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Aisyah Indarsari
Abstrak :

Perusahaan multi level marketing tergantung pada teknologi informasi yang digunakan, karena dengan teknologi informasi tersebut distributor multi level marketing dapat mengandalkan informasi sehubungan dengan perkembangan jaringan yang telah dibangun dan dipertahankannya, serta pendapatan komisi yang akan diterimanya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan mengevaluasi pengendalian internal PT X, serta pengendalian umum dan aplikasi teknologi informasi modul penjualan perangkat lunak Pinnacle PT X, sebuah perusahaan multi level marketing di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara, observasi serta pengujian. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa pengendalian internal PT X belum dilakukan secara optimal. Hasil evaluasi teknologi informasi modul penjualan perangkat lunak Pinnacle PT X juga menunjukkan bahwa dari segi pengendalian umum dan pengendalian aplikasi belum dijalankan secara optimal. Direktur dan manajemen senior PT X sebagai tone at the top sebaiknya berkomitmen lebih untuk mengurangi potensi kecurangan/fraud maupun kolusi dalam perusahaan. Manajemen PT X harus mempertimbangkan memiliki rencana cadangan dan kontingensi terkait risiko bencana, dan juga sebaiknya mempertimbangkan membuat divisi internal audit, yang dapat membantu manajemen dalam memberikan keyakinan akan pelaksanaan pengendalian internal yang tepat.

Multi-level marketing companies are very dependent on the reliability of information technology used, because with this information technology, multi-level marketing distributors can rely on information relating to the development of their networks that have been built and maintained, and the commission income that will be received. Therefore, this study will evaluate the internal control of PT X as well as general dan application control evaluation on sales module of Pinnacle software at PT X, a multi-level marketing company in Indonesia. This research is conducted with primary data collection methods through interviews, observation and testing. The results of the analysis state that PT X's internal control has not been carried out optimally. The results of general and application control evaluation on sales module of the Pinnacle also show that it has not been implemented optimally. PT X's director and senior management as a tone at the top should be more committed to reducing the potential for fraud and collusion within the company. PT X’s management must consider having a backup and contingency plan related to disaster risk. PT X’s management also should consider creating an internal audit division, which can assist management in providing confidence in the implementation of appropriate internal controls.


Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Bising adalah bahaya potensial (hazard) yang dapat menyebabkan NIHL pada pekerja tambang nikel yang terpajan bising. Adanya peningkatan ambang dengar pada pekerja dengan pajanan bising yang tinggi dan dalam jangka waktu yang lama dapat menyebabkan NIHL. Kejadian NIHL yang semakin meningkat merupakan salah satu masalah pada pekerja tambang PT X. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui tren audiometri dan prevalensi NIHL, mengetahui perbedaan NAD akibat pajanan bising tinggi dan rendah, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan NIHL pada pekerja tambang nikel yang terpajan bising di PT. X tahun 2012-2016. Metode. Penelitian dengan desain observasional analitik dengan kohort retrospektif di UBP Nikel PT X pada Bulan Desember 2017, dengan cara pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode total sampling. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan data sekunder MCU pekerja yang sudah dilakukan pemeriksaan audiometri, data baseline 2011, data annual dari tahun 2012 sampai dengan 2016, dan analisis data dilakukan dengan program statistik SPS Statistics 20.0. Hasil. Prevalensi kejadian NIHL sebesar 15,97% tahun 2012 dan mencapai 39,54% pada tahun 2016. Kejadian kasus (prevalensi) NIHL selalu mengalami peningkatan baik pada area kerja dengan risiko kebisingan <85dB atau ≥85dB sejak tahun 2012 sampai 2016, namun tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara risiko kebisingan dengan kejadian NIHL setiap tahunnya. Pada penelitian ini diketahui bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan NAD telinga kanan dan kiri baik pada area kerja dengan risiko kebisingan <85dB atau ≥85dB pada tahun 2012-2016. Pada penelitian diketahui bahwa faktor usia memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kejadian NIHL usia ≥40 tahun sebanyak 47,21% (p 0,000, IK 1,33-1,87), responden dengan usia ≥40 tahun memiliki risiko mengalami NIHL 1,58 kali lebih besar dibandingkan kelompok usia <40 tahun. Masa kerja ≥10 tahun sebanyak 40,15% memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kejadian NIHL (IK 1,51-1,85) dan memiliki risiko mengalami NIHL 1,67 