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Ditemukan 28 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Aitchison, Jean, 1938-
[London]: Cambridge University Press, 2001
401.4 AIT l (1)
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aitchison, Jean, 1938-
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013
417.7 AIT l (1)
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ginting, Erni Farida
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari tahu kaitan antara perilaku sosial warga guyub Bugis di Jakarta Utara dan bahasa daerahnya, yang difokuskan. pada usaha untuk mendeskripsikan serta mengeksplanasikan tingkat pemertahanan dan penggeseran bahasa daerah guyub yang bersangkutan. Teori yang dijadikan kerangka acuan dalam tesis ini adalah teori yang dikemukakan oleh Dorian (19B1). Kajian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data-data kebahasaan yang dimanfaatkan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner.
Di dalam penelitian ini dibicarakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat pemertahanan dan penggeseran bahasa daerah guyub Bugis. Secara khusus, dalam telaah ini dipaparkan kecenderungan pemakaian bahasa Bugis yang ditinjau dan variabel-variabel seperti situasi dan topik pembicaraan, Dalam uraian tesis ini dijabarkan pula kecenderungan sikap guyub Bugis terhadap bahasa daerahnya maupun bahasa daerah yang lain. Masalah status diglosik guyub ini turut pula dipersoalkan di dalamnya.
Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa telah terjadi proses pemertahanan dan penggeseran bahasa di kalangan guyub Bugis di Jakarta Utara. Pemertahanan bahasa terjadi di kalangan responden usia dewasa, sementara penggeseran bahasa dialami oleh responden usia muda. Pemertahanan bahasa dan penggeseran bahasa di kalangan guyub Bugis ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor seperti tempat lahir, kawin campur, situasi, dan faktor subjektif. Melalui penelitian ini diketahui pula bahwa terdapat dua sikap yang berbeda di antara guyub Bugis terhadap bahasa daerahnya. Kelompok pria merupakan kelompok yang bersikap positif terhadap bahasa Bugis, sedangkan kelompok wanita cenderung bersikap negatif terhadap bahasa daerahnya. Sikap mereka terhadap bahasa daerah lain beragam, sebagian bersikap positif dan sebagian lagi sebaliknya. Dari penelitian ini pula terungkap bahwa guyub Bugis di Jakarta Utara berada dalam situasi diglosik versi Fishman, yakni masyarakat bilingual dengan diglosia.

The aim of this research is to find out the relation between the social behaviour of Bugis people domiciling in North Jakarta and their traditional language, which is focused on the effort to describe and to explain the level of their traditional language maintenance and language shift. The theoretical frame work offered by Dorian (1981) has been employed in this study. The study has been conducted by employing both quantitative and qualitative methods. The data used in this research comes from the questionnaires.
I have discussed the factors that influence the level of the Bugis traditional language maintenance and shift. As of previous, mainly I talked about the preference of most Bugis in using their language, viewed from some variables such as situation and topic of conversation. I also tried to explain the attitudinal tendency of Bugis about their own language and other traditional languages. Moreover, the level of diglossia of Bugis also counts here.
The result of this research has found that Bugis people in North Jakarta are in the process of both maintaining the language as well as shifting it. Those who maintain the language are mostly member of the older generation, and those who tend to shift it are of the younger generation. The factors that influence the language maintenance and language shift are place of birth, cross-cultural marriage, situation, and subjective factors. I also noticed that there are two different language attitudes among Bugis regarding their tradtional language. Male group can be assumed as those who have a positive attitude to the language, but in contrast female group are those who have a negative attitude to their traditional language. About the attitude of other languages, it seems that both groups show various preferences, some are quite positive while others are negative. Another result of this research also shows that the Bugis are in the Fishman's type of diglossic situation, namely bilingual society with diglossia."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Labov, William
Oxford: Blackwell, 2001
400 LAB p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Lanskap linguistik (LL) merupakan ilmu linguistik yang melihat fenomena bahasa di ruang publik. Salah satu tujuan LL memahami multilingualisme di daerah atau kawasan tertentu. Pada masa Covid-19 banyak ditemukan pesan-pesan dan imbauan untuk mencegah Covid-19. Imbauan tersebut dapat ditemukan di transportasi umum Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat pemilihan bahasa dan kondisi multilingualisme pada LL di transportasi umum Jakarta–KRL, MRT, dan TJ–dalam pencegahan penularan Covid-19. Data diambil pada bulan Februari–Maret 2022 yang dianalisis menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Landry & Bourhis (1997). Adapun untuk melihat kategori tanda, menggunakan teori Gorter (2006) top-down dan bottom-up serta teori part writing Backhaus (2007). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tanda-tanda yang diteliti mayoritas berasal dari top-down. Hanya sedikit tanda bottom-up yang peneliti temukan karena area komersial jarang ditemukan di transportasi umum Jakarta. Multilingualisme terlihat dengan munculnya dua bahasa, yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris. Analisis menggunakan teori part writing Backhaus (2007) memperlihatkan dominasi bahasa Indonesia dalam penggunaan pesan pada tanda pencegahan penularan Covid-19 pada transportasi umum di Jakarta.

