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Ditemukan 22 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sopiyatul Marwa
"Menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 51 Tahun 2009, pekerjaan kefarmasian adalah pembuatan termasuk pengendalian mutu sediaan farmasi, pengamanan, pengadaan, penyimpanan dan pendistribusian atau penyaluranan obat, pengelolaan obat, pelayanan obat atas resep dokter, pelayanan informasi obat, serta pengembangan obat, bahan obat dan obat tradisional. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No.1148/MENKES/PER/VI/2011, pedagang besar farmasi (PBF) merupakan perusahaan berbentuk badan hukum yang memiliki izin untuk pengadaan, penyimpanan, penyaluran obat dan/atau bahan obat dalam jumlah besar sesuai dengan ketentuan dan standar yang terdapat dalam cara distribusi obat yang baik (CDOB). PBF Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution merupakan perusahaan milik negara, namun sebagai pelaku ekonomi KFTD tidak dapat lepas dari kondisi globalisasi ekonomi. Era globalisasi akan meningkatkan persaingan-persaingan diantara perusahaan sehingga perlu adanya kebijakan yang menyangkut efisiensi untuk menjaga keberlangsungan hidup dari PBF. Menghadapi hal ini, berbagai kebijakan dan strategi terus diterapkan dan ditingkatkan. Kebijakan yang ditempuh manajemen antara lain meningkatkan pengawasan dalam perusahaan melalui pengendalian intern. Adapun kegiatan pengendalian persediaan yang dilakukan oleh KFTD yaitu melalui stock opname yang dilakukan empat kali dalam setahun dan uji petik yang dilakukan setiap hari. Uji petik merupakan pengecekan kesesuaian antara stok fisik dengan komputer dengan cara melakukan sampling setiap hari.

According to Government Regulation Number 51 of 2009, pharmaceutical work is manufacturing including quality control of pharmaceutical preparations, security, procurement, storage and distribution or distribution of drugs, drug management, drug services on doctor's prescription, drug information services, and development of drugs, medicinal materials and drugs. traditional. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No.1148/MENKES/PER/VI/2011, pharmaceutical wholesalers (PBF) are companies in the form of legal entities that have permits for the procurement, storage, distribution of drugs and/or medicinal ingredients in large quantities in accordance with the provisions and standards contained in good drug distribution practices (CDOB). PBF Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution is a state-owned company, but as an economic actor, KFTD cannot be separated from the conditions of economic globalization. The era of globalization will increase competition between companies so that it is necessary to have policies related to efficiency to maintain the survival of PBF. Facing this, various policies and strategies are continuously implemented and improved. The policies pursued by management include increasing supervision within the company through internal control. The inventory control activities carried out by KFTD are through stock taking which is carried out four times a year and picking tests which are carried out every day. The picking test is a conformity check between the physical stock and the computer by means of sampling every day."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York : Marcel Dekker, 1997
543.8 CHR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Kesehatan, 1997
615.1 IND k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selvianna Darel
"Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) di instansi Industri dilaksanakan pada PT CKD OTTO
Pharmaceuticals pada bulan April tahun 2023. Adapun kegiatan PKPA di instansi industri
bertujuan untuk pembelajaran dan memahami peran serta tanggung jawab seorang apoteker
melingkupi pada ruang lingkup industri serta mempelajari impelemntasi Cara Pembuatan Obat
yang Baik. Pada pelaksanaan PKPA di industri, dilakukan penyusunan laporan tugas khusus
terkait Penilaian Risiko Penyimpanan Material pada Ruang Penyimpanan Bahan Baku di PT
CKD OTTO Pharmaceuticals. Kegiatan tersebut bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi risiko
penyimpanan beberapa material di ruang penyimpanan bahan baku pada PT CKD OTTO
Pharmaceuticals. Penyimpanan termasuk ke dalam hal krusial yang mampu memengaruhi
kualitas bahan. Data pendukung utama untuk evaluasi ini ialah suhu ruang penyimpanan yang
diperoleh dari Environment Monitoring System (EMS). Berdasarkan evaluasi yang telah
dilakukan, kualitas material yang terdampak telah dipastikan kualitasnya masih berada pada
kondisi yang baik