kali lebih besar dibandingkan kelompok masa kerja <10 tahun. Kriteria STS yang positif (90,91%) dengan (p 0,000) signifikan menunjukkan terjadinya NIHL. Kesimpulan. Tren Audiometri dan prevalensi NIHL terlihat kecenderungan meningkat dari tahun 2012 sampai tahun 2016. Tidak terdapat perbedaan NAD telinga kanan dan kiri baik pada area kerja dengan risiko kebisingan <85dB atau ≥85dB pada tahun 2012-2016. Hasil ini menunjukkan tren kecenderungan meningkat terjadinya kejadian (prevalensi) NIHL di PT X. Kejadian kasus (prevalensi) NIHL selalu mengalami peningkatan baik pada area kerja dengan risiko kebisingan <85dB atau ≥85dB sejak tahun 2012 sampai 2016, namun tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara risiko kebisingan dengan kejadian NIHL setiap tahunnya. Faktor usia, masa kerja, kriteria STS positif memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kejadian NIHL. Kata Kunci. gangguan pendengaran akibat pajanan bising (noise induced hearing loss); pekerja tambang; prevalensi; risiko kebisingan; tren audiometri. ......Background. High-volume noise is a potential hazard which may cause Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) among nickel mine workers who are exposed to noise. The increase of hearing threshold in workers with chronic exposure to high-volume noise may cause NIHL. The increasing prevalence of NIHL is a problem for nickel mine workers of PT X. The objective of this study is to identify the audiometry trend and NIHL prevalence among mine workers who are exposed to high-volume noise, to investigated correlation of noise level exposure and the others that causes NIHL, to know how difference hearing treshold value on the workers worked with noise level <85 dB and ≥85 dB since 2012 until 2016. Method. This study used an analytical observational design with retrospective cohort at UBP Nikel PT X in December 2017, with the method of obtaining samples by total sampling. This study was conducted by collecting secondary medical check-up data of workers who have undergone audiometry examinations, baseline data from 2011, annual data from 2012 until 2016, and data analysis was done using SPSS program version 20.0 Results. The prevalence of NIHL was shown starting from 15,97% in 2012, and the prevalence reached 39,54% in 2016. The prevalence of NIHL always showed an increase, both in the working areas with noise level <85dB and ≥85dB since 2012 until 2016, however there was no significant relation between noise levels and NIHL prevalence each year. In this study it was discovered that there were no differences in hearing treshold value right ear and left ear, both in the working areas with noise level <85dB and ≥85dB during 2012-2016. It was found that age had a significant association with NIHL prevalence, respondents aged >40 years old as much as 47,21% (p 0,000, 95% CI 1,33-1,87); respondents aged >40 years old had 1,58 times higher risks to develop NIHL than the age group <40 years old. Respondents with the period of work ≥10 years as much as 40,2% (IK 1,511,85) had a significant association with NIHL prevalence. They had 1,67 times higher risks to develop NIHL than period of work <10 years. It was found that Positive STS Criteria (90,91%) had a significant association with NIHL prevalence (p 0,000). Conclusion. The NIHL prevalence and the audiometry trend showed a tendency to increase from 2012 until 2016. The prevalence of NIHL always showed an increase, both in the working areas with noise level <85dB and ≥85dB since 2012 until 2016, however there was no significant relation between noise levels and NIHL prevalence each year. There were no differences in hearing treshold value right ear and left ear, both in the working areas with noise level <85dB and ≥85dB since 2012 until 2016. The factor of age and period of work had a significant association with NIHL It was found that Positive STS Criteria had a significant association with NIHL prevalence . Keywords. audiometry trend; mine workers; noise induced hearing loss; noise level risk; prevalence.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stella Delarosa
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai klausula dalam perjanjian pengikatan jual beli, khususnya mengenai masalah kesesuaian isi perjanjian dengan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku dan perlindungan terhadap pembeli rumah susun. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normative. Rumah susun berkembang dari tuntutan kebutuhan akan tempat tinggal di kota besar tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan tanah dan harga tanah yang mahal. Penjualan sebelum pembangunan selesai dimungkinkan dengan melakukan perjanjian pengikatan jual beli. Bentuk perjanjian tersebut sudah disiapkan oleh pengembang. Akibatnya, pembeli harus menerima perjanjian tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat beberapa klausula yang kurang memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada pembeli rumah susun.
