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I Dewa Gede Anom Anjasmara
Abstrak :
Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC-0461 merupakan bakteri asam laktat yang diisolasi dari dadih, yang berpotensi sebagai probiotik. Probiotik menunjukkan manfaat jika memiliki viabilitas minimal 1 x 107 CFU di ileum distal atau kolon. Namun, sebagian besar probiotik tidak tahan terhadap kondisi ekstrim selama melalui saluran cerna. Enkapsulasi probiotik menjadi sediaan pelet tertarget kolon menjadi solusi yang baik untuk menjaga viabilitas dan memberikan pelepasan probiotik ke lokasi spesifik di kolon. Pelet diformulasikan menggunakan metode ekstrusi-sferonisasi dengan eksipien berupa Microcrytalline Cellulose (MCC), laktosa, pektin, Cellulose Acetate Phthalate (CAP) dan shellac. Sediaan pelet yang telah dibuat dievaluasi karakteristik fisik, viabilitasnya hingga dilakukan uji disolusi selama 24 jam pada pH 1,2; 6,8 dan 7,4. Pelet yang dilapisi CAP menunjukan hasil yang paling optimum dengan karakteristik pelet yang berbentuk bulat dengan distribusi ukuran partikel 913,57 ± 8,28 μm dan persen perolehan kembali 88,71 ± 1,04 % yang memiliki sifat alir yang sangat baik, kekuatan mekanik yang baik, viabilitas 4,76 x107 CFU/g dan hasil uji disolusinya menunjukan pelepasan sel tertinggi pada cairan simulasi kolon sebesar 1,38 x 107 CFU/g setelah 24 jam. ......Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC-0461 is a lactic acid bacteria isolated from dadih which has potential as a probiotic. Probiotics show health benefits if they have viability at least 1 x 107 CFU in the distal ileum or colon. However, most probiotics are not resistant to extreme conditions while passing through the digestive tract. Encapsulation of probiotics into colon-targeted pellets was a good solution to maintain the viability and provide release of probiotics to specific site in the colon. Pellets were formulated using extrusion-spheronization method with excipient such as Microcrystalline Cellulose (MCC), lactose, pectin, Cellulose Acetate Phthalate (CAP) and shellac. The obtained pellets were evaluated for their physical properties, viability and dissolution study was carried out at pH 1.2; 6.8 and 7.4 for 24 hours. CAP-coated pelet provide the optimum formulation were spherical with particle size distribution was 913.57 ± 8.28 μm and yield was 88.71 ± 1.04 %, it’s have very good flow properties, good mechanical properties, viability was 4.76 x107 CFU/g and it’s dissolution study showed the highest cell release in simulated colonic fluid of 1.38 x 107 CFU/g for 24 hours.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisa Prika Biantama
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Candida albicans merupakan penyebab utama infeksi mikroba oportunistik pada pasien kanker. Pasien Leukemia Limfositik Akut (LLA) yang menjalani kemoterapi memiliki risiko tinggi terkena kandidiasis karena imunosupresi dan melemahnya barier epitel. Penggunaan obat antifungal sistemik dibatasi oleh risiko efek samping yang lebih besar dan berkembangnya strain yang resisten, namun obat antifungal topikal yang tersedia saat ini masih dianggap kurang efektif untuk pasien imunosupresi termasuk pasien kemoterapi. Beberapa penelitian memberikan bukti kelayakan probiotik Lactobacillus casei untuk bertindak sebagai antifungal alternatif di berbagai sistem organ manusia. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh probiotik terhadap jumlah C. albicans di rongga mulut anak penderita LLA selama kemoterapi. Metode: Sampel saliva diambil dari 11 anak penderita LLA selama kemoterapi. Subyek diinstruksikan untuk berkumur dengan probiotik yang mengandung L. casei selama 60 detik, dua kali sehari, selama 14 hari. Sampel saliva tidak terstimulasi dikumpulkan secara berurutan pada 3 titik waktu (awal, 7 hari, dan 14 hari). Jumlah C. albicans dihitung dengan qPCR. Hasil: Perbedaan signifikan secara statistik ditemukan antara jumlah C. albicans pada awal (494.363+180.737 CFU/ml), setelah 7 hari (276.654+69.903 CFU/ml), dan setelah 14 hari (229.286+50.883 CFU/ml) berkumur dengan probiotik. Jumlah yang lebih rendah secara signifikan ditemukan setelah 7 dan 14 hari berkumur dengan probiotik (p<0.05). Kesimpulan: Probiotik L. casei memiliki efek menurunkan jumlah C. albicans di rongga mulut anak leukemia selama kemoterapi. ......Background: Candida albicans is the leading cause of opportunistic microbial infections in patients with cancer. Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) patients undergoing chemotherapy have high risk of candidiasis due to immunosuppression and weakened epithelial barriers. Systemic antifungal drugs’ usage is limited by the greater risk of side effects and developing resistant strains, yet currently available topical antifungal drugs are still considered ineffective for immunosuppressed patients including chemotherapy patients. Several studies provide evidence for the feasibility of probiotic Lactobacillus casei to act as alternative antifungal in various human organ systems. Objectives: To analyze the effects of probiotic L. casei on the number of C. albicans in oral cavity of children with ALL during chemotherapy.Methods: Saliva samples were taken from 11 children with ALL during chemotherapy. Subjects were instructed to do mouth rinse with probiotics contained Lactobacillus casei for 60s, twice daily, over the course of 14 days. Unstimulated saliva samples were collected sequentially at 3 time points (baseline, 7 days, and 14 days). The number of C. albicans was quantified by qPCR. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between the number of C. albicans at baseline (494.363+180.737 CFU/ml), after 7 days (276.653+69.903 CFU/ml), and after 14 days (229.286+50.883 CFU/ml) mouth rinsing with probiotic L. casei. Significant lower number was found both after 7 and 14 days rinsing with probiotics (p<0.05). Conclusion: Probiotic L.casei has reducing effects on the number of C. albicans in oral cavity of children with ALL during chemotherapy.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwitya Nur Fadilahacx
Abstrak :
Ekstraksi Asbuton secara biologis terhadap CaCO3 sebagai pengotor utama Asbuton dilakukan dengan dua tahap. Tahap pertama glukosa dikonversi menjadi asam laktat oleh bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus FNCC 0051 melalui proses fermentasi selama 24 jam pada suhu 37oC. Tahap kedua proses bioleaching CaCO3 berlangsung saat asam laktat bereaksi dengan CaCO3 menjadi kalsium laktat. Tingginya kandungan umpan glukosa dan besarnya kecepatan agitasi mempengaruhi kemampuan bakteri mereduksi padatan karbonat. Keberadaan kalsium laktat, CaCO3 dan aspal diuji menggunakan FTIR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan glukosa yang tinggi dengan kecepatan agitasi yang rendah mampu menghasilkan CaCO3 terlarut sebesar 0,3188%. Kandungan CaCO3 pada ekstrak bitumen berkurang menjadi 19,67% dari 43,28% pada 150 rpm dengan umpan glukosa 12 % (b/v).
Biologically extraction of Asbuton to leaching CaCO3 as the main impurities Asbuton done in two phases. The first phase, glucose is converted to lactic acid by the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus FNCC 0051 through fermentation for 24 hours at 37oC. The second phase, bioleaching CaCO3 takes place when lactic acid reacts with CaCO3 into calcium lactate. Percentage of glucose content and the rate of agitation speed in the feed is affects the ability of bacteria to reduce carbonate solids. Presence of calcium lactate, CaCO3 and asphalt were tested using Fourier- Transform Infrared (FTIR). The results showed that the high glucose content with low agitation speeds is able to produce CaCO3 dissolved by 0,3188%. Content of CaCO3 solids in the extract bitumen was reduced to 19,67% from 43,28% at 150 rpm agitation speeds with 12% (w/v) glucose content.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Milka Afrali
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan : Data Riset Kesehatan Dasar Indonesia pada tahun 2018 menyatakan bahwa sebesar 57,6% penduduk Indonesia mempunyai masalah gigi dan mulut. Karies masih memiliki proporsi terbesar sebagai permasalahan mulut di Indonesia dengan presentasi 45,3% dibandingkan permasalahan kesehatan mulut lainnya. Bakteri yang dianggap dominan untuk inisiasi karies selain Streptococcus mutans adalah Lactobacillus acidophilus yang dikenal sebagai bakteri penghasil asam laktat. Tujuan: Mengeksplorasi interaksi antara komponen Ligan Propolis dengan S-Layer protein (SlpA) dari bakteri Lactobacillus acidophilus melalui uji penambatan