ABSTRAKLatar Belakang penelitian adalah masih tingginya angka kejadian penurunan kadar Hb pada ibu
hamil, yang akan berdampak pada ibu dan janin. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui
hubungan perilaku (pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap) dan dukungan keluarga dalam pemenuhan
kebutuhan nutrisi ibu hamil dengan kadar hemoglobin. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah
kuantitatif yang bersifat deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan sampel 65.
Tehnik pengambilan sample adalah simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian ada hubungan perilaku:
pengetahuan (p: 0.001), keterampilan (p: 0.007), sikap (p: 0.010) dan dukungan emosional (p=0.004),
intrumental (p= 0.021), informasional (p= 0.036), dan penghargaan (p=0.047) dengan kadar Hb ibu
hamil. Kesimpulan penelitan adalah kadar Hb Ibu hamil depengaruhi oleh perilaku dan dukungan
keluarga dalam pemenuhan nutrisi. Implikasi hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat mengembangkan
program pemberian makanan kaya zat besi dengan melibatkan keluarga. Rekomendasi penelitian
adalah melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap pemenuhan nutrisi ibu hamil, untuk
mempertahankan kadar Hb normal.
ABSTRACTBackground this study is still high incidence of decreased levels of hemoglobin in pregnant women,
which will have an impact on the mother and fetus. The purpose of this study is to determine the
relationship of behavior (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and support the family in meeting the
nutritional needs of pregnant women with hemoglobin (Hb). This study used descriptive correlation
with cross sectional approach. The sample of 65 was calculated using simple random sampling. The
results of the study no relationship behaviors: knowledge (p: 0.001), skills (p: 0.007), attitude (p:
0.010) and emotional support (p = 0.004), instrumental (p = 0.021), informational (p = 0.036), and
awards (p = 0.047) with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women. Conclusion this study Hb influenced
by the behavior of pregnant women and family support in nutrition. Implications of the results of the
study are expected to develop a program of iron-rich foods with the family involved. Recommendations
the study is looking at the factors that influence the attitude of nutrition of pregnant women, to
maintain normal hemoglobin levels;Background this study is still high incidence of decreased levels of hemoglobin in pregnant women,
which will have an impact on the mother and fetus. The purpose of this study is to determine the
relationship of behavior (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and support the family in meeting the
nutritional needs of pregnant women with hemoglobin (Hb). This study used descriptive correlation
with cross sectional approach. The sample of 65 was calculated using simple random sampling. The
results of the study no relationship behaviors: knowledge (p: 0.001), skills (p: 0.007), attitude (p:
0.010) and emotional support (p = 0.004), instrumental (p = 0.021), informational (p = 0.036), and
awards (p = 0.047) with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women. Conclusion this study Hb influenced
by the behavior of pregnant women and family support in nutrition. Implications of the results of the
study are expected to develop a program of iron-rich foods with the family involved. Recommendations
the study is looking at the factors that influence the attitude of nutrition of pregnant women, to
maintain normal hemoglobin levels;Background this study is still high incidence of decreased levels of hemoglobin in pregnant women,
which will have an impact on the mother and fetus. The purpose of this study is to determine the
relationship of behavior (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and support the family in meeting the
nutritional needs of pregnant women with hemoglobin (Hb). This study used descriptive correlation
with cross sectional approach. The sample of 65 was calculated using simple random sampling. The
results of the study no relationship behaviors: knowledge (p: 0.001), skills (p: 0.007), attitude (p:
0.010) and emotional support (p = 0.004), instrumental (p = 0.021), informational (p = 0.036), and
awards (p = 0.047) with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women. Conclusion this study Hb influenced
by the behavior of pregnant women and family support in nutrition. Implications of the results of the
study are expected to develop a program of iron-rich foods with the family involved. Recommendations
the study is looking at the factors that influence the attitude of nutrition of pregnant women, to
maintain normal hemoglobin levels, Background this study is still high incidence of decreased levels of hemoglobin in pregnant women,
which will have an impact on the mother and fetus. The purpose of this study is to determine the
relationship of behavior (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) and support the family in meeting the
nutritional needs of pregnant women with hemoglobin (Hb). This study used descriptive correlation
with cross sectional approach. The sample of 65 was calculated using simple random sampling. The
results of the study no relationship behaviors: knowledge (p: 0.001), skills (p: 0.007), attitude (p:
0.010) and emotional support (p = 0.004), instrumental (p = 0.021), informational (p = 0.036), and
awards (p = 0.047) with hemoglobin levels of pregnant women. Conclusion this study Hb influenced
by the behavior of pregnant women and family support in nutrition. Implications of the results of the
study are expected to develop a program of iron-rich foods with the family involved. Recommendations
the study is looking at the factors that influence the attitude of nutrition of pregnant women, to
maintain normal hemoglobin levels]"