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Ditemukan 19 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Domo Pranowo K.
"Perkembangan Wireless Broadband Access (WBA) sebagai standar global untuk media transmisi data telah digunakan sebagai penyedia jasa akses intemet berkecepatan tinggi. Aplikasi WBA ISP yang ditunjang oleh kemampuan interoperabilitas, fleksibilitas, dan aspek komersial telah membawa dampak penggunaan intemet dedicated lebih efisien serta memberikan layanan kepelanggan murah dan mudah. Fenomena ini hams disikapi oleh para operator ISP dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya karena penuh persaingan di era global sekarang ini.
Dengan melihat aspek pasar, aspek teknik, serta aspek keuangan yang bertujuan dalam menetapkan kelayakan implementasi penyedia jasa internet melalui Wireless Broadband Acces di kawasan industri jababeka maka dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan kajian implementasi BWA ISP dengan teknologi WIMAX sebagai layanan komplemen dan subtitusi. Analisa pasar ditujukan untuk memperoleh market share yang ada serta proyeksi pelanggan. Dan analisis pasar ini pasar untuk industri di kawasan industri jababeka sampai tahun 2009 mencapai 2.219 dan target market yang ingin dicapai sebesar 25% sebanyak 555 pelanggan, Untuk desain teknis dengan menggunakan frekuensi kerja 3.5 GHz dan lebar kanal 3.5 MHz, untuk melayani lebar bandwith sebesar 95,295 Mpbs disediakan 3 Base Station dengan 14 sektor sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan melihat kondisi geografi dan demografi kawasan industri jababeka.
Selanjutnya analisa kriteria investasi untuk perhitungan masa investasi selama 5 tahun diperoleh NPV Rp -168,601,289.42, IRR: 12.57%,'PI: 0.96, ARR: 60.33% dan PP: 4 tahun 1 bulan dihitung dan biaya investasi dan operasional serta proyeksi pelanggan sebagai bahan pertimbangan kelayakan bisnis pengembangan unit bisnis Wireless Broadband Acces ISP di kawasan industri Jababeka. Dengan hasil analisis investasi tersebut implementasi di kawasan industri Jababeka tidak layak diimplementasikan untuk saat ini dengan parameter yang ada sekarang.

The improvement of Wireless Broadband Access as a global standard for data transmission media have been used to high speed Internet access provider. The WBA ISP application is supported by capabilities of interoperability, flexibility and commercial aspect, has had effect of the using dedicated efficiently and given services to customer cheaper and easier. ISP operators for growth the business , who are at this moment facing effect of globalization which full of competition, have to react against this phenomenon.
By observing the market aspect, the technical aspect, the organization and also the financial aspect which purpose to give input to Wireless Broadband Access Internet Service Provider with WIMAX technology in kawasan industri Jababeka to come to a decision of their development business strategy, This research will observe by analyzing market aspect view intention to get available market share number and the projection of the subscriber number. the market until 2009 reaching 2.219 subscribers and target market 25% is 555 subscriber number. The technical design criteria determine by subscriber needed use frequency 3.5 GHz with 3.5MHz channel to serve bandwidth equal to 95,295 Mpbs provided 3 Base of Station by 14 Sector.
Then by based on analyse investment criterion for calculation a invesment period during 5 year obtained [by] A P V-RP - 168,601,289.42, IRR: 12.57%, PI 0.96, ARR: 60.33% and PP: 4 year 1 months reckoned from the expense of operational and investment and also projection upon which consideration to business development Wireless Broadband Acces ISP in kawasan indusri Jababeka. With result of investment analysis implementation in kawasan industri Jababeka improper implementation to in this time with existing parameter now.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yenny Verdiana Dyah Vitriany
Convergence of telecommunication technology development has created cheaper alternative service for the telecommunication service user's society in the form of internet telephone service. By internet telephone service entrance, Telkom, in this case Telkom Jakarta Timur, as PSTN incumbent operator and also as internet telephone service provider needs to recognize Telkom's internet telephone service position evaluated from revenue contribution, influence to revenue of SLJJ and SLI and also characteristic of user. Beside that to increase the internet telephone service business, it is necessary for Telkom Jakarta Timur to identify growth opportunity intensively. This is done by market penetration strategy, market development strategy and product development strategy using Ansoffs Market-Product Expansion Diagram.
