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Molahidatidosa merupakan kehamilan abnormal yang secara histologi ditandai dengan proliferasi sel trofoblas, degenerasi hidrofik vili korialis dan degenerasi avaskular vili korialis. Sejumlah 15-28% penderita molahidatidosa menderita degenerasi keganasan pascamolahidatidosa. Vitamin A atau retinol dimetabolisme menjadi asam retinoat di dalam sel. Asam retinoat mempunyai aktivitas mengontrol proliferasi sel dan merangsang apoptosis. Aktivitas proliferasi dan apoptosis merupakan aktivitas yang dimiliki oleh sel trofoblas molahidatidosa dan juga vitamin A. Mungkin terdapat hubungan antara molahidatidosa dengan vitamin A. Penelitian epidemiologi mendapatkan kadar vitamin A penderita molahidatidosa lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan wanita hamil normal.
Risiko menderita molahidatidosa pada wanita yang berusia kurang dari 24 tahun dan menderita defisiensi vitamin A sebesar 6,29-7 kali. Kadar vitamin A yang rendah mungkin merupakan salah satu bagian dari patofisiologi terjadinya molahidatidosa dan atau bagian dari patofisiologi terjadinya degenerasi keganasan pascamolahidatidosa. Bila vitamin A merupakan bagian dari patofisiologi terjadinya degenerasi keganasan pascamolahidatidosa, maka vitamin A dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu terapi pencegahan keganasan pascamolahidatidosa. Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan penggunaan vitamin A sebagai kemoprevensi keganasan pascamolahidatidosa. Penelitian ini memberi manfaat menurunkan kej adian, morbiditas dan mortalitas Penyakit Trofoblas Ganas (PTG).
Bahan dan cara kerja
Rangkaian penelitian
Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari rangkaian penelitian. Dua penelitian penunjang yaitu penelitian ekspresi reseptor RBP (retinal binding protein), dan penelitian aktivitas apoptosis sel trofoblas yang diberi asam retinoat. Penelitian utama adalah penelitian uji klinik pencegahan keganasan pascamolahidatidosa dengan vitamin A.
Penelitian ekfpresi reseptor RBP pada sel trofobias.
Penelitian ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa sel trofoblas mempunyai reseptor RBP. Sampel penelitian ekspresi reseptor RBP adalah blok paratin molahidatidosa. Ekspresi reseptor retinol diperiksa dengan imunohistokimia tidak langsung menggunakan antibodi RBP. Sementara itu ada atau tidaknya ekspresi dan letak ekspresi reseptor RBP pada sei trofoblas dinilai bersama dokter spesialis Patologi Anatomi.
Penelitian aktivitas apoprosis sel trofoblas yang diberi asam retinoat. Penelitian aktivitas apoptosis sel trofoblas molahidatidosa pada pemberian asam retinoat bertujuan untuk membuktikan adanya induksi apoptosis pada sel trofoblas yang diberi retinoat. (ATRAI all trans retinoic acid). Sampel penelitian aktivitas apoptosis sel trofoblas yang diberi asam retinoat adalah sel trofoblas yang dilakukan kultur. Kultur sel trofoblas diberi ATRA dengan dosis 50 pg/mL, 100 pg/mL, 150 pg/mL, dan 200 pg/mL. Penilaian dilakukan 24 jam pascaperlakuan dengan pemeriksaan flow cytometry. Hasil sitogram jlow cytometry pada kultur sel trofoblas yang mendapat ATRA dibandingkan dengan kultur sel trofoblas tanpa perlakuan (DMSOl dimethyl sulfoxide) sebagai kontrol.
Penelitian pencegahan keganasan pascamolahidatidasa dengan vitamin A.
Penelitian menggunakan uji klinik tersamar ganda (randomized clinical trial, double blind study). Sampel adalah penderita molahidatidosa komplet, tidak mendapat terapi sitostatika. Perlakuan adalah pmberian plasebo atau vitamin A 200.000 IU per hari (dosis tinggi) yang dibuat dalam bentuk kemasan yang sama, perlakuan diberikan sampai dinyatzikan sembuh atau PTG. Variabel keluaran adalah kejadian regresi dan PTG yang ditetapkan berdasarkan kriteria WHO. Variabel pengganggu antara lain umur, pendidikan, usia kehamilan, besar uterus, deposit retinol di hati.