Landscape linguistics (LL) is a linguistic study that looks at the phenomenon of language in the public sphere. One of the goals of LL is to understand multilingualism in a particular area or region. During the Covid-19 period, there were many messages to prevent Covid-19. These messages can also be found on public transportation in Jakarta. This study aims to examine the choice of language and the condition of multilingualism in LL in Jakarta public transportation – KRL, MRT, and TJ – to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. The data was taken in February–March 2022 and was analyzed using a qualitative method. The theory used is the theory of Landry & Bourhis (1997). As for looking at the sign categories, using the top-down and bottom-up Gorter (2006) theory and the part writing theory by Backhaus (2007). The results showed that the signs studied were the majority from top-down. Only a slight bottom-up sign because commercial areas are rarely found on Jakarta's public transportation. Multilingualism is seen with the emergence of two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Analysis using Backhaus's (2007) part writing theory shows the dominance of Indonesian in the use of messages as a sign of preventing the transmission of Covid-19 on public transportation in Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Artikel ini menjelaskan kohesivitas sosial masyarakat Sasak tradisional yang tercermin dalam kategori dan ekspresi
linguistiknya, khususnya pada domain modal sosial. Selanjutnya, bagaimana nilai-nilai kohesivitas sosial itu
bertransformasi dalam modal sosial masyarakat Sasak sekarang. Kategori dan ekspresi linguistik dimaknai sebagai
bentuk kategorisasi lingual dan ungkapan verbal dalam domain modal sosial, yang mana di dalamnya tersimpan berbagai
sistem pengetahuan masyarakat Sasak mengenai kohesivitas sosial. Sementara itu, transformsi dalam kajian ini
dimaknai sebagai bentuk pergeseran atau perubahan pada struktur permukaan (transformasi lingual) dan juga pada
struktur dalam (perubahan prilaku) masyarakat Sasak. Untuk tujuan tersebut, digunakanlah pendekatan etnosemantik,
yakni memeriksa kosakata-kosakata tertentu dalam bahasa yang mereka gunakan pada ranah sosial dan memiliki kaitan
dengan konsep modal sosial. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, ditemukan paling tidak ada tiga macam modal sosial masyarakat
Sasak yang menjadi landasan nilai-nilai kohesivitas sosialnya: (1) modal sosial yang merujuk kepada bentuk interaksiinteraksi,
(2) modal sosial yang merujuk kepada bentuk institusi, dan (3) modal sosial yang menunjuk kepada normanorma.
Adapun kecenderungan transformasi sosial yang terjadi lebih dikarenakan oleh adanya (i) tuntutan kualifikasi
baru, (ii) bergesernya peran profesi, (iii) munculnya stratifikasi kompleks dalam masyarakat Sasak dewasa ini, dan (iv)
adanya berbagai kelembagaan baru yang diterapkan oleh negara dan lebih didukung oleh sistem kekuasaan formal.
This article presents the social cohesiveness of traditional Sasak reflected and expressed in their linguistics, particularly
at social capital domain, and to transform it to the current social capital of Sasak people. The category and linguistic
expressions are considered to be the lingual category forms and the verbal expressions in the social capital domain, in
which it is kept various knowledge systems of the social cohesiveness of Sasak people. Transformation in this study is
defined as a shift at the surface structure (the lingual transformation) and deep structure (the behaviour transformation)
of Sasak people, it is used the ethnosemantic approach, by investigating certain vocabularies in the language they use in
the social domain having relationship with the social capital. This study reveals three social capitals of Sasak people
becoming the base of values: (1) the social capital referring to the interactional forms, (2) to the institutional forms, and
(3) to the norms. Furthermore, the social transformation tendency is caused by (i) the new qualification needs, (ii) the
shift of professional role, and (iii) the existence of the complexity stratification, and (iv) the existence of new various
institutions formed by the governments and the formal system power."
STKIP Qamarul Huda. Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maguire, Warren
"Analysing Variation in English brings together a range of perspectives on the
collection, analysis, and broader relevance of variable language data. In the
fi rst half of the book, the focus is fi rmly on the description and comparison
of methods for collecting and analysing examples of variation in language.
Novel quantitative and computational methods are introduced and exemplifi
ed alongside more traditional approaches. The innovative second half of the
book establishes and tests the relevance of language variation to other aspects of linguistics such as language change, and to other disciplines such as law and education. Each chapter concludes with a ‘Where next?’ section, providing guidance on further reading, but also pointers to under-researched areas, designed to help identify good topics for projects and dissertations. Designed to be used by students as well as researchers, the book will be welcomed by those working in English language and linguistics, sociolinguistics or language change."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bybee, Joan L.
"Language demonstrates structure while at the same time showing considerable variation at all levels: languages differ from one another while still being shaped by the same principles; utterances within a language differ from one another while still exhibiting the same structural patterns; languages change over time, but in fairly regular ways. This book focuses on the dynamic processes that create languages and give them their structure and their variance. Joan Bybee outlines a theory of language that directly addresses the nature of grammar, taking into account its variance and gradience, and seeks explanation in terms of the recurrent processes that operate in language use. The evidence is based on the study of large corpora of spoken and written language, and what we know about how languages change, as well as the results of experiments with language users. The result is an integrated theory of language use and language change which has implications for cognitive processing and language evolution."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2010
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Blevins, Juliette
"Evolutionary Phonology is a new theory of sound patterns which synthesizes results in historical linguistics, phonetics, and phonological theory. In this groundbreaking book, Juliette Blevins explores the nature of sound patterns and sound change in human language over the past 7,000–8,000 years, the time depth for which the comparative method is reasonably reliable. This book presents a new approach to the problem of how genetically unrelated languages, as far apart as Native American, Australian Aboriginal, Austronesian, and Indo-European, can often show similar sound patterns, and also tackles the converse problem of why there are notable exceptions to most of the patterns that are often regarded as universal. It argues that in both cases, a formal model of sound change incorporating misperception and variable articulation can account for attested sound systems without reference to markedness or naturalness within the synchronic grammar. Wide-ranging, clearly structured, and original."
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Good Jeff
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016
415.01 GOO l
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
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