By implementing these strategies, the internet telephone revenue which is projected could reach Rp. 9.836.008.616,- at the year of 2010, could reach Rp 82.155.716.969,- at the year of 2010.;Convergence of telecommunication technology development has created cheaper alternative service for the telecommunication service user's society in the form of internet telephone service. By internet telephone service entrance, Telkom, in this case Telkom Jakarta Timur, as PSTN incumbent operator and also as internet telephone service provider needs to recognize Telkom's internet telephone service position evaluated from revenue contribution, influence to revenue of SLJJ and SLI and also characteristic of user. Beside that to increase the internet telephone service business, it is necessary for Telkom Jakarta Timur to identify growth opportunity intensively. This is done by market penetration strategy, market development strategy and product development strategy using Ansoffs Market-Product Expansion Diagram.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Marico MP
"......In Indonesin, internet is growing every year Bbascd on numbers that given by APJII
the manager of liX, shows that there are an increasing numbers of internet uset
customer Those numbers has attracted many company in IT business to enter market The increasing number of company that entered this market has the level of competition.
This level of competition also impact on Corbec, as one of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) compay The numbers of their customer is decreasing since final 2004 until
June 2006. Numbers of apartments and ofices buildings that using Corbec's network
access is also decrcasing. Customer survey in August 2005 shows that there are many
Corbec's customer in apartemen that has already change their intenet service to Corbec's
This purpose of this rescarch is to see few things, that is what financial impact from
the decreasing numbers of Corbec customer to the company finance, how does Corbec" offering compete with their competitor dan what action plan can be taken by Corbec to solve this problem.
There are few things that can be found after doing an identification of Corbec's
financial condition The numbers of customer in both segmen already reach the minimum
standard But thosc numbers cannot make a big contribution to the company finance
Service offering that given by Corbec is lower than their competitor in both customer segmen that they have Bad quality on internet service is also makes a lot of their customner change their provider Corbec cannot provide the need of their apartmen customer especially in providing a rualified internet service to support the customer daily activities."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afdalio Reza Nadiwa
"Dalam era digital saat ini, kebutuhan akan layanan internet semakin meningkat secara signifikan. Berdasarkan laporan Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII), pengguna internet Indonesia pada tahun 2024 mencapai 221.563.479 jiwa, dengan penetrasi internet sebesar 79,5%. Perkembangan ini dipengaruhi oleh banyaknya gawai terjangkau dan kebutuhan masyarakat akan informasi dan aktivitas online. Teknologi 5G New Radio (NR) menjanjikan kecepatan yang lebih baik dibandingkan teknologi 4G. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ini, diperlukan perencanaan penempatan Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 5G di Kota Depok menggunakan frekuensi 2300 MHz, dengan arsitektur Stand Alone (SA) untuk kecepatan data yang lebih tinggi dan kinerja yang lebih unggul. Pendekatan techno economy digunakan untuk menghubungkan aspek teknis dengan aspek ekonomi dalam perencanaan ini. Metode penelitian mencakup pengukuran kebutuhan coverage dan capacity planning dengan forecasting jumlah penduduk 10 tahun ke depan. Data ini akan digunakan untuk analisis kelayakan investasi proyek menara BTS. Analisis investasi dilakukan dengan pendekatan tekno ekonomi dengan menghitung Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), dan Payback Period (PP) untuk menilai kelayakan dan potensi keuntungan proyek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa investasi pada skema optimal berdasarkan jumlah pengguna dapat dicapai dalam tiga tahapan pembangunan di tahun ke-1, ke-5, dan ke-8. Tahap pertama menargetkan cakupan awal Tahap kedua memfokuskan pada ekspansi terhadap pertumbuhan jumlah pengguna yang terus meningkat. Tahap ketiga untuk memastikan stabilitas dan peningkatan kapasitas sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi dan kebutuhan pengguna. Dari analisis investasi didapatkan NPV sebesar Rp204.871.522.807 dengan IRR 26,7% dan PP pada tahun ke-6. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna bagi penyedia layanan jaringan dan pemerintah daerah dalam pembangunan dan pemerataan infrastruktur telekomunikasi, khususnya jaringan 5G di Kota Depok.