molekuler. Metode : Penelitian eksperimental komputasional in silico melalui molecular docking untuk menguji interaksi molekuler dari ligan Propolis terhadap reseptor SlpA Lactobacillus acidophilus. Data hasil interaksi molekular yang berupa gambar 2D dan data histogram kemudian dianalisis dan diintepretasikan untuk melihat afinitas ikatan dari interaksi antara ligan dengan reseptor. Hasil: terdapat interaksi antara ligan Propolis dengan reseptor SlpA dari Lactobacillus acidophilus. Kesimpulan : Adanya afinitas ikatan yang ditandai oleh energi bebas Gibbs (ΔG), konsentrasi inhibisi (Ki), ikatan hidrogen dan ikatan Van der Waals yang terjadi antara ligan Propolis dan reseptor SlpA Lactobacillus acidophilus ini menandakan keberadaan interaksi antara ligan dan reseptor tersebut. Namun, perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut terkait interaksi antibakteri dan potensi lainnya yang dimiliki oleh propolis dengan melalui uji in vitro atau in vivo. ......Introduction: Riskesdas 2018 stated that 57.6% of the Indonesian population had dental and oral problems. Caries still has the largest proportion of oral problems in Indonesia with a presentation of 45.3% compared to other oral health problems. The bacteria that is considered dominant for caries initiation apart from Streptococcus mutans is Lactobacillus acidophilus which is known as a lactic acid producing bacteria. Objective: To explore the interaction between Propolis Ligand components and S-Layer protein (SlpA) from the bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus through a molecular docking test. Methods: In silico computational experimental research using molecular docking to examine the molecular interactions of the Propolis ligand against the SlpA receptor of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Data resulting from molecular interactions in the form of 2D images and histogram data are then analyzed and interpreted to determined the binding affinity of the interaction between the ligand and the receptor. Results: there was an interaction between the Propolis ligand and the SlpA receptor from Lactobacillus acidophilus. Conclusion: The existence of binding affinity characterized by Gibbs free energy (ΔG), inhibitory concentration (Ki), hydrogen bonds and Van der Waals bonds that occur between the Propolis ligand and the SlpA receptor of Lactobacillus acidophilus indicates the existence of an interaction between the ligand and the receptor. However, further research is needed regarding the antibacterial interactions and other potential of propolis through in vitro or in vivo tests.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christophorus Simadibrata
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: merupakan salah satu tindakan pembedahan yang mempengaruhi motilitas gastrointestinal. Penelitian Cihoric et al menunjukkan sebanyak 12,5% pasien pasca laparotomi mengalami komplikasi disfungsi gastrointestinal. Disfungsi pada motilitas gastrointestinal merupakan komplikasi yang sering terjadi pada prosedur pembedahan abdomen. Dari 100 pasien operasi laparotomi digestif, ditemukan sebanyak 40% pasien di ICU mengalami peningkatan gastric residual volume pada pasien pasca operatif laparotomi digestif. Pemberian suplementasi dengan Lactobaciillus acidophilus diketahui dapat meningkatkan motilitas gaster. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek hubungan antara pemberian probiotik Lactobacillus acidophillus dengan GRV. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental atau uji klinis acak tersamar ganda. Sebanyak 55 subjek yang mengikuti randomisasi, 54 subjek yang akan menjalani operasi laparotomi gastrointestinal dimasukkan ke dalam penelitian, 1 subjek drop out karena sepsis. Subjek penelitian diberikan kapsul probiotik Lactobacillus acidophilus 109 (kelompok probiotik) atau diberikan kapsul laktosa (kelompok plasebo) selama 3 hari sebelum operasi. Kadar GRV diukur 2 hari sesudah prosedur. Hasil: Dari 54 subjek dengan 27 subjek tiap kelompok mengikuti penelitian hingga selesai. Pada hari pertama (24 jam), GRV 24 jam dengan pemberian probiotik dan kelompok kontrol menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan (p value 0,669). Pada hari ke 2 (48 jam), GRV 48 jam dengan pemberian probiotik dan kelompok kontrol menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan (p value 1,000). Hasil yang tidak signifikan pada GRV 24 jam dan 48 jam dapat dipengaruhi faktor perancu yaitu geriatri, riwayat kelainan saraf, obesitas, riwayat penggunaan vasopressor, riwayat konsumsi opioid, hiperkapnia dan hiperglikemia selama di ICU. Simpulan: Pemberian probiotik Lactobacillus acidophilus dengan GRV tidak mempunyai efek hubungan dibandingkan dengan placebo. ......Background: Laparotomy is a surgical procedure that affects gastrointestinal motility. Research by Cihoric et al showed that 12.5% ​​of post-laparotomy patients experienced complications of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Dysfunction in gastrointestinal motility is a frequent complication of abdominal surgical procedures. Out of 100 patients with digestive laparotomy surgery, it was found that as many as 40% of patients in the ICU experienced an increase in gastric residual volume in postoperative digestive laparotomy patients. Supplementation with Lactobaciillus acidophilus is known to increase gastric motility. Aim: This study aims to determine the effect of the relationship between administration of Lactobacillus acidophillus probiotics and GRV. Methods: The study design used was an experimental or double-blind randomized clinical trial. A total of 55 subjects who followed the randomization, 54 subjects who would undergo gastrointestinal laparotomy were included in the study, 1 subject dropped out due to sepsis. Research subjects were given probiotic capsules Lactobacillus acidophilus 109 (probiotic group) or given lactose capsules (placebo group) for 3 days before surgery. GRV levels were measured 2 days after the procedure. Results: Of the 54 subjects with 27 subjects in each group, they followed the research to completion. On the first day (24 hours), the 24-hour GRV with the administration of probiotics and the control group showed insignificant results (p value 0.669). On day 2 (48 hours), GRV 48 hours with probiotic administration and the control group showed insignificant results (p value 1,000). Results that were not significant at GRV 24 hours and 48 hours could be influenced by confounding factors, geriatrics, history of neurological disorders, obesity, history of vasopressor use, history of consumption of opioids, hypercapnia and hyperglycemia while in the ICU. Conclusion: Administration of Lactobacillus Acidophilus probiotics with GRV had no association effect compared to placebo.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deshinta Putri Mulya
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Pada penderita Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) terdapat defek pada sel T regulator baik dalam hal jumlah maupun fungsi sel T regulator. Pemberian probiotik dalam hal ini pemberian Lactabacillus reuteri diharapkan mampu menstimulasi timbulnya respon imun yang bersifat imunoregulator dengan cara meningkatkan jumlah sel T regulator dan menurunkan produksi IL6. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh pemberian probiotik terhadap toleransi sistem imun penderita SLE melalui perubahan kadar T regulator (CD4+CD25+Foxp3+) dan IL 6. Metode :30 subjek pasien SLE dengan manifestasi ringan yang datang ke poliklinik Alergi Imunologi RSCM, diberikan probiotik Lactobacillus reuteri (15 orang) dan placebo (15 orang) selama 8 minggu. CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ dan IL 6 diperiksa sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan menggunakan flowcytometri dan pemeriksaan ELISA. Hasil : Pemberian Lactobacillus reuteri selama 8 minggu meningkatkan kadarCD4+CD25+FoxP3+secara bermakna (1,38+ 8,36% VS 3,71+3,17% ; P=0,007 ; CI =-3,91 ? -0,74) . Terdapat penurunan kadar IL 6 setelah perlakuan, baik pada kelompok yang diberikan Lactobacillus reuteri (4,76+5,75 pg/ml VS 3,7 +3,36 pg/ml ; P=0,25 ; CI -0,83- 2,9) maupun pada kelompok placebo ( 2,6+2,02 pg/ml VS 2,07+2,39 ; P= 0,35 ; CI = -0,57 ? 1,52). Namun begitu, pada akhir penelitian perubahan tersebut tidak menimbulkan perbedaan bermakna kadar CD4+CD25+FoxP3+dan IL 6antara kedua kelompok. Kesimpulan :Terjadi peningkatan bermakna kadar CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ pada kelompok yang diberikan probiotik Lactobacillus reuteri selama 8 minggu.
