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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Seprializa, author
Latar belakang: Kanker ovarium yang paling sering terjadi adalah jenis epitel, mayoritas terjadi pada perempuan usia lanjut namun ditemukan 3 - 17 wanita usia muda yaitu kurang dari 40 tahun. Meningkatnya angka survival dari keganasan ovarium maka mempertahankan fertilitas adalah hal yang sangat penting pada pasien usia muda. Prosedur diagnostik...
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Tesis (Membership)  Universitas Indonesia Library
The “Abtropfung” theory that nevi develop through the migration of nevus cells from the epidermis to the dermis prevailed for almost a century until the “Hochsteigerung” theory postulated the reverse pattern of migration. Most recently, however, new insights gained from epidemiology, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies of nevi, dermoscopy and confocal...
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Summary: A Guide to Oncology Symptom Management (second edition) is a comprehensive, evidence-based resource to lead oncology nursing practice, education, and research. Each chapter addresses a particular symptom, such as pain or fatigue, or an area of impact, such as spirituality or electrolyte imbalances. It takes a holistic approach, addressing...
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Oncology Nursing Society,, 2015
616.994 023 GUI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kwang-Sup Soh, editor
Proceedings from the first International Symposium on Primo Vascular System 2010 (ISPS 2010) with special topics on cancer and regeneration was held in Jecheon, Korea during September 17-18, 2010. Includes coverage of new study results that have better revealed the functional aspects of PVS, including its roles in the areas...
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library