Penelitian ekspresi resepror RBP pada sel trofoblas. Didapatkan ekspresi reseptor RBP pada sel irofoblas. Reseptor RBP dijumpai pada membran sel bagian luar, rnembran sei bagian dalam dan sitoplasma.
Penelitian aktivitas apoptosis sel trofabias yang diberi asam retinoat. Jumlah sel yang mengalami apoptosis pada kontrol 6O,64%, pada ATRA 50 pg/mL sebesar 89,54%, 100 pg/mL sebesar 87,23%, 150 pg/mL sebesar 94,63% dan pada 200 pg/mL sebesar 94,83%. Jumlah sel yang hidup pada kontrol 7,09%, pada ATRA 50 pg/mL sebesar 5,04%, 100 pg/mL sebesar 5,71%, 150 pg/mL sebesar 3,l4% dan pada 200 pg/mL sebesar 2,66%.
Penelitian pencegahan keganasan pascamolahidatidosa dengan vitamin A.
Pada uji klinik, didapatkan sejumlah 67 kasus yang masuk penelitian. Sejumlah 2 kasus hilang pada pengamatan dan 3 kasus mengalami kehamilan saat pengamatan. Kejadian PTG (Penyakit Trofoblas Ganas) pada kelompok kontrol 28,57%, dan pada kelompok terapi 6,25%. Tidak dijumpai perbedaan perubahan kadar SGOT dan SGPT kelompok terapi jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok terapi.
Sel trofoblas molahidatidosa mempunyai reseptor RBP di mernbran sel dan sitoplasma. Pemberian asam retinoat pada sel trofoblas menginduksi aktivitas apoptosis. Kejadian Penyakit Trofoblas Ganas (PTG) pada kelompok kontrol 28,57% dan pada kelompok terapi vitamin A 6,25%. Tidak dijumpai efek samping berupa perubahan kadar SGOT dan SGPT.

Histologically, hydatidiform mole is an abnormal pregnancy characterized by the proliferation of trophoblastic cells, hydropic degeneration of chorionic villi and degeneration of avasculdar chorionic villi. Around 15-28% of hydatidiform mole patients suffered from malignant degeneration following hydatidiform mole. Vitamin A or retinol is metabolized into retinoic acid in the cell. Retinoic acid has the activity of controlling cell proliferation and stimulating apoptosis. The activity of proliferation and apoptosis constitutes the main activity exercised by hydatidiform mole trophoblastic cells and vitamin A. There might be a relationship between hydatidiform mole and vitamin A.
Epidemiological studies showed that vitamin A level in patients with hydatidiforrn mole was lower than that in normal pregnant women. The risk for developing hydatidifoml mole in women less than 24 years and suffering from vitamin A deficiency was 6.29-7 times higher as compared to older age without vitamin A deficiency. The low level of vitamin A might be a part of pathophysiology for the occurence of malignant degeneration following hydatidiform mole. If vitamin A is a part of pathophysiology for the occurence of hydatidiform mole, then vitamin A could be used as one of the therapies for preventing malignancy following hydatidiform mole. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the use of vita.rr|in A as a chemoprevention for malignancy following hydatidiform mole. This study would be beneficial in terms of reducing the incidence, morbidity and mortality rates of malignant trophoblastic disease (MTD).
Material and methods
Series of studies
This study constituted part of a series of studies. The supporting studies, comprise the study of the expression of RBP (retinol binding protein) receptor, the study on the apoptosis activity of trophoblastic cells receiving retinoic acid. The main study was a clinical trial on tl1e prevention of malignancy following hydatidiform mole with vitamin A.
Study on Ike expression of RHP receptor in trophoblastic cells.
