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Abdi Reza
Operasi dekomprasi vaskular mikro telah diterima sebagai tatalaksana definitif pada berbagai keluhan akibat kompresi mekanik pada kompleks neurovaskular. Tindakan eksplorasi fossa posterior diketahui berhubungan dengan komplikasi gangguan fungsi serebellar dan saraf kranial. Diperlukan adanya evaluasi pasca operasi yang mengintegrasikan aspek pemulihan atas keluhan, dan komplikasi terkait tindakan, dalam menilai luaran pasien secara menyeluruh.
Menilai luaran pasca operasi dekompresi vaskular mikro pada penderita sindrom kompresi kompleks neurovaskular yang dikelola Departemen Bedah Saraf RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo periode Januari 2011-Oktober 2015 menggunakan efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score) serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi luaran.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian historikal prospektif terhadap pasien pasca operasi dekompresi vaskular mikro dengan sindrom kompresi kompleks neurovaskular yang dikelola Departemen Bedah Saraf RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo periode Januari 2011-Oktober 2015. Sebagai pembanding digunakan data luaran menurut publikasi ECT score orisinil. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui catatan rekam medis.
Sejak Januari 2011 sampai dengan Oktober 2015, didapatkan 21 pasien trigeminal neuralgia primer dan 11 pasien hemifasial spasme primer yang dilakukan tindakan microvascular decompression. Sebanyak 15 pasien trigeminal neuralgia telah melalui periode lebih dari satu tahun pasca operasi dengan hasil luaran excellent (T-0) 13 pasien (87%), good (T-1) 1 pasien (6%), fair (T-2) 0 pasien, poor (T3-5) 1 pasien (6%). Sebanyak 11 pasien hemifasial spasme primer telah melalui periode lebih dari satu tahun pasca operasi dengan hasil luaran excellent (T-0) 5 pasien (62,5%), good (T-1) 2 pasien (25%), fair (T-2) 0, poor (T3-5) 1 pasien (12,5%). Penelitian ini memiliki jumlah sampel yang terbatas dan tidak didapatkan faktor yang mempengaruhi luaran
Skor ECT terbukti bermanfaat dalam menilai luaran pasien paska MVD di RSCM. Jumlah pasien trigeminal neuralgia primer yang sembuh sempurna tanpa komplikasi (T0) di RSCM didapatkan 13 pasien dari 15 pasien. Jumlah luaran pasien hemifasial spasme primer yang sembuh sempurna tanpa komplikasi (T0) di RSCM didapatkan 5 pasien dari 8 pasien. ABSTRACT
Outcome of Neurovascular Compression Syndrome Based on Efficacy Complication Total Score in FKUI-RSUPNCM, 2011-2015
Microvascular decompression has been administered as neurosurgical armamentary as definitive treatment of mechanical compression of neurovascular. Posterior fossa approach also related to post operative cerebellar and cranial nerve dysfunction. An integrated evaluation combining efficacy and complication of surgical exploration is crucial to determine a comprehensive outcome of post surgical patients.
To evaluate outcome of microvascular decompression surgery in patient diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score) and related factors.
A historical prospective study on patients diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score). The result is compared with the original publication of ECT score outcome. Research data was obtained through medical records.
Twenty one patients diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and 11 patients diagnosed with hemifacial spasm were treated by microvascular decompression surgery since January 2011 - October 2015. In trigeminal neuralgia group shown fifteen patients with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 13 patients (87%) excellent (T-0), 1 patient (6%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (6%) poor (T3-5). In hemifacial spasm group shown 11 patient with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 5 patient (62,5%) excellent (T-0), 2 patient (25%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (12,5%) poor (T3-5). Sample size of research were limited and related to insignificant findings of related factors.