This thesis discusses the binding clauses in the preliminary sale and purchase agreement, particularly on the congruence of the agreement with the legislation and the legal protection of the buyers. This research used juridical norms approach as research method. The growing demands of housing in big city are not supported with the availability of the land and expensive land prices. It is possible to do preliminary sale before the development is completed by signing the preliminary sale and purchase agreement. The agreement has been prepared by the developer in standard form contact. As a result, the buyers must accept the agreement as is. The research concluded that some clauses are not complying with the legislation yet and not provide sufficient legal protection to the apartment buyers.;This thesis discusses the binding clauses in the preliminary sale and purchase agreement, particularly on the congruence of the agreement with the legislation and the legal protection of the buyers. This research used juridical norms approach as research method. The growing demands of housing in big city are not supported with the availability of the land and expensive land prices. It is possible to do preliminary sale before the development is completed by signing the preliminary sale and purchase agreement. The agreement has been prepared by the developer in standard form contact. As a result, the buyers must accept the agreement as is. The research concluded that some clauses are not complying with the legislation yet and not provide sufficient legal protection to the apartment buyers.;This thesis discusses the binding clauses in the preliminary sale and purchase agreement, particularly on the congruence of the agreement with the legislation and the legal protection of the buyers. This research used juridical norms approach as research method. The growing demands of housing in big city are not supported with the availability of the land and expensive land prices. It is possible to do preliminary sale before the development is completed by signing the preliminary sale and purchase agreement. The agreement has been prepared by the developer in standard form contact. As a result, the buyers must accept the agreement as is. The research concluded that some clauses are not complying with the legislation yet and not provide sufficient legal protection to the apartment buyers., This thesis discusses the binding clauses in the preliminary sale and purchase agreement, particularly on the congruence of the agreement with the legislation and the legal protection of the buyers. This research used juridical norms approach as research method. The growing demands of housing in big city are not supported with the availability of the land and expensive land prices. It is possible to do preliminary sale before the development is completed by signing the preliminary sale and purchase agreement. The agreement has been prepared by the developer in standard form contact. As a result, the buyers must accept the agreement as is. The research concluded that some clauses are not complying with the legislation yet and not provide sufficient legal protection to the apartment buyers.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aviceena Pratikto Raharjo
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas potensi notaris sebagai pejabat umum untuk melaksanakan sertifikasi transaksi yang dilakukan secara elektronik berdasarkan Kewenangan Lain Notaris yang disebutkan pada UU Jabatan Notaris. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa rumusan masalah yaitu peluang implementasi sertifikasi elektronik oleh notaris terhadap fungsi jabatannya, bentuk sertifikasi yang diberikan Notaris terhadap suatu transaksi elektronik dan bagaimana implikasi hukum yang mungkin terjadi atas transaksi elektronik yang disertifikasi oleh notaris. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode yuridis normatif serta dilakukan perbandingan dengan negara lain yang telah mengimplementasikan metode sertifikasi transaksi elektronik oleh notaris, yaitu Singapura dan Louisiana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan UU Jabatan Notaris, seorang notaris dapat melakukan sertifikasi elektronik terhadap suatu dokumen elektronik dengan lembaga atau layanan sertifikasi identitas elektronik yang diselenggarakan berdasarkan ketentuan sistem transaksi elektronik. Sedangkan saran yang diberikan adalah potensi implementasi sertifikasi tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan model electronic notarization seperti halnya di Singapura ataupun secara umum di Amerika Serikat. ......This study examines the potential of a notary as a public official to carry out certification of electronic transactions based on the Other Competencies of a Notary as stated in the Notary Act. In this study, there are several formulations of the problem, specifically the opportunity to implement electronic certification by a notary for the function of its position, the form of certification given by a notary to an electronic transaction and what may be the legal implications that can occur as electronic transactions certified by a notary. This research was conducted using a normative juridical method and comparisons were made with other jurisdictions that have implemented the electronic transaction certification method by a notary, namely Singapore and Louisiana. The results show that based on the Law on Notary Positions, a notary can perform electronic certification of an electronic document with an electronic identity certification agency or service that is held based on the provisions of the electronic transaction system. Meanwhile, the suggestion given is that the potential implementation of the certification can be carried out using an electronic notarization model, as is the case in Singapore or in general in the United States.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahardhika Annisa Tuzzuhro
