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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"With the worldwide awareness of bioterrorism and drug-resistant infectious diseases, the need for surveillance systems to accurately detect emerging epidemicsis essential for maintaining global safety. Responding to these issues, Disease Surveillance brings together fifteen eminent researchers in the fields of medicine, epidemiology, biostatistics, and medical informatics to define the necessary elements of an effective disease surveillance program, including research, development, implementation, and operations. The surveillance systems and techniques presented in the text are designed to best utilize modern technology, manage emerging public health threats, and adapt to environmental changes"
New Jersey: Wiley-Interscience, 2007
362.1 DIS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Oxford University Press, 2010
610 PRI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kessa Ikhwanda
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang Evaluasi Penyelenggaraan Sistem Surveilans Migrasi Malaria di Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas III Sabang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif untuk mengetahui gambaran komponen input, proses, dan output dari pelaksanaan program. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui wawancara terhadap informan kunci yang merupakan tenaga kesehatan yang terlibat dalam program tersebut yaitu Kepala KKP, Kepala Seksi PRL KLW, Pelaksana JFT Entomolog Kesehatan, Dokter, Perawat, dan tenaga LAB. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa masih adanya evaluasi terkait dengan komponen input dan juga proses dalam pelaksanaan. Saran untuk ke depan perlu diadakannya penyediaan tenaga yang mumpuni, pelatihan spesifik, kerjasama lintas sektor, dan juga pengembangan penelitian lebih lanjut.
......This research discusses about evaluation on malarian migration surveillance system implementation at sabang rsquo s port health quarantine 3rd class. The type of this research is qualitative to know the description component of input, process, and output of program implementation. The research data was obtained through interviews of key informants who are health workers involved in the program, there are Head Office, Section Head of PRL KLW, JFT of Health Entomologists, Doctor, Nurse, and laboratory staff. The results show that there is still an evaluation related to input and processes component in the implementation. Suggestions for the future that need to be held is to provide qualified personnel, specific training, cross sector cooperation, and also further research development."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umi Yumiati
"Penelitian ini mendalami tentang pelaksanaan surveilans gizi dalam memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan informasi gizi terutama 18 indikator gizi, baik untuk penggunaan informasi di dalam Puskesmas maupun di tingkat Kota Cimahi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan agar kegiatan surveilans dapat berjalan dengan baik di Puskesmas Melong Asih, pemegang program gizi hanya memegang program gizi tidak ditambah tugas lain yang lebih menyita waktu; melakukan pengkaderan dengan melibatkan karang taruna dan dibuatkannya SK oleh Lurah agar tidak ada pergantian kader setiap ada pemilihan RW baru; melakukan sosialisasi dan pelatihan kader; membuat buku petunjuk teknik/ petunjuk pelaksanaan pelaksanaan surveilans gizi; membuat standar prosedur operasional (SPO) surveilans gizi, melakukan pembinaan secara kerkesinambungan dan terjadwal terhadap posyandu, serta adanya pemantauan terhadap TPG oleh seksi Kesga dan Gizi dengan melakukan penilaian kinerja petugas gizi Puskesmas; adanya pelatihan mengenai surveilans gizi bagi petugas gizi puskesmas; agar diseminasi hasil kegiatan gizi dilakukan lebih terjadwal dan rutin, serta mengoptimalkan kegiatan surveilans gizi sehingga menghasilkan informasi yang tepat sebagai dasar perencanaan dan tindaklanjut dari hasil surveilans gizi; meningkatkan koordinasi, kerjasama, dan dukungan antar posyandu dan lintas program serta agar umpan balik yang diharapkan tercapai.
......The research to obtain a deeper understanding the implementation of nutritional surveillance in fulfilling various nutritional information needs, especially 18 nutrition indicators, both for the use of information in health centers or at the Cimahi level. This research is qualitative research with descriptive design and system approach. The results suggest that surveillance activities running work well in Melong Asih Health Center, nutritional program holders only hold nutritional programs not increase other tasks that are more time-consuming; Conducting cadre involving youth groups and making SK by the Lurah so that there will be no change of cadres every new RW election; Socialize and train the cadres; To make technical manual / guidance on implementation of nutrition surveillance; Standardize operational procedures (SOP) for nutrition surveillance, conduct continuous and scheduled guidance on posyandu, as well as monitoring of TPG by the Kesga and Nutrition sections by conducting an assessment of the performance of Puskesmas nutrition officers; Training on nutrition surveillance for nutrition officers of puskesmas; In order to disseminate the results of nutrition activities performed more scheduled and routine, and optimize nutrition surveillance activities so as to produce appropriate information as the basis of planning and follow-up of the results of nutrition surveillance; Improve coordination, cooperation, and support among posyandu and cross programs so that the expected feedback is achieved."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arindi Vindi Cahyani
"Latar belakang: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) merupakan virus yang menyerang kekebalan tubuh pada orang yang terinfeksi. HIV masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan masyarakat yang dihadapi Indonesia khususnya provinsi Jawa Barat. Pada tahun 2020 jumlah kasus baru HIV mencapai 5.666 kasus jauh dibandingkan rata-rata kasus baru Indonesia. Transmisi HIV sangat berbeda tergantung pada konteks
Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor demografi dan sosial ekonomi yang berhubungan dengan prevalensi HIV di Jawa Barat pada tahun 2020.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian epidemiologi deskriptif dengan menggunakan studi ekologi korelasi perbandingan wilayah, dengan populasi 27 Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Jawa Barat.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor demografi kepadatan penduduk memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan prevalensi HIV  (P=0,038) kekuatan hubungan sedang dengan arah positif  (r=0,4). Faktor sosial ekonomi Indeks Pembangunana Manusia memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan prevalensi HIV (P=0,035) kekuatan hubungan sedang dengan arah positif (r=0,407). Sementara, faktor demografi jenis kelamin dan faktor sosial ekonomi PDRB per Kapita memiliki hubungan yang tidak signifikan dengan prevalensi HIV.
