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Ditemukan 27 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wenny Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Sindrom ovarium polikistik (SOPK) merupakan suatu kondisi umum endokrinopati yang ditandai dengan adanya oligoovulasi atau anovulasi, produksi androgen berlebih, dan adanya kista ovarium kecil multipel yang diidentifikasi secara sonografis (kriteria Rotterdam, 2004). SOPK ditemukan pada 10% populasi wanita usia reproduksi dan berhubungan erat dengan disfungsi ovulasi sehingga menurunkan angka fertilitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh terapi kombinasi elektroakupunktur dan medikamentosa terhadap SOPK. Uji klinis acak tersamar ganda dengan kontrol dilakukan terhadap 44 subjek dengan SOPK yang dialokasikan secara acak ke dalam kelompok elektroakupunktur sejati dan medikamentosa (n=22), serta kelompok elektroakupunktur sham dan medikamentosa (n=22). Penilaian menggunakan pencitraan USG transvaginal dan perhitungan panjang siklus menstruasi sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata volume ovarium antara kedua kelompok sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan (p=0,002); penurunan jumlah folikel antral (p=0,005); angka kejadian menstruasi (p=0,001); dan pemendekan siklus menstruasi (p=0,003). Kesimpulan penelitian ini elektroakupunktur dan medikamentosa memberikan perbaikan terhadap keluhan dan gambaran ovarium pada pasien SOPK. ......Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a general endocrinopathy condition that signed with oligoovulation or anovulation cycle, excess androgen production, and an image of multiple small cysts identified by transvaginal ultrasound (Rotterdam criteria, 2004). PCOS found in 10% of reproductive women and highly corresponded with ovulation dysfunction and finally decrease the fertility rate. The goal of this study is to know the effect of electroacupuncture combined with medical treatment in PCOS. A double blind randomized controlled trial is performed in 44 subjects with PCOS and divided into true electroacupuncture combined with medical treatment group (n=22) and sham electroacupuncture combined with medical treatment group (n=22). Ovarian volume and antral follicle are evaluated with transvaginal ultrasound and the length of menstrual cycle is counted before and after the treatment. The results show there are significant mean differences between ovarian volume in two groups before and after treatment (p=0,002); antral follicle count (p=0,005); menstrual incidence during the treatment (p=0,001); and shortened menstrual cycle (p=0,003). The conclusion of this study is electroacupuncture combined with medical treatment could improve PCOS patients’ compaint and ovarian image.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Y. Danang Prasetyo
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Sindrom ovarium polikistik (SOPK) merupakan kelainan endokrin dan metabolisme dengan prevalensi tinggi. Salah satu akibat dari SOPK merupakan infertilitas. Fertilisasi In Vitro (FIV) merupakan salah satu alternatif dari masalah tersebut. Akan tetapi, belum terdapat penelitian yang mendeskripsikan hubungan SOPK dengan komplikasi obstetri pada pasien yang menjalani FIV dibandingkan dengan pasien lainnya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan komplikasi obstetri pada wanita yang menjalani program FIV dengan SOPK Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort retrospektif yang dilakukan di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo sejak tahun 2013-2019. Subjek penelitian merupakan seluruh wanita berusia diatas 18 tahun yang menjalani program FIV tanpa kelainan ginekologis lain selain SOPK. Luaran dalam penelitian ini adalah komplikasi obsteri berupa abortus dan IUFD. Analisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan cox-regresi untuk mendapatkan nilai Risk Ratio (RR) setelah dilakukan control terhadap confounding Hasil: Penelitian ini mengikutsertakan 355 wanita, dimana 72 diantaranya memiliki SOPK (20,3%). Komplikasi obstetri yang didapatkan pada subjek dengan SOPK adalah preterm (2,78%), IUFD (17,24%), abortus (9,72%), dan kehamilan ektopik (1,39%). Tidak dijumpai hubungan antara SOPK dengan IUFD pada wanita yang menjalani program FIV (RR: 1.07, 95%CI: 0.52-2.20, p-value: 0.864). Didapatkan adanya hubungan antara interaksi antara SOPK dengan pembelahan nisbah < 6 terhadap terjadinya abortus pada wanita yang menjalani program FIV. (RR: 7.32, 95%CI: 2.10-25.45, P-value: 0.002). Simpulan: SOPK tidak memengaruhi terjadinya IUFD dan abortus pada wanita yang menjalani program FIV. ......Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine and metabolic disorder with a high prevalence. One result of PCOS is infertility. In Vitro Fertilization (FIV) is one of the alternatives to the problem. However, there are no study describing the differences in obstetric complications of PCOS patients undergoing FIV compared to other patients. Aim: This study aims to determine the relationship of obstruction complications in women undergoing FIV programs with PCOS. Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study conducted at Dr. RSUPN. Cipto Mangunkusumo since 2013-2019. The study subjects were all women aged over 18 years who underwent FIV programs without other gynecological abnormalities besides PCOS. The outcomes in this study were obstetric complications in the form of abortion and IUFD. Analysis is done by using cox-regression to get the value of Risk Ratio (RR) after controlling for confounding Results: This study included 355 women, of whom 72 had PCOS (20.3%). Complications found in subjects with PCOS were preterm preterm were found in (2.78%), IUFD (17.24%), abortion (9.72%) and ectopic pregnancy (1.39%). No association was found between PCOS and IUFD in women undergoing FIV programs (RR: 1.07, 95% CI: 0.52-2.20, p-value: 0.864). Interaction between PCOS and ratio <6 had higher probability of having abortion in women undergoing FIV program obtained. (RR: 7.32, 95% CI: 2.10-25.45, P-value: 0.002). Conclusion: PCOS does not affect the occurrence of IUFD and abortion in women undergoing FIV programs.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cynthia Agnes Susanto
Abstrak :
TUJUAN: Mengetahui efek metformin atau DLBS3233 terhadap kadar AMH. LATAR BELAKANG: SOPK merupakan sindrom yang diketahui berkaitan dengan resistensi insulin dalam patofisiologi dan peranan AMH dalam patogenesis. Maka salah satu bagian dari tatalaksana SOPK adalah dengan pemberian insulin sensitizing agent ISA. ISA yang telah banyak digunakan yaitu metformin yang terbukti dalam memperbaiki siklus haid, namun obat ini juga menimbulkan efek samping seperti keluhan gastrointestinal yang cukup berat. Sehingga perkembangan obat herbal seperti fraksi bioaktif DLBS3233 memberikan harapan akan ISA yang efektif, namun memiliki efek samping minimal. Peranan ISA dalam efek perubahan AMH masih kontroversial, dan hanya ditemui penelitian yang meneliti metformin. DESAIN DAN METODE: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain uji klinis acak tersamar ganda yang berlangsung pada bulan Maret 2013 hingga Juni 2015 di klinik Yasmin, RSCM Kencana dan RS Hasan Sadikin, Bandung. Subjek penelitian akan mendapatkan metformin sebanyak 2x750mg atau DLBS3233 1x100mg per hari selama enam bulan. Evaluasi kadar AMH akan dilakukan sebanyak dua kali, sebelum dan sesudah pengobatan. HASIL: Sebanyak 20 subjek mendapati metformin dan 18 subjek mendapati DLBS3233. Rerata kadar AMH sebelum pengobatan didapati 9,30 5,06 ng/mL dan 11,27 6,47 ng/mL. Pasca pengobatan, didapati penurunan kadar AMH yang signifikan sebesar 1,52 0,07 p < 0,001. Penurunan kadar AMH didapati lebih tinggi pada grup metformin bila dibandingkan dengan DLBS3233 ? AMH = 1,83 ng/mL vs 1,15 ng/mL. Namun, metformin menimbulkan efek samping yang lebih signifikan dibandingkan DLBS3233 p=0,01. Sebanyak 7 pasien 18,42 hamil selama penelitian ini. Namun efek samping pengobatan jauh dirasakan oleh subjek yang mendapatkan metformin dibandingkan DLBS3233 p=0,01. KESIMPULAN: Baik metformin atau fraksi bioaktif DLBS3233 dapat menurunkan kadar AMH, dan DLBS3233 merupakan pilihan terapi SOPK dengan efek samping yang minimal. ...... OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of metformin and DLBS3233 on serum AMH level. BACKGROUND: PCOS is known to be associated with insulin resistance in the pathophysiology and Anti Mullerian Hormone AMH in the pathogenesis. Thus, one of management of PCOS is to give insulin sensitizing agent ISA. Type of ISA which has been widely used is metformin which proven to improve menstrual cycle, but this medication cause major side effect such as gastrointestinal problems. So, the development of herbal medicine such as Bioactive Fraction DLBS3233, offer effective medicine, with minimal side effects. To date, the role of ISA to effects the changes in AMH still controversial, and studies only examine the effect of metformin to the level of AMH. METHOD: Double blind randomized controlled trial was conducted in Yasmic Clinic, Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Kencana and Hasan Sadikin hospital, Bandung within March 2013 until June 2015. PCOS patient diagnosed using Rotterdam All participant get daily dose of metformin 2x750mg or DLBS3233 1x100mg for six months. Evaluation of serum AMH level was conducted twice prior therapy and after the completion of the therapy. Protocol analysis was carried out upon differences of AMH using SPSS 20. RESULTS: 20 subjects received metformin, while 18 subject received DLBS3233. Level of AMH prior medication was known to be 9,30 5,06 ng mL and 11,27 6,47 ng mL. After six months of therapy, there is significant decrease of AMH level of 1,52 0,07 p 0,001. The decrease level of AMH was observed higher in metformin group compared to DLBS3233 AMH 1,83 ng mL vs 1,15 ng mL. However, metformin causing more side effects compared to DLBS3233 p 0,01. There are total of 7 subjects 18,42 pregnant during the studies. CONCLUSION: There rsquo s a significant decrease of AMH level after administration of either metformin or DLBS3233.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roselina Panghiyangani