Abstrak :
Keluarga yang berasal dari status sosial ekonomi menengah ke bawah cenderung kurang memiliki pemahaman pengasuhan yang positif sehingga berisiko menghambat pencapaian perkembangan anak, khususnya pada periode kritis usia anak 3-5 tahun. Diperlukan intervensi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pengasuhan positif, salah satunya dengan psikoedukasi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas psikoedukasi sebagai metode intervensi dalam meningkatkan pemahaman pengasuhan positif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pretest-posttest design. Subjek penelitian adalah 14 orang ibu berlatar belakang sosial ekonomi menengah ke bawah. Psikoedukasi dilakukan selama tiga sesi secara daring. Pengukuran pemahaman mengenai pengasuhan positif dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali, yakni sebelum psikoedukasi, segera setelah psikoedukasi selesai dan 10 hari setelah intervensi. Analisis menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan skor yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah psikoedukasi diberikan (p < 0,05). Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pemahaman mengenai pengasuhan positif yang dimiliki oleh ibu setelah mengikuti psikoedukasi. Sementara itu, terdapat penurunan pemahaman ibu setelah 10 hari dilakukan intervensi. Penelitian ini terbatas hanya pada ranah kognitif saja, disarankan agar dapat ditingkatkan ke ranah afektif hingga psikomotor. ......Families in middle-to-low socioeconomic status tend to have less comprehension about positive parenting, which may hinder child optimal development, especially in critical age i.e. 3 to 5 year old. Psychoeducation is one of interventions which is needed to improve comprehension of positive parenting to children. This study aims to find the effectiveness of psychoeducation in improving comprehension of positive parenting. This study design is one group pretest-posttest design. Subjects of this study are 14 mothers with middle-to-low socioeconomic status background. The psychoeducation was held for three sessions through video conference. The data were collected 3 times, before the intervention, immediately after the intervention, and 2 weeks after the intervention. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test shows significant score difference between before and after psychoeducation was provided (p < 0,05). This indicates increasing score of positive parenting related understanding in mothers after attending the psychoeducation. However, there was derivation score of mothers' comprehension in 10 days after the intervention. This study limited to cognitive area, next can be elevated into affective or psychomotor area.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Respiration illness has some different symptoms basically is caused of irritation, failure of transparent muccociliari, more rekresi lender and respiration stricture. Children under tive years old at Primary Heath Care of Pangkalan Kerinci in Pelalawan District risk of respiration problem and based on result of annual report at Primary Health Care, respiration trouble illness is the tirst of ten illnesses at this area. lt is because of most public spend 90 % their time in room (house). Therefore research is pointed by the way of looking for relationship between PMN rate at house, house physical environment factor and children under tive years old characteristic which related to respiration problem occurrence becoming a reason. WHO estimated that there were 400-500 millions people who faced air pollution problem of variation room including headache, head cold, drought red lane, drought coughs, eye irritation, skin irritation, influenza, breathless and tuberculosis. This research purpose to know prevalence between respiration problem illness among children under tive years old, relationship of PMN rate at house, house physical environment factor (10 variables) and children under tive years old characteristic (5 variables) with respiration problem illness occurrence among children under tive years old, and looking for factor which is most dominance effect of respiration problem illness among children under tive years old at Primary Health Care of Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan District in Riau Province, time period of Measurement appliance which is used to measure PM", rate at house consists of Haz Dust Sampler, EPAM S000 model, temperature by thennometer, dampness by hygrometer, illumination by luxmeter, and appliance which is used to get primary data of children under tive years old characteristic by questionnaire and checklist. 