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Priska Duana Putri
Latar Belakang : Kotinin merupakan hasil metabolit utama nikotin dan
kadarnya pada urin merupakan indikator pajanan asap rokok. Penlitian ini untuk
mengetahui kadar kotinin urin pada anak yang terpajan dan tidak terpajan asap
rokok di lingkungan rumah.
Metode : Penelitian potong lintang pada anak usia sekolah dasar yang tidak
merokok. Subjek dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok terpajan dan tidak terpajan
berdasarkan status pajanannya. Data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dan sampel
urin sewaktu yang diukur dengan metode ELISA.
Hasil : Total subjek 128 anak usia 6-12 tahun yang terdiri dari 64 anak pada
kelompok terpajan dan 64 anak yang tidak terpajan. Kadar kotinin urin pada
kelompok terpajan lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok tidak terpajan (median
30,1 vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). Terdapat perbedaan kadar kotinin pada anak yang
terpajan asap rokok dengan jumlah batang rokok yang dihisap oleh perokok di
rumah (p<0.05). Status pajanan asap rokok berhubungan dengan keluhan batuk,
infeksi saluran napas atas dan rawat inap karena keluhan respirasi pada anak. Nilai
titik potong optimal kadar kotinin urin pada anak untuk menilai pajanan asap
rokok yaitu 17,95 ng/ml (sensitifitas 81%, spesifisitas 81%, AUC 91,2%, p<0.05).
Kesimpulan: Kadar kotinin urin dapat digunakan sebagai biomarker yang tidak invasif untuk evaluasi pajanan asap rokok pada anak.
Introduction : The cotinine is major metabolite of nicotine and the level of
urinary cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. This study investigate
role of urinary cotinine level in children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke
at home.
Method : A Cross sectional study that enrolled elementary school nonsmokers
children classified into exposed group and unexposed group based on tobacco
smoke sexposure status. The questionnaire and spot urinary samples were
collected and urinary cotinine levels were measured by ELISA.
Results : A total 128 nonsmokers children age 6-12 years divided into 64 children
in exposed group and 64 children in unexposed group. The urinary cotinine levels
in exposed group significantly higher than unexposed group (median 30,1 ng/m;
vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). There was significant difference of urinary cotinine level
in exposed group with number of cigarettes (p<0.05). Tobacco smoke exposure
status associated with frequent cough symptom, upper respiratory infection and
hospitalization because of respiratory symptoms in subjects. The optimal cut off
point urinary cotinine in children to distinguish unexposed children with exposed
to tobacco smoke at home was 17,95 ng/ml (sensitivity 81%, spesificity 81%,
Conclusion : The urinary cotinine level is useful and noninvasive biomarker for evaluating tobacco smoke exposure in children. ;Introduction : The cotinine is major metabolite of nicotine and the level of
urinary cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. This study investigate
role of urinary cotinine level in children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke
at home.
Method : A Cross sectional study that enrolled elementary school nonsmokers
children classified into exposed group and unexposed group based on tobacco
smoke sexposure status. The questionnaire and spot urinary samples were
collected and urinary cotinine levels were measured by ELISA.
Results : A total 128 nonsmokers children age 6-12 years divided into 64 children
in exposed group and 64 children in unexposed group. The urinary cotinine levels
in exposed group significantly higher than unexposed group (median 30,1 ng/m;
vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). There was significant difference of urinary cotinine level
in exposed group with number of cigarettes (p<0.05). Tobacco smoke exposure
status associated with frequent cough symptom, upper respiratory infection and
hospitalization because of respiratory symptoms in subjects. The optimal cut off
point urinary cotinine in children to distinguish unexposed children with exposed
to tobacco smoke at home was 17,95 ng/ml (sensitivity 81%, spesificity 81%,
Conclusion : The urinary cotinine level is useful and noninvasive biomarker for evaluating tobacco smoke exposure in children. ;Introduction : The cotinine is major metabolite of nicotine and the level of
urinary cotinine is an indicator of tobacco smoke exposure. This study investigate
role of urinary cotinine level in children exposed and unexposed to tobacco smoke
at home.
Method : A Cross sectional study that enrolled elementary school nonsmokers
children classified into exposed group and unexposed group based on tobacco
smoke sexposure status. The questionnaire and spot urinary samples were
collected and urinary cotinine levels were measured by ELISA.
