ABSTRAKHambatan mobilitas fisik merupakan terbatasnya pergerakan pada satu atau lebih anggota tubuh. Hambatan mobilitas fisik berdampak pada penurunan status fungsional, sehingga lansia menjadi ketergantungan. Model intervensi Lentera Yoga Aktif merupakan bentuk intervensi keperawatan yang dapat mencegah dan mengatasi masalah hambatan mobilitas fisik pada lansia. Penulisan bertujuan memberikan gambaran pelaksanaan model intervensi Lentera Yoga Aktif yang terintegrasi dalam pelayanan dan asuhan keperawatan komunitas melalui integrasi teori dan model community as partner, family centered nursing, konsekuensi fungsional, dan fungsi manajemen pada lansia dengan masalah hambatan mobilitas fisik di Kelurahan Curug, Kecamatan Cimanggis, Kota Depok. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dan evidence based practice. Hasil intervensi menunjukkan model intervensi Lentera Yoga Aktif berpengaruh signifikan dalam meningkatkan status fungsional dan kekuatan otot p=0,000 , menurunkan risiko jatuh dan skala nyeri p=0,000 , meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan p=0,000 . Model ini merupakan peluang bagi perawat komunitas untuk mengembangkan upaya promotif dan preventif. Model intervensi ini direkomendasikan untuk lansia karena gerakan telah dimodifikasi sesuai dengan kondisi dan keadaan lansia, bisa dilakukan secara mandiri ataupun berkelompok. Kata Kunci: hambatan mobilitas fisik, status fungsional, kekuatan otot, risiko jatuh, skala nyeri, lansia
ABSTRACTImpaired physical mobility is the limited physical movement of the body or of one or more extremities. Constraints of physical mobility have an impact on the decline in functional status, so the older people become dependent. The intervention model of ldquo Lentera Yoga Aktif rdquo is a form of nursing intervention that can prevent and overcome the problem of physical mobility barriers in the older people. The aims of this report to provide an overview of the implementation of Lentera Yoga Aktif model integrated in community care and nursing care through integration of theories and models of community as partners, family centered nursing, functional consequences, and management functions in the elderly with problems of impaired physical mobility in Curug, Cimanggis, Depok City. The case study and evidence based practice was used. The results of the intervention showed that the Lentera Yoga Aktif model significantly improving functional status and muscle strength p 0,000 , decreased risk of fall and pain scale p 0,000 , increased knowledge, attitude, and skill p 0,000 . This model an opportunity for community health nurses to develop promotive and preventive interventions. This intervention model is recommended for the older people because the sequences has been modified suitable and fit with the conditions of the older people, can be done independently or in groups. Keywords impaired physical mobility, functional status, muscle strength, risk of fall, pain scale, older people"