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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Slot, G.
Eindhoven: Philips Technical, 1965
621.388 8 Slo f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
" Perkembangan teknologi alat telekomunikasi dewasa ini begitu meningkat pesat. Salah satu faldor yang memungidnkan terciptanya aiat telekomunikasi tersebut adalah adanya sebuah transduser yang dapat mengubah suara menjacil slnyal listdk atau seballknya. Transduser yang dapat mengubah suara menjadi slnyal 11strIk dikenal dengan nama Mlkrolon. Jenis mikrofon yang ada cukup banyak. Yang paling banyak dlpakal adalah mikrofon yang menggunakan prinsip kapasltif yang lebih dikenal dengan nama mlkrofon kondenser. Pada Tugas Skdpsi Ini, dliakukan penelitian tentang rancangan mikrofon ... "
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grimm, Simon
" Simon Grimm examines new multi-microphone signal processing strategies that aim to achieve noise reduction and dereverberation. Therefore, narrow-band signal enhancement approaches are combined with broad-band processing in terms of directivity based beamforming. Previously introduced formulations of the multichannel Wiener filter rely on the second order statistics of the speech and noise signals. The author analyses how additional knowledge about the location of a speaker as well as the microphone arrangement can be used to achieve ... "
Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafaely, Boaz
" This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of spherical microphone arrays, and was written for graduate students, researchers and engineers who work with spherical microphone arrays in a wide range of applications. The new edition includes additions and modifications, and references supplementary Matlab code to provide the reader with a straightforward start for own implementations. The book is also accompanied by a Matlab manual, which explains how to implement the examples ... "
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library