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Sindroma ovarium polikistik (SOPK) merupakan masalah reproduksi yang sering terjadi pada perempuan usia reproduksi, namun hingga saat ini etiopatogenesis SOPK masih belum jelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis peran sel granulosa folikel ovarium dalam etiologi SOPK, keterkaitan genotip FSHR Asn680Ser dengan patogenesis SOPK dan peran gen CYP19A1(aromatase) dalam patogenesis SOPK. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian analitik observasional berbentuk studi seran lintang (cross sectional study) dan dilakukan di Departemen Biologi FKUI, Klinik Yasmin-RSCM Kencana dan Laboratorium terpadu FKUI pada tahun 2011-2014. Sebanyak 142 subyek penelitian (66 pasien SOPK dan 76 pasien bukan SOPK) terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Sampel penelitian berupa darah tepi dan cairan folikel ovarium yang diaspirasi ketika proses ovum pick up sebagai sumber sel granulosa. Dilakukan isolasi DNA untuk analisis RFLP polimorfisme FSHR Asn680Ser, dilakukan kultur sel granulosa untuk mengetahui kemampuan proliferasi sel granulosa dan analisis ekspresi mRNA aromatase sel granulosa dengan metode RT-qPCR. Hasil: Indeks proliferasi sel dan ekspresi mRNA aromatase sel granulosa pada kelompok SOPK lebih rendah secara bermakna dibandingkan bukan SOPK (p<0,05). Tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna distribusi genotip FSHR Asn680Ser antara kelompok SOPK dan bukan SOPK (p>0,05), tidak ditemukan perbedaan bermakna antara kadar hormon FSH basal berdasarkan variasi genotip FSHR Asn680Ser pada kelompok SOPK dan bukan SOPK (p>0,05). Tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang bermakna indeks proliferasi sel granulosa berdasarkan variasi genotip FSHR Asn680Ser baik pada kelompok SOPK maupun bukan SOPK (p>0,05). Tidak terdapat korelasi antara indeks proliferasi sel granulosa dengan ekspresi mRNA aromatase (p>0,05). Kesimpulan: Indeks proliferasi sel dan tingkat ekspresi mRNA aromatase sel granulosa kelompok SOPK menurun dibandingkan kelompok bukan SOPK. Genotip FSHR Asn680Ser tidak menentukan kerentanan individu untuk menderita SOPK. Kadar hormon FSH basal dan indeks proliferasi sel granulosa tidak berbeda antara kelompok SOPK dan bukan SOPK berdasarkan variasi genotip FSHR Asn680Ser. Tidak ada korelasi antara indeks proliferasi sel dengan ekspresi mRNA aromatase sel granulosa pada penelitian ini. ...... Introduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common reproductive problem in women at reproductive age, but until now aetiopathogenesis of PCOS has not been fully understood. The objective of this study was to analyse interrelationship between proliferation of ovarian follicular granulosa cells, CYP19A1 expression and polymorphism at codon 680 of FSHR towards the etiology of PCOS. Methods: Observational analytic in the form of cross-sectional study was used in this research. The study was carried out between 2011-2014 at the Department of Biology, Integrated laboratory of Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia and Yasmin clinic at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. A total of 142 subjects (66 patients with PCOS and 76 patients without PCOS) were involved in this study. Granulosa cells for culture were obtained from ovarian follicular fluid and total RNA was isolated from the cells. DNA samples were extracted from peripheral blood. Granulosa cell proliferation index was determined by counting under a phase-contrast microscope. CYP19A1 expression was measured by qRT-PCR, whereas polymorphism at Asn680Ser FSHR was performed by RFLP. Result: Cell proliferation index and CYP19A1 mRNA expression levels in the granulosa cells of the PCOS group was significantly lower than non-PCOS (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference found in Asn680Ser FSHR genotype distribution between PCOS and non-PCOS group (p > 0.05). Based on Asn680Ser FSHR genotype variation, no significant difference was found between basal FSH hormone levels in the PCOS and non- PCOS group (p > 0.05) and FSHR genotype variation did not correlate with granulosa cell proliferation index between PCOS and non-PCOS group (p > 0.05). Moreover, there was no correlation between the granulosa cell proliferation index with aromatase mRNA expression levels (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Cell proliferation index and CYPA1 expression of granulosa cells in PCOS group were lower compared to the non PCOS group although no correlation was found between the two parameters. Asn680Ser FSHR genotype did not correlate with individual susceptibility to PCOS. FSHR genotype variation did not correlate with basal FSH levels and granulosa cell proliferation index between PCOS and non-PCOS.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adevita Tania
Abstrak :

Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik (SOPK) merupakan gangguan pada sistem reproduksi wanita yang menjadi penyebab umum terjadinya infertilitas pada usia reproduktif. Etiologi dari SOPK belum diketahui dengan pasti, namun lebih dari 50% wanita SOPK mengalami obesitas. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) rs9939609 gen Fat Mass and Obesity Associated (FTO) merupakan kandidat genetik yang dapat memengaruhi perkembangan obesitas dan kerentanan terhadap SOPK. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui asosiasi SNP rs9939609 gen FTO dengan SOPK. Penelitian ini menggunakan 120 sampel darah dengan masing-masing 30 sampel untuk setiap kelompok, yaitu kelompok wanita normal obesitas, normal non-obesitas, SOPK obesitas, dan SOPK non-obesitas. Metode yang digunakan yaitu amplifikasi sekuens target dengan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), validasi dengan elektroforesis, dan sekuensing dengan menggunakan Automated Sanger. Hasil sekuensing dianalisis menggunakan perangkat lunak Bioedit dan FinchTV. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya frekuensi minor alel A sebesar 29,6% serta frekuensi genotipe AA, AT, dan TT secara berurutan sebesar 10%, 39,20%, dan 50,80%. Studi ini juga menunjukkan hasil tidak adanya asosiasi (p>0,05) antara SNP rs9939609 gen FTO dengan sindrom ovarium polikistik.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a female reproductive disorder which is a common cause of infertility at reproductive age. The etiology of PCOS is still unclear, however more than 50% of PCOS women are obese. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) rs9939609 Fat Mass and Obesity Associated (FTO) gene is a genetic candidate that can affect the development of obesity and susceptibility to PCOS. This study aims to determine the association of FTO gene SNP rs9939609 with PCOS. Samples in this study was 120 blood samples divided into 30 samples for each group, normal with obesity, normal lean, PCOS with obesity, and PCOS lean. Amplification of target sequences using the PCR method, validation with electrophoresis, and sequencing was carried out using an Automated Sanger. Sequencing results were analyzed with Bioedit and FinchTV software. The results of this study showed that a minor allele A frequency was 29.6% and the genotype frequencies of AA, AT, and TT were 10%, 39.20%, and 50.80%, respectively. This study also showed no association (p>0.05) between SNP rs9939609 with polycystic ovarian syndrome.


Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vita Silvana
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik (SOPK) merupakan penyebab 40% infertilitas pada wanita usia reproduksi. Resistensi insulin sebagai salah satu patofisiolofi yang mendasari SOPK, berkaitan erat dengan jaringan adiposa viseral dan ditemukan pada 30-50% pasien SOPK dengan indeks masa tubuh normal serta lingkar pinggang kurang dari 80 cm. Retinol Binding Protein-4 (RBP-4) yang disekresi oleh jaringan adiposa viseral diketahui sebagai salah satu adipokin yang menyebabkan resistensi insulin. Pengukuran IMT dan lingkar pinggang tidak dapat mewakili akumulasi jaringan adiposa viseral pada SOPK dengan IMT normal serta lingkar pinggang kurang dari 80 cm. Dengan diketahuinya titik potong optimal kadar serum RBP-4 sebagai penanda jaringan adiposa viseral, diharapkan dapat memprediksi risiko kejadian resistensi insulin yang bermanfaat dalam menentukan penatalaksanaan kasus SOPK dengan IMT normal terkait strategi pengurangan akumulasi jaringan adiposa viseral. Tujuan: Diketahuinya titik potong optimal kadar serum RBP-4 sebagai penanda jaringan adiposa viseral untuk memprediksi risiko kejadian resistensi insulin pada penderita SOPK dengan IMT normal. Metode: Studi observasional dengan desain potong lintang selama periode Juli 2014 hingga Maret 2015 di Poliklinik Yasmin, RSCM, Jakarta. Hasil: Sejumlah 40 subjek SOPK dengan IMT normal yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi didapatkan 16 subjek (40%) yang mengalami resistensi insulin dan 24 subjek (60%) nir resistensi insulin. Sejumlah 23 subjek (57.5%) memiliki lingkar pinggang kurang dari 80 cm, dimana 6 subjek (26%) diantaranya mengalami resistensi insulin. Kadar serum RBP-4 pada kelompok resistensi insulin bermakna lebih tinggi dibandingkan nir resistensi insulin (p 0.008). Dengan analisis ROC didapatkan AUC kadar serum RBP-4 78.8% (IK 95% -8445.59 ? -1447.98) dengan nilai p 0.002. Titik potong optimal kadar serum RBP-4 adalah 24133 ng/mL dengan sensitivitas sebesar 75% dan spesifisitas sebesar 75%. Dengan analisis regresi logistik biner didapatkan pemeriksaan serum RBP-4 menambah nilai diagnostik dari parameter demografis dan klinis AUC 85.7% menjadi 91.1%. Kesimpulan: Kadar serum RBP-4 sebagai penanda jaringan adiposa viseral dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi risiko kejadian resistensi insulin pada penderita SOPK dengan IMT normal. ABSTRACT Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) contributes to fourty percent of infertility?s issues on reproductive women. Insulin resistance as one of important pathophysiology in PCOS, correlates with visceral adipose tissue and is found on 30-50% PCOS patients with normal body mass index and waist