Backgroud : In patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) there are abnormality on T lymphocytes, including the existence of a defect in the regulatory T cells both in terms of number and function. Giving probiotic, in this case Lactabacillus reuteri administration, is expected to stimulate the immune response to be more tolerance by increasing the number of regulatory T cells and decreasing the IL6 production. Aim : To know the effect of probiotic (Lactobacillus reuteri ) on the immune system of patients with SLE through changes in the levels of regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+ Foxp3+) and IL 6 Method :Thirty ofSLE patients with mild manifestations, who came to Allergy and Immunology Clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, were given the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri (15 people) and placebo (15 people) for 8 weeks. CD4+ CD25 + FoxP3+ and IL 6 were examined before and after exposure using flowcytometri and ELISA. We then analyzed the levels of CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + and IL6 before and after exposure. Result : Administration of Lactobacillus reuteri for 8 weeks brought statistically significant improvement on CD4+ CD25 + FoxP3 +level (1,38+ 8.36% + 3.17% vs. 3.71; P = 0.007; CI = -3.91 - -0.74). There were decreased level of IL 6 in Lactobacillus reuteri group (4.76 + 5.75 pg / ml VS3,71 + 3.36 pg / ml; P = 0.25; CI - 0,83- 2, 9) and the placebo group (2.6 + 2.02 pg / ml vs. 2.07 + 2.39; P = 0.35; CI = - 0.57 - 1.5). However,at the end of study, those changes didn?t make statistically significant difference of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ and IL 6 level between two group. Conclusion : A significant increase of the levels of CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + were found after 8 weeks Lactobacillus reuteri administration, Backgroud : In patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) there are abnormality on T lymphocytes, including the existence of a defect in the regulatory T cells both in terms of number and function. Giving probiotic, in this case Lactabacillus reuteri administration, is expected to stimulate the immune response to be more tolerance by increasing the number of regulatory T cells and decreasing the IL6 production. Aim : To know the effect of probiotic (Lactobacillus reuteri ) on the immune system of patients with SLE through changes in the levels of regulatory T cells (CD4+CD25+ Foxp3+) and IL 6 Method :Thirty ofSLE patients with mild manifestations, who came to Allergy and Immunology Clinic of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, were given the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri (15 people) and placebo (15 people) for 8 weeks. CD4+ CD25 + FoxP3+ and IL 6 were examined before and after exposure using flowcytometri and ELISA. We then analyzed the levels of CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + and IL6 before and after exposure. Result : Administration of Lactobacillus reuteri for 8 weeks brought statistically significant improvement on CD4+ CD25 + FoxP3 +level (1,38+ 8.36% + 3.17% vs. 3.71; P = 0.007; CI = -3.91 - -0.74). There were decreased level of IL 6 in Lactobacillus reuteri group (4.76 + 5.75 pg / ml VS3,71 + 3.36 pg / ml; P = 0.25; CI - 0,83- 2, 9) and the placebo group (2.6 + 2.02 pg / ml vs. 2.07 + 2.39; P = 0.35; CI = - 0.57 - 1.5). However,at the end of study, those changes didn’t make statistically significant difference of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ and IL 6 level between two group. Conclusion : A significant increase of the levels of CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 + were found after 8 weeks Lactobacillus reuteri administration]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Daya hambat probiotik Lactobacillus acidhopilus terhadap pertumbuhan Candida albicans. Candida albicans (C.albicans) merupakan salah satu jamur yang sering menyebabkan kandidiasis oral. Resistensi obat kerap menjadi masalah dalam penatalaksanaan kandidiasis oral terutama pada pasien kompromis imun. Manfaat probiotik terhadap kesehatan telah diketahui secara luas. Probiotik memproduksi asam laktat dan bakteriosin yang mempunyai efek antibakteri. Namun penelitian yang berfokus pada efek antijamur probiotik, terutama untuk C. albicans masih dibutuhkan. Tujuan: Menganalisis efek hambatan pertumbuhan C. albicans setelah pemberian probiotik. Metode: Tiga konsentrasi probiotik yang mengandung Lactobacillus acidophilus (McFarland 6, 8, 10) digunakan untuk melihat efek hambatan terhadap pertumbuhan C. albicans (McFarland 0.5) yang ditumbuhkan pada agar trypticase yeast-extract cystine (TYC). Pengukuran zona hambat dilakukan setelah kultur selama 48 jam. Perbedaan zona hambat antara kelompok uji dianalisis dengan one-way ANOVA. Hasil: Probiotik dengan konsentrasi McFarland 10 mempunyai efek hambatan pertumbuhan yang paling tinggi terhadap C. albicans dan perbedaan ini bermakna jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok uji lain (p<0.05). Simpulan: L. acidophillus probiotik mempunyai daya hambat terhadap pertumbuhan C.albicans.
Candida albicans is the most common organism causing oral candidiasis. Drug resistance to synthetic antifungal medication is becoming a problem in the treatment of oral candidiasis, especially in immunocompromised patients. Probiotic has been known for its health benefits. It produces lactic acid and bacteriocin that has antibacterial effect. Research focuses on antifungal effect of probiotic, escpecially for C. albicans is still needed. Objective: To determine the inhibition effect of probiotic in the growth of C. albicans. Methods: Three concentrations of Lactobacillus acidophilus-containing probiotic (McFarland 6, 8, 10) were used to determine their inhibition effect on C. albicans (McFarland 0.5) growing in trypticase yeast-extract cystine (TYC) agar. The inhibition effect of probiotic was determined by measuring the inhibition zone produced after 48 hours of culture. Difference in inhibition zone among experimental groups was analyzed using one-way ANOVA and LSD post-test. Results: Probiotic with McFarland 10 had the highest inhibition effect against C. albicans and the difference to other experimental groups was statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: L. acidophilus probiotic has inhibition effect in the growth of C. albicans.
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata, Kediri, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library