Efficacy complication total score is efficient in evaluating post microvascular decompression surgery outcome. Trigeminal neuralgia group shown 13 of 15 patients with excellent outcome (T0). Hemifacial spasm group shown 5 of 8 patients with excellent outcome (T0).;Title
Outcome of Neurovascular Compression Syndrome Based on Efficacy Complication Total Score in FKUI-RSUPNCM, 2011-2015
Microvascular decompression has been administered as neurosurgical armamentary as definitive treatment of mechanical compression of neurovascular. Posterior fossa approach also related to post operative cerebellar and cranial nerve dysfunction. An integrated evaluation combining efficacy and complication of surgical exploration is crucial to determine a comprehensive outcome of post surgical patients.
To evaluate outcome of microvascular decompression surgery in patient diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score) and related factors.
A historical prospective study on patients diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score). The result is compared with the original publication of ECT score outcome. Research data was obtained through medical records.
Twenty one patients diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and 11 patients diagnosed with hemifacial spasm were treated by microvascular decompression surgery since January 2011 - October 2015. In trigeminal neuralgia group shown fifteen patients with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 13 patients (87%) excellent (T-0), 1 patient (6%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (6%) poor (T3-5). In hemifacial spasm group shown 11 patient with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 5 patient (62,5%) excellent (T-0), 2 patient (25%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (12,5%) poor (T3-5). Sample size of research were limited and related to insignificant findings of related factors.
Efficacy complication total score is efficient in evaluating post microvascular decompression surgery outcome. Trigeminal neuralgia group shown 13 of 15 patients with excellent outcome (T0). Hemifacial spasm group shown 5 of 8 patients with excellent outcome (T0).;Title
Outcome of Neurovascular Compression Syndrome Based on Efficacy Complication Total Score in FKUI-RSUPNCM, 2011-2015
Microvascular decompression has been administered as neurosurgical armamentary as definitive treatment of mechanical compression of neurovascular. Posterior fossa approach also related to post operative cerebellar and cranial nerve dysfunction. An integrated evaluation combining efficacy and complication of surgical exploration is crucial to determine a comprehensive outcome of post surgical patients.
To evaluate outcome of microvascular decompression surgery in patient diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score) and related factors.
A historical prospective study on patients diagnosed with neurovascular compression syndrome managed by Department of Neurosurgery RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, January 2011-October 2015 based on efficacy, complication, total score (ECT score). The result is compared with the original publication of ECT score outcome. Research data was obtained through medical records.
Twenty one patients diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia and 11 patients diagnosed with hemifacial spasm were treated by microvascular decompression surgery since January 2011 - October 2015. In trigeminal neuralgia group shown fifteen patients with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 13 patients (87%) excellent (T-0), 1 patient (6%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (6%) poor (T3-5). In hemifacial spasm group shown 11 patient with more than one year post operative period with categorized outcome : 5 patient (62,5%) excellent (T-0), 2 patient (25%) good (T-1), 0 patient fair (T-2), 1 patient (12,5%) poor (T3-5). Sample size of research were limited and related to insignificant findings of related factors.
Efficacy complication total score is efficient in evaluating post microvascular decompression surgery outcome. Trigeminal neuralgia group shown 13 of 15 patients with excellent outcome (T0). Hemifacial spasm group shown 5 of 8 patients with excellent outcome (T0)."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fawnia Raissa Azzahra
"Latar belakang: Terdapat banyak tindakan Kedokteran Gigi yang dilakukan di daerah foramen mental serta adanya risiko komplikasi cedera neurovaskular. Foramen mental memiliki letak bervariasi yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti ras dan jenis kelamin. Mengetahui normal range letak foramen mental merupakan hal yang penting diketahui klinisi untuk mengurangi resiko cedera saat perawatan. Tujuan: Mengetahui nilai rata-rata dan membandingkan jarak foramen mental terhadap puncak tulang alveolar pada kelompok laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 20-40 tahun di RSKGM FKG UI. Metode: Dilakukan pengukuran nilai jarak dengan membuat garis tegak lurus antara garis singgung pada batas superior foramen mental dan garis singgung pada puncak tulang alveolar, di mana garis-garis singgung tersebut sejajar dengan batas bawah mandibula pada 140 radiograf panoramik digital yang dibagi menjadi kelompok laki-laki dan perempuan berusia 20-40 di RSKGM FKG UI menggunakan software viewer Microdicom. Kemudian dilakukan uji reliabilitas intraobsever dan interobserver dengan uji ICC dan uji komparatif dengan uji T-test Independen. Hasil: Berdasarkan pengukuran diperoleh rata-rata dan standar deviasi pada kelompok laki-laki berusia 20-40 tahun adalah 15.60 ± 1.73 mm dan pada kelompok perempuan berusia 20-40 tahun adalah 15.12 ± 1.97 mm. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara nilai rata-rata jarak foramen mental terhadap puncak tulang alveolar pada kelompok laki-laki berusia 20-40 tahun dan kelompok perempuan berusia 20-40 tahun di RSKGM FKG UI.