circumference less than 80 cm. Retinol Binding Protein-4 (RBP-4), which is secreted by visceral adipose tissue, known as one of adipokines that cause insulin resistance. The measurement of body mass index and waist circumference could not represent visceral adiposity on PCOS with normal body mass index and waist circumference less than 80 cm. Determination of serum RBP-4 cut off level as visceral adipose tissue marker hopefully could predict the risk of insulin resistance on polycystic ovarian syndrome with normal body mass index, therefore it will be useful on its management related to reduction of visceral adiposity. Objective: To obtain serum RBP-4 cut off level as visceral adipose tissue marker to predict the risk of insulin resistance on PCOS with normal body mass index. Method: This was an observational study with cross sectional design conducted at Yasmin Clinic, RSCM, Jakarta during a period of July 2014 until March 2015. Result: Fourty PCOS patients with normal body mass index were participated on this study. There were 16 subjects (40%) who were insulin resistance and 24 subjects (60%) who were not insulin resistance. There were 23 subjects (57.5%) who had waist circumference less than 80 cm, where 6 of them (26%) were insulim resistance. Serum RBP-4 level was significantly higher on insulin resistance group (p 0.008). After ROC analysis was performed, AUC of serum RBP-4 was 78.8% (CI 95% -8445.59 ? -1447.98, p 0.002). The cut off level of serum RBP-4 was 24133 ng/mL with sensitivity 75% and specificity 75%. After logistic regression analysis was performed, it was found that serum RBP-4 increase diagnostic value of demographic and clinical parameter with AUC 85.7% to 91.1%. ;Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) contributes to fourty percent of infertility?s issues on reproductive women. Insulin resistance as one of important pathophysiology in PCOS, correlates with visceral adipose tissue and is found on 30-50% PCOS patients with normal body mass index and waist circumference less than 80 cm. Retinol Binding Protein-4 (RBP-4), which is secreted by visceral adipose tissue, known as one of adipokines that cause insulin resistance. The measurement of body mass index and waist circumference could not represent visceral adiposity on PCOS with normal body mass index and waist circumference less than 80 cm. Determination of serum RBP-4 cut off level as visceral adipose tissue marker hopefully could predict the risk of insulin resistance on polycystic ovarian syndrome with normal body mass index, therefore it will be useful on its management related to reduction of visceral adiposity. Objective: To obtain serum RBP-4 cut off level as visceral adipose tissue marker to predict the risk of insulin resistance on PCOS with normal body mass index. Method: This was an observational study with cross sectional design conducted at Yasmin Clinic, RSCM, Jakarta during a period of July 2014 until March 2015. Result: Fourty PCOS patients with normal body mass index were participated on this study. There were 16 subjects (40%) who were insulin resistance and 24 subjects (60%) who were not insulin resistance. There were 23 subjects (57.5%) who had waist circumference less than 80 cm, where 6 of them (26%) were insulim resistance. Serum RBP-4 level was significantly higher on insulin resistance group (p 0.008). After ROC analysis was performed, AUC of serum RBP-4 was 78.8% (CI 95% -8445.59 ? -1447.98, p 0.002). The cut off level of serum RBP-4 was 24133 ng/mL with sensitivity 75% and specificity 75%. After logistic regression analysis was performed, it was found that serum RBP-4 increase diagnostic value of demographic and clinical parameter with AUC 85.7% to 91.1%.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik SOPK merupakan gangguan endokrin tersering penyebab infertifilitas pada wanita usia reproduktif. Wanita-wanita dengan SOPK diketahui memiliki tingkat apoptosis yang rendah dibandingkan dengan wanita tanpa SOPK dan memiliki kadar Anti-Muellerian Hormone AMH yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan wanita tanpa SOPK. Akan tetapi, belum ada penelitian yang menghubungkan kadar AMH dengan apoptosis yaitu adanya atresia folikel pada ovarium wanita penderita SOPKTujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kadar AMH yang tinggi dengan tingkat apoptosis sel granulosa yang terjadi pada pasien SOPK sehingga dapat diketahui salah satu patogenesis kelainan folikulogenesis pada pasien SOPKMetodologi: Studi cross sectional dengan mengambil sampel sel granulosa wanita SOPK dan tanpa SOPK atau kelainan ovarium yang mengikuti program Fertiisasi In Vitro FIV di Yasmin dan SMART-IVF, klinik dr. Sander B Jakarta. Jumlah sampel yaitu 40 sampel yang terdiri dari 20 wanita dengan SOPK dan 20 wanita tanpa SOPK. Tingkat apoptosis dievaluasi dengan mengukur ekspresi mRNA dari gen pengkode protein keluarga apoptotic Bcl2 Bax dan Bcl2 menggunakan metode kuantitatif absolut qPCR. Pengukuran kadar AMH di serum dilakukan dengan metode ELISA.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna secara statistik antara kadar AMH wanita SOPK dan kontrol pABSTRACT
