Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Viella Cecilia Wijaya
Abstrak :
Kami melakukan penelitian tentang efek pemberian minuman berkarbohidrat pada dua jam pra induksi anestesia terhadap pengurangan ketidaknyamanan prabedah untuk pasien operasi elektif. Tiga puluh sembilan pasien dewasa dengan status fisik ASA 1 dan 2 diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini yang diacak dengan penyamaran tunggal untuk mendapatkan 300 mL minuman yang mengandung glukosa 5% atau air putih pada waktu dua jam pra induksi anestesia. Seharusnya penelitian dilakukan terhadap 68 pasien namun akibat kesalahan terhadap penghitungan jumlah sampel di awal penelitian kami dan keterbatasan waktu maka penelitian hanya dilakukan terhadap 39 pasien. Digunakan VAS sebagai metode pengukuran ketidaknyamanan prabedah yang ingin dinilai yaitu kecemasan, rasa lapar dan rasa haus. Tidak terjadi efek samping aspirasi pare pada semua subyek penelitian. Terjadi penurunan nilai VAS yang bermakna pada kedua kelompok perlakuan (p<0.05) terhadap variabel kecemasan dan rasa haus pada pengukuran di menit ke-90 dan 120 setelah pemberian minuman. Sedangkan pada variabel rasa lapar hanya terjadi penurunan nilai VAS yang bermakna pada kelompok yang mendapat minuman glukosa 5% di menit ke-90. Perbandingan nilai mean dan SD untuk penurunan VAS kecemasan, rasa lapar dan rasa haus diantara kedua kelompok hasilnya tidak bermakna (p>0.05). Kesimpulannya adalah pemberian air putih saja cukup efektif untuk menurunkan ketidaknyamanan prabedah yang berupa kecemasan dan rasa haus, namun tidak efektif untuk mengurangi rasa lapar.
We studied the effects of carbohydrate drink given two hours pre-induction of anesthesia in reducing preoperative discomforts for elective surgery patients. Thirty-nine adult patients with physical status ASA 1 and 2 were included in the study and randomized double blinded to preparation with 300mL of glucose 5% drink or plain water. The sample size was supposed to be 68 but we miscalculated it a1 the beginning of the study and also because of the lack of time, we only look 39 patients as our sample. Visual Analog Score (VAS) was used as a method of scoring the preoperative discomfort variables, which were anxiety, hunger and thirst. There were no adverse effects such as pulmonary aspiration occurred in the study. VAS was measured before, 90 and 120 minutes after the drink was given. It happened to be that both of the drinks were very effective in reducing VAS of anxiety and thirst but there were no difference between the two groups (p>0.05). Both of the drink was less effective in reducing hunger preoperatively. In conclusion, plain water is as effective as glucose 5% drink in reducing anxiety and thirst preoperative if given two hours pre induction of anesthesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Rangga Rayendra Saleh
Abstrak :
Surgical site infection is a harmful problem both for the operator or the patient. Commonly, antibiotics is used irrationally to prevent surgical site infection. In the other hand, irrational use of antibiotics might lead to microbial resistency. Plastic reconstructive surgeryof the ears and nose is classified into clean or clean contaminated surgery which only requires prophylactic antibiotics. The aim of this study is to acquire supporting data for a rational use of antibiotics in plastic reconstructive surgery in ENT-HNS Department FMUI - CMH. This study is a pilot study with negative trial design which includes 12 subjects. Subjects are randomly divided into prophylaxis antibiotic only and combination of prophylaxis antibiotic and post operative antibiotic. This study found 1 subject form the prophylaxis antibiotic only group with surgical site infection. There was no surgical site infection in the control group. There is no significant difference between the two groups. The use of post surgery antibiotic is not neccesary in plastic reconstructive surgery to prevent surgical site infection. Further study is required to support findings of this study.
Infeksi luka operasi adalah suatu masalah yang sangat merugikan baik bagi operator maupun pasien. Seringkali antibiotika digunakan secara tidak rasional untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi luka operasi. Di lain pihak, penggunaan antibiotika secara tidak rasional dapat meningkatkan resistensi mikroba. Operasi plastik rekonstruksi telinga dan hidung adalah operasi bersih atau bersih terkontaminasi yang hanya membutuhkan antibiotika profilaksis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data dukung ilmiah untuk penggunaan antibiotika yang rasional dalam tatalaksana operasi rekonstruksi telinga dan hidung di Departemen THT-KL FKUI - RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian pendahuluan dengan desain uji klinis negatif dengan melibatkan 12 subyek. Subyek penelitian dibagi secara acak menjadi kelompok antibiotika profilaksis saja dan kombinasi antibiotika profilaksis - pasca operasi. Terdapat 1 subyek pada kelompok antibiotika profilaksis yang mengalami infeksi luka operasi. Pada kelompok kombinasi antibiotika profilaksis - pasca operasi tidak terdapat infeksi luka operasi. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna proporsi angka kejadian infeksi luka operasi pada kedua kelompok. Pemberian antibiotika pasca operasi tidak diperlukan dalam operasi plastik rekonstruksi telinga dan hidung untuk mencegah infeksi luka operasi. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mendukung hubungan yang tidak bermakna antara kedua kelompok.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Andre Sipahutar
Abstrak :
A retrospective study of 13 Equinus feet of 10 patients of
Cerebral Palsy that we were able to collect and review, between
December 1985 and November 1988, has been done.
Tendoachilles lengthening by the closed method for 5 feet of 3
patients and open method for 8 feet of 7 cases in those patients
has been performed. The result in both methods are comparable.
Although the number of cases of these· two methods were too small
for statistical analysis the results find to inaicate that closed ·1
method of Achil les Tendon Lengthening is a good procedure in children
with Cerebral Palsy.
Achilles Tendon lengthening for Equi nus has been performed since
Ancient times using either an open or closed method.
This is usually performed by an open Z or fractional lengthening of
the tendon proper. In 1943, Whi te (5.7 ) was one of the first
proponents of · closed method. Nowadays, most of the surgeons have
found and consider the · sliding method of lengthening either by the
White method or the Hoke method ( 1954} ··more controlled and very
satisfactory. However closed method is not a widely used method for
treatment of Equinus Contracture in Cerebral Pa1sy.
This study reviews patients with C.P. who had closed or open
method of Achi11es Tendon Lengthening in National University Hospital
between Cecember 1965 and November 1988.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This practical reference is a comprehensive guide to the anesthetic and perioperative management of patients before and during all procedures performed by general and subspecialist surgeons requiring anesthetic management. The book explains each procedure from both the surgeon and anesthesiologist perspectives, presents details on anesthetic technique, and guides the anesthesiologist and surgeon through the decisions that must be made before, during, and after surgery. Emphasis is on factors that impact the anesthesiologist, including patient positioning, duration of surgery, and complications.
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2015
617.96 ANE
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Grace, Pierce A.
Abstrak :
Surgery at a Glance provides a concise and accessible introduction and revision aid for medical students undertaking their surgical attachment. The easy-to-use At a Glance format presents each topic as a double-page spread. The key facts are accompanied by clear diagrams encapsulating all that students need to know." "Surgery at a Glance is the book for surgical finals. This new edition: now includes colour to enhance understanding; focuses on the core principles and the important diseases appropriate to the current curriculum; is divided into clinical presentations followed by major surgical conditions; and features a new tinted box for the cancer chapters that provides the 2-week-wait referral criteria."--BOOK JACKET
Jakarta: Erlangga, 2007
617.9 GRA st (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Zollinger, Robert M.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011
R 617.91 ZOL z
Buku Referensi Universitas Indonesia Library