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"Pariwisata saat ini telah menjadi industri yang penting di dunia. Industri pariwisata dunia tersebut mampu mempekerjakan 127 juta pekerja dari sekitar 600 juta wisatawan yang melakukan perjalanan wisata pada tahun 1993. Kalimantan Barat yang merupakan propinsi terbesar ke-4 di Indonesia dengan luas 146.807 km2, merupakan suatu destinasi pariwisata yang cukup menarik bagi wisatawan dunia umumnya.
Dengan diarahkannya Taman Nasional Betung Kerihun (TNBK) dan Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum (TNDS) sebagai prioritas untuk dikembangkan dalam bentuk wisata alam (ekowisata), memberi konsekuensi pada pengelolaan yang terpadu dan terencana pada kedua kawasan tersebut. TNBK dengan luas 800.000 hektar yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi dan berbatasan dengan wilayah Sarawak, Malaysia sangat memberikan harapan dalam usaha menjaring pasar internasional; di mana Malaysia merupakan salah satu kantong pariwisata mancanegara terbesar di Asia Tenggara. Usaha pemanfaatan kawasan konservasi melalui pengembangan ekowisata menjadi sangat penting dan strategis di samping usaha-usaha penanggulangan kegiatan penebangan dan perburuan yang tidak terkendali di kawasan TNBK. Kawasan ini juga memiliki fungsi strategis lain seperti fungsi hidro-orologis sebagai daerah tangkapan air di perhuluan Sungai Kapuas.
TNBK belum dikenal dan belum banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan sebagai daerah tujuan wisata (DTW). Kurangnya jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke taman nasional ini, antara lain disebabkan masih minimnya sarana dan prasarana transportasi, restorasi, dan akomodasi maupun masih kurangnya promosi ke luar tentang obyek-obyek wisata yang ada di kawasan TNBK. Untuk berhasilnya pengembangan TNBK menjadi daerah tujuan wisata, tidak cukup hanya dengan mengembangkan potensi alam dengan menawarkan atraksi-atraksi yang menarik; tetapi dengan memperhatikan faktor utama lainnya, yaitu faktor aksesibililas dan amanitas. Faktor aksesibilitas (kemudahan untuk dicapai) sangat dipengaruhi oleh dekatnya jarak, atau tersedianya transportasi ke tempat itu secara teratur, sering, murah, nyaman, dan aman. Faktor amanitas sangat dipengaruhi oleh tersedianya fasilitas-fasilitas seperti tempat penginapan, rumah makan (restoran), tempat hiburan, transport lokal yang memungkinkan wisatawan berpergian ke tempat itu serta alat-alat komunikasi lainnya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kondisi sarana dan prasarana transportasi, akomodasi, dan restorasi dengan upaya pengelolaan ekowisata. Dengan mengetahui hubungan dimaksud maka akan sangat bermanfaat bagi perencanaan dan pengembangan sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung pengelolaan ekowisata di TNBK.
Dalam penelitian ini, dikemukakan hipotesis yaitu:
Kondisi sarana dan prasarana akan mempengaruhi minat untuk berkunjung ke obyek wisata alam.
Metode (cara) yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ekspos Fakto (expost facto research) dan survai. Pengumpulan data dengan pengamatan langsung di lapangan, wawancara, kuesioner, serta dari pihak yang terkait dengan wilayah penelitian di kecamatan Embaloh Hulu, Embaloh Hilir, Kedamin, dan Putussibau Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu.
Dari analisis dan bahasan, diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut:
1. Jumlah tamu hotel, dipengaruhi langsung oleh layanan angkutan darat, dan layanan energi listrik; tingkat hunian hotel, dipengaruhi langsung oleh layanan energi listrik, layanan angkutan darat, dan layanan pasar; sedangkan jumlah wisatawan, dipengaruhi langsung oleh layanan telepon, layanan pasar, layanan pos, layanan energi listrik, dan layanan angkutan darat.
2. 88,90% dari minat untuk berkunjung ke kawasan tujuan wisata alam ditentukan oleh kondisi sarana dan prasarana; sedangkan 11,1% sisanya ditentukan oleh faktor-faktor lain.
3. 57% dari responden menyatakan bahwa perjalanan yang dilakukan kurang nyaman, 29% menyatakan tidak nyaman sama sekali, dan 14% menyatakan cukup nyaman.
Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa:
(1) Layanan sarana dan prasarana berpengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap tingkat hunian hotel, jumlah tamu hotel, dan jumlah wisatawan yang berkunjung ke obyek wisata alam.
(2) Kondisi sarana dan prasarana sangat berpengaruh terhadap minat untuk berkunjung ke obyek wisata alam.
(3) Ketersediaan dan layanan sarana dan prasarana, belum mampu memberikan kenyamanan, keamanan, dan hiburan bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung ke obyek wisata alam di TNBK.
Untuk itu disarankan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
1. Perlu perbaikan terhadap pengelolaan kepariwisataan di propinsi Kalimantan Barat dan TNBK khususnya, terutama dalam penyediaan fasilitas-fasilitas yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan para wisatawan serta menejemen pengelolaan dan sumberdaya manusianya.
2. Perlu adanya kesamaan persepsi mengenai taman nasional, yang dibentuk melalui koordinasi antara pihak-pihak yang terkait.
......Presently tourism has become significant industry in the world. World tourism industry is able to employ 127 millions workers from approximately 600 millions tourist taking tour travel in 1993. West Kalimantan is the fourth biggest province in Indonesia with an area of 146.807 km2, and is an attractive tourism destination for tourists from all over the world.
As Betung Kerihun National Park (BKNP) and Danau Sentarum National Park (DSNP) are prioritied to be developed in to ecotourism, this means we need to pay attention to on integrated and well-planned of both areas.
BKNP covers on area of 800.000 hectares; it has a high biological diversity and is the borderland with Serawak region, Malaysia, this fact gives high hope in the effort to embrace international market; of which Malaysia represents one of the biggest international tourism destination in South East Asia. Utilization of conservation area through the development of ecotourism become a very important and strategic effort besides other efforts to prevent illegal logging activities and uncontrolled hunting in BKNP area. This area also has strategic function such as hydro-orological functional to serve as water catchment area in the upper streem of Kapuas river.
BKNP has not been widely known and visited by tourists as tourism destination. Limited number of tourists visiting this national park are duelto, among other things inadequate suprastructure and infrastructure of transportation, restoration, and accommodation as well as lack of promotion to abroad regarding tourist objects available in BKNP area. To successfully develop BKNP to become tourism destination, it is not enough only by developing natural potential and offering interesting attractives; however it needs to give attention to the main factors, namely accessibility and amenity. Accessibility factor is greatly affected by proximity or availability of regular, frequent, inexpensive, comfortable and safe means of transportation.
Amenity factor is greatly affected by availability of facilities such as lodging, restaurant, amusement center, local transport that enable tourist to travel to that place as well as other communication means.
This research is aimed at identifying correlations between the conditions of transportation suprastructure and infrastructure, accommodation, and restoration, and ecotourism management. By identifying the said correlations, it will be very useful for the planning and development of the suprastructure and infrastructure supporting ecotourism management at BKNP.
Hypothesis is proposed in this research, namely:
The condition of suprastructure and infrastructure will affect people's interests to visit the natural tourism objects.
The method used in this research is expost facto research and survey, Data collection is done by having direct observation to the field, interview, questionnaire, and from the fourth party related to the research area in Embaloh Hulu, Embaloh Hilir, Kedamin, and Putussibau sub-districts, Kapuas Hulu Regency.
Following is the result obstained from analysis:
1. Total hotel guests, it is directly affected by land transport service and electricity service; hotel occupancy rate, it is directly affected by electricity service, land transport service, and market service; where's number of tourists, it is directly affected by telephone service, market service, post service, electricity service, and land transport service.
2. 88,90% of interest to visit tourism object is determined by suprastructure and infrastructure condition; the remaining 11,10% is determined by other factors.
3. 57% of respondents say they have uncomfortable travel, 29% say they have very uncomfortable travel, and 14% say they have fairly compfortable travel.
From the research findings/results it can be concluded as follows:
1. Suprastructure and infrastructure services instantaneously and directly influence the degree of hotel occupancy rates, the number of hotel guests, as well as the number of tourists who visit the natural tourism object.
2. Conditions of suprastructure and infrastructure greatly affect people's interest to visit the natural tourism object.
3. The available suprastructure and infrastructure and its services, has not yet to provide convenience, safety, and attraction to tourist visiting the natural tourism object at BKNP.