Background Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS is a common endocrine abnormality in causing infertility in reproductive aged women. Women with PCOS were reported have lower apoptosis rate compared to women without PCOS and have higher level Anti Muellerian Hormone compared to women without PCOS. However, there are no reported studies which directly study to know correlation between AMH level in serum and apoptosis result in follicle atresia in ovarium of PCOS patients.Objective To analysis correlation between serum AMH level and apoptosis in granulosa cell in PCOS pasien that may underlie the folliculogenesis abnormality in PCOS.Methods Cross sectional study of sample from granulose cells women with PCOS and without PCOS or with ovarian abnormalities that following Fertility In Vitro FIV program in Yasmine and SMART ndash IVF, dr. Sander B clinic, Jakarta. Sample number were 40 consisting 20 women with PCOS and 20 women without PCOS. Apoptosis level were evaluated with measuring mRNA expression from gene that of coding apoptotic Bcl2 family Bax and Bcl2 using quantitave absolute method qPCR. AMH level in serum were measured using ELISA method.Results There was a statistical significance difference AMH level between PCOS group and control group p
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lieke Koes Handayani
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: SOPK dijumpai pada 5-20% perempuan usia reproduksi. AMH digunakan sebagai penanda SOPK karena pada penderita SOPK salah satu gejalanya adalah terjadinya anovuasi yang menyebabkan peningkatan kadar AMH. SOPK juga berkaitan dengan adanya resistensi insulin dan hiperandrogen yang berkorelasi dengan obesitas dan inflamsi kronik yang dapat menyebabkan risiko terjadinya sindrom metabolik. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan peningkatan kadar AMH pada penderita SOPK dan fenotip SOPK dengan kejadian Sindrom Metabolik. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan disain potong lintang di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo pada penderita SOPK pada bulan Januari 2013 hingga Desember 2017. Data penderita SOPK yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dicatat dan dilakukan analisis statistik. Hasil: Dari pengumpulan data Januari 2013 hingga Desember 2017 di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo didapati 109 kasus SOPK yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Penderita SOPK tesebut memiliki median kadar AMH 7.10 ng/ml (3.11-34.06) dan yang mengalami sindrom metabolik 21% dengan median kadar AMH 7.21ng/ml (2.83-20.20) yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang tidak sindrom metabolik (p=0.387). Sedangkan untuk fenotip yang terbanyak adalah fenotip 4 (OA dan PCOM) yaitu 41.3% dan yang mengalami sindrom metabolik terbanyak adalah fenotip 1 (OA+PCOM+HA)  sebanyak 56.5% dengan median kadar AMH  yang tertinggi sebesar 13.92ng/ml. Kesimpulan: Kadar AMH pada penderita SOPK yang mengalami sindrom metabolik  trend nya lebih tinggi dibandingkan yang tidak sindrom metabolik. Fenotip 1 (OA+PCOM+HA) adalah kelompok fenotip yang paling banyak mengalami sindrom metabolik.
Background: PCOS is present in 5-20% women of reproductive age. AMH is used as a marker because one of the sign is anovulation that cause elevated AMH level. PCOS is also associated with the presence of insulin resistance and hyperandrogen that correlate with obesity and chronic inflammation that will increase the risk of metabolic syndrome. Purpose: To evaluate the correlation between AMH level in PCOS patients with the incidence of Metabolic Syndrome. Method: This research used cross sectional design with consecutive sampling. Data that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were collected and analyzed. Result: Data collection from January 2013 to December 2017 at RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo found 109 cases of PCOS meet the inclusion criteria. Patients with PCOS have median level of AMH 7.10 ng/ml (3.11-34.06). Twenty one percent of the patient had metabolic syndrome with median level of AMH 7.21ng/ml (2.83-20.20) higher than non-metabolic syndrome (p = 0.387). The largest number of phenotypes on PCOS patients is phenotype 4 (OA and PCOM) which is 41.3%. Most metabolic syndrome is phenotype 1 (OA + PCOM + HA) as much as 56.5% with median highest AMH level of 13.92 ng/ml. Conclusion: AMH levels in patients with PCOS who have metabolic syndrome are higher than non-metabolic syndrome. Phenotype 1 (OA + PCOM + HA) is a group of phenotypes with the most metabolic syndrome.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmat Dediat Kapnosa Hasani
