Yullie Mulyadi
Abstrak :
Hasil pembangunan kesehatan adalah meningkatuya umur harapan hidup, sehingga terjadi peningkatan jumlah lansia di Indonesia dengan berbegai masalah kesehatannya. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka dilakukanlah suatu upaya dalam bentuk kegiatan posyandu lansia yang bertujuan agar pra lansia (45-59 tahun) dan lansia kegiatan sosial secara rutin. Angka pemanfaatan Posyandu Lansia di Wliayah Kerja Puskesmas Naras Kola Pariaman masih sangat rendah yaitu 13,23% pada talmn 2007, angka ini masih jauh dari SPM yaitu 40"/o.
Penelitian ini bertujuan unlnk mendapatkan informasi yang mendalam tentang posyandu lansia karena ketidalctahuan terhadap kegiatan posyandu lansia dan adanya pengaruh keluarga yang sangat kuat dalam memanfaatkan pengobatan tradisional.
Mengatasi masalah tersebut maka perlu adanya penyuluhan tentang posyandu lansia secara intensif dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: advokasi kepeda Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pariaman untuk mendapatkan dukuagan dana sosialisasi posyandu untuk perbaikan alat kesehatan dan pengadaan Kartu Menuju Sehat (KMS) lansia, meningkatkan sosialisasi posyandu lansia melalui pelatihan petugas pembina wilayah dan kader, penyuluhan melalui media lokal serta meningkatkan komitmen Puskesmas Naras dalam memberikan pelayanan di posyandu lansia dengan menamhah petugas kesebatan posyandu lansia di daerah pegunungan, melakukan perneriksaao laberatorium saderhana dan mendatangkan petugas PKM dalam sadap kegiatan posyandu lansia serta melakukan senam lansia secara rutin.
As the consequence of the result of health development is the increase of life expectacy age that leads to the increase in the number of the elderly people in Indonesia including its health problem. In order to overcome the problem, an effort is conducted in the form of activities of the integrated health posts (posyandu) for the elderly that aims to make the pre elderly people (aged 45-59) aod elderly people (aged'?:60) become healthy and self reliant by conducting their health examination and social activities regularly. The number of utilization of the integrated health posts for the elderly in the working area of Naras Health Center of Pariaman City was still low (13.23%) in 2007. The number was lower than Minimal Service Staodard (SPM), that was 40%.
The study aimed to obtain the information of the utilization of the integrated health posts for the elderly and factors supported and delayed in utilizing the integrated health posts for the elderly in the working area of Naras Health Center of Pariaman City.
To overcome the problems mentioned above, it is needed a elucidation (communication, information, and education) about the integrated health posts fur the elderly intensively with following steps: advocacy towards the Health Office of Pariaman City to get the financial support of socialization of the integrated health posts to repair the medical appliances and to procure the health monitoring card (KMS) for the elderly, to maintain the socialization of the integrated health posts for the elderly through training for regional assistance staffs and health volunteers, to run the elucidation through local media and to maintain the commitment of Naras Health Center in providing the service in the integrated health posts for elderly by adding health staffs at mountain area, to conduct the simple laboratorium test, and to make the health center staffs attended in every activity conducted in the integrated health posts, as well as to conduct the exercise for elderly regularly.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library