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"Horizontal relations in the governance model are inadequarterly managed by intra organizational approach. To dealth with these horizontal relations,howerver,the juridical and hierarchical instruments of intra-organization have apparenthly lost its relevance and even problematic......."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfan Aufar Akbar
"Perkembangan pengguna internet di Indonesia semakin pesat. Pengguna internet tahun 2018 tumbuh sekitar 8% dari tahun 2017. Di sisi lain, 97% trafik internet global saat ini dibawa oleh Sistem Komunikasi Kabel Laut (SKKL). Tentunya ini akan menjadi peluang bagi operator SKKL jika bisa dikelola dengan baik. Penelitian ini menginvestigasi SKKL Batam – Manado sebagai penghubung direct broadband alternatif antara Eropa, Asia, dan Amerika sehingga berpotensi menjadi Global Digital Hub. SKKL Batam-Manado saat ini masih memakai model bisnis sistem closed cable. Padahal industri kabel laut saat ini menawarkan opsi sistem open cable yang memungkinkan konvergensi antara Submarine Line Terminal Equipment (SLTE) eksisting dengan SLTE dari vendor lain. Di dalam tesis ini dilakukan penelitian pengembangan model bisnis sistem open cable pada SKKL Batam-Manado. Dengan analisis Threat Opportunity Weakness Strength (TOWS) Matriks didapatkan hasil bahwa bisnis sistem open cable berada pada kuadran I yang berarti grow or build. Penelitian juga dilakukan dengan menghitung analisis kelayakan investasi dengan metode capital budgeting menggunakan lima parameter, yaitu Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PBP), Internal Rate Return (IRR), Profitability Index (PI), dan Average Rate Return (ARR). Perhitungan analisis kelayakan investasi juga menunjukkan bahwa kondisi real 5 tahun (3 tahun operasi dan 2 tahun prediksi) sistem closed cable berjalan ini tidak sesuai dengan perhitungan ideal saat pertama kali investasi. Proyeksi ideal pada tahun kelima Cumulative NPV sebesar Rp -,00, namun pada kenyataannya hanya didapatkan sebesar Rp -405.816.169.000,00 saja. Di sisi lain, perhitungan untuk bisnis sistem open cable kondisi optimis menghasilkan angka positif dengan Cumulative NPV hingga tahun 2027 sebesar Rp 1.268.784.159.000,00 dan melebihi dari angka proyeksi ideal yang didapatkan sebesar Rp,00. Parameter lain juga didapatkan hasil yang layak dengan PBP sebesar 4 tahun 6 bulan (dari 2019), IRR sebesar 19,9%, PI sebesar 1,58, dan ARR sebesar 28%. Dengan demikian, maka model bisnis sistem Open Cable layak diimplementasikan di SKKL Batam-Manado.
......The development of internet users in Indonesia is growing rapidly. Internet users in 2018 grew by around 8% from 2017. On the other hand, 97% of global internet traffic is currently carried by the Submarine Cable System. This condition will be an opportunity for SKKL operators if it can be managed properly. This research investigates SKKL Batam - Manado as an alternative direct broadband link between Europe, Asia and America so that it has the potential to become a Global Digital Hub. SKKL Batam-Manado is currently still using the closed cable system business model. Whereas the submarine cable industry currently offers an Open Cable System option that allows convergence between existing Submarine Line Terminal Equipment (SLTE)s and SLTEs from other vendors. In this thesis, a research is conducted on the development of the Open Cable System business model at SKKL Batam-Manado. With the Threat Opportunity Weakness Strength (TOWS) Matrix analysis, the results show that the Open Cable System business is in quadrant I which means grow or build. Research was also conducted by calculating the investment feasibility analysis with the capital budgeting method using five parameters, namely Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PBP), Internal Rate Return (IRR), Profitability Index (PI), and Average Rate Return (ARR). The calculation of the investment feasibility analysis also shows that the real condition for 5 years (3 years of operation and 2 years of prediction) for closed cable runs is not in accordance with the ideal calculation for the first time investing. The ideal projection in the fifth year of Cumulative NPV is IDR -4,107,229,000.00, but in reality it is only IDR -405,816,169,000.00. On the other hand, the calculation for the open cable system business in optimistic condition resulting in a positive number with Cumulative NPV until 2027 touch IDR 1,268,784,159,000.00 and bigger than the ideal projection that obtained just of IDR 1,113,166,082.000,00. Other parameters also obtained feasible results with a PBP of 4 years 6 months (from 2019), an IRR of 19.9%, a PI of 1.58, and an ARR of 28%. Thus, the Open Cable System business model is feasible to be implemented in SKKL Batam-Manado."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triyono Budi Santoso
Dalam era ICT (Information and Technology), serat optik memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam mendukung komunikasi broadband services yang berkualitas. Tesis ini membahas kualitas redaman serat optik dan komponen Sistem Komunikasi Serat Optik pada infrastuktur terpasang dilihat dari parameter bending, splicing, dan patching. Melalui pendekatan metodologi DoE desain faktorial kualitatif khusus, dihasilkan bahwa redaman serat optik sangat dipengaruhi oleh komponen terkait seperti brand serat optik, jenis splicer, tipe dan lokasi penempatan terminasi kabel optik. Analisis power budget yang tepat sangat diperlukan dalam merencanakan sistem secara menyeluruh, selain daripada kegiatan pengelolaan O&M yang cepat dalam memantau kualitas sistem secara real time. Sehingga ketika terjadi kegagalan dalam sistem, dapat segera diketahui dan diatasi. Hal ini mengisyaratkan kepada para pelaku industri telekomunikasi, baik provider, contractor maupun regulator agar bersama-sama berkontribusi dalam menyediakan service yang reliable kepada pelanggan.