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Sindrom ovarium polikistik merupakan kelainan endokrin dan metabolik terbanyak yang dialami oleh wanita usia reproduksi. Penyebab dari SOPK diketahui multifaktorial, namun faktor lemak memiliki peranan penting dalam perjalanan penyakit. Pada pasien SOPK ditemukan akumulasi lemak dilokasi tertentu. Komposisi lemak tubuh dapat menyebabkan proses inflamasi klinis derajat rendah yang berperan dalam terjadinya resistensi insulin pada pasien SOPK. Pengukuran komposisi lemak tubuh berdasarkan indeks massa tubuh kurang spesifik. Persentase lemak tubuh diperkirakan lebih spesifik dalam menggambarkan komposisi lemak tubuh dan memiliki korelasi dengan proses inflamasi kronis derajat rendah yang gambarkan oleh peningkatan prokalsitonin darah pasien dengan SOPK. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi komposisi lemak tubuh terhadap kadar prokalsitonin sebagai penanda biokimiawi inflamasi kronis derajat rendah. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain penelitian potong lintang (cross sectional), di klinik Yasmin RSUPN Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo dan Laboratorium Terpadu FKUI selama tahun 2014-2015. Pasien yang sudah terdiagnosis SOPK berdasarkan kriteria Rotterdam 2003, dilakukan pemeriksaan indeks massa tubuh, persentase lemak tubuh dengan menggunakan metode bioelectrical impedance analysis dan pemeriksaan prokalsitonin darah. Dilakukan uji korelasi antara indeks massa tubuh dan persentase lemak tubuh terhadap kadar prokalsitonin darah pasien. Hasil: Dari total 32 subyek penelitian, didapatkan peningkatan komposisi lemak tubuh dengan rerata indeks massa tubuh 29,09±5,11 kg/m2 dan komposisi lemak tubuh 39,38±9,04 %. Pada uji korelasi didapatkan peningkatan indeks massa berkorelasi positif terhadap kadar prokalsitonin namun tidak bermakna secara statistik (r =0,27; p =0,131). Persentase lemak tubuh didapatkan berkorelasi positif bermakna secara statistik dengan kadar prokalsitonin (r=0,35; p=0,048). Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan rerata komposisi lemak tubuh pada pasien dengan sindrom ovarium polikistik. Persentase lemak tubuh memiliki korelasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan indeks massa tubuh terhadap kadar prokalsitonin darah sebagai penanda biokimia inflamasi kronis derajat rendah pada pasien. ......Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common metabolic and endocrine problems in reproductive ages women. PCOS has multifactorial cause, but body fat was known to has significant role in disease course. Patient with PCOS known to have body fat accumulation in some body location. Body fat composition can cause low grade chronic inflamation which can cause insulin resistence. Measuring body fat composition with body mass index is not an ideal method. Body fat percentage should be more specific in measuring body fat composition and should have better corelation than body mass index to procalcitonin as low grade chronic inflamation marker. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify corelation between body fat composition and procalcitonin as low grade chronic inflamation in PCOS. Method: The study was conducted with a cross sectional study design, in Yasmin Clinic, RSUPN Dr.Cipto Mangunkusomo and Integrated Laboratory of Medical Faculty University of Indonesia during 2014-2015. Patients who have been diagnosed with PCOS based on the criteria of Rotterdam, 2003, was examined the body mass index, body fat percentage using bioelectrical impedance analysis and blood procalcitonin level. We measure the correlation between body mass index and body fat percentage to procalcitonin levels of the patient's blood. Result: From a total of 32 subjects of the study, we found an increase in body fat composition with a mean body mass index 29.09 ± 5.11 kg/m2 and body fat composition 39.38 ± 9.04%. From correlation test, we found that body mass index was positively correlated to the levels of procalcitonin but not statistically significant (r = 0.27; p = 0.131). Body fat percentage has significant positive corellation to procalcitonin levels (r = 0.35; p = 0.048). Conclutions: There is an increase in the average composition of body fat in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Body fat percentage has a better correlation than the body mass index on blood levels of procalcitonin.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Julianto Witjaksono
Abstrak :
Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik (SOPK) saat ini merupakan salah satu kelainan dengan keberhasilan kehamilan terendah di antara berbagai penyebab infertilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai ultrasonografi (USG) sebagai prediktor diagnosis reseptivitas endometrium perempuan infertil Sindrom Ovarium Polikistik. Penelitian ini merupakan studi diagnostik observasional dengan disain potong lintang. Tiga puluh empat perempuan usia reproduksi (32,5 ± 3,8 tahun), mengalami infertilitas primer 4,9 ± 3,1 tahun dengan siklus anovulasi mendapat klomifen sitrat 100 mg perhari H2?6; perkembangan folikel dan ovulasi dikonfirmasi dengan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi (USG) H12?17. Pemeriksaan USG yang diikuti biopsi endometrium dan hormon progesteron dilakukan pada H19?21 atau pasca ovulasi H+5?