Cons. Tri Handoko
Abstrak :
Tulisan ini menjabarkan tentang perkembangan tato ditinjau dari aspek motif, makna, maupun fungsinya di kalangan
narapidana di Yogyakarta sejak tahun 1950an. Narasumber adalah narapidana di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA
Yogyakarta, mantan narapidana, dan seniman tato yang memahami seluk beluk perkembangan tato menato di
Yogyakarta. Motif tato di kalangan narapidana meliputi tumbuhan, binatang, potret manusia, horor, tato tribal, ikon
hati, tipografi, biohazard dan biomechanical, juga alam benda. Tampilan motif tato ada dua, yaitu berdiri sendiri dan
perpaduan beberapa motif. Setiap motif mempunyai makna tertentu. Teknis menatonya menggunakan peralatan
sederhana berupa benang, jarum, dan norit (merek obat sakit perut) dan mesin tato mekanik. Tato dan kegiatan menato
di kalangan narapidana mempunyai dua fungsi utama yaitu pribadi dan sosial. Fungsi pribadi berkaitan dengan tato
sebagai karya seni. Dalam batasan ini, tato berfungsi sebagai ekspresi pengalaman hidup yang berfungsi juga sebagai
pengingat akan peristiwa tertentu dan hiasan tubuh, sebagai ekspresi religiositas, terapi dan relaksasi, jimat, daya tarik
seks, keamanan diri, serta untuk menutupi luka atau tato yang dianggap tidak bagus. Fungsi pribadi lainnya adalah
sebagai pendapatan bagi narapidana yang mampu menato. Fungsi sosial tato adalah lambang kelompok, sarana
sosialisasi dan menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri individu dalam kelompok, baik di dalam maupun di luar Lembaga
This article describes about the developments of the motifs, meaning, and functions of the tattoo among the convicts
and detainees in Yogyakarta since 1950s. The research respondents were the convicts and detainees in the Socialization
Institution of Class IIA Yogyakarta, ex-convicts, and tattoo artists who understood about the developments of tattooing
in Yogyakarta. The Motifs of tattoo among the convicts and detainees were flora, fauna, people portraits, horror, tribal
tattoo, heart iconics, typography, biohazard and biomechanical, also still life. There were two appearances of the motif,
standed alone and mix motifs. Each motif had particular meaning. The tattoing technique used simple equipment as
wool, needle, and norit (a brand of stomach-ache medicine) and mechanical tattoo machine. Tattoo and tattooing
activities among the convicts consist of two major functions, individual and social. As individual function, tattoo is an
artwork. In this term, tattoo has a function as the expression of experiences, included as a reminder of specific
experiences and body decoration. Others as a religious expression, therapy and relaxation, talisman, sex appeal, selfprotection
and to cover up the wounds and other tattoo which were not good. Another individual function was job
opportunity for anyone who had ability in tattoing. The social function of tattoo was as a group symbol, a medium of
socialization and enhancing individual self-confidence in the group either inside or outside the Socialization Institution.
Universitas Kristen Petra. Fakultas Seni dan Desain, 2010
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library