This study was aimed to demonstrate that trophoblastic cells had RBP receptor. Samples of the study on the expression of RBP receptor were paraffin blocks of hydatidiform mole. The expression of retinol receptor was examined with indirect immunohistochemistry using RBP antibody. The presence or absence of the expression and location of RBP receptor expression in trophoblastic cells was evaluated together with the specialist of anatomy pathology.
Study on the apoptosis activity of trophoblastic cells receiving retinoic acid
The study on the apoptosis activity of hydatidifom mole trophoblastic cells receiving retinoic acid was aimed to demonstrate the presence of apoptosis induction in trophoblastic cells receiving retinoic (ATRA/ all trans retinoic acid). Samples of the study on the apoptosis activity of trophoblastic cells receiving retinoic acid were the trophoblastic cells undergoing culture. The culture of trophoblastic cells received ATRA at doses of 50 pg/mL, 100 pg/mL, l50 pg/mL, and 200 pg/mL. The evaluation was made in 24 hours after the intervention with flow cytometry examination . The results of flow cytometry cytogram in the culture of trophoblastic cells receiving ATRA were compared with the culture of trophoblastic cells without intervention (DMSO/ dimethyl sulfoxide) as control.
Study of the prevention of malignancy jhllowing hydatidiform mole with vitamin A.
This study made use of randomized clinical trial, double blind study. Samples of the study were the patients with complete hydatidifomt mole, not receiving cytostatics. The intervention was the administration of placebo and vitamin A 200,000 IU per day (high dose), both of which were made in the similar packages. The intervention was performed until the patients were declared as having recovered or having malignant trophoblastic disease (MTD). The outcome variables were the incidence of regression and MTD which were established based on WHO criteria. The intervening variables were, among others, age, education, gestational age, uterus size, retinol deposit in the liver.
Study on the expression of RBP receptor in trophoblastic cells. e found the presence of RBP receptor expression in trophoblastic cells. RBP receptors were found in the outer cell membrane, inner cell membrane, and cytoplasm.
Study on the apoptosis activity oftrophoblatic cells receiving retinoic acid.
The activities of apoptosis in the control group was 60,64%, in ATRA of 50 pg/ml was 39.54%, in 100 ug/ml was 8'7.23%, in 150 ug/ml was 94.63%, and in 200 ug/ml was 94.83%. The alive cells in t.he control group was 7.09%, in ATRA of 50 pg/ml was 5.04%, in 100 pg/ml was 5.71%, in 150 pg/ml was 3.14%, and in 200 pg/ml was 2.66%.
Study on the prevention of malignancy following hydatidpform mole with vitamin A.
At clinical trial as many as 67 cases met the requirements for the study. Two cases were lost from observation and three cases experienced pregnancy during observation. The incidence rate of malignant trophoblastic disease in the control group was 28.57%, and in the therapy group was 6.25%. No difference was found in the changes of SGOT and SGPT levels of the therapy group compared with the control group.
Trophoblastic cells of hydatidiform mole had RBP receptor in the cell membranes and cytoplasm. The administration of retinoic acid in the trophoblastic cells induced the activity of apoptosis. The rate of malignant trophoblastic disease (MTD) in the control group was 28.57% and in the group receiving vitamin A therapy was 6.25%. No side effects were found in the form of changed SGOT and SGPT levels.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salah satu komplikasi molahidatidosa adalah terjadinya degenerasi keganasan pasca molahidatidosa, kejadian keganasan pasca molahidatidosa berkisar 20 %. Komplikasi keganasan ini membawa dampak negatif terhadap angka kesakitan dan kematian ibu. Oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan usaha pencegahan keganasan pasca molahidatidosa. Berbagai cara dilakukan tetapi sampai saat ini belum ditemukan suatu terapi pencegahan yang baik dengan minimal efek samping. Kami saat ini melakukan suatu penelitian uji klinik tersamar ganda, satu kelompok mendapat plasebo dan satu kelompok mendapat retinol palmitat dengan dosis 200 000 IU perhari sampai pasien dinyatakan regresi lengkap atau menderita penyakit trofoblas ganas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan manfaat retinol palmitat sebagai terapi pencegahan keganasan pasca molahidatidosa yang mampu dan mudah diterapkan dengan efek samping minimal. Beberapa faktor ikut dinilai sebagai faktor pengganggu antara iainesarnya uterus, derajat differensiasi sel trofoblas, kadar retinol dalam darah, kadar Zn dan kadar tokoferol dalam darah. Pada penelitian yang baru berlangsung 2 bulan telah terkumpul kasus sebanyak 16 kasus. 7 Kasus mengalami degenerasi keganasan, 9 kasus mengalami regresi spontan. Faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh belum dapat dinilai.

