"Latar Belakang: Cisplatin, agen kemoterapi utama dalam terapi kanker ovarium,
memiliki sifat hepatotoksik karena menginduksi stres oksidatif. Kurkumin dapat
meningkatkan kadar atau aktivitas antioksidan endogen seperti enzim superoksida
dismutase dan glutation. Formulasi nanopartikel kurkumin dapat meningkatkan
bioavailabilitas kurkumin dan distribusinya pada organ target. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh nanokurkumin terhadap hepatotoksisitas
akibat cisplatin melalui regulasi antioksidan endogen SOD dan GSH. Metode: 25
ekor tikus galur Wistar betina dibagi ke dalam 1 kelompok sham dan 4 kelompok
model kanker ovarium yang diinduksi DMBA pada penelitian in-vivo ini. Empat
kelompok tersebut adalah kelompok tanpa terapi, cisplatin 4 mg/KgBB
intraperitoneal, cisplatin dengan kurkumin konvensional 100 mg/KgBB per oral,
atau cisplatin dengan nanopartikel kurkumin dalam kitosan 100 mg/KgBB per oral.
Setelah perlakuan selama 1 bulan, hepar tikus diambil dan disimpan beku.
Pengukuran aktivitas SOD, kadar GSH, dan kadar GSSG dilakukan dengan metode
spektrofotometri. Hasil: Uji statistik pada kadar GSH, GSSG, dan aktivitas SOD
menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada kelompok ko-kemoterapi
kurkumin konvensional dibanding monoterapi cisplatin (p<0.05). Tidak ada
perbedaan yang bermakna antarkelompok pada rasio GSH/GSSG (p>0.05) dan
tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna antara kedua kelompok ko-kemoterapi pada
semua variabel (p>0.05). Kesimpulan: Kurkumin konvensional dan nanokurkumin
setara dalam meregulasi antioksidan endogen SOD dan GSH pada tikus model
kanker ovarium yang mendapat cisplatin.
......Introduction: As the primary chemotherapeutic agent of choice for ovarian cancer,
cisplatin has hepatotoxic properties via oxidative stress induction. Curcumin can
increase the levels and activities of endogenous antioxidants like superoxide
dismutase enzyme and glutathione. Formulation of curcumin nanoparticles
increases its bioavailability and target organ distribution. This research aims to
elucidate the effects of nanocurcumin on cisplatin-induced hepatotoxicity via
regulation of endogenous antioxidants, SOD and GSH. Method: 25 Wistar female
rats were grouped into 1 sham group and 4 DMBA-induced ovarian cancer model
groups in this in-vivo study. Four cancer model groups were further divided into
no-treatment, 100 mg/KgBW intraperitoneal cisplatin therapy, cisplatin with oral
100 mg/KgBW conventional curcumin, and cisplatin with oral 100 mg/KgBW
curcumin nanoparticle in chitosan group. The liver of the rats were taken and frozen
after one month of treatment. Spectrophotometry was used to measure the activities
of SOD, levels of GSH, and levels of GSSG. Results: Statistic tests on levels of
GSH, GSSG, and activity of SOD showed significant increase in the curcumin cochemotherapy
against cisplatin monotherapy (p<0.05). There was no significant
difference within the groups of GSH/GSSG ratio (p>0.05) and no significant
difference was found between the curcumin co-chemotherapy and nanocurcumin
co-chemotherapy groups in all the variables (p>0.05). Conclusion: Conventional
curcumin and nanocurcumin administration are similar in regulating endogenous
antioxidants SOD and GSH on rats with ovarian cancer model treated with cisplatin."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020