"Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kedokteran pada khususnya serta perkembangan masyarakat pada umumnya telah mempengaruhi kebutuhan masyrakat akan pelayanan kesehatan baik jenis maupun mutunya. Peranan nimah sakit dapat diukur dari keberhasilannya dalam memberikan pelayanan yang bermutu sehingga mempercepat proses penyembuhan pasien.
Dalam tiga tabula terakhir di runah sakit PMI Bogor terjadi penurunan tingkat penghunian tempat tidur ( Bed Occupancy Rate ) sehingga dibawah angka rata-rata nasional sedangkan angka kematian kasar ( Gross Death Rate ), angka kematian bersih ( Net Death Rate ) berada diatas angka rata-rata nasional. Salah satu sebab yang diduga adalah kurang puasnya pasien / keluarga terhadap penampilan upaya pelayanan rawat inap di rumah sakit tersebut.
Tujuan penelitian ini, adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang keadaan dan hubungan antara kepuasan pasien / keluarga dengan penampilan upaya pelayanan rawat inap kelas ZQ di rumah sakit.
Penelitian ini bersifat survey dengan pendekatan "cross sectional" dari data primer yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner.
Tehnik analisa statistik yang digunakan adalah analisa univariat, analisa bivariat ( Chi-square ) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji regresi logistik.
Dari anliasa univariat menunjukkan bahwa pasien / keluarga sebagian besar puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan, dan analisa bivariat dengan chi square menunjukkan bahwa dari tujuh variabel yang diteliti ternyata empat variabel mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik dengan kepuasan pasien. Sedangkan uji regresi logistik disini bertujuan untuk melihat seberapa kuatnya hubungan tersebut.
Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat maka saran-saran yang dikemukakan adalah terus meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan baik dokter maupun perawat, memperbaiki keadaan lingkungan rumah sakit dan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang hal-hal lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien rawat inap kelas III di rumah sakit PMI Bogor.
Daftar pustaka 38 ( 1965 - 1994 )
The development of the science and medical technology in one hand and the development of the society in the other hand have influenced the demand of the public in obtaining a healthful service both in a kind and a quality as well. The role of the hospital, could be measured by the successfulness of the service that to be provided and its quality as well, and thereby, it could accelerate the recovering process of the patient.In the last three years, at the hospital of PMI Bogor, there has been accurred a decreasing of the Bed Occupancy Rate so it could reach below the National average rate, while the Gross Death Rate, Net Death rate are above the national average rate. One of the considering factor is the unsatisfactory patient/family against the presentation of the servicing effort towards inpatient in that hospital. The goal of this research to be aimed as such to obtain a picture of the situation and the relationship between the satisfaction of the patient/family with the presentation of the servicing effort of the III rd class inpatient in the hospital.This research is a kind of a survey that uses a "cross sectional" approach from a primary data to be obtained through a questionnaire.The techniques of the statistical analysis those to be used are, univariant analysis, bivariant analysis (chi square test) and then to be continued by a logistical regression test.The univariant analysis has shown that a large number of patients/families have been satisfied by the services those to be given, and the bivariant analysis with chi square test shown that, of the seven variables those to be examined, in fact, four variables have a meaningful connection statistically with the satisfactions of the patients. While this logistical regression test to be aimed to see how strong the connections are.Based on the results those have been obtained, there are some suggestions may be forwarded such as, a continuing effort to increase a serviceable quality of all, the doctors as well as the nurses, to improve the environment of the hospital and a further research towards another matters those would influence the satisfactions of the III rd class inpatients at the hospital of PMI Bogor.Refferences : 38 (1965 - 1994)"