Pharmacist Professional Work Practice (PKPA) in Industrial institutions was held at PT CKD OTTO Pharmaceuticals in April 2023. The PKPA activities in industrial institutions aim to learn and understand the roles and responsibilities of a pharmacist within the scope of the industry and
learning the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices. In the implementation of PKPA in industry, a report was prepared related to the Risk Assessment of Material Storage in the Raw Material Storage Room at PT CKD OTTO Pharmaceuticals. The activity aims to evaluate the storage risk of several materials in the raw material storage room at PT CKD OTTO
Pharmaceuticals. Storage is a crucial issue that can affect the quality of materials. The main supporting data for this evaluation is the storage room temperature obtained from the Environment Monitoring System (EMS). Based on the evaluation that has been carried out, the quality of the affected materials has been confirmed to be in good condition
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: EGC Penerbit Buku Kedokteran, 1991
615.1 IPI (1)
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nengah Ridwan
"Health is the main capital needed by humans. Humans will continue to try to meet their physical and spiritual needs. Good health is health that is felt by all citizens in each country, of course Health Workers have an important role, in this case both Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses and other Health Workers. Pharmacists are professionals in the health sector whose role is to provide information about medicines to be consumed, ensure that all production processes in the industry comply with GMP and are responsible for implementing drug distribution. Through Work Practice, it is hoped that prospective pharmacists can understand what their duties and responsibilities are. Divided into 2 areas of specialization, namely industry and service. The practicals are held from March to October 2022. The practicums are carried out at PT Aventis Pharma, Kimia Farma K2 382 Pharmacy, Fatmawati Hospital, Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution Jakarta 3, and the Jatinegara Health Center as an illustration of the role of pharmacists in industry, distribution and service. Apart from learning directly from observing, prospective pharmacists are also given the opportunity to analyze the problems that exist in each workplace. Therefore, this internship report will discuss the problems and solutions proposed in each workplace.

Kesehatan merupakan modal utama yang dibutuhkan oleh manusia. Manusia akan terus berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan akan jasmani dan rohaninya. Kesehatan yang baik ialah kesehatan yang dirasakan oleh seluruh warga disetiap negaranya, tentunya Tenaga Kesehatan memiliki peranan yang penting, dalam hal ini baik Dokter, Apoteker, Perawat maupun Tenaga Kesehatan lainnya. Apoteker merupakan profesional di bidang kesehatan yang berperan dalam memberikan informasi tentang obat-obatan yang akan dikonsumsi, memastikan bahwa segala proses produksi di industri sesuai dengan CPOB dan menjadi penanggung jawab pada pelaksanaan distribusi obat. Melalui Praktik Kerja, diharapkan calon apoteker dapat memahami apa yang menjadi tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. Terbagi atas 2 bidang peminatan yaitu industri dan pelayanan. Praktik dilaksankan dari bulan Maret hingga Oktober 2022. Praktik kerja dilakukan di PT Aventis Pharma, Apotek Kimia Farma K2 382, RSUP Fatmawati, Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution Jakarta 3, dan Puskesmas Jatinegara sebagai gambaran peran apoteker dibidang industri, distribusi maupun pelayanan. Selain belajar secara langsung dari mengamati, calon apoteker juga diberikan kesempatan untuk menganalisis masalah yang ada di masing-masing tempat kerja. Oleh karena itu, laporan praktik kerja ini akan membahas mengenai masalah beserta solusi yang diajukan di tiap tempat praktik kerja.

