"Tesis ini membahas representasi media bagi kelompok minoritas Amerika Serikat dengan menganalisis fenomena kemunculan gerakan LGBT Fans Deserve Better pasca kematian tokoh Lexa dalam serial televisi The 100. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis konten berbasis resepsi untuk melihat faktor yang menyebabkan tokoh Lexa sangat berpengaruh bagi kelompok LGBT dan pentingnya representasi media bagi kelompok minoritas Amerika Serikat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besarnya pengaruh Lexa merupakan hasil dari keberhasilan serial televisi The 100 merepresentasikan kelompok LGBT melalui penokohan Lexa. Keberhasilan ini ditunjukkan oleh kemampuan Lexa menunjukkan visibilitas kelompok LGBT yang membantu upaya mencari pengakuan dan membenarkan misrecognition seperti yang terlihat dari pemaknaan Lexa oleh kelompok LGBT melalui lsquo;bahasa rsquo; yang beredar. Gerakan LGBT Fans Deserve Better merupakan imbas dari kekecewaan dan kemarahaan akan terenggutnya representasi yang dianggap terbaik dan ekspektasi besar yang digantungkan kepada tokoh Lexa.
......This study examines the importance of media representation for minority groups in The United States of America based on a character in the TV series, The 100. The death of the character, Lexa, initated a movement called LGBT Fans Deserve Better, which demands for positive LGBT representations on television. This study uses qualitative approach and a reception based content analysis method to examine the reasons why the LGBT community is strongly affected by the character and her death. The data collected include tweets, tumblr posts, and website content.
The findings show that Lexa rsquo s powerful influence is the result of The 100 rsquo s success in representing LGBT community through her character. This success is demonstrated by her ability to show LGBT community visibility, which in turns helps them find a recognition and rectify the misrepresentaion of their community. LGBT Fans Deserve Better movement is a result of the disappointment and the outrage of the community brought by Lexa rsquo s death, for Lexa is perceived as the best representation for the community."