......In the current digital era, the demand for internet services has significantly increased. According to the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) report, the number of internet users in Indonesia in 2024 is projected to reach 221,563,479, with an internet penetration rate of 79.5%. This growth is influenced by the availability of affordable devices and the public's need for information and online activities. 5G New Radio (NR) technology promises better speed compared to 4G technology. To meet this demand, planning for the placement of 5G Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) in Depok City using the 2300 MHz frequency is required, with a Stand Alone (SA) architecture for higher data speeds and superior performance. A techno-economic approach is used to connect technical aspects with economic aspects in this planning. The research method includes measuring coverage needs and capacity planning with a 10-year population forecast. This data will be used for feasibility analysis of the BTS tower investment project. The investment analysis is carried out with a techno-economic approach by calculating the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PP) to assess the project's feasibility and profit potential. The research results show that investment in an optimal scheme based on the number of users can be achieved in three development phases in the 1st, 5th, and 8th years. The first phase targets initial coverage. The second phase focuses on expansion to accommodate the growing number of users. The third phase ensures stability and capacity improvement according to technological developments and user needs. From the investment analysis, an NPV of Rp204,871,522,807 with an IRR of 26.7% and a PP in the 6th year was obtained. These research results are expected to be useful for network service providers and local governments in the development and equalization of telecommunications infrastructure, particularly the 5G network in Depok City."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lia Ellyanti
"Penggunaan internet sudah menjadi kebiasaan dan kebutuhan tersendiri di masa setelah diberlakukannya kegiatan bekerja secara hybrid dan juga kegiatan sekolah yang mulai kembali normal seperti sebelum pandemi covid-19. Berdasarkan data yang dirilis oleh Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia, penetrasi internet di Indonesia mencapai 77.02%, kemunculan beragam penyedia layanan internet di Indonesia dengan produk- yang bersaing, dipengaruhi juga dengan meningkatnya penggunaan internet. Belum adanya media ulasan resmi, mendorong masyarakat menggunakan media sosial untuk mengungkapkan ulasan terhadap layanan internet. Pada penelitian ini digunakan data media sosial Twitter untuk mendapatkan nilai sentimen terhadap layanan internet dengan membuat model klasifikasi menggunakan algoritma Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine, dan Decision Tree dan juga pengukuran nilai kepuasan pelanggan dan reputasi merek dagang berdasarkan dari analisis sentimen yang didapatkan. Didapatkan hasil analisis sentimen dengan algortima SVM memiliki hasil performa yang paling baik yaitu 75.36 %. Layanan internet Biznet, MNC Play, dan Iconnet mendapatkan nilai kepuasan pelanggan berada pada urutan pertama, kedua, dan ketiga, sedangkan untuk nilai reputasi merek dagang, penyedia layanan internet Biznet dan MNC Play mendapatkan urutan pertama dan kedua baik pada perhitungan hasil pelabelan manual maupun hasil prediksi. Perhitungan CSS dan NBR ini dapat dipertimbangkan oleh perusahaan untuk dijadikan referensi dalam meningkatkan layanannya, selain itu dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk memilih dan membandingkan penyedia layanan internet terbaik yang akan digunakan.
......The use of the internet has become a habit and a necessity after the implementation of hybrid work and also school activities which have started return to normal like before the Covid-19 pandemic. Based on data released by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers, internet penetration in Indonesia has reached 77.02%, the appearance of various internet service providers in Indonesia with competitive products is also influenced by the increasing use of the internet. There is no official review media, has encouraged the sociecty to use social media to express reviews of internet services. In this study, Twitter social media data is used to obtain sentiment analysis for internet services by creating a classification model using the Naïve Bayes algorithm, Support Vector Machine, and Decision Tree, and also to measure customer satisfaction and brand reputation score based on the sentiment analysis obtained. The results of sentiment analysis with the SVM algorithm have the best performance, with the accuracy 75.36%. Biznet, MNC Play, and Iconnet get first, second, and third place for customer satisfaction scores, while for net brand reputation scores, Biznet and MNC Play internet service providers get first and second place, for the calculation using manual labeling data or prediction data of classification model. The calculation of the CSS and NBR can be considered by the company as the reference to improve their services, besides that it can be used by the society as a consideration for choosing and comparing the best internet service providers to use."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
International Engineering Consortium
"Contents :
- About the IEC
- Executive Summary
- Chapter 1: The Growth of the Internet and User Demographics
- Chapter 2: The Residential Market
- Chapter 3: Business Applications
- Chapter 4: Telecommunications Service Providers and IP
- Chapter 5: Analyses and Conclusions "
Chicago: International Engineering Consortium, 2000
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Adhitya Yustia Rachman
Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan uraian penerapan strategi Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) yang meliputi strategi iklan, promosi penjualan, sponsorship, personal selling, dan public relation pada perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri internet service provider (ISP). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya target dan visi salah satu perusahaan ISP yang ingin dicapai dengan menerapkan strategi IMC. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus yang terjadi pada Biznet sebagai salah satu internet provider terkemuka di Indonesia.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif, dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus deskriptif untuk menjelaskan fenomena yang diamati. Penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara kepada sejumlah key informan penelitian yang dianggap kredibel untuk menjabarkan permasalahan yang diteliti. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan strategi elemen IMC Biznet yang meliputi strategi iklan, promosi penjualan, sponsorship, personal selling, dan public relation.