Health is the main capital needed by humans. Humans will continue to try to meet their physical and spiritual needs. Good health is health that is felt by all citizens in each country, of course Health Workers have an important role, in this case both Doctors, Pharmacists, Nurses and other Health Workers. Pharmacists are professionals in the health sector whose role is to provide information about medicines to be consumed, ensure that all production processes in the industry comply with GMP and are responsible for implementing drug distribution. Through Work Practice, it is hoped that prospective pharmacists can understand what their duties and responsibilities are. Divided into 2 areas of specialization, namely industry and service. The practicals are held from March to October 2022. The practicums are carried out at PT Aventis Pharma, Kimia Farma K2 382 Pharmacy, Fatmawati Hospital, Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution Jakarta 3, and the Jatinegara Health Center as an illustration of the role of pharmacists in industry, distribution and service. Apart from learning directly from observing, prospective pharmacists are also given the opportunity to analyze the problems that exist in each workplace. Therefore, this internship report will discuss the problems and solutions proposed in each workplace."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michelle Nur Aura Islami
"Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF) adalah peusahaan berbentuk badan hukum yang memiliki izin untuk pengadaaan, penyimpanan, penyaluran obat dan/atau bahan obat dalam jumlah besar sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. PT SamMarie Tramedifa mengacu pada CDOB dalam pembuatan Prosedur Operasional Baku untuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang terkait pengadaan, penyimpanan, dan penyaluran obat. PT SamMarie Tramedifa melaksanakan pengadaan dengan melakukan perencanaan pembelian berdasarkan Panduan Pengadaan MDC yang dimiliki PT SamMarie Tramedifa yang berisi data jumlah stok minimal, stok maksimal, dan reorder point (ROP) untuk masing-masing sediaan farmasi. Dalam suatu pengadaan sediaan farmasi, stok minimal dan stok maksimal suatu sediaan farmasi perlu menjadi perhatian khusus untuk mencegah terjadinya kelebihan stok (overstock) atau kekurangan stok (stock out). Hal tersebut dapat diantisipasi dengan melihat nilai ROP yang merupakan suatu titik di mana harus diadakan pemesanan lagi sedemikian rupa agar kedatangan sediaan farmasi yang dipesan berada pada waktu yang tepat. Laporan praktik kerja profesi apoteker ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi ketidaksesuaian stok obat di gudang dengan ROP pada Panduan Pengadaan Obat di PT SamMarie Tramedifa. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi stok akhir obat harian bulan Februari 2023 PT SamMarie Tramedifa terhadap ROP, persentase stok akhir obat yang kurang dari ROP berada pada rentang 30,08- 39,09% dengan rata-rata sebesar 33,55% atau sekitar 228 item dari total 678 item. Sedangkan persentase stok akhir obat yang lebih dari ROP berada pada rentang 30,08-39,09% dengan rata-rata sebesar 33,55% atau sekitar 280 item dari total 678 item.

Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (PBF) are companies in the form of legal entities that have permits to procure, store, distribute medicines and/or medicinal substances in large quantities in accordance with statutory provisions. PT SamMarie Tramedifa refers to CDOB in creating Standard Operational Procedures to carry out activities related to the procurement, storage and distribution of medicines. PT SamMarie Tramedifa carries out procurement by planning purchases based on the MDC Procurement Guide owned by PT SamMarie Tramedifa which contains data on minimum stock quantities, maximum stock and reorder points (ROP) for each pharmaceutical preparation. In the procurement of pharmaceutical preparations, the minimum stock and maximum stock of a pharmaceutical preparation need special attention to prevent overstock or stock out. This can be anticipated by looking at the ROP value, which is the point at which another order must be made in such a way that the arrival of the ordered pharmaceutical preparation is at the right time. This pharmacist professional work practice report aims to evaluate the discrepancy between drug stock in the warehouse and the ROP in the Drug Procurement Guide at PT SamMarie Tramedifa. Based on the results of the evaluation of PT SamMarie Tramedifa's daily final stock of medicines for February 2023 against the ROP, the percentage of final stock of medicines that is less than the ROP is in the range of 30.08-39.09% with an average of 33.55% or around 228 items of the total 678 items. Meanwhile, the percentage of final stock of drugs that is more than the ROP is in the range of 30.08-39.09% with an average of 33.55% or around 280 items out of a total of 678 items."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Familia Maya Sari
"Menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 36 Tahun 2009, alkes adalah instrumen, aparatus, mesin dan/atau implan yang tidak mengandung obat yang digunakan untuk mencegah, mendiagnosis, menyembuhkan dan meringankan penyakit, merawat orang sakit, memulihkan kesehatan pada manusia, dan/atau membentuk struktur dan memperbaiki fungsi tubuh. Pada intinya alkes memiliki fungsi untuk mendiagnosis dan meringankan penyakit serta mempertahankan bahkan meningkatkan kesehatan. Dalam proses pendistribusian nya, penyalur alat kesehatan (PAK) memiliki penanggung jawab yakni Apoteker yang memenuhi kualifikasi dan kompetensi sesuai perundang-undangan dimana pada pelaksanaan nya, seluruh kegiatan mengacu pada Cara Distribusi Alat Kesehatan yang Baik (CDAKB) untuk memastikan mutu obat sepanjang jalur distribusi sesuai dengan persyaratan dan tujuan penggunaannya. Apoteker di PBF maupun PAK memiliki andil dan tanggung jawab yang besar dalam pengelolaan perbekalan kesehatan yang didistribusikan, baik obat maupun alat kesehatan.

