ABSTRAKMeningitis dan ensefalitis merupakan infeksi sistem saraf pusat yang dapat
mengancam jiwa. Apabila tidak ditangani dengan baik, akan menimbulkan defisit
neurologis dan berdampak pada kehidupan sehari-hari. Tujuan penelitian ini
adalah mengeksplorasi secara mendalam pengalaman hidup pasien postmeningitis
dan ensefalitis terkait kualitas hidupnya. Penelitian kualitatif dengan
pendekatan fenomenologi pada delapan partisipan ini ditentukan dengan teknik
snowball sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam dan catatan
lapangan. Analisis data menggunakan metode Collaizi. Tema yang ditemukan
adalah perubahan fungsi tubuh pasien, masalah sosial yang dihadapi pasien postmeningitis
dan ensefalitis, strategi koping pasien, kebutuhan akan support system
pasien, dan pengalaman pasien selama menerima pelayanan kesehatan. Hasil
penelitian diharapkan sebagai data dasar pengembangan format pengkajian asuhan
keperawatan dan instrumen kualitas hidup neuroinfection.
ABSTRACTMeningitis and encephalitis are life-threatening infection of the central nervous
system. If it is not treated properly, will lead to neurological deficits and impact
on daily life. The purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of postmeningitis
and encephalitis patients related to their quality of life. Qualitative
research with phenomenological approach on eight participants involved were
determined by snowball sampling technique. The data was collected by in-depth
interviews and field notes. Collaizi?s method was used to data analysis. The
results of this investigation were: the changes body function of patients; the social
problems faced by post-meningitis and encephalitis patients; the coping strategies
of patients; the need support system of patients, and the experience patients during
receiving health care. The study findings are expected to be the basic for both the
development of nursing care assessment form and instrument of neuroinfection
related to quality of life., Meningitis and encephalitis are life-threatening infection of the central nervous
system. If it is not treated properly, will lead to neurological deficits and impact
on daily life. The purpose of this study was to explore the life experiences of postmeningitis
and encephalitis patients related to their quality of life. Qualitative
research with phenomenological approach on eight participants involved were
determined by snowball sampling technique. The data was collected by in-depth
interviews and field notes. Collaizi’s method was used to data analysis. The
results of this investigation were: the changes body function of patients; the social
problems faced by post-meningitis and encephalitis patients; the coping strategies
of patients; the need support system of patients, and the experience patients during
receiving health care. The study findings are expected to be the basic for both the
development of nursing care assessment form and instrument of neuroinfection
related to quality of life.]"