Results : A total 128 nonsmokers children age 6-12 years divided into 64 children
in exposed group and 64 children in unexposed group. The urinary cotinine levels
in exposed group significantly higher than unexposed group (median 30,1 ng/m;
vs 8,45 ng/ml; p<0.05). There was significant difference of urinary cotinine level
in exposed group with number of cigarettes (p<0.05). Tobacco smoke exposure
status associated with frequent cough symptom, upper respiratory infection and
hospitalization because of respiratory symptoms in subjects. The optimal cut off
point urinary cotinine in children to distinguish unexposed children with exposed
to tobacco smoke at home was 17,95 ng/ml (sensitivity 81%, spesificity 81%,
Conclusion : The urinary cotinine level is useful and noninvasive biomarker for evaluating tobacco smoke exposure in children. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Maulana
"Mulai tahun 2010, Pemerintah Kota Bogor menerbitkan Peraturan Daerah No. 12 tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok (KTR) tahun 2009. Namun setelah 2 tahun berjalan hasil pengamatan menunjukan, masih banyak perokok di kawasan yang ditetapkan dalam peraturan daerah. Studi berjenis kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Sampel adalah rumah tangga di seluruh wilayah Kota Bogor, diambil dengan metode multistage cluster random sampling. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 300 rumah tangga. Hasilnya, masyarakat Kota Bogor menilai implementasi KTR di tatanan tempat-tempat umum belum efektif. Analisis menunjukkan banyaknya perokok di tempat-tempat umum berhubungan dengan pajanan penyuluhan KTR, tiadanya teguran dari orang lain, pengawasan petugas, keberadaan iklan rokok, dan keberadaan penjual rokok (p <0,05).
Untuk lebih mengefektifkan Peraturan daerah tersebut dibutuhkan prioritas berbeda dalam implementasinya di setiap tempat yang menjadi KTR.
......In 2009, the Government published the Bogor Area Regulations No. 12 about the area Without Smoking (KTR). Based on observations, there are still many smokers in the area set out in the regulatory area. Study of a quantitative approach with cross-sectional. The samples are households in the whole area of the city, which was taken by the method of multistage cluster random sampling. The number of samples as much as 300 households. As a result, society Bogor City looked at the implementation of KTR at public places order has not been effective. Analysis showed the number of smokers in public places associated with exposure illumination KTR, lack of rebuke from others, supervision officers, the presence of advertising cigarettes, and the existence of a seller of cigarettes (p <0,05). To be more makes effective regional regulation would require priorities different in its implementations in every place into KTR."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isti Monica Wuryandita R
"Prevalensi paparan asap rokok yang tinggi di rumah di Indonesia semakin mengancam anak-anak sebagai pihak mayoritas yang secara sukarela terpapar. Studi ini menyelidiki hubungan antara paparan asap rokok pada masa prenatal dan usia dini dan hasil kognitif anak-anak berusia 7-12 tahun, menggunakan data dari Survei Aspek Kehidupan Rumah Tangga Indonesia (SAKERTI) 2014. Dengan model regresi probit, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa paparan asap rokok sangat penting dalam mempengaruhi hasil kognitif anak bahkan setelah dikendalikan oleh karakteristik keturunan, karakteristik anak-anak, dan karakteristik sosial ekonomi ibu. Status merokok ibu memiliki dampak negatif yang signifikan terhadap hasil kognitif anak.
