"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi urutan perkembangan theory of mind
(ToM) anak usia 5-7 tahun di rural dan urban serta untuk mengetahui peran budaya
individualis atau kolektivis dan parenting attitude terhadap perkembangan theory of
mind anak. Penelitian ini melibatkan 91 partisipan ibu dan anak dari suku Jawa di rural
dan urban. Kemampuan theory of mind diukur menggunakan Theory of Mind Task.
Budaya diukur dengan Skala Pengasuhan Individualis atau Kolektivis dan parenting
attitude diukur menggunakan Parenting Attitude Inventory. Penelitian ini juga akan
mengukur komponen sarcasm untuk pertama kali di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa urutan perkembangan theory of mind anak di rural dan urban tidak
mengikuti pola urutan ToM western atau eastern dengan urutan komponen ToM diverse
desire > hidden emotion > diverse belief > sarcasm > knowledge access > false belief
> second order. Budaya individualis atau kolektivis dan parenting attitude ditemukan
tidak signifikan dalam memprediksi perkembangan theory of mind anak di rural dan
urban, tapi parenting attitude pola konformiti menunjukkan hubungan negatif secara
signifikan dengan komponen hidden emotion.
This study aims to identify the sequence of development of theory of mind (ToM) ofchildren aged 5-7 years in rural and urban areas and to determine the role ofindividualist or collectivist culture and parenting attitude towards the development oftheory of mind. This study involved 91 participants of mothers and children fromJavanese in rural and urban areas. The ability of theory of mind is measured usingTheory of Mind Task. Culture preferences is measured by the Individualist orCollectivist Parenting Scale and parenting attitude is measured using Parenting AttitudeInventory. This research will also measure the components of Sarcasm for the first timein Indonesia. The results showed that the sequence of development of theory of mind ofchildren in rural and urban areas did not match with the pattern of western or easternToM sequences and showed a sequence of ToM components diverse desire> hiddenemotion> diverse beliefs> sarcasm> knowledge access> false beliefs> second order.Individualist or collectivist culture and parenting attitude were found to be insignificantin predicting the development of children's theory of mind in rural and urban areas, butparenting attitude conformity patterns showed a significant negative relationship withthe hidden emotion component."