For that purpose, it is suggested the followings:
1. Improvement of tourist management is necessary in West Kalimantan Province and in particular the BKNP, especially in providing facilities that can meet the need of tourist as well as the management of tourism and human resources.
2. It is necessary to have a similar perception regarding the national parks, which is shaped through an interrelated coordination among the concerned agencies."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2002
T 11109
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Murni Soenarno
"Pendidikan lingkungan hidup mengandung materi konservasi alam. Penyampaian materi konservasi alam dapat dengan metode pengajaran karyawisata dan kawasan konservasi alam sebagai media pendidikan. Dalam pelajaran Biologi di SMA terdapat materi konservasi alam. Masalah di sini adalah SMA-SMA di Kabupaten Ciamis kurang memanfaatkan Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran, Kabupaten Ciamis sebagai media pendidikan melalui metode karyawisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah pelaksanaan metode pengajaran karyawisata dan pemanfaatan Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran sebagai media pendidikan pada SMA di Kabupaten Ciamis, sehubungan dengan itu maka bagaimanakah sikap siswa SMA tersebut terhadap konservasi alam. Hipotesisnya adalah: (1) ada hubungan antara jurusan Al, A2 dan A3 di SMA dengan sikap siswa terhadap konservasi alam: (2) ada hubungan antara metode pengajaran karyawisata ke kawasan konservasi alam dengan sikap siswa terhadap konservasi alam: (3) ada hubungan antara asal SMA dengan sikap siswa terhadap konservasi alam.;
Disain penelitiannya adalah disain survei analitis dan studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan sampelnya adalah purposive sampling. Teknik pengambilan datanya menggunakan kuesioner, wawancara, pengamatan. SMA yang diteliti adalah SMAN 2 Ciamis dan SMAN Pangandaran. Pengolahan data statistiknya dengan program komputer SPSS/PC+. Pengujian hipotesis dengan uji Chi--square, diperkuat dengan nilai C Cramer dan nilai Lambda dari Goodman dan Kruskal.;
Pertanyaan penelitian pertama yaitu bagaimanakah pelaksanaan metode pengajaran karyawisata dan penggunaan Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran sebagai media pendidikan pada SMA di Kabupaten Ciamis. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah di SMAN Pangandaran dan SMAN 2 Ciamis dijumpai ada guru bidang studi yang berkelebihan jumlahnya dan ada guru yang tidak berkompeten untuk mengajar suatu bidang studi. keadaan ini ditambah dengan kurangnya sarana pendidikan membuat guru cenderung menggunakan metode pengajaran ceramah. Karyawisata umumnya dilakukan di kelas II atau III. Yang banyak memanfaatkan Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran adalah guru dan siswa jurusan A2 atau Bjologi. Taman Wisata Pananjung Pangandaran sehenarnya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh semua jurusan di SMA (Al, A2. A3 dan A4).;
Pertanyaan penelitian kedua adalah bagaimanakah sikap siswa SMA tersebut terhadap konservasi alam. Kesimpulan yang ditarik adalah tidak terdapat hubungan antara sikap siswa terhadap konservasi alam dengan jurusan di SMA, dengan keikutsertaan siswa dalam karyawisata. dengan asal SMA siswa. Tidak adanya hubungan tersebut disebabkan oleh penerapan metode yang sama bagi materi yang sama. selain itu juga disebabkan faktor-faktor di luar pendidikan SMA. Faktor-faktor tersebut berupa keadaan ekonomi keluarga, perhatian keluarga kepada siswa. media Massa. Pengetahuan siswa tentang konservasi alam pada umumnya cukup baik. Umumnya siswa berpendapat bahwa pembangunan dan konservasi alam itu sama pentingnya, dan konservasi alam tidak dapat ditunda lagi, mereka mendukung pelaksanaan pembangunan berwawasan lingkungan.;
Daftar Kepustakaan: 43 (1967 - 1989);

Environmental education contains natural conservation material. Natural conservation material can be taught through a field-trip method and the natural conservation area as the educational media. Natural conservation material is also taught at SMA's (Senior High Schools). The subjects in this writing are Senior High Schools (SMA) at Kabupaten Ciamis. They rarely used Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park at Kabupaten Ciamis as educational media through a field-trip method. These research objectives were known how a field-trip method were done with Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park as educational media by the Senior High Schools (SMA) at Kabupaten Ciamis. and in connection with this, how SMA student's attitudes toward natural conservation were. The hypothesis were: (1) Al (Physics). A2 (Biology). A3 (Social).
programs at SMA have association with student's attitudes toward natural conservation: (2) a field-trip method has association with student's attitudes toward natural conservation: (3) origin schools (SMA) has association with student's attitudes toward natural conservation.
