"LATAR BELAKANG : Sirosis hati merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Penyakit ini merupakan penyakit hati yang sering dijumpai selain hepatitis virus akut dan kanker hati. Komplikasi sirosis hati yang tersering adalah asites. Adanya asites merupakan prognosis yang buruk karena hanya sekitar 50% penderita sirosis hati dengan asites dapat bertahan hidup dalarn waktu 2 tahun. Asites juga merupakan faktor predisposisi terjadinya komplikasi berbahaya seperti Peritonitis Bakteri Spontan (PBS).
BAHAN DAN METODE : 74 subyek penelitian penderita sirosis hati dengan asites. Pada cairan asites dilakukan biakan aerob-anaerob, pemeriksaan hitung leukosit dengan alat hitung sel otomatis Sysmex XT2000i®, hitung jenis leukosit dengan mikroskop dan uji leukosit esterase carik celup urin sedangkan pemeriksaan albumin, protein dan LDH dilakukan untuk serum dan cairan asites.
HASIL : Pada penelitian ini didapatkan penderita PBS sebanyak 14 orang (18.92%). Pada kelompok PBS didapatkan netrositik asites sebanyak 12 orang (85.71%). Dari hasil biakan yang positif pads kelompok penderita PBS berhasil diisolasi dua jenis kuman golongan Enterobacteriaceae yaitu Escherichia call dan Enterobacter aerogenes. Kedua kuman ini diduga menghasilkan Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL). Dengan menggunakan cara perhitungan stastistik menurut Bland-Altman didapatkan bahwa hasil hitung jumlah leukosit pada cairan asites dengan menggunakan alat otomatis Sysmex XT2000P tidak berbeda bermakna dengan cara manual. Untuk memperkirakan jumlah PMN cairan asites ? 250 sellpL maka cut off point untuk MuitistixlOSG® adaiah pada skala trace sedangkan untuk Comburl4M® adalah pada skala positif-2. Sebagian besar cairan asites pada penderita PBS termasuk transudat berdasarkan kriteria Light (85.71 %). Pada 92.86 % penderita PBS mempunyai SAAG > 1.1 g/dL.
KESIMPULAN : Pada penelitian ini diperoleh proporsi PBS sebesar 18.92 % dan proporsi netrositik asites sebesar 85.71%. Kedua jenis kuman batang Gram negatif diduga menghasilkan ESBL sehingga resisten terhadap Sefotaksim. Hitung leukosit cairan asites dapat dilakukan dengan alat penghitung sel otomatis Sysmex XT2000i. Leukosit esterase carik celup urin Multistixi OSG® dan Comburl0M@ dapat digunakan untuk memperkirakan jumlah PMN cairan asites > 250 sellpL. Cairan asites pada penderita PBS temasuk transudat menurut modifikasi kriteria Light. PBS tidak mempengaruhi SAAG.
SARAN : Parasentesis diagnostik harus dilakukan sebelum pemberian antibiotik empirik. Leukosit esterase carik celup urin dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu cara untuk memdiagnosis PBS secara "bedside". Penelitian lanjutan untuk mendapatkan pola dan kepekaan antibiotika kuman penyebab PBS.
Cirrhosis is identified as one of major health problems in Indonesia. It is found to be the most prevalent liver disease in addition to acute viral hepatitis and liver cancer. Ascites is the most common complication associated with cirrhosis. About 50% of patients with cirrhosis who develop ascites die within 2 years of diagnosis. Ascites also predisposes life-threatening complication such as Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis (SBP).Materials and Methods. 74 cirrhosis patients who develop ascites were included in the study. The ascitic fluid was cultured in aerobic and anaerobic media. Leukocytes were evaluated for leukocytes count using Sysmex XT2000iT"" automatic cell counter, leukocytes differential count was observed under the microscope, and dip stick urine of leukocyte esterase test. Moreover, albumin, protein, and LDH level were assessed for both serum and ascitic fluid.Results. Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis was diagnosed in 14 subjects (18.92%). Twelve subjects (85.71%) within this group developed neutrocytic ascites. Enterobacteriaceae pathogens, i.e. Eschericiiia coil and Enterobacter aerogerles, had been isolated from the ascitic fluid culture. These pathogens were suspected for producing Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL). Using Bland-Altman test, it was discovered that there were no significant differences in leukocytes count of ascitic fluid either measured with Sysmex XT2000iT"' automatic cell counter or conventional method. The cut-off point for MultistixlOSGTm was set on trace scale, whereas the ComburlOMTM was set on scale positive-2 to obtain a number of PMN leukocytes count of more than 250 cellslpL. Based on Light criteria, 85.71% of ascitic fluid from the SBP patients were considered as transudates. Meanwhile, 92.86% of SBP group showed an SHAG ? 1.lg/dL.Conclusions. The study reveals that the proportion of SBP is 18.92% and neutrocytic ascites is 85.71%. Both of the Gram-negative bacteria are considered producing ESBL that induce resistance to Cefotaxime. Leukocytes count of ascitic fluid can be measured using Sysmex XT2000iTM automatic cell counter. To predict PMN leukocyte count of more than 250 cells/pL, the dip stick urine leukocytes esterase test using MultistixlOSGT"^ and ComburlOMTM are available. The ascitic fluid in SBP patients are classified as transudates, based on Light criteria. SBP has no effect against SAAG.Suggestions. A diagnostic paracentesis should be performed prior to empirical antibiotics therapy. The dip stick urine leukocytes esterase test can be use as an alternative method to diagnose SBP along with the other bedside techniques. Further study is required to attain pattern and sensitivity of SBP pathogens."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006