One complication in hydatidiform mole is the occurrence post mole malignant trophoblastic diseases, which is found in approximately 20% of the cases. This degeneration has adverse effects on the morbidity and mortality rates of the mother. Hence the need for preventive measures. Various methods have tried, but so far there has not been found an acceptable measure, which also affords minimal side effects. We are currently carrying out randomize clinical trial, one group receiving a placebo and another group receiving retinol palmitat with a dosage of 200 000 IU per day until the patient was declared as having complete remission or suffering malignancy trophoblastic diseases. The research is meant to prove the efficacy of the use retinol palmitat as preventive therapy for post hydatidiform mole malignancy, and one that easy to administer, in addition to raising minimal side effects. Various the factors are also considered as contributing factors, some being the size of the uterus, the degree of differentiation of trophoblastic cells and the levels of retinol, Zn and tocoferol in the blood. In this research which is in its second months 16 cases have been assessed. Seven cases suffered malignant degeneration while nine experienced spontaneous regression. Contributing factors cannot as yet be evaluated."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Saptadi
"Latar Belakang: Komplikasi serius yang menyertai tindakan odontektomi adalah cedera nervus alveolaris inferior. Hal penting untuk mengetahui secara tepat posisi gigi molar tiga mandibula impaksi terhadap kanalis mandibula, dengan pemeriksaan radiologi baik 2 dimensi (radiograf panoramik) maupun 3 dimensi (CBCT Scan). Tujuan: Mengevaluasi posisi gigi molar tiga mandibula impaksi yang memiliki kedekatan terhadap kanalis mandibula pada radiograf panoramik berdasarkan  CBCT Scan. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif analitik menggunakan data radiograf Panoramik dan DICOM File CBCT Scan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dari  beberapa fasilitas kesehatan yang ada di Jakarta dari bulan November 2010 sampai Desember 2017. Pemeriksaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan komputer yang dilengkapi sistem operasi Macintosh atau Windows serta Planmeca  Romexis Ò imaging software viewer. Analisa data menggunakan SPSS 22 dan uji Chi-Square. Hasil: 48 pasien dengan 61 sampel  memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Kategori posisi berdasarkan radiograf panoramik paling banyak ditemukan adalah peningkatan radiolusensi. Kategori posisi berdasarkan CBCT Scan yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah posisi inferior. Berdasarkan uji statistik ditemukan terdapat perbedaan proporsi yang bermakna (p<0.05) antara kategori Radiograf Panoramik dan kategori lingual-bukal-inferior pada CBCT Scan. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini dapat dijadikan acuan untuk mengevaluasi posisi gigi molar tiga mandibula terhadap kanalis mandibula dalam memperkirakan resiko terjadinya komplikasi cedera nervus alveolaris inferior selama tindakan odontektomi.

