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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Surbakti, Jayanta
Penelitian ini berfokus pada persoalan hak pencari suaka di Indonesia, khususnya periode 1999-2006. Terkatung-katungnya nasib sekitar 350 pencari suaka asal Afganistan, Irak dan Iran di Indonesia selama kurang lebih lima tahun perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. Anehnya realita tersebut nyaris tidak terdengar. Pemerintah Indonesia, khususnya Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi berdalih bahwa berdasarkan UU No. 9 Tahun 1992 Tentang Keimigrasian, para pencari suaka tersebut tergolong imigran gelap.
Komisi Tinggi PBB Urusan Pengungsi (UNHCR) dan Organisasi Internasional Urusan Migrasi (IOM) mempunyai pandangan yang berbeda. UNHCR melihat mereka sebagai pencari suaka. IOM memperlakukan mereka sebagai irregular migrant, yang membedakannya dengan illegal migrant.
Teori John Rawls mengenai keadilan "Justice as fairness" dan konsep keamanan manusia (human security) digunakan dalam meneliti persoalan tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dan metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, disamping wawancara.
Dari analisis terhadap data dan hasil wawancara, disimpulkan bahwa pemerintah Indonesia telah melakukan pembiaran (act of ommission) terhadap para pencari suaka dan hal tersebut merupakan ketidakadilan (injustice) bagi mereka. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan upaya ratifikasi dan pembentukan peraturan perundang¬-undangan mengenai masalah pencari suaka di Indonesia sehingga hak-hak pencari suaka terlindungi dan keadilan (justice) ditegakkan.

The focus of this-study is the issue of asylum seekers' rights in 1999-2006 in Indonesia. The situation of being in limbo of about 350 asylum seekers, particularly those from Afganistan, Iraq and Iran who have been in Indonesia for about five years needs special attention from the government. On the contrary, the government of Indonesia, especially the Directorate General of Immigration argues that based on the Act No. 9 Year of 1992 (Immigration Act), asylum seekers are illegal immigrants.
Despite the argument of the Indonesian government, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) perceives the issue as asylum seekers' issue. On the other hand, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) treats them as irregular migrants.
The theory of John Rawls "Justice as fairness" and the concept of human security is used to analyze the issue. This research is qualitative and the data collected by means of literature study and deep interviews.
This research concludes that the government of Indonesia has conducted act of ommission, which is a violation against the asylum seekers' rights and that the government has performed injustice for them. Therefore it is recommended that the government of Indonesia ratify the conventions regarding asylum seekers/refugees and regulate the issue. By ratifying and regulating the issue, it is expected that justice can be enforced to asylum seekers in Indonesia.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dion Arochman Wijanarko
Penelitian ini berfokus pada penanganan imigran ilegal di Indonesia khususnya dalam bidang keimigrasian yang fokus kepada pencari suaka dan pengungsi pada saat penghentian kerjasama antara Indonesia dan Australia pada akhir tahun 2013. Selain itu, berdasarkan data yang didapatkan, Indonesia masih menghadapi ancaman berupa kedatangan imigran ilegal walaupun Australia telah mengefektifkan kebijakan Operation Sovereign Borders yang menghalau semua imigran ilegal yang mencoba masuk wilayah Australia melalui jalur laut.
Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Robbins dalam merumuskan strategi yang terdiri dari analisis internal yang berupa Strengths dan weakness of Organisation dan analisis eksternal yang terdiri dari Threats and opportunities yang ada di lingkungan organisasi. Selanjutnya, peneliti menggunakan variabel-variabel berdasarkan teori Rangkuti melalui proses wawancara terbuka untuk menentukan faktor- faktor internal dan eksternal tersebut,
Teknik wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk menggali informasi yang sedalam-dalamnya mengenai permasalahan imigran ilegal kepada empat responden sebagai narasumber yakni Kepala Sub Direktorat kerjasama Asia Timur dan Pasifik, Kepala Sub Direktorat Kerjasama Luar Negeri, Kepala Sub Direktorat Detensi dan Pendeportasian dan Kasi Imigran Ilegal.
Setelah mendapatkan variabel faktor internal dan eksternal, peneliti menggunakan matriks EFAS/IFAS berdasarkan teknik analisis SWOT kualitatif untuk mendapatkan alternatif strategi untuk Direkotrat Jenderal Imigrasi. alternatif strategi yang telah tersedia kemudian diseleksi kembali untuk mendapatkan strategi prioritas dengan menggunakan teori Duttweiler yang menetapkan cara- cara menentukan prioritas strategi. Kemudian cara tersebut diaplikasikan berdasarkan teori geopolitik.