Penelitian ini menemukan gambaran penerapan strategi IMC yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa terdapat kelemahan dan kelebihan dari penerapan strategi IMC dari sudut pandang teori, dimana dalam analisis yang dilakukan usaha yang dilakukan dinilai lemah dan jauh dari strategi terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan. Serta adanya kesenjangan teoritis antara penerapan ideal strategi IMC dengan apa yang dilakukan selama ini.

The research that have carried out is a description of the implementation strategy of Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) that includes advertising, sales promotion, sponsorships, personal selling, and public relations at companies that engaged in the industry of Internet Service Provider (ISP). This research is motivated by their targets and vision of one of the ISP bussiness company to be achieved by implementing the IMC strategy. This research is a case study that occurred at Bizne Networks as one of the prominent internet providers in Indonesia.
This study is a qualitative research, using the descriptive case study to explain the observed phenomena. This study uses a number of key informant interviews to the research that is considered credible to describe the problems studied. This study aims to describe strategies that include elements of IMC at Biznet such as advertising strategy, sales promotion, sponsorships, personal selling, and public relations.
This study found the picture of implementation of the strategy undertaken by IMC strategy. The study also found that there are weaknesses and strengths of the implementation strategy of the IMC from the standpoint of theory, which in the analysis performed the work done is considered weak and far from the best strategy to achieve the goal. And the existence of a theoretical gap between the ideal implementation strategy of IMC to what was done during this time.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maulana Rifandi
"Kualitas layanan yang relatif cepat dan reliable merupakan pertimbangan penting dalam memilih Internet provider. Aplikasi pengukur Quality of Experience (QoE) dapat menjadi salah satu cara untuk mengetahui tingkat kecepatan dan reliability dari Internet provider. Penelitian ini fokus pada pengembangan aplikasi web pengukur kecepatan dan reliability dari Internet provider dengan menggunakan HTML5 dan WebView.
Hasil dari implementasi dan pengujian aplikasi menunjukkan bahwa pengaksesan website aplikasi berjalan selama 4.652 ms, mengimplementasikan WebView untuk smartphone memakan waktu 0.00229 ms, kecepatan rata-rata pengunduhan 0.076 mbps dan kecepatan rata-rata pengunggahan 0.496 mbps. Pengujian likert scale mengimplikasikan bahwa Telkomsel, Indosat, dan XL memiliki kualitas yang cukup baik dengan skor 85%, 72.5%, dan 68.75%.
......Internet speed and reliability of the Internet service is one of the most important parameters in selecting Internet provider. Quality of Experience (QoE) measuring application might provide a solution for measuring and analyzing the speed and reliability of the Internet providers. This research focused on the development of web application for measuring speed and reliability of the Internet providers utilizing HTML5 and WebView.
The implementation of the developed application showed that the access of the website took 4.652 ms, implementing WebView for smartphone took 0.00229 ms, the average of the download speed was 0.076 mbps and the avarage of the upload speed was 0.496 mbps. Likert scale method showed that Telkomsel, Indosat, and XL had a fairly good quality with the score of 85%, 72.5%, and 68.75%, respectively."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Salsabila
"Telekomunikasi merupakan salah satu industri yang keberadaannya akibat kemajuan teknologi informasi. Kebutuhan untuk mengakses informasi yang semakin meningkat menjadikan perusahaan telekomunikasi menyediakan beragam layanan. Bentuk kemajuan dari perkembangan layanan yang disediakan salah satunya teknologi layanan internet. Penggunaan internet saat ini menjadi kebutuhan primer bagi beberapa masyarakat tidak hanya penggunaannya namun juga kestabilan internet menjadi permasalahan utama untuk kelancaran proses komunikasi jarak jauh bagi pelanggan layanan internet. Salah satu Penyelenggara Telekomunikasi yang menyediakan layanan internet adalah PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk. Terdapat beberapa pelanggan layanan Indihome yang mengalami gangguan layanan internet dengan mengkaji melalui Putusan
Nomor 149/PDT/2021/PT DKI. Pada penelitian ini penulis menemukan adanya beberapa permasalahan dan pelanggaran hak konsumen yang dilakukan oleh PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif penulis mengkaji terkait bagaimana aspek hukum perlindungan konsumen di bidang telekomunikasi melihat dari asas-asas hukum dan sumber hukum tertulis serta wawancara untuk menunjang skripsi penulis. Penulis menelaah dan menganalisis terkait bentuk pertanggungjawaban hukum
PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk selaku Penyelenggara Akses Internet, langkah hukum yang dapat ditempuh oleh konsumen apabila mengalami kerugian dari penggunaan jasa layanan internet hingga upaya pemerintah dalam mengatasi kerugian pelanggan layanan internet dengan merujuk peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan seperti UU No. 36 Tahun 1999 Tentang Telekomunikasi, UU No. 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, Keputusan Menteri Perindustrian dan Perdagangan, Peraturan Menteri
Komunikasi dan Informatika serta peraturan perundang-undangan terkait
lainnya.Terhadap kerugian yang dialami oleh konsumen mereka dapat melakukan langkah hukum melalui jalur litigasi dan non-litigasi. Pertanggungjawaban yang dilakukan oleh PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk adalah tanggung jawab berdasarkan kesalahan dengan beban pembuktian terbalik untuk penggantian ganti rugi.