These research designs were analytical survey and case study. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The data have been collected by questionnaires, interview, and observation. The research object schools were SMAN Pangandaran and SMAN 2 Ciamis. The data were analyzed by SPSS/PC+. The hypothesis were tested by Chi-square test. and were supported by C Cramer's value and Lambda value from Goodman - Kruskal.
The first research question was how a field-trip method has been done with Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park as educational media by the SMA at Kabupaten Ciamis. At both schools. the amount of teachers who taught the same subject study exceed the needs. and some others weren't competent to teach certain subject studies. Both schools didn't have sufficient educational facilities. Both conditions made the teachers tend to use a lecture method. A field-trip method usually was done in the second and third grade. A2 (Biology) program utilized Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park for education more than other programs. The Pananjung Pangandaran Recreational Park can be used by Al (Physic). A2 (Biology), A3 (Social) and A4 (Languages) programs.
The second research question was how SMA student's attitudes toward natural conservation were. There were no association between student's attitudes toward natural conservation with Al (Physics). A2 (Biology), A3 (Social) programs at SMA, with a field-trip method. and with origin schools (SMA). This Condition was caused by the same methods application for the same materials, student's family economical condition. family attention toward students. and mass media. Student's natural conservation knowledge generally were good enough. Generally students thought the natural conservation as important as t development, and natural conservation can not be put off, and;they supported sustainable development realization.
References: 43 {1967 - 1989)
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 1995
R 333.703 KAM
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suroso Mukti Leksono
"During the past thirty years Sumatra has undergone the highest deforestation rate in all of Indonesia. This is the result of the Indonesian forest management that mainly focuses on wood exploitation. In addition, the high rate of human settlements and unplanned development has accelerated the conversion of forests into palm plantations, rubber, coffee, tea and other crops. These conversions will ultimately decrease the biodiversity of Sumatra, therefore it is very important than effective conservation areas be placed to conserve the biodiversity of Sumatra.
This thesis is a compilation of two scientific papers entitled 1) The Decrease of Ecosystem Types and Its Representation in Conservation Areas of Sumatra and 2) Development, Distribution. and Management of Conservation Areas in Sumatra. The first paper discusses the causes of the area decrease of each ecosystem types and its representation in conservation areas and also to give recommendations if whether an ecosystem type is not represented. The second paper discuses area development and distribution of conservation areas in Sumatra from 1967-2000; analyses the level of management in conservation areas from the point of view of regional autonomy in governance, funding and human resources. Gap analysis and descriptive methods were use to asses ecosystem types that are currently represented in conservation area. Data is compiled from a variety of resources, mostly from competent institution, such as Dept. of Forestry, Dept. of Agriculture, Dept. of Transmigration, State Office of The Ministry of Environment, and Central Biro of Statistics and non-government organizations (CIFOR, CI-IP, WWF, Wetland International, Birdlife, Walhi, and other local NGO's).
The main causes of degradation and shrinkage of ecosystems in Sumatra are illegal logging, extensive transmigration, illegal mining, plantations, and forest fires, The Sumatran ecosystems can be divided into 15 types, One of them-the heath forests has not been represented in any conservation areas. Seven types of ecosystem have less than 10% representation in conservation areas. They are: semi-evergreen rainforest (1 %), ironwood forests (2%), peat swamp forest (2%), mangrove forests (4%), lowland evergreen rainforest (5%), freshwater swamp forests (6%), and tropical pine forest (7%). Six other ecosystems that are represented adequately (more than 10%) are: mountain moist forest (14%), lowland limestone forests (15%); sandy-beach forests (15%) sub alpine forest (21%), limestone mountain forests (29 %), and coral reefs (30%). There is one ecosystem not discussed (rivers and lakes) because of the lack of data and information.
Ecosystems that aren't adequately represented in conservation areas are mostly in low land forest; these regions have in fact undergone deforestation and conversions. Adding conservation areas for these ecosystems can be done by legislating already existing conservation area proposals.