Introduction:The serious complication associated odontectomy is inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury.  It is essential to investigate accurately the position of impacted mandibular third molars improved the mandibular canal is by radiological examination in nor 2-dimensional (radiograph panoramic) and 3-dimensional (CBCT Scan). Obejctive: The aim of this study is to evaluate the positions of impacted mandibular third molars in which have proximity the mandibular canal on a panoramic radiography based on CBCT Scan. Materials and Methods: This study use descriptive analytic with panoramic radiograph and DICOM File data CBCT Scan that qualified inclusion criteria from several healthcare facilites in Jakarta from November 2010 until  December 2017. The research is done using a computer equipped with Macintosh or Windows operating system and Planmeca Romexis Ò imaging software viewer. Data analysis using SPSS 22 and Chi-Square test. Result: We got 48 patient with 61 teeth sample that qualified inclusion criteria. The most common found position we got from panoramic radiograph is increasing radiolucency. While, from CBCT scan we got the inferior position as the most common found position. Based on statistical test of result between Panoramic Radiograph and CBCT Scan we found that there is proportionally significance (p< 0.05) among category of panoramic radiograph and category of lingual-buccal-inferior on CBCT scan. Conclusion: This study can be used as a reference to evaluate the positions of mandibular third molars against the mandibular canal in prediction the risk of complications of inferior alveolar nerve injury during odontectomy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesian Journal of Dentistry 2006; Edisi Khusus KPPIKG XIV: 111-116
Apexification is the preparation of the endodontic treatment for a tooth with pulpal necrosis and incomplete developed apex. The aim of this treatment is to stimulate further apex development and formation of calcified tissue at the apex, so that conventional endodontic treatment could be performed. One of the most suitable material for apexification is calcium hydroxide since it has an excellent biocompatibility, antimicrobial property, and ability to stimulate hard tissue formation. In this case, apexification was performed on a 9 years old boy with incompletely developed apex and necrosis 36 tooth. Thereis, no subjective or clinical symptoms after 6 months. Although in the radiograph, apical closure was not clearly detected, apical stop was obtained in clinical examination. Subsequently, the 36 tooth was restored with onlay."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amila Sholiha
"Karbohidrat merupakan sumber energi terpenting yang dibutuhkan pada masa pertumbuhan anak. Karbohidrat merupakan faktor terpenting pada proses terjadinya karies. Prevalensi karies di Indonesia untuk kelompok usia 5 – 9 tahun berdasarkan RISKESDAS 2018 sebesar 92,6%. Kerentanan gigi untuk terkena karies mencapai titik maksimum setelah 2 – 3 tahun pasca erupsi. Gigi Molar permanen pertama dapat menggambarkan kondisi keparahan karies dalam rongga mulut sebagai gigi permanen yang tumbuh pertama kali. Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan jenis dan frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat terhadap karies gigi Molar satu permanen pada anak usia 8 – 9 tahun. Metode: Desain studi cross sectional. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 109 anak yang dipilih menggunakan purposive sampling. Variabel yang digunakan bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat dan kudapan dengan karies gigi Molar satu permanen. Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) digunakan untuk mengukur frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat dan pemeriksaan klinis karies gigi Molar satu permanen menggunakan ICDAS. Kesimpulan: terdapat hubungan tidak bermakna antara frekuensi konsumsi karbohidrat makanan utama dan karbohidrat kudapan terhadap karies gigi Molar satu permanen anak usia 8- 9 tahun

Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy needed during a child's growth. Carbohydrates are the most important factor in the process of caries. The prevalence of caries in Indonesia for the 5-9 years age group based on RISKESDAS 2018 is 92.6%. Tooth susceptibility to caries reaches its maximum point after 2 to 3 years after eruption. The first permanent Molars can describe the condition of the severity of caries in the oral cavity as a permanent tooth that grows first. Aim: To analyse the relationship between type and frequency of carbohydrate consumption against caries of permanent first Molar teeth in children aged 8 – 9 years. Method: Cross sectional study design. There were 109 study subjects, selected using purposive sampling. The variable used aims to analyse the relationship between the frequency of carbohydrate consumption and snacks with dental caries for permanent first Molar. food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) used to measure the frequency of carbohydrate consumption and clinical examination of dental permanent first Molar teeth using ICDAS. Conclusion: there is no significant relationship between the frequency of carbohydrate as main course consumption and carbohydrate as snacks on dental caries in permanent first Molar children aged 8- 9 years"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Bhaskara Dipodiwirjo
