"Kasus nyeri lebih banyak mengakibatkan ansietas. Tujuan karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah mengetahui efektifitas terapi penghentian pikiran, relaksasi otot progresif dan psikoedukasi keluarga pada klien nyeri dan ansietas. Metode yang digunakan dengan analisa kasus. Jumlah klien yang dikelola sebanyak 90 orang dengan kelompok 1 sebanyak 40 klien diberikan tindakan keperawatan ners, terapi penghentian pikiran dan relaksasi otot progresif, kelompok 2 sebanyak 50 orang diberikan tindakan keperawatan ners, penghentian pikiran, relaksasi otot progresif dan psikoedukasi keluarga.
Hasil asuhan keperawatan ini adalah ada pengaruh tindakan keperawatan ners dan ners spesialis (penghentian pikiran, relaksasi otot progresif dan psikoedukasi keluarga) terhadap penurunan tanda gejala serta peningkatan kemampuan klien dan keluarga dalam mengurangi nyeri dan mengatasi ansietas. Asuhan keperawatan ini merekomendasikan terapi penghentian pikiran, terapi relaksasi otot progresif dan terapi psikoedukasi keluarga sebagai terapi keperawatan pada ansietas.
Knowledge and experience of pain is an unpleasant emotional result of tissue damage that actual or potential. Pain occurs along much of the disease process or together with some diagnostic examination or treatment. The relationship between pain and anxiety are complex. Ansietas can increase the perception of pain, but pain can also cause a feeling of anxiety and can occur when a person feel threatened both physically and Psychology (such as self-esteem, self, or a picture ID). This scientific paper objective is to know the results of the effectiveness of thought stopping therapy, progressive muscle relaxation and family psikoeducation on the client ansietas and pain through the adaptation of the model approach to Roy. The number of clients that are managed as many as 90 people.
The results of this scientific paper is there influence nursing actions ners and ners specialists (thought stopping, progressive muscle relaxation and family psychoeducation) against a decrease in symptoms and signs of increased the ability of clients and families in reducing pain and cope with ansietas. This scientific paper recommends therapy thought stopping, progressive muscle relaxation therapy and family psychoeducation therapy as a family on anxiety. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2016