Kesimpulan: Pencegahan HIV dapat memperhatikan karakteristik spesifik wilayah sesuai dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi dan demografi.
......Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus which attacks the immune system of an infected person. HIV become a serious problem being faced in Indonesia especially West Java province. In 2020 the number of new HIV infection in West Java reach 5.666 cases, higher than an average new cases in Indonesia. The spread of HIV depend on social context and region-specific characteristic.
Goal: This study aims to analyze demographic and socioeconomic factors associated with HIV prevalence in West Java Province in 2020.
Methods: Epidemiology descriptive using ecological correlation study with multiple-group study. Populations in this study are all 27 regencies and municipalities in West Java Province.
Results: The result of this study showed that population density part of demographic factor has a significant relation with HIV prevalence (P=0,038), with a moderate relationship and positive pattern (r=0,4). Human Development Index part of socioeconomic factor has a significant relation with HIV prevalence (P=0,035), with a moderate relationship and positive pattern (r=0,407). Meanwhile, for sex ratio and GRDP per Capita showed an insignificant relationship with HIV prevalence.
Conclusion: Considering characteristic specific areas based on socioeconomic and demographic can be a good way for HIV prevention."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medita Ervianti
"Kecacatan merupakan salah satu indikator beban penyakit kusta. Risiko kecacatan akibat kusta tidak hanya terjadi pada kasus baru kusta, tetapi juga selama pengobatan dan setelah selesai pengobatan. Metode pengamatan berperan untuk mengendalikan tingkat cacat pada penderita yang telah selesai pengobatan. Metode pengamatan pasif diterapkan di Indonesia sejak tahun 1982. Pada tahun 2009, metode pengamatan semi aktif diterapkan di Kabupaten Pasuruan. Belum diketahui metode pengamatan yang lebih efektif biaya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas biaya antara metode pengamatan pasif dan metode pengamatan semi aktif setelah selesai pengobatan kusta dalam pengendalian tingkat cacat. Efektivitas dan biaya pada masingmasing metode dihitung dan dilihat berapa rasio efektivitas biaya dalam pengendalian tingkat cacat. Hubungan faktor-faktor seperti umur, tingkat pendidikan, tingkat pengetahuan, tingkat ekonomi, tipe kusta, riwayat reaksi, pencegahan cacat, perawatan diri dengan pengendalian tingkat cacat serta faktor apa yang paling dominan juga diteliti. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan metode pengamatan semi aktif lebih efektif biaya dibandingkan dengan metode pengamatan pasif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis bivariat, terdapat hubungan antara pencegahan cacat dan perawatan diri dengan pengendalian tingkat cacat. Sedangkan hasil multivariat menyatakan perawatan diri sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi.
......Disability is one of indicator of the leprosy burden. The risk of disability due to leprosy, not only in new cases of leprosy, but also during treatment and after release from treatment. Surveillance is one of method to control level of disability in patients who had completed treatment. Passive surveillance implemented in Indonesia since 1982. In 2009, the semi-active surveillance applied in Pasuruan. Not yet known which surveillance is more cost-effective.
This study aims to analyze the cost-effectiveness of the passive and semiactive surveillance after release from leprosy treatment in controlling the level of disability. The effectiveness and cost of each method was calculated and seen the cost-effectiveness ratio to the control of the level of disability. Relationship of factors such as age, education level, knowledge level, economic level, type of leprosy, history of reactions, defect prevention, self-care by controlling the level of disability and what is the most dominant factor is also studied. The study design was cross-sectional.
The results showed semi active surveillance more cost-effective than passive surveillance. Based on the results of the bivariate analysis, there is a relationship between defect prevention and self-care by controlling the level of disability. While the results of the multivariate declared self-care as a affected factor."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zhilan, Feng
"Mathematical models can be very helpful to understand the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. This book presents examples of epidemiological models and modeling tools that can assist policymakers to assess and evaluate disease control strategies. Contents: Development and Analysis of Models for Infectious Diseases; Application of Models to Real Disease Data; User-Friendly Modeling Tools for Public Health Policymakers. Readership: Researchers in mathematical biology, mathematical modeling, infectious diseases and