ABSTRAKTesis ini menganalisis pengaruh integrasi pelatihan keterampilan mental pada fase
persiapan kompetisi terhadap kepercayaan diri atlet taekwondo PPLP DKI Jakarta.
Delapan orang atlet PPLP DKI Jakarta diberikan pelatihan keterampilan mental dan dilakukan pengukuran kepercayaan diri sebelum serta sesudah intervensi, sedangkan lembar penilaian kepercayaan diri diberikan kepada pelatih dan asisten pelatih. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa perlu dilakukan pelatihan keterampilan mental pada fase persiapan; melakukan pelatihan pernafasan, latihan self-talk positif, dan pelatihan imagery sebelum latihan, serta pelatihan pernafasan dan relaksasi setelah latihan.
ABSTRAKThe purpose of this thesees is to analyze the effect of psychological skill training (PST) to enhance self-confidence of PPLP DKI Jakarta taekwondoin athletes in competition preparation phase. Eight athletes, a coach and his asisstant are the participants of this study. Eight taekwondoin athlete were given a PST program, and self-confidence measurement were conducted before and after intervention has completed. The coach and his assistant were asked to give their evaluation by completing Athlete’s Self-Confidence Evaluation Form. This study shows that PST influences self-confidence. The results of this Study also suggests that PST should be integrated in the preparation phase; using breathing technique, positive self-talk, and imagery training before exercise, as well as breathing and relaxation after a training exercise"