The development of conservation area management in Sumatra is towards the making of National Parks, which encompasses 75% (3.430.390 ha) of the total conservation areas (4.567.750 ha). Besides of being large, in area wise, national parks have more funding and human resources. Parks also accommodate the various functions of conservation areas. Judging from its size, more than 81% (3.699.878 ha) of the total conservation areas in Sumatra are small (less than 50.000 ha) which spreads over low land areas, The distribution of conservation areas in Sumatra is 60% (2.653.000 ha) on high land areas.
Sumatra's national parks are funded averagely below parks in Java. Parks in Sumatra are run at an average of Rp 2.500 per hectare, where else in Java, it is Rp 37.000 per hectare. The same situation applies to ratio of land to human resources. In Sumatra one forest service employee must cover 3.500 hectares of park area, meanwhile in Gunung Gede Pangranggo National Park (Java) one employee has to cover 158 hectares. Noting the various problems in Sumatra such as illegal settlements, illegal logging, illegal cattle herding, poaching, forest fires and etc. the current condition is far from adequate. Even with limited funding, by utilizing management systems like ICDP (Integrated Community Development Project), IPAS (Integrated Protected Areas System) or Ecosystem Management, the goals of conservation will hopefully be reached.
Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratiwi Eka Sari
"Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara mega biodiversity memiliki kekayaan spesies tanaman obat sehingga Indonesia menarik bagi peneliti asing yang ingin melakukan penelitian baik untuk kepentingan komersial maupun non-komersial. Sumber Daya Genetik Tanaman Obat Indonesia yang bernilai di pasaran Internasional, membuat Biopiracy berpotensi terjadi apabila perlindungan pelaksanaan akses dan pembagian keuntungan belum optimal sebagaimana amanah tujuan Protokol Nagoya mengenai pembagian yang adil dan seimbang dari setiap keuntungan yang dihasilkan dari pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Genetik. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh berbagai kendala, diantaranya: (i) perbedaaan konsep pandangan masyarakat lokal yang komunal berlawanan dengan konsep paten dalam rezim hak kekayaan intelektual yang bersifat individual; (ii) database tanaman obat dan pengetahuan tradisional yang belum terintegrasi dengan baik sebagai amanah Undang-Undang Pemajuan Kebudayaan untuk diintegrasikan dalam Pendataan Kebudayaan Terpadu; (iii) mekanisme perizinan yang rumit; (iv) pembagian keuntungan yang belum maksimal karena terkendala rendahnya Bargaining Position peneliti Indonesia dalam kerjasama; (v) belum adanya standarisasi Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), Mutually agreed Terms (MAT), Prior Informed Consent (PIC); dan (vi) belum disahkannya beberapa aturan hukum yang mengatur mekanisme pendukung akses dan pembagian keuntungan sumber daya genetik yang hingga saat ini masih dalam proses harmonisasi juga membuat pelaksanaan Pasal 26 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2016 tentang Paten belum dapat dilaksanakan secara maksimal.

Indonesia, known as a mega biodiversity country has rich species of medicinal plants. This makes Indonesia attractive to foreign researchers who want to conduct research for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. The commercial value of Indonesian medicinal genetic resources makes biopiracy potentially occur if the regulation of granting access and profit sharing is not optimal in carrying out safeguards as mandated of the Nagoya Protocol. This is caused by various obstacles, among others: (i) related to the differences in the concept of communal local community views, of course contrary to the Patent concept in the regime of individual Intellectual Property Rights; (ii) database related to medicinal plants and traditional knowledge that has not been well integrated as one of the mandates of law Promoting Culture; (iii) licensing mechanism to obtain complicated access; (iv) profit sharing that has not been maximized due to constrained low Indonesian Bargaining Position; (v) absence of Material Transfer Agreement standard, Mutually Agreed Terms, Prior Informed Consent; and (vi) several legal rules that regulate supporting mechanisms for Genetic Resources Access and Profit Sharing that are still in the process of harmonization also make the implementation of Article 26 Paragraph (3) of Law Number 13 of 2016 concerning Patents has not been fully implemented."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barber, Charles Victor
Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 1997
333.95 BAR m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Spellerberg, Ian F.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1992
333.951 6 SPE b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jatna Supriatna
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
PGB 0575
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Decleer, Misjel
warnsveld: TERRA, 1999
R BLD 778.9 DEC n
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
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