Background: There are a lot of dental treatments involving mental foramen and a risk of neurovascular injuries as the complication from the treatments. Mental foramen varies in position based on several factors including race and gender. Knowing the position range of mental foramen is essential to prevent injuries during dental treatment. Objective: To elicit and compare the mean distance of mental foramen to alveolar crest in male and female aged 20-40 years old at RSKGM FKG UI. Method: This study is utilizing 140 digital panoramic radiographs divided into male group and female group aged 20-40 years old in RSKGM FKG UI. Samples were measured by making a perpendicular line to tangent line of mental foramen’s superior border and tangent line of alveolar crest which both tangent lines are parallel to inferior border of the mandible. Samples were measured directly on the digital panoramic viewer software (Microdicom). Then, carry on with the reliability test for both intraobserver and interobserver with ICC test and comparative test with Independent T-test. Results: Average and standard deviation for mean distance of mental foramen to alveolar crest in male group aged 20-40 years is 15.60 ± 1.73 mm and in female group aged 20-40 years is 15.12 ± 1.97 mm. Conclusion: There is no significant difference between the mean distance of mental foramen to alveolar crest in male aged 20-40 years and in female aged 20-40 years at RSKGM FKG UI"
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harry Topan
Latar belakang dan tujuan : Trigeminal neuralgia (TGN) atau tic douloureux adalah rasa nyeri seperti ditusuk-tusuk pada satu sisi wajah. Prevalensi TGN 0,01% sampai 0,3%, angka kejadian 3,4 sampai 5,9 per 100.000 orang pertahun. 3D CISS MRI waktu akuisisi singkat, Signal to Noise Ratio tinggi, dan Contrast to Noise Ratio yang baik. Instrumen Pain Assessment Scale (PAS) yang digunakan adalah Pain Rating Scale (PRS) karena mudah digunakan, tersedia luas dan murah. PRS dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai instrumen penilaian perkiraan jarak Neurovascular compression terhadap Root Exit Zone (REZ).
Metode : Penelitian retrospektif pada 32 subjek Trigeminal Neuralgia yang melakukan pemeriksaan 3D CISS MRI dalam rentang Januari 2013 sampai Januari 2016. Evaluasi 3D CISS MRI 32 subjek ditemukan 35 origin vaskular penyebab kompresi. Metode penelitian menggunakan uji korelatif dengan pendekatan potong lintang antara nilai PRS dengan jarak NC terhadap REZ yang dievaluasi menggunakan 3D CISS MRI.
Hasil : Menggunakan tes Spearman terhadap 35 subjek kompresi diperoleh hasil terdapat korelasi antara nilai PRS dengan jarak NC terhadap REZ dengan rerata jarak kompresi 2,10 mm ± 2,10 (r = -0,39 dan p= 0,021). Dihasilkan formulasi regresi jarak kompresi 3,15 ? 0,47 x Skala nyeri.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat korelasi antara nilai PRS dengan jarak NCterhadap REZ pada pasien Trigeminal neuralgia.

Background and Objective: Trigeminal neuralgia or tic douloureuxis unilateral facial pain. TGN prevalence 0,01% to 0,3%, incidence rate 3,4 to 5,9 per 100.000 people a year. High signal to noise ratio and better contrast to noise ratio is 3D CISS MR benefits. Trigeminal pain evaluated with pain assessment scale because simple, less expensive and widely available. So it can be considered as an assessment instrument to estimates neurovascular compressiondistance related to trigeminal nerve root exit zone.
