Abduh
"This research examined the inequality that emerges as Indonesia's economy shifts from an agricultural to a non-agricultural sector at the subnational level. These research questions include: (1) How has the agricultural sector in the Indonesian provinces changed over the past two decades? (2) What was the widespread impact of several socioeconomic variables on the transformation of agriculture? (3) How has the agricultural sub-sector responded to the dynamics of these socioeconomic factors over the last decade? The scope of the analysis was the whole province of Indonesia, with time series between 2001-2018. The shift in agriculture at the provincial level was mapped using indicators of poverty and the sector's economic contribution to each province. The logistic regression method was used to see the impact of socioeconomic factors on the agricultural transformation. In contrast, the panel regression was applied to respond to the dynamics of the agricultural sub-sector in terms of socioeconomics in the last ten years. According to the findings of agricultural transformation mapping, there were no changes in the distribution of rural poverty or the agricultural contribution factors between the provinces. Several macroeconomic, social, and infrastructure development factors also significantly contributed to encouraging agricultural transformation and enhancing the added value of the agricultural sector as a whole. It was important to better efficiently utilize the economic potential, which was done by taking production efficiency into account. Furthermore, consumer behaviour and the level of worker productivity had to be considered in attempts to boost economic productivity."
Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2023
330 JPP 7:1 (2023)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Rustiono Widodo
"Kawasan Rawan Bencana KRB III Gunung Merapi adalah kawasan yang letaknya dekat sumber bencana, oleh sebab itu kawasan ini harus bebas dari permukiman penduduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1 melihat kondisi yang menyebabkan masyarakat tetap tinggal di KRB III Gunung Merapi 2 melihat kondisi kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana letusan gunung api 3 membuat indeks kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dengan metode skoring dan pembobotan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan mixed method. Penentuan jumlah responden dengan rumus Slovin dengan batas toleransi 7 persen dan terpilih sebanyak 151 responden. Penentuan responden untuk kepala keluarganya dengan menggunakan sistematik random sampling. Analisis yang digunakan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan masyarakat tetap tinggal di daerah rawan bencana menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Sementara untuk indeks komposit kesiapsiagaan menggunakan lima parameter yaitu pengetahuan bencana, kebijakan kesiapsiagaan bencana, rencana tanggap darurat, peringatan dini bencana dan mobilisasi sumber daya. Selanjutnya, setiap pertanyaan yang sudah dikelompokan berdasarkan parameter dikalikan dengan nilai bobot.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 61,6 persen masyarakat merasa nyaman dan tenteram tetap tinggal di daerahnya meski daerahnya rawan bencana. Kenyamanan ini dikarenakan faktor lingkungan, ekonomi, dan sosial. Faktor lingkungan terutama kesuburan tanah, potensi pasir, kerikil dan batu. Sebanyak 56,9 persen penduduknya berpenghasilan lebih besar dari upah minimum regional kabupaten yang sebesar 1,4 juta rupiah per bulan. Sebanyak 92,7 persen mereka mempunyai kerabat yang masih tinggal di satu lokasi dan 95,4 persen aktif dan ikut serta dalam kegiatan kemasyarakatan seperti arisan, pengajian, dan perkumpulan lainnya. Sementara itu indeks kesiapsiagaan di daerah penelitian dalam kategori sedang atau dalam kondisi siap dengan nilai 66,83.

Disaster Prone Areas KRB III of Mount Merapi is an area that located near the source of the disaster, therefore that area must be free from residential areas. This study aims to 1 considering the conditions that cause people to stay in KRB III of Mount Merapi 2 analyze the factors of community preparedness to face of volcanic eruption disaster 3 Create a community preparedness index using the scoring and weighting method. This research is conducted by mixed method approach. Determination the number of respondents carried out by Slovin formula with a tolerance limit of 7 percent and selected 151 respondents. Determination of respondent for head family by using systematic random sampling. Determination the factors that cause people to stay in disaster prone areas using descriptive analysis. As for the composite index preparedness used five parameters namely disaster knowledge, disaster preparedness policy, emergency response plan, disaster early warning, and resource mobilization. Then each question that has been grouped by parameter multiplied by the weight value.
The results showed that 61.6 percent of people feel comfortable and peaceful stay in their area despite the disaster prone areas. This convenience is due to environmental, economic, and social factors. Environmental factors, especially soil fertility, the potential of sand, gravel, and stone. 56.9 percent of the population earns more than the district minimum wage of 1.4 million rupiahs per month. About 92.7 percent of them have relatives who still live in one location and 95.4 percent active and participate in community activities such as arisan, pengajian, and other associations. Meanwhile, the index of preparedness in the research area is in the medium category with a value of 66.83.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chafid Fandeli, 1944-
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press , 2017
333.7 CHA a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Otto Soemarwoto
Jakarta: Djambatan, 1983-1997
304.2 OTT e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library