Hasil analisis menyimpulkan bahwa Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi harus meningkatkan efektivitas dan memaksimalkan sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki terhadap program yang telah berjalan sebelumnya seperti operasi gabungan dengan melibatkan instansi lain (SIPORA) karena ancaman paling potensial berada pada wilayah perairan Indonesia yang menjadi titik rawan masuknya imigran ilegal ke wilayah Indonesia.

This study focuses on the handling of illegal immigrants in Indonesia, particularly in the field of immigration that focus on refugees and asylum seekers during the discontinuation of the cooperation between Indonesia and Australia at the end of 2013. Moreover, based on the data obtained, Indonesia still faces the threat of illegal immigrants even though Australia has effective policies Sovereign Borders Operation that banishes all illegal immigrants trying to enter Australian territory by sea.
This study uses the Robbins theory in formulating a strategy that consists of an internal analysis in the form of Strengths and Weakness of Organisation and external analysis consists of Threats and opportunities that exist within the organization. Furthermore, the researcher uses variables based on Rangkuti?s theory through an open interview process that will determine the internal and the external factors. An in-depth interviewing techniques is conducted to gather information about the deepest problems of illegal immigrants to the four respondents as the guest speaker Deputy Director for East Asia and Pacific cooperation, Deputy Director of International Cooperation, Deputy Director for Detention and Deportation and Illegal Immigrants Head Officer.
After getting the internal and external factors, the researchers used the matrix EFAS / IFAS based techniques to obtain qualitative SWOT analysis of alternative strategies for Direkotrat General of Immigration. Alternative strategies available is then selected again to get priority strategy using Duttweiler theory that establishes the ways to determine strategic priorities. Then the method is applied based on the geopolitical theories
The results of the analysis concluded that the Directorate General of Immigration should improve effectiveness and maximize infrastructure owned by the program that has been run previously as a joint operation involving other agencies (SIPORA) due to the potential threats in the Indonesian waters which are becoming critical points of entry of illegal immigrants into Indonesian territory.;This study focuses on the handling of illegal immigrants in Indonesia, particularly in the field of immigration that focus on refugees and asylum seekers during the discontinuation of the cooperation between Indonesia and Australia at the end of 2013. Moreover, based on the data obtained, Indonesia still faces the threat of illegal immigrants even though Australia has effective policies Sovereign Borders Operation that banishes all illegal immigrants trying to enter Australian territory by sea.
This study uses the Robbins theory in formulating a strategy that consists of an internal analysis in the form of Strengths and Weakness of Organisation and external analysis consists of Threats and opportunities that exist within the organization. Furthermore, the researcher uses variables based on Rangkuti’s theory through an open interview process that will determine the internal and the external factors. An in-depth interviewing techniques is conducted to gather information about the deepest problems of illegal immigrants to the four respondents as the guest speaker Deputy Director for East Asia and Pacific cooperation, Deputy Director of International Cooperation, Deputy Director for Detention and Deportation and Illegal Immigrants Head Officer.
After getting the internal and external factors, the researchers used the matrix EFAS / IFAS based techniques to obtain qualitative SWOT analysis of alternative strategies for Direkotrat General of Immigration. Alternative strategies available is then selected again to get priority strategy using Duttweiler theory that establishes the ways to determine strategic priorities. Then the method is applied based on the geopolitical theories
The results of the analysis concluded that the Directorate General of Immigration should improve effectiveness and maximize infrastructure owned by the program that has been run previously as a joint operation involving other agencies (SIPORA) due to the potential threats in the Indonesian waters which are becoming critical points of entry of illegal immigrants into Indonesian territory., This study focuses on the handling of illegal immigrants in Indonesia, particularly in the field of immigration that focus on refugees and asylum seekers during the discontinuation of the cooperation between Indonesia and Australia at the end of 2013. Moreover, based on the data obtained, Indonesia still faces the threat of illegal immigrants even though Australia has effective policies Sovereign Borders Operation that banishes all illegal immigrants trying to enter Australian territory by sea.