......Telecommunications is one of the industries whose existence is due to advances in
information technology. The need to access information is increasing, making
telecommunications companies provide a variety of services. Forms of progress from the
development of services provided, one of which is internet service technology. The use
of the internet is currently a primary need for some people, not only its use but also the
stability of the internet is the main problem for the smooth process of long-distance
communication for internet service customers. One of the Telecommunications Providers
providing internet services is PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk. There are several Indihome
service customers who experience internet service disruptions by reviewing through
Verdict Number 149/PDT/2021/PT DKI. In this study, the authors found several
problems and violations of consumer rights committed by PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk. By
using the juridical-normative research method, the authors examine how the legal aspects
of consumer protection in the telecommunications sector are viewed from legal principles
and written legal sources as well as interviews to support the author's thesis. The author
wants to examine and analyze the form of legal liability of PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk as
an Internet Access Provider, legal steps that can be taken by consumers if they experience
losses from using internet services to the government's efforts to overcome losses to
internet service customers by referring to laws and regulations that relating to Law No.
36 of 1999 concerning Telecommunications, Law no. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer
Protection, Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade, Regulation of the Minister of
Communication and Informatics and other related laws and regulations. Against losses
suffered by consumers, they can take legal steps through litigation and non-litigation. The
liability carried out by PT Telkom Indonesia, Tbk is a liability based on fault with the
reverse burden of proof for compensation."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marpaung, Luther B.
"Perkembangan Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) sebagai standar global untuk media transmisi data telah digunakan sebagai penyedia jasa akses Internet berkecepatan tinggi. Aplikasi Wimax yang ditunjang oleh kemampuan interoperabilitas, fleksibilitas, dan aspek komersial telah membawa dampak penggunaan internet dedicated lebih efisien serta memberikan layanan murah dan mudah. Fenomena ini harus disikapi oleh para operator ISP dalam mengembangkan bisnisnya yang penuh persaingan di era global saat ini. Dengan melihat aspek teknik, serta aspek keuangan dalam menetapkan kelayakan implementasi wireless network dengan Wimax sebagai subtitusi, maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan kajian implementasi tekhnologi Wimax sebagai layanan backhaul pada jaringan Wifi yang sudah ada di Jakarta.
Dari data jumlah hotpsot yang terdaftar di IIX dan rata-rata peak traffic hap hotspot per regional, dalam penelitian ini ditnaparkan perhilungan aspek teknis dengan kombinasi pilihan harga sewa dan teknologi yang akan memberikan beberapa kombinasi gambaran nilai investasi teknologi Wimax sebagai subslitusi backhaul untuk jaringan hotspot yang ada dan perkembangannya tahun kedepan. Diharapkan implementasi Wimax sebagai backhaul dapat menjadi pemicu percepatan pertumbuhan pengguna internet yang akan meningkatkan kebutuhan layanan broadband. Dengan meningkatnya pengguna internet dan layanan broadband maka dapat mendorong kemungkinan perluasan infrastruktur teresterial.

The development of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) as a global standard for data transmission media have been used to high speed Internet access provider. The Wimax application that supported by capabilities of interoperability, flexibility and commercial aspect, has brought effect of the use of dedicated internet more efficiently and cheaper and easier services to customer. This fenomena must be responded by ISP operators in expanding their businesses, who at this moment. facing the effect of globalization that full of competition. By observing the technical and also financial aspect in deciding the Implementation of Wireless Network with Wimax technology as a substitute, this research will observe and analyze the projection of Wimax technology implementation as a backhaul to the Wifi's existing network in Jakarta.
From number of hotspots registered in IIX and average peak traffic per regional, in this paper the writer describe calculation from technical aspect with several pricing and technology combination which gives basic figures in investing Wimax as substitute technology for backhaul in hotspot network and its growth in 5 years. With Wimax technology as backhaul, it is expected to be the trigger to speed up the growth for internet users which will increase the demand for broadcast service. This will lead to the possibility to the growth of teresterrial infrastructure.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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