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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
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Bangkok: Ministry of Foreign Affair, 2013
297.673 1 THA m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ampalavanar, Rajeswary
"This book addresses the complexity of Islam in Thailand, by focusing on Islamic charities and institutions affiliated to the mosque. By extrapolating through Islam and the waqf (Islamic charity) in different regions of Thailand the diversity in races and institutions, it demonstrates the regional contrast within Thai Islam. The book also underlines the importance of internal histories of these separate spaces, and the processes by which institutions and ideologies become entrenched. It goes on to look at the socio economic transformation that is taking place within the context of trading networks through Islamic institutions and civil networks linked to mosques, madrasas and regional power brokers"
London: Routledge, 2014
297.095 93 BRO i (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pitsuwan, Surin
Jakarta: LP3ES, 1989
297.6731 PIT i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Rayhan
"Penulis dalam jurnal ini ingin membahas mengenai sejarah dinamika minoritas Muslim Patani di Muangthai. Minoritas Muslim Patani merupakan golongan minoritas keagamaan dan etnik yang terletak di Muangtahai Selatan, Thailand. Mereka merupakan golongan etnik minoritas yang telah lama mengalami diskriminasi oleh pemerintahan Thailand karena adanya perbedaan agama, bahasa, dan budaya yang mengakibatkan terisolasi dari birokrasi pemerintah Thailand. Hal-hal yang ingin penulis bahas dalam jurnal ini yaitu sejarah kaum Muslim di Muangthai Selatan, awal mula Islam di Patani, pemberontakan kaum Muslim Patani, perjuangan Muslim Patani untuk mendapatkan Kemerdekaan, peran kaum ulama Muangthai, Patani dibawah kekuasaan monarki absolut, haji Sulong 'Bapak Gerakan Kemerdekaan Patani'. Tujuan dari penulisan jurnal ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dan menguraikan mengenai proses perjuangan kaum Muslim untuk mempetahakan kelangsungan hidup mereka setelah secara resmi dimasukan kedalam negara Thailand sebagai pembaharuan administratif pada tahun 1902. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan jurnal ini adalah metode penulisan kualitatif melalui studi pustaka.
The authors in this journal want to discuss the history of Patani Muslim minority in Muangthai. The Muslim Patani minority is a religious and ethnic minority group located in South Muangthai, Thailand. They are minority ethnic group that has long been disciminated againts by the Thailand government due to religious, linguistic, and cultural differences that have resulted in isolation from the Thailand government bureaucracy. Things that the authors want to discuss in this journal is Muslim history in South Thailand, the beginning of Islam in Patani, Patani Muslim rebellion, Patani Muslim struggle for independence, the role of the Muangthai clerics, Patani under absolute monarchy, and Haji Sulong 'The Father of the Patani Independence Movement'. The purpose of this journal is to explain and describe the process of the Muslim struggle to know their survival after officially incorporated into the Thailand state as an administrative reform in the 1902. The method used the writing in this journal is the method of qualitative writing through literature study. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library