"Penelitian sel surya sudah banyak kemajuan sebagai sumber energi terbarukan, seperti peningkatan efisiensi kerja dan kemudahan ketersediaannya. Salah satu perkembangan sel surya terlama adalah sel surya silikon. Meskipun sel surya silikon mempunyai efisiensi yang tinggi, sel surya mempunyai batasan ketersediaan karena membutuhkan proses fabrikasi yang menggunakan suhu sangat tinggi serta meningkatkan harga pembuatannya. Selain itu, sel surya silikon juga membutuhkan silikon murni yang hanya dapat dibuat dengan fasilitas mahal. Sel surya non-silikon, seperti sel surya perovskit, dikembangkan sebagai sumber sel surya alternatif untuk menjawab batasan tersebut. Namun, sel surya perovskit memiliki efisiensi yang lebih kecil dan sangat sensitif terhadap faktor lingkungan, meskipun fabrikasi sel surya perovskit mudah dilakukan di laboratorium. Peningkatan unjuk kerja sel surya perovskit dapat dilakukan dengan mencari bahan lapisan yang terbaik pada sel surya perovskit tersebut, yaitu salah satunya adalah dengan tambahan atau substitusi NiOx pada lapisan hole transport material (HTM). Salah satu cara mengoptimasi pemilihan bahan sel surya perovksit adalah untuk memvariasikan konsentrasi molar bahan yang terpilih dalam proses fabrikasi. Pada penelitian ini, 3 variasi konsentrasi molar NiOx, yaitu 4,34 mmol/ml; 4,82 mmol/ml; dan 5,39 mmol/ml, akan diuji dan dibandingkan. Dengan membandingkan data hasil fabrikasi serta analisis menggunakan SPA (semiconductor parameter analysis), didapatkan unjuk kerja sel surya tertinggi dengan struktur FTO/TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3/NiOx/FTO adalah dengan konsentrasi molar 5,39 mmol/ml. Sel surya perovskit dengan konsentrasi molar tersebut dapat menghasilkan ISC dan VOC yang tertinggi bernilai 10,5 μA; 395,3 mV secara berurutan; serta FF sebesar 0,48

Research on solar cells has seen major developements as a renewable energy source, such as the rise in efficiency and ease of accessibility. The longest ongoing development are the silicon solar cells. However, even silicon based solar cells with high efficiency have limitations as a commercial choice due to their fabrication processes requiring a very high temperature and hence increases cost. Not only that, but their precursor of pure silicon also requires expensive facilities and thus not readily accessible to those unable to acquire the equipment. These problems are answered with the developement of non-silicon solar cells, such as perovskite solar cells as an alternative to silicon-based solar cells. Even though perovskite solar cells may have lower efficiencies and are very susceptible to environmental factors, they are however able to be easily fabricated in a lab. Improvements in perovskite solar cell efficiencies can be made with research towards finding the best material for it's layers during fabrication. One such material being researched is NiOx when used as a hole transport material (HTM). To further optimize the choice of NiOx as an HTM, its molar concentration is to be varied and tested during the fabrication process. In this research paper, three molar concentrations of 4.24 mmol/ml, 4.82 mmol/ml, 5.39 mmol/ml are to be tested and compared. This research will also be using the solar cell structure FTO/TiO2/CH3NH3PbI3/NiOx/FTO. The fabricated solar cell produced a ISC and VOC of 10.5 μA and 395.3 mV, respectively and an FF of 0.48."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Non vital teeth are supposed to be treated with root canal treatment and root canal filling. However. the problem on root canal treatment on deciduous molars, especially with children who is noncooperative because the difficulty to get access to the root canal on children and root canals on deciduous molars are very complex. Mortal pulpotomy is the way to climinate necrotic pulp tissue in pulp chamber and replace it with material filling. The material is a combination between formocresol and zinc oxide eugenol. The result on formocresol pulpotomy on deciduous teeth can be seen in clinical, radiographic and histological examination of the teeth, abutment tissue and the growth permanent teeth germ. On this patient the mortal pulpotomy treatment had been done with formocresol on one visit. After a month, on the clinical evaluation there are no subjective complaints and no signs of gingival inflamation."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library