"Penelitian ini terfokus pada usaha untuk menurunkan intensi turnover executive trainee di PT TRI. Turnover sebesar 61.9% diidentifikasi karena ketidakpuasan terhadap gaji, kondisi operasional, dan sifat pekerjaan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh kepuasan kerja terhadap intensi turnover menggunakan Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1997) dan Withdrawal Cognition (Tang, Kim & Tang, 2000). Hasil dari 60 executive trainee menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan kepuasan kerja sebesar 53.9% terhadap intensi turnover. Hasil lanjutan menunjukkan sifat pekerjaan paling berkontribusi dan signifikan terhadap intensi turnover. Oleh karenanya, diberikan intervensi pelatihan mentoring pada atasan dari executive trainee dengan kepuasan pada sifat pekerjaan rendah dan sedang. Hasil uji perbedaan skor kepuasan kerja dan intensi turnover saat sebelum dan setelah intervensi menunjukkan terdapat peningkatan kepuasan kerja terutama pada faset sifat pekerjaan, serta penurunan intensi turnover secara signifikan. Dengan demikian, perusahaan perlu membekali atasan dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mentoring sebelum membimbing para executive trainee.
This study focused on the efforts to reduce turnover intention of executive trainee at PT TRI. Turnover amounted to 61.9% was identified as dissatisfaction with salaries, operating conditions, and the nature of work. The study was conducted to see the effect of job satisfaction on turnover intention using Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1997) and Withdrawal Cognition (Tang, Kim & Tang, 2000). The results of the 60 executive trainees showed that 53.9% of turnover intention was influenced by job satisfaction. Further result showed that the nature of work is the most contributing facet and has significant effect to turnover intention. Therefore, the researcher conducted an intervention in the form of mentoring training for superiors of executive trainee with low and medium satisfaction on nature of work. Result of a mean differences test on turnover intention and job satisfaction scores before and after the intervention showed that there was an increase of job satisfaction, especially on the nature of work, as well as reduce turnover intention significantly. Thus, company needs to equip superiors with the knowledge and skills of mentoring before guiding the executive trainee."