This study uses the Robbins theory in formulating a strategy that consists of an internal analysis in the form of Strengths and Weakness of Organisation and external analysis consists of Threats and opportunities that exist within the organization. Furthermore, the researcher uses variables based on Rangkuti’s theory through an open interview process that will determine the internal and the external factors. An in-depth interviewing techniques is conducted to gather information about the deepest problems of illegal immigrants to the four respondents as the guest speaker Deputy Director for East Asia and Pacific cooperation, Deputy Director of International Cooperation, Deputy Director for Detention and Deportation and Illegal Immigrants Head Officer.
After getting the internal and external factors, the researchers used the matrix EFAS / IFAS based techniques to obtain qualitative SWOT analysis of alternative strategies for Direkotrat General of Immigration. Alternative strategies available is then selected again to get priority strategy using Duttweiler theory that establishes the ways to determine strategic priorities. Then the method is applied based on the geopolitical theories
The results of the analysis concluded that the Directorate General of Immigration should improve effectiveness and maximize infrastructure owned by the program that has been run previously as a joint operation involving other agencies (SIPORA) due to the potential threats in the Indonesian waters which are becoming critical points of entry of illegal immigrants into Indonesian territory.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avyanthi Azis
"This article is a short report drawn from a research on the issue of the Afghan refugees in Australia (1999-2002). Using the infamous "boat people" case as illustration, the research was intended provide careful observation on the concept "human security/' a term increasingly linked to forced migration issues. Although human security is often portrayed as a benign concept with strong moral stance, its vastness and loose definition limit its adequacy as a useful tool of analysis. The concept is also prone to misuse because it loosely adapts to various ideological interests. Following framework elaborated from the thoughts of Caballero-Anthony and Freitas, the article shows that it: is possible to implement the human security approach in two conflicting dimensions, positive (the ideal) or negative. Both serve to protect the individuals, but each secures a different entity.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farina Chairunnisa
Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian terhadap keputusan Amerika Serikat menerima 10.000 pengungsi Suriah di tahun fiskal 2016 di tengah kekhawatiran potensi ancaman keamanan yang dibawa para pengungsi. Penelitian terdahulu seputar kebijakan penerimaan pengungsi di Amerika Serikat umumnya fokus pada kepentingan keamanan politik, sementara keputusan penerimaan pengungsi Suriah mencerminkan adanya kepentingan lain yang menjadi pertimbangan. Aspek ideasional sebagai nation of immigrants, aspek yang umumnya terabaikan dalam kajian penerimaan pengungsi di Amerika Serikat, menjadi patut diperhatikan dalam memahami keputusan ini. Dengan menggunakan analisis diskursus terhadap pidato dan pernyataan resmi para aktor pemerintahan Amerika Serikat, penelitian ini menawarkan perspektif alternatif dalam memahami bagaimana Amerika Serikat mengambil keputusan yang tidak sejalan dengan kepentingan keamanan tradisional namun didorong pertimbangan lain, yaitu keamanan ontologis atau keamanan akan identitas diri. Dalam mengkaji keputusan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka analisis yang ditetapkan oleh Brent J. Steele dengan mengkaji empat komponen keamanan ontologis, yaitu kapabilitas material dan refleksif, penilaian krisis, narasi biografis negara, dan strategi diskursus sesama aktor. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa kesadaran Amerika Serikat akan kapabilitasnya, disertai oleh ingatan masa lalu akan identitas sebagai bangsa imigran dan imbauan aktor-aktor internasional mendorong Amerika Serikat mencapai keputusan menerima pengungsi Suriah. Upaya melanggengkan identitas ini tidak dapat lepas dari kekhawatiran akan ancaman keamanan nasional yang diutarakan berbagai aktor dalam negeri, sehingga jumlah pengungsi yang diterima dapat dilihat sebagai kompromi antara keamanan ontologis dan keamanan tradisional.