...... The high prevalence of secondhand smoke at home in Indonesia is increasingly threatening children as the majority party who voluntarily exposed. The study investigated the relation between exposure to secondhand smoke on prenatal and early childhood development and cognitive outcome of children aged 7-12 years, using data from Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) 2014. With probit regression model, the result indicates that exposure to secondhand smoke is significant in affecting children cognitive outcome even after controlled by heredity characteristic, children characteristics, and socioeconomic characteristics. Maternal smoking status has negatively significant impact on children cognitive outcome."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riska Rasyidin
"Berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) BBLR merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat karena hubungannya yang sangat erat dengan kematian dan morbiditas neonatal dan penyakit tidak menular seperti hipertensi, penyakit jantung iskemik, diabetes, dan lain-lain. BBLR adalah bayi dengan berat lahir < 2500 gram. BBLR masih cukup serius di Indonesia dengan prevalensi 11,1% pada tahun 2010. Merokok pasif merupakan isu kesehatan yang cukup penting dan di beberapa penelitian dapat mengakibatkan luaran buruk seperti BBLR. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara Merokok pasif pada ibu usia 15-54 tahun dengan kejadian BBLR di Indonesia setelah dikontrol dengan variabel potensial confounder lainnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional study dengan menggunakan data Riskesdas 2013. Variabel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah BBLR, dan variabel independen utama adalah Merokok pasif, variabel potensial perancu yakni usia ibu saat melahirkan, status sosial ekonomi, pendidikan ibu, keinginan untuk hamil dan paritas. Hasil analisis menunjukan merokok pasif pada ibu usia 15-54 tahun berhubungan lemah dengan BBLR. Anak yang lahir dari ibu merokok pasif memiliki resiko 1,14 (95% CI: 0,94 - 1,38) kali untuk BBLR dibandingkan anak yang lahir dari ibu tidak merokok pasif.
......Low is birth weight (LBW) is an important issue in Public Health because of its relevance with neonatal mortality and morbidity and future health risk, such as Hypertension, Ischaemic Heart Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, etc. Low birth weight is baby born with birth weight less than 2500 grams. Low birth weight is still an important problem in Indonesia and its prevalence is 11,1 % in 2010. Passive smoking is also a threat and may cause detrimental outcome such as Low birth weight. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between passive smoking in mothers aged 15-54 years and low birth weight in Indonesia after controlling of potential confounders. The design of this study was cross-sectional using data from National Basic Health Research 2013. The dependent variable was Low Birth Weight, and the main Independent Variable was mothers aged 15-54 years who passively smoke, potential confunders were maternal age, socioeconomic status, maternal education, pregnancy intention, and Parity. The result was passive smoking in mothers aged 15-54 years was weakly associated with low birth weight. Children born from mothers who passively smoke have 1,14 risk of being low birth weight baby (95% CI: 0,94 - 1,38) compared to their non passive smoker mothers counterpart."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nizma Permaisuari
"Otitis Media Akut (OMA) adalah penyakit multifaktorial. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi OMA dan hubungannya dengan status gizi, Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas (ISPA), dan perokok pasif pada anak usia 0-5 tahun di lingkungan padat penduduk di Jakarta Timur. Penelitian menggunakan desain cross-sectional dan data diperoleh melalui wawancara terpimpin, pemeriksaan fisik umum, dan pemeriksaan THT pada seluruh anak usia 0-5 tahun yang rumahnya terpilih berdasarkan spatial random sampling di Kelurahan Cawang yang terpilih berdasarkan multistage random sampling. Data diolah menggunakan program SPSS versi 20.0 dan dianalisis dengan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi OMA 17,54%. Uji Fisher Exact menunjukkan perbedaan tidak bermakna pada prevalensi OMA berdasarkan status gizi (p>0,05), ISPA (p>0,05), dan perokok pasif (p>0,05). Disimpulkan prevalensi OMA pada anak usia 0-5 tahun di lingkungan padat penduduk di Jakarta Timur adalah 17,54% dan tidak berhubungan dengan status gizi, ISPA, dan perokok pasif.

Acute Otitis Media (AOM) is a multifactorial disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of AOM and its association with nutritional status, Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (URTI), and passive smoker of 0-5 years old children in high-density population in East Jakarta. This cross sectional study was conducted by performing guided interview, physical examination, and ear, nose, and throat examination to all 0-5 years old children whose house is chosen based on spatial random sampling in Cawang, chosen district based on multistage random sampling. Data are managed with SPSS version 20.0 and analyzed with chi square test. The results showed that the prevalence of AOM was 17,54%. Fisher exact test has shown no significant difference between prevalence of AOM with nutritional status (p>0,05), URTI (p>0,05), and passive smoker (p>0,05). In conclusion, prevalence of AOM of 0-5 years old children in high density population in East Jakarta is 17,54% and there is no association between the prevalence of AOM with nutritional status, URTI, and passive smoker"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993
363.738 7 ENV (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kennedyallee: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 1999
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library