+7. USG digunakan untuk menilai Zona Vaskularisasi menurut kriteria Sonai, Volume Endometrium menurut kriteria Zollner, dan Indeks Vaskularisasi-Arus Darah menurut kriteria Wu. Biopsi endometrium dinilai berdasarkan penanggalan histopatologis menurut kriteria Noyes, dan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia VEGF dan VEGFR-1 dengan penilaian secara H-Score. Kadar VEGF serum diperiksa dengan metode Elisa. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji chi-square, uji-t dan nilai ROC. Dihasilkan titik potong komposit endometrium sebagai baku emas reseptivitas endometrium berdasarkan pemeriksaan penanggalan histopatologis endometrium. Pemeriksaan USG berdasarkan pemeriksaan komposit endometrium ini akhirnya menghasilkan baku emas USG penetapan reseptivitas endometrium. Pemeriksaan USG H19?21 menunjukkan rerata tebal endometrium 10,47 ± 1,85 mm, Volume Endometrium 3,70 ± 1,31 ml, Indeks Vaskularisasi?Arus Darah Indeks Vaskularisasi?Arus Darah 0,08 (0,00-3,21) dan Zona Vaskularisasi di lapis 1,2,3 dan 4 masing-masing 14,7%, 41,2%, 35,3% dan 8,8%. Pemeriksaan histopatologis endometrium mendapatkan 58,8% in-phase dan 41,2% out-phase. Pemeriksaan VEGF endometrium mendapatkan ekspresi tertinggi di endotel (2,34 ± 0,26), kemudian di epitel luminal (2,23 ± 0,37), sel stroma (2,1±1,9), terendah di epitel kelenjar (2,00 ± 0,68). VEGFR-1 endometrium tertinggi di epitel kelenjar (2,85 ± 0,30), diikuti di epitel luminal (2,83 ± 0,54), endotel (2,70 ± 0,42) dan terendah di sel stroma (2,58 ± 0,42). Secara statistik, ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara Zona Vaskularisasi dengan VEGF sel stroma (p = 0,018), Volume Endometrium dengan VEGF endotel (p = 0,000), epitel luminal (p = 0,029) dan total sel (0,043) serta Penanggalan Histologis Endometrium dengan VEGFR-1 sel stroma (p = 0,009). Penetapan reseptivitas endometrium hasil penilaian Komposit USG berdasarkan baku emas komposit endometrium adalah ditemukannya Zona Vaskularisasi lapis 3?4, Volume Endometrium ≥ 3,090 ml dan Indeks Vaskularisasi-Arus Darah ≥ 0,253 yang menunjukkan spesifisitas 77,4%. Ultrasonografi dapat digunakan sebagai prediktor diagnosis reseptivitas endometrium masa jendela implantasi embrio perempuan infertil SOPK. ......Polycyctic ovary syndrome has been recognized as one of the lowest successful pregnancy rates in infertile women. This studi aimed to assess ultrasound as predictor of endometrial receptivity in PCOS infertile women. Diagnostic observational study in cross sectional design was conducted. Thirty-four subjects suffered anovulatory cycles in a average 32,5 ± 3,8 years of age and primary infertility for 4,9 ± 3,1 years, receiving 100 mg/d clomiphene citrate therapy on D2?6 . Follicular development and ovulation were confirmed by tranasvaginal USG examination on D12?17 . Repeated USG procedures followed by endometrial biopsy and serum progesterone test were conducted on either D 19?21 or D+5?+7 post ovulatory. The use of USG was to assess Vascularization Zone by Sonai criteria, Endometrial Volume by Zollner criteria and Vascularization Flow Index (VFI) by Wu criteria. Endometrial biopsy was performed and dated, based on endometrial histological dating by Noyes citeria. Immunohistochemistry of VEGF and VEGFR-1 were done and counted by H-Score formula. VEGF serum was tested by Elisa method. Statistical analysis of Chi-squre test, student t-test and ROC value were used. Immunohistochemistry composite formation was based on histological dating of endometrium. Ultrasound composite based on immunohistochemistry composite was finally resulting the new cut-off of endometrial reseptivity. Ultrasound findings on D19?21 showed the average endometrial thickness 10,47± 1,85 mm, Endometrium Volume 3,70 ± 1,31 ml, Vascularization?Flow Index (VFI) 0,08 (0,00?3,21 ) and Vascularization Zone (ZV) of zone 1,2,3 and 4 were 14,7%, 41,2%, 35,3% and 8,8%. Endometrial dating was 58,8% in-phase and 41,2% out-phase. Endometrial VEGF staining showed the highest expression in endothel (2,34 ± 0,26), followed by luminal epithelium (2,23 ± 0,37), stromal cells (2,1 ± 1,9) and the lowest in glandular epithelial (2,00 ± 0,68); meanwhile the highest VEGFR-1 expression was seen in glandular epithelial (2,85 ± 0,30), followed by luminal epithelial (2,83 ± 0,54), endothelial (2,70 ± 0,42) and the lowest at the stromal cells (2,58 ± 0,42). Statistically, ZV was correlated to the VEGF stromal cells (p = 0,018) and Endometrial Volume was correlated to VEGF endothelial (p = 0,000) and VEGF luminal epithelium (p = 0,029) and VEGF total cells (p = 0,043); meanwhile Histological Dating of Endometrium was correlated to VEGFR-1 stromal cells (p = 0,009). Endometrial receptivity predictor determined by Ultrasound Composite based on immunohistochemistry composite was Vascularization Zone of layer 3?4, Endometrial Volume of ≥ 3,090 ml and endometrial VFI of 0,253 with a specificity of 77,4%. Ultrasound was the useful tools for diagnostic predictor of endometrial receptivity diagnosis during the implantation windows period of PCOS infertile female.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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