"RS Abdi Waluyo adalah sebuah RS tipe C di Jakarta Pusat. Berdasarkan data rumah sakit tahun 2023, rasio pengambilan resep di farmasi rawat jalan mengalami penurunan dari 84% (Januari) ke 61% (September). Fokus penelitian ini terutama pada keluhan lamanya menunggu obat hingga 1-4 jam, terutama bagi pasien asuransi yang mendapatkan obat racikan. Terlebih lagi pada pre-survey terkesan adanya inefisiensi proses, adanya alur yang berulang karena staff perlu menginput obat pesanan berulang kali. Peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan
business process improvement (BPI) untuk memperoleh gambaran proses bisnis, mengidentifikasi permasalahan, merumuskan langkah perbaikan, dan menilai implementasi dari intervensi perbaikan yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian
mixed method di mana penelitian kualitatif dilakukan sesuai 5 fase BPI yaitu
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC). Adapun informa Informan dalam penelitian ini, adalah: Direktur Medik, Kepala Penunjang Medik, Kepala Unit Rawat Jalan, Kepala Farmasi. Sementara penelitian kuantitatif dilakukan terhadap seluruh resep pasien asuransi rawat jalan di RS Abdi Waluyo di bulan November 2023, sebelum dan sesudah implementasi intervensi. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang proses bisnis farmasi rawat jalan dan memberikan masukan perbaikan yang berarti bagi manajemen rumah sakit dalam meningkatkan efisiensi pelayanan farmasi rawat jalan.
......Abdi Waluyo Hospital is a type C hospital in Central Jakarta. Based on hospital data in 2023, the ratio of prescriptions taken at outpatient pharmacy has decreased from 84% (January) to 61% (September). The focus of this research is mainly on complaints regarding the long wait for medications, up to 1-4 hours, especially for insurance patients who receive compounded medications. Moreover, the pre-survey showed that there were inefficient processes associated with some were repetitive steps done by the staffs, e.g. when inputting orders to the hospital information system. This research was conducted using business process improvement (BPI) method to obtain an overview of business processes, identify problems, formulate improvement steps, and assess the implementation of the performed interventions. This is a mixed method research where qualitative study was carried out adhering to the 5 phases of BPI, namely Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC). The informants involved were: Medical Director, Head of Medical Support, Head of Outpatient Unit, Head of Pharmacy. Meanwhile, quantitative study was conducted on all insurance outpatient prescriptions at Abdi Waluyo in November 2023, before and after the intervention. The results of this research will provide a deeper understanding on outpatient pharmacy business processes and provide meaningful input for improvements for hospital management in increasing the efficiency of outpatient pharmacy services."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023