Methods : This is a retrospective study on 32 subjects trigeminal neuralgia who had 3D CISS MR examination within January 2013 to January 2016. Evaluation 3D CISS MR found 35 vascular origin causes compression. This methods using correlative study with cross sectional between PAS value with neurovascular compression distance related to trigeminal nerve root exit zone.
Results : From 35 subject compression with Spearman test there is moderate correlation between PAS value with neurovascular compression distance related to trigeminal nerve root exit zone (Mean 2.10 mm ± 2,10, r = -0,39 and p = 0,021) and result Regretion formulation 3,15 ? 0,47 x Pain scale.
Conclusion : There is moderate correlation between PRS value with neurovascular compression distance related to trigeminal nerve root exit zone."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hani Hasanah
"Latar belakang: Pemeriksaan neurovaskular memegang peranan penting dalam tatalaksana sarkoma muskuloskeletal, umumnya dengan menggunakan modalitas pencitraan MRI kontras intravena. Namun ketersediaan mesin MRI di Indonesia sangat terbatas. Tujuan: Menilai peranan USG greyscale, velositas arteri dan resistive index (RI) dalam menilai keterlibatan neurovaskular oleh massa tumor. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dari pemeriksaan USG Doppler Berwarna sistem arteri dan MRI kontras gadolinium intravena ekstremitas inferior. Penelitian dilakukan di Departemen Radiologi dan Poliklinik Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta dari bulan Januari 2021 hingga Agustus 2022. Hasil: Akurasi USG greyscale penelitian ini didapatkan sebesar 84,2%, sensitivitas 66,7%, spesifisitas 100%, PPV 100% dan NPV 76,9%. Adanya perbedaan velositas arteri yang dibandingkan kontralateral memiliki nilai sensitivitas 66,7%, spesifisitas 100%, PPV 100% dan NPV 76,9%. Adanya perbedaan RI yang dibandingkan dengan tungkai kontralateral memiliki nilai sensitivitas 66,7%, spesifisitas 100%, PPV 100% dan NPV 76,9%. Pemeriksaan MRI kontras dalam menilai keterlibatan neurovaskular utama memiliki nilai akurasi, sensitivitas, spesifisitas, NPV dan PPV sebesar 100%. Kesimpulan: Pemeriksaan USG greyscale cenderung memiliki nilai akurasi yang baik dan memiliki potensi untuk dipertimbangkan sebagai alat diagnostik, namun penggunaannya pada pasien dengan volume tumor massif harus dihindari karena berpotensi memberikan nilai negatif palsu.

Background: Neurovascular assessment plays an important role in the management of musculoskeletal sarcomas, commonly use contrast MRI as modality of choice. However, the availability of MRI in Indonesia is very limited. Objective: To assess the role of greyscale ultrasound, arterial velocity, and resistive index (RI) in assessing musculoskeletal sarcomas neurovascular involvement. Method: Primary data analysed from CDUS of arterial system and contrast MRI inferior extremity. The study was conducted at Department of Radiology and Orthopaedic and Traumatology Clinic of Dr. Cipto Mangungkusumo Hospital from January 2020 to August 2022. Result: The accuracy of greyscale ultrasound in this study was 84.2%, 66.7% sensitivity, 100% specificity, 100% PPV and 76.9% NPV76,9%. Arterial velocity differences compared to contralateral limb had sensitivity 66,7%, specificity100%, PPV 100% and NPV 76,9%. RI differences compared to contralateral limb had sensitivity 66,7%, specificity 100%, PPV 100% and NPV 76,9%. Contrast MRI had sensitivity, specificity, NPV and PPV 100%. Conclusion: Greyscale ultrasound has good accuracy and has the potential to be considered as diagnostic imaging modality. But the utilization of this modality in massive volume mass should be avoided since it has potential to give false negative result."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library