This paper is a research on the United States of America rsquo s decision to admit 10.000 Syrian refugees in the fiscal year of 2016 amidst potential national security concerns brought by the incoming refugees. Past studies on the United States rsquo policies of refugee admission mainly focus on the security and political interests, while this particular admission decision reflects a different interest consideration. The ideational aspect of the United States as a nation of immigrants has largely been overlooked by past studies, whereas this aspect plays a role in understanding the decision to admit Syrian refugees. Through discourse analysis on the speeches and remarks made by government actors of the United States, this research offers an alternative perspective on understanding how the United States came to a decision that may not reflect traditional security interests but reflects its ontological security needs or its security of being. In studying the decision, this research adopts the framework of analysis offered by Brent J. Steele by focusing on four components of ontological security, namely material and reflexive capabilities, crisis assessment, state biographical narrative, and co actor discourse strategies. This research finds that the United States rsquo awareness of its capabilities, along with past memory as a nation of immigrants and urgings from fellow international actors affect the United States in reaching the decision to admit Syrian refugees. This effort to preserve its identity, however, is still limited by security worries voiced by internal actors, thus resulting in the small number of refugees admitted as a compromise between the needs to ensure both ontological and traditional security."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elva Sagita Cindra
"Tahun 2015 terjadi krisis di wilayah Eropa karena masuknya jutaan pengungsi dari Timur Tengah dan Afrika terutama dari Suriah. Uni Eropa sebagai institusi supranasional yang bertanggung jawab pada isu ini berusaha menyelesaikan krisis dengan mengeluarkan kebijakan-kebijakan. Salah satu institusi Uni Eropa yang berwenang dalam kebijakan adalah Parlemen Eropa. Kekuatan Parlemen Eropa meningkat sejak Perjanjian Maastricht hingga Lisbon. Anggota PE ketika berada di parlemen tidak lagi menjadi perwakilan partai politik nasional, melainkan perwakilan dari kelompok politik Eropa. Dengan teori pola perilaku dalam proses kebijakan publik dan jaringan aktor, skripsi ini akan berusaha membuktikan bahwa ada pengaruh partai politik nasional Prancis terhadap anggota PE dalam kebijakan pengungsi Suriah Uni Eropa tahun 2015-2016. Kelompok politik Eropa tidak menjadi satu-satunya penentu keputusan anggota PE asal Prancis karena kebijakan yang krusial. Pengaruh ini terlihat ketika partai politik nasional dan kelompok Eropa memiliki pandangan berbeda dalam suatu isu.

In 2015 there was a crisis in Europe because the influx of millions refugees from the Middle East and Africa mainly from Syria. The EU as a supranational institution responsible for this issue seeks to resolve the crisis by making policies. One of the European Union institutions responsible in policy is the European Parliament EP. The strength of the EP has increased since the Treaty of Maastricht and Lisbon. Members of the EP MEPs while in EP are no longer representative of national party, but representatives of European political group. With the theory of behavioral patterns in the process of public policy and the actor network, this paper will attempt to prove that there is an influence of France 39 s national party on their MEPs in the EU Syrian refugee policy of 2015 2016. European political group are not the sole determinants of French MEPs decision because this policy is crucial. This influence is seen when national party and European political group have different stance on an issue.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ngor, Haing
Jakarta: Gramedia, 1990
959.604 NGO ct
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Heryadi
Penelitian ini adalah mengenai dampak kebijakan pemerintah Australia memulangkan kembali pencari suaka yang akan masuk ke negaranya terhadap Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis akibat yang ditimbulkan dari kebijakan Operasi Kedaulatan Perbatasan yang dijalankan oleh Pemerintahan Australia dibawah pimpinan Perdana Menteri Tonny Abbot dimana dengan kebijakan tersebut menimbulkan banyaknya pencari suaka yang ada di Indonesia salah satunya bermukim di kawasan Cisarua Bogor dan menimbulkan permasalahan tersendiri dengan keberadaan mereka di kawasan Cisarua Bogor.

This research is about the impact of the Australian government's policy of refoulement of asylum seekers who would enter their country Against Indonesia. In this study analyzed the impact of operation sovereign borders policy run by the Australian Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The Inpact is raises the number of asylum seekers in Indonesia and living in Cisarua Bogor and caused its own problems with their presence in Cisarua Bogor.;This research is about the impact of the Australian government's policy of refoulement of asylum seekers who would enter their country Against Indonesia. In this study analyzed the impact of operation sovereign borders policy run by the Australian Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The Inpact is raises the number of asylum seekers in Indonesia and living in Cisarua Bogor and caused its own problems with their presence in Cisarua Bogor., This research is about the impact of the Australian government's policy of refoulement of asylum seekers who would enter their country Against Indonesia. In this study analyzed the impact of operation sovereign borders policy run by the Australian Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Tony Abbott. The Inpact is raises the number of asylum seekers in Indonesia and living in Cisarua Bogor and caused its own problems with their presence in Cisarua Bogor.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
Djakarta : Balai Pustaka, 1952
822.33 SHA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1996
342.408 3 LAM s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hoeksma, J.A.
"hukum yang mengatur perlindungan bagi para pencari suaka di Belanda"
Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri, 1990
R BLD 340 HOE m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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