In this ICT (Information and Technology) Era, fiber optic is holding a very important role in delivering a qualified broadband communication services. The focus of this study is quality of fiber optic attenuation and components system related on installed telecommunication infrastructure, regarding power loss due to bending, splicing and patching. Factorial Design and Analysis of Experiments was approached to get exact results that attenuation is determined by components used such as fiber optic brand, type of splicer, type of fiber termination and the location placed. Power Budget analysis is needed in deploying all the communication system, instead of O&M activities in managing and monitoring the quality in real time mode. So when there is a fault in the system, it could be warned and recovered fast. This gives signs to all the telecommunication industry parties (provider, vendor and regulator) to give mutualism contribution in providing reliable services to the customer.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fransiska Dyah K.
"Dalam skripsi ini dibuat suatu simulasi jaringan multi sentral untuk memperoleh konfigurasi yang optimum, antara lain pada kapasitas saluran dan cute yang digunakan, dengan mehhat pada unjuk kerja yang terbaik, yaitu dengan Cara mendeteksi kegagalan dari masing-masing cute, dimana besaran-besaran jaringan dalam simulasi ini dapat diubah-ubah seperti pada kapasitas saluran, rute dan, trafik dari masing-masing sentral. Dalam simulasi ini besaran-besaran atau parameter-parameter jaringan seperti banyaknya panggilan yang masuk dan waktu pendudukan dibangkitkan secara random mengikuti distribusi yang berlaku. Simulasi ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic 3. Sebagai validasi dari hasil simulasi ini dibandingkan dengan perhitungan. Dari hasil simulasi ini seteiah dibandingkan dengan perhitungan, dapat dilihat bahwa simulasi ini valid dan dapat mewakili jaringan yang sebenarnya. Dan dari basil simulasi ini pula dapat dilihat parameter-parameter jaringan pada unjuk kerja yang optimum."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Susilo
"Internet telah menjadi kebutuhan utama masyarakat dunia yang mengarah ke era baru strategi komunikasi yang canggih. Ini memaksa penyedia layanan untuk mengembangkan arsitektur baru dan meningkatkan distribusi konten yang luas. Hambatan utama protocol TCP/IP untuk mengambil data atau menggunakan layanan adalah konsumen perlu mengetahui endpoint (alamat IP) yang menyediakan objek atau layanan yang diinginkan. Masalah lainnya adalah penggunaan sumber daya jaringan yang tersedia secara efisien. Masalah terakhir yang memotivasi pergeseran paradigma dalam jaringan adalah kurangnya keamanan yang melekat dalam IP. Baik integritas paket IP maupun keasliannya tidak dapat diverifikasi oleh penerima atau oleh entitas forwarding jaringan.
Named Data Networking (NDN) menawarkan solusi alternatif sebagai arsitektur internet generasi berikutnya. Named Data Networking (NDN) adalah teori yang telah direkomendasikan berdasarkan progress dalam suatu aktivitas yg diatur oleh data (datadriven). Dalam Tesis ini, telah dipelajari strategi Forwarding Nearest Replica Routing (NRR) terhadap beberapa strategi forwarding yang ada di NDN dengan menganalisa kinerja mereka terhadap layanan triple-play (data, suara, dan video). Ideal Nearest Replica Routing (NRR) merupakan strategi yang diimplementasikan pada simulator CCnSIM dimana strategi forwarding ini mencari cache terdekat dan memilih jalur terpendek yang sesuai daripada mengirimkan Interest ke asal konten. Eksperimen dilakukan menggunakan NS3 dan ndnSIM 2.0 di Ubuntu 14.04.5 dengan strategi forwarding yang berbeda-beda dan menambah jumlah consumer.
Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa strategi Nearest Replica Routing (NRR) memberikan total transmitted data/total overhead yang lebih efisien sebesar 20% sampai dengan 58% dibandingkan strategi forwarding lain dalam hal transfer data. Dan total cost per kilobyte yang lebih baik sebesar 18% sampai dengan 45% dibandingkan strategi forwarding lain.
......The Internet has become a major need of the world community leading to a new era of sophisticated communication strategies. This is to provide services to develop the architecture and improve the content widely. The main obstacle to the TCP / IP protocol for retrieving data or using a service is the consumer who wants to know the endpoint (IP address) that provides the desired object or service. Another problem is the efficient use of network power available. The last problem that motivates the paradigm shift in the network is the inherent problem in IP. Neither the integrity of the IP packet nor its authenticity can be accessed by the recipient or by the network forwarding entity.
Named Data Networking (NDN) offers an alternative solution as the next generation internet architecture. Named Data Networking (NDN) is a theory that has been used based on progress in data-driven processes. In this thesis, we have studied the strategy of Forwarding Replica Routing (NRR) to some forwarding strategies in NDN by analyzing their performance against triple-play services (data, voice and video). Ideal Nearest Replica Routing (NRR) is a strategy implemented on the CCnSIM simulator where this forwarding strategy looks for the nearest cache and selects the shortest path accordingly. Experiments were performed using NS3 and ndnSIM 2.0 on Ubuntu 14.04.5 with different forwarding strategies and increasing the number of consumers.
The experimental results show that the Nearest Replica Routing (NRR) strategy provides the total data sent / total overhead cost more efficiently by 20% to 58% compared to other forwarding strategies in terms of data transfer. And the total cost per kilobyte is better by 18% to 45% compared to other forwarding strategies."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) merupakan sekumpulan mobile wireless node yang membentuk jaringan sementara secara dinamis tanpa infrastruktur jaringan yang tetap. Fungsi jaringan ad hoc sangat tergantung pada protokol routing yang digunakan. Routing protocol proaktif, Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), dan routing protokol hybrid, Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) sudah diimplementasikan. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan perbandingan parameter Quality of Services (de/ay, jitter, throughput, dan packet loss) antara DSDV dan ZRP serta melihat pengaruh penambahan algoritma ant pada masing-masing protocol. Dari hasil simulasi menggunakan NS2, penambahan algoritma ant pad a protokol DSDV meningkatkan performansi QoS."
620 JURTEL 15:2 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agung Haskara
"This study explores the paradoxical relationship of strategic agility and. that under series of literature, hypothetically affects SME performance. Furthermore, this research also assign copability and adaptability as an antecedent. Strategic Agility is measured through 3 dimensions, Strategic Sensitivity, Resource Fluidity, and Collective Commitment. Organization Routine is measured through 2 dimensions, Ostensive Routine and Performative Routine. This research is conducted on 119 SMEs across Indonesia that is under UMKM Binaan Bank Indonesia program using Qualtrics XM online survey platform. Data processing is done through SEM using SmartPLS3. This research covers PLS and Bootstrapping with 5000 subsamples .The study is able to identify the positive effect of strategic agility and organization routine to SME performance, which also indicates that SME performance is affected by agility and routine factors. Furthermore, this research also find that it is evident that strategic agility affect organization routine. Not only that, adaptability and copability have positive effect to strategic agility. However, only adaptability is affecting organization routine but the copability do not provide positive effect to routine.
......This study explores the paradoxical relationship of strategic agility and. that under series of literature, hypothetically affects SME performance. Furthermore, this research also assign copability and adaptability as an antecedent. Strategic Agility is measured through 3 dimensions, Strategic Sensitivity, Resource Fluidity, and Collective Commitment. Organization Routine is measured through 2 dimensions, Ostensive Routine and Performative Routine. This research is conducted on 119 SMEs across Indonesia that is under UMKM Binaan Bank Indonesia program using Qualtrics XM online survey platform. Data processing is done through SEM using SmartPLS3. This research covers PLS and Bootstrapping with 5000 subsamples .The study is able to identify the positive effect of strategic agility and organization routine to SME performance, which also indicates that SME performance is affected by agility and routine factors. Furthermore, this research also find that it is evident that strategic agility affect organization routine. Not only that, adaptability and copability have positive effect to strategic agility. However, only adaptability is affecting organization routine but the copability do not provide positive effect to routine."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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