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Ditemukan 20 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yosua Praditya Suratman
"Peningkatan jumlah serangan siber yang terjadi saat ini menandai bahwa Indonesia adalah sasaran empuk bagi aktor kejahatan di dunia siber. Serangan siber dipilih karena jauh lebih efektif dibandingkan serangan konvensional - militer, dan aktornya tidak terlihat. Belum lagi, kapasitas penanganan siber, baik infrastruktur, dana, maupun sumberdaya manusia-nya di Indonesia berbanding terbalik dengan jenis perkembangan serangan siber yang semakin meningkat dalam satu dekade terakhir. Langkah dan strategi intelijen, utamanya kontra intelijen, menjadi salah satu jawaban untuk menangkal dan mendeteksi secara dini serangan tersebutdisampingpemerintah membenahi regulasi dan kebijakan terkait penanganan ancaman siber nasional."
Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia, 2017
345 JPUPI 7:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yosua Praditya Suratman
"The increasing number of cyber attacks that occur today indicates that Indonesia is an easy target for crime actors in the cyber world. Cyber attacks are selected because they are far more effective than conventional attacks - the military, and the actors are also invisible. Not to mention, the capacity of cyber handling, both infrastructure, funds, and human resources in Indonesia is inversely proportional compared to the number of cyber attacks in the last decade. Intelligence strategies, primarily counter-intelligence, isthe answer to deter and detect the attacks,while the government fixing the regulations and policies of national cyber threats."
Bogor: Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia, 2017
345 JPUPI 7:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hadisurya Chandra Kusuma
"Bencana telah menjadi sebuah isu penting di sektor Teknologi Informasi (TI) yang dapat terjadi kapan saja tanpa peringatan. Bencana pandemi yang terjadi saat ini, berdampak kepada kebutuhan akan mobilisasi dalam bekerja meningkat. Banyaknya instansi yang mengadopsi sistem outsourcing membuat jaringan informasi menjadi rentan terhadap ancaman serangan yang dapat berasal dari pihak luar atau pihak ketiga yang bertindak sebagai penyedia jasa, pihak internal, serta lingkungan dan ancaman yang bersifat fisik lainnya. Studi ini mengukur tingkat kesadaran, kesiapan, pelaksanaan Disaster Recovery Plan dengan menggunakan survei pada perusahaan di Indonesia. Penggunaan metodologi kuantitatif dalam studi ini ditambah dengan penggunaan SPSS Statistical Software yang berfokus pada perhitungan nilai rata-rata pada setiap bagian di setiap organisasi yang dibagi berdasarkan sektor industrinya. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa dari 3 aspek Disaster Recovery Plan yang dinilai, yaitu Disaster Recovery Plan Awareness, Disaster Recovery Plan Readiness, dan Disaster Recovery Plan Practices yang berdasarkan kepada hasil uji t-Test yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa nilai tingkat kesadaran, kesiapan, dan pelaksanaan pada organisasi di Indonesia masih rendah yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, seperti kurangnya kesadaran individu terhadap keamanan data yang dimiliki, kurangnya pelatihan yang dilakukan kepada staff yang terkait, kurangnya peninjauan secara berkala dan dokumentasi yang jelas

Disaster has become an important issue in the Information Technology (IT) sector which can happen at any time without warning. The current pandemic disaster has increased the need for mobilization at work. The number of agencies adopting the outsourcing system makes information networks vulnerable to attack threats that can come from outside parties or third parties acting as service providers, internal parties, as well as the environment and other physical threats. This study measures the level of awareness, readiness, and implementation of the Disaster Recovery Plan using a survey of companies in Indonesia. The use of the quantitative methodology in this study is coupled with the use of SPSS Statistical Software which focuses on calculating the average score for each section in each organization divided by industry sector. The study results show that of the 3 assessed aspects of the Disaster Recovery Plan, namely the Disaster Recovery Plan Awareness, Disaster Recovery Plan Readiness, and Disaster Recovery Plan Practices which are based on the results of the t-Test conducted, it shows that the value of the level of awareness, readiness, and implementation at Organization in Indonesia is still low which is influenced by several factors, such as the lack of individual awareness of the security of the data they have, the lack of training provided to related staff, the lack of periodic reviews and clear documentation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maengkom, Sera K.
"Notaris adalah pejabat publik yang diberi wewenang untuk membuat perbuatan autentik dan otoritas lainnya, otoritas yang mensertifikasi transaksi yang dilakukan secara elektronik, yang dikenal sebagai notaris dunia maya sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam penjelasan pasal 15, UU No. 2/2014 tentang Pejabat Notaris ( Revisi UU No. 30/2004). Kewenangan tersebut diikuti oleh kewajiban notaris untuk menyimpan, memelihara dan memelihara protokol karena itu adalah arsip negara. Saat ini, notaris telah menggunakan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi baik untuk pekerjaan, sistem kantor, dan yang terkait dengan administrasi negara (misalnya Sistem Administrasi Badan Hukum SABS. Sementara, ada Undang-Undang Arsip yang menyediakan ruang bagi keberadaan catatan elektronik di mana arsip harus memiliki fungsi keaslian dan kepercayaan. Dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, menggunakan referensi pada aturan dan prinsip yang berlaku di masyarakat, ada kebutuhan untuk penelitian tentang sistem keamanan informasi untuk arsip negara yang dikelola oleh Notaris.

Notaries are public officials authorized to make authentic deeds and other authorities, one if which is the authority to certify transactions carried out electronically, known as cyber notaries as stated in explanation of article 15, Law No. 2/2014 concerning Notary Officials (Revised Law No. 30/2004). The authority is followed by the notary's obligation to store, maintain and maintain the protocol because it is a state archive. At present, the notary has used information and communication technology both for jobs, office systems, and those related to state administration for example Legal Entity Administration Systems SABH. While, there is an Archive Law that provides space for the existence of electronic records where the archive must have the function of authenticity and trustworthiness. With a normative juridical research method, using reference to the rules and principles that apply in the community, there is a need for research on information security systems for state archives managed by Notaries."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Scherling, Mark, auhtor
New York: CRC Press, 2011
658.478 SCH p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""This book investigates different protocols and architectures that can be used to design, create, and develop security infrastructures by highlighting recent advances, trends, and contributions to the building blocks for solving security issues"-- Provided by publisher."
Hershey, P.A.: Igi Global, 2014
005.8 ARC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yun Q. Shi, editor
"This special issue contains five selected papers that were presented at the Workshop on Pattern Recognition for IT Security, held in Darmstadt, Germany, in September 2010, in conjunction with the 32nd Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition, DAGM 2010. It demonstrates the broad range of security-related topics that utilize graphical data. The contributions explore the security and reliability of biometric data, the power of machine learning methods to differentiate forged images from originals, the effectiveness of modern watermark embedding schemes and the use of information fusion in steganalysis."
Berlin: [, Springer-Verlag], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wang, Jie
Singapore: John Wiley & Sons, 2015
004 WAN i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The book is a collection of invited papers on Computational Intelligence for Privacy and Security. The majority of the chapters are extended versions of works presented at the special session on Computational Intelligence for Privacy and Security of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN-2010) held July 2010 in Barcelona, Spain.
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human Choice and Computers, HCC10 2012, held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in September 2012. The 37 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the volume. The papers are organized in topical sections on national and international policies, sustainable and responsible innovation, ICT for peace and war, and citizens' involvement, citizens' rights and ICT."
Heidelberg: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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