'l`his research used a cross sectional design which participating population of 615 Head of Family (KK) by sample number of 261 children under five years old, where data was collected at the same time of PMN, rate, house physic environment and children under five years old characteristic and there were not respiration problem illness occurrence among children under five years old. Based on research result which has been done it was indicated that: l). Prevalence of children under tive years old who faced of respiration problem illness was 78,2 % _ 2). Children under five years old house with PMN rate which did not fulfill requirement was 55,6 %, 3). There is no meaning ditference of PM", rate at house (p value = 0,393) with respiration problem among children under tive years old. 4). Habit of children under tive years old out of house has a meaning difference of respiration problem illness occurrence among children under tive years old by p- value = 0,007 and OR = 2,59 (95 % CI: 1,333-5,083). Children under ive years old who are out of house have risk of respiration problem illness 2,59 times compared with children under tive years old are out of house for long time. 5). Factor which is most dominance influencing respiration problem iilness occurrence among children under five years old are usage of fuel for cooking and children under tive years old who are out of house. Children under tive years old who are out of house have risk of respiration problem illness 2,59 times compared with children under five years old who are at house for long time, and also usage of fuel for cooking which became smoke has risk 2,32 times of reqriration problem illness compared with usage of Riel for cooking which did not become smoke (gas and electricity). 6). Probability of respiration problem illness occurrence among children under tive years old where they used fuel which will become smoke at their house and children under five years oId who have habit out of house 83,5 %. 7). Children under five years old who used fuel for cooking which became smoke (wood, charcoal and kerosene) and many activities of children under tive years old out of house have probabiiity of respiration problem illness occurrence 1,5 times bigger than children under five years old which used fuel for cooking which did not become smoke (gas and electrics) and many activities of children under five years old out of house.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Unaisati Bujung
Abstrak :
Fenomena bencana tsunami yang melanda Aceh pada akhir tahun 2004 telah mengakibatkan ribuan jiwa melayang. Desa Lambung merupakan salah satu wilayah yang penduduknya hanya berhasil selamat 18% dari total jumlah penduduk. Oleh sebab itu, dibangunlah escape building yang merupakan bangunan untuk menyelamatkan diri dari gempa dan tsunami di desa tersebut. Masyarakat setempat diharapkan dapat berlindung pada bangunan ini apabila tiba-tiba gempa dan tsunami kembali terjadi. Kemauan warga untuk berlindung di escape building sangat dipengaruhi oleh persepsi mereka terhadap keamanan berlindung di bangunan tersebut serta ketahanannya terhadap karakter gempa dan tsunami. Escape building ini telah diteliti kuat terhadap beban yang diakibatkan oleh gempa dan tsunami, namun masih terdapat warga yang enggan untuk berlindung di bangunan tersebut pada saat gempa dan tsunami mengancam karena persepsi mereka yang kurang percaya terhadap keamanan berlindung di bangunan ini. Tsunami memang tidak sering terjadi, sehingga escape building juga direncanakan untuk kebutuhan kegiatan masyarakat setempat dalam kesehariannya. Namun pada kenyataannya, belum terdapat suatu kegiatan yang rutin dilaksanakan di escape building. Walaupun begitu, sewaktu-waktu terdapat pula kegiatan tertentu yang dilaksanakan di escape building, seperti maulid akbar, pameran kebudayaan, pelatihan masyarakat mandiri, dan resepsi pernikahan.
Phenomenon of the tsunami that hit Aceh in late of 2004 had resulted thousands of lives lost. Lambung village is one of areas where residents who survived only 10% of its total population. Therefore, escape building was built in Lambung village which is for the citizens to save their lifes if earthquake and tsunami disaster suddenly come. The willingness of citizens to take refuge in escape building is strongly affected by their perceptions of security to survive in the building and building?s resistance to the character of the earthquake and tsunami. The results of research on escape building shows that the building impervious to the burden caused by the earthquake and tsunami. Nevertheless, there are still citizens who do not want to take refuge in escape building when earthquake and tsunami threatening. It happen because their perception about bulding?s resistance to the earthquake and tsunami is low. Tsunami is not often happened, because of that escape building is also planned for the needs of local people in their daily life activities. But in fact, there is no routine activity yet in the escape building, but sometimes escape building is also used for certain activities, such as maulid akbar, exhibition, training, and wedding reception.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Winda Chiquita Astana
Abstrak :
