"Anemia terjadi diseluruh dunia baik pada negara maju maupun pada negara terbelakang. Dampak anemia pada WUS adalah menurunkan produktivitas kerja, menurunkan imunitas, bahkan pada anemia tingkat berat dapat mengakibatkan kematian.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh suplementasi MGM (Multi Gizi Mikro) dibandingkan TTD (Tablet Tambah Darah). MGM mengandung 12 Vitamin dan 4 mineral, kandungan besinya fero fumarat 20 mg. Sedangkan TTD mengandung 60 me fero sulfat dan 0,25 mg Asam folat.
Disain penelitian adalah kuasi experimental non blinded, Sampel dikelompokkan menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok TTD dan kelompok MGM, masing masing terdiri dari 50 orang. Cara pengambilan sampel pada data primer adalah secara purposive. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji beda T independen, Dependeden T test, Anova dan regresi linear ganda. Variabel Dependent adalah perubahan kadar Hb, variabel independen adalah umur, status nikah, paritas, jumlah pendapatan.jumlah tanggungan keluarga, asupan zat penghambat dan peningkat besi, asupan energi, protein, Vit A, Vit C, B12, Asam Folat,kepatuhan dan komplhin.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 36 % nakerwan kadar Hbnya berubah menjadi normal. Perubahan kadar Hb sebelum diberikan intervensi dibandingkan setelah diberikan suplementas: TTD mavypun MGM selama 2 bulan terdapat perubahan yang bermakna (P=0,000).Pernbahan kadar Hb pada suplementasi TTD 0,62 ar/dl, sedangkan pada suplementasi MGM 0,64 gr/di.Perbedaan perubahan kadar Hb pada suplementasi TID dan MGM tidak berbeda.P >0,05. Variabel yang paling berpengaruh terhadap perubahan kadar Hb adalah konsumsi zat peningkat besi. Variabel lain yang berpengaruh terhadap perubahan kadar Hb adalah Hb awal dan komplin. Variabel konfonding adalah jumlah tanggungan keluarga, jumlah hari haid, jumlah paritas,asupan protein dan kepatuhan.
......Anemia is a common problem that happened in any kind of country, developed or developing country, The impact of anemia in Women Childbearing are the degradation of productivity and immunity. Heavy level of anemia can caused death.
Objective of this research is to identification the difference effect between MGM (Multi Micro Nutrient) and TTD (iron tablet) supplementation. MGM contain of !2 vitamins, 4 minerals, and 20 mg Fe Fumarat. TTD contain of 60 mg Fero Sulfate and 0,25 mg Folic Acid, and MGM contain 12 kinds of Vitamin and Fero Fumarat 20 mg also 3 kinds others mineral (yodium, Zink and Selenium).
Research design that used in this research is quasi experimenta) non blinded. Samples are classified as 2 classes (TTD and MGM class) with 5Q person each class and totally sampling are 100 persons. As the dependent variable is the changes of Hb concentrate, independence variable are age, marriage status, paritas, total of family income, total intake from the family, intake of prohibit nutrient and precursor of iron supplementation, protein, vitamin A, vitamin c, vitamin BJ2 and folat acid, obedient factors also supplement consumption. Suplementation given for 2 months, TTD given | tablet each week and when menarche period 10 tablets. MGM given for one week 7 sachet, for consumption each day. Analyze data using Test T independent, paired T Test, anova and regretion double linear.
In this research, there is no changes of Hb contains which is significant to the group which is given TTD also MGM, p>0.05.The difference of Hb concentrate to TTD supplementation TTD 0.62 gr/dl, to MGM 0.64 gr/dl. The changes of Hb concentrate after given of TTD supplementation and MGM for 2 months there is a changes which is significant.(P=0,000).The most variable influence to changes of Hb concentrate are consumption of Iron supplement. Others variable which are influenced to changed of Hb concentrate are Hb before analyzes and reaction after consumpiion of iron supplement. Confounding variable are total of family responsibility, total of day menarche, paritas, intake of protein and compliance."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008