According to Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 36 of 2009, medical devices are instruments, apparatus, machines and/or implants that do not contain drugs that are used to prevent, diagnose, cure and relieve disease, treat sick people, restore health to humans, and/or form structures and improve body functions. In essence, medical devices have the function of diagnosing and alleviating disease as well as maintaining and even improving health. In the distribution process, the medical device distributor (PAK) has a person in charge, namely a Pharmacist who meets the qualifications and competence according to the law, where in its implementation, all activities refer to the Good Medical Device Distribution Method (CDAKB) to ensure the quality of medicines along the distribution route. in accordance with the requirements and intended use. Pharmacists at PBF and PAK have a big role and responsibility in managing distributed health supplies, both medicines and medical devices."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jais Rauf
"Apoteker memiliki peranan yang penting untuk masyarakat terutama dibidang apotek, industri farmasi maupun pedagang besar farmasi. Untuk mempersiapkan apoteker yang profesional maka dilakukan Praktik Kerja Profesi Apoteker (PKPA) dibeberapa tempat, sehingga diharapkan para calon apoteker dapat mengaplikasikan ilmu yang mereka dapatkan selama kuliah. Selain itu para calon apoteker mendapatkan ilmu baru yang belum pernah didapatkan sebelumnya di tempat PKPA. Pada kesempatan kali ini penulis berkesempatan melakukan PKPA di Apotek Safa, PT. Harsen Laboratories dan PT. Sammarie Tramedifa Periode September-Desember 2020. Selama PKPA diharapkan dapat menjadi calon apoteker yang profesional dan siap memasuki dunia kerja.

Apothecary have an important role for society, especially in the pharmacy, pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical wholesalers. To prepare apothecary pharmacists, the apothecary Professional Work Practice (PKPA) is carried out in several places, so that prospective pharmacists are expected to be able to apply the knowledge they have gained during college. In addition, prospective apothecary get new knowledge that has never been obtained before at the PKPA place. On this occasion the author had the opportunity to do PKPA at the Safa Pharmacy, PT. Harsen Laboratories and PT. Sammarie Tramedifa September-December 2020 period. During PKPA, it is hoped that you can become professional apothecary candidates who are ready to enter the world of work."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erina Sulistiani
"Cottonii seaweed (Kappaphycus alvarezii Doty) is one of the most important commercial sources of carrageenans which are widely used in the pharmaceuticals and food industries. A problem in the cultivation of this seaweed is the ice-ice disease, which is caused by extreme changes in environmental conditions such as temperature and seawater salinity. Gene transformation to produce Cottonii seaweed transgenics that are tolerant to environmental stress is a potential solution to this problem. Gα gene encodes for the heterotrimeric G protein α subunit is a gene that plays a role in tolerance to biotic and abiotic environmental stresses. This study aimed to: (a) introduce the Gα gene into the callus cells of K. alvarezii and regenerate transformed callus cells to transgenic plantlets; (b) determine the appropriate concentration of acetosyringone and Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain for gene transfer into the callus of K. alvarezii. The callus cells of K. alvarezii were transformed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains LBA4404 and EHA105 carrying the expression vector pGWB502-Gα with a CaMV-35S promoter. The calli and A. tumefaciens were co-cultivated in several concentrations of acetosyringone (20, 40, 60 mg/L). The regeneration of transformed callus cells into transgenic plantlets was successfully performed using the somatic embryogenesis technique. The results showed that the highest percentage of putative transgenic micropropagule formation occurred at the 20-40 mg/L concentration of acetosyringone. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis on the twenty transgenic plantlets indicated that the Gα gene was successfully introduced into the genomic DNA of all of them. The highest transformation efficiency was in the co-cultivation treatment of 20-40 mg/L acetosyringone (22-28%). The transformation efficiency produced by Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105 (23%) was not significantly different from that produced by the LBA4404 (15%)."
Bogor: Seameo Biotrop, 2019
634.6 BIO 26:1 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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