Fenomena mengenai kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan KTD menjadi sebuah isu yang dihadapi secara global, tidak terkecuali di Indonesia. Beberapa studi telah menemukan bahwa KTD berdampak negatif terhadap gejala depresi perempuan yang mengalaminya. Ditemukan juga bahwa rasa syukur dapat menjadi faktor protektif terjadinya gejala depresi karena dapat meningkatkan harga dirinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah harga diri berperan sebagai mediator hubungan antara rasa syukur dan gejala depresi pada perempuan yang pernah mengalami KTD. Penelitian ini bersifat korelasional yang dilakukan pada 88 perempuan berusia 17 tahun keatas yang mengalami KTD selama lima tahun terakhir. Pada penelitian ini, gejala depresi diukur menggunakan Beck Depression Inventory BDI Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, Erbaugh, 1961 , rasa syukur diukur dengan The Gratitude Questionnaire-Six Item Form GQ-6 McCullough, Emmons, Tsang, 2002 dan harga diri menggunakan Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale RSES Rosenberg, 1965 . Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang negatif dan signifikan antara rasa syukur dan gejala depresi B = -1,09, p 0,05 . Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa rasa syukur berfungsi sebagai faktor protektif terjadinya gejala depresi melalui peningkatan harga diri, khususnya pada perempuan yang pernah mengalami KTD. ......Unintended pregnancy has become a global phenomenon, and Indonesia is no exception. Previous research studies found that unintended pregnancy affects depressive symptoms among women who experience it. It has also been suggested that gratitude acts as a protective factor against depression because gratitude increases self esteem. The purpose of this research is to study the role of self esteem in mediating the relationship between gratitude and depressive symptoms among women with unintended pregnancy. This is correlational study involved 88 Indonesian women who have experienced unintended pregnancy in the past five years. In this research, depressive symptoms measured by Beck Depression Inventory BDI Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, Erbaugh, 1961, gratitude measured with The Gratitude Questionnaire Six Item Form GQ 6 McCullough, Emmons, Tsang, 2002 dan self esteem measured with Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale RSES Rosenberg, 1965. Results of the statistical analysis showed that there's a significant relationship between gratitude and depressive symptoms B 1,09, p 0,05 . These results show the role of gratitude as a protective factor in reducing depressive symptoms among women who experienced unintended pregnancy through self esteem.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rhaina Kirana Arishanti
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Media sosial digunakan oleh sebagian besar remaja sebagai salah satu sumber informasi kesehatan oral, salah satunya masalah gusi berdarah. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan penggunaan media sosial mengenai gusi berdarah dengan literasi kesehatan mulut pada murid SMA di DKI Jakarta. Metode: Studi potong lintang pada 500 murid kelas X SMA di DKI Jakarta pada bulan Agustus hingga September 2022 menggunakan kuesioner daring berisi 68 pertanyaan. Digunakan uji korelasi Spearman. Penilaian kualitas studi dilakukan berdasarkan panduan STROBE yang terdiri dari 22 domain. Hasil: Mayoritas murid kelas X SMA melakukan pencarian informasi gusi berdarah di Youtube (43%) dan Instagram (33,4%) dan terdapat perbedaan bermakna skor literasi kesehatan mulut antara mereka yang pernah melakukan pencarian informasi gusi berdarah di kedua platform tersebut dengan mereka yang tidak pernah. Selain itu, terdapat korelasi positif lemah (r = 0,148 (Instagram); r = 0,090 (Twitter); r = 0,153 (Youtube); r = 0,110 (Tiktok)) antara frekuensi penggunaan media sosial dalam mencari informasi gusi berdarah dengan tingkat literasi kesehatan mulut. Kesimpulan: Edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut melalui platform media sosial dapat dijadikan pertimbangan, mengingat banyaknya remaja yang memiliki dan menggunakan media sosial secara aktif. Namun, perlu diperhatikan pula mengenai kualitas dan kredibilitas informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang tersedia di media sosial ......Background: Social media is used by most of adolescents as a source of oral health information, for example gum bleeding. Objectives: To determine the relationship between social media use about gum bleeding and oral health literacy among high school students in Jakarta. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 500 of 10th grade high school students in Jakarta from August to September 2022 using an online questionnaire containing 68 questions. Spearman correlation was used. The study quality assessment was carried out based on the STROBE guidelines consisting of 22 domains. Results: Most 10th grade high school students searched information about gum bleeding in Youtube (43%) dan Instagram (33,4%) and there are significant differences in oral health literacy score between those who have ever searched information about gum bleeding on both platform and those who have never. Furthermore, there are weak positive correlations (r = 0,148 (Instagram); r = 0,090 (Twitter); r = 0,153 (Youtube); r = 0,110 (Tiktok)) between frequency of social media use in searching information about gum bleeding and oral health literacy score. Conclusions: Dental and oral health education through social media platforms can be considered, given that there are most of adolescents who own and use social media actively. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to the quality and credibility of dental and oral health information available on social media.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Fort Worth Harcourt Brace College , 1997
070.43 REP
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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