"Desain selalu memegang peranan penting untuk memikat mata pelanggan. Trade
Dress dan Desain Industri berbagi kronologis konsep hak kekayaan intelektual
yang paralel mulai dari perlindungan hanya untuk desain dua dimensi hingga
akhirnya desain tiga dimensi dapat dilindungi. Dalam persaingan perdagangan,
umumnya komoditas dagang memiliki desain produk dan desain kemasan yang
berbeda. Namun, tidak jarang desain produk secara simultan merupakan desain
kemasan, misal : Henry Ford; Christian Louboutin; Crocs; Gibson. Apabila
timbul persaingan curang, peniruan atau pemboncengan reputasi dari beberapa
contoh desain di atas, maka dapat dikatakan telah terjadi tumpang-tindih
pelanggaran passing off Trade Dress vis-à-vis passing off Desain Industri
......Design always plays a crucial role in captive customer’s eyes. Trade Dress and
Industrial Design share the same chronological concept of intellectual property
tights ranging from protection only for two-dimensional design to at last threedimensional
design can also be protected. In trading competitions, trade
commodities generally have distinct products design and packaging design.
However, we often encounter brands whereby the product design is also the Trade
Dress, for instance : Henry Ford; Christian Louboutin; Crocs; Gibson. If there is
a fraudulent unfair competition, imitation or ride on the reputation of the design
examples above, then it can be said that there has been a overlapping violation of
passing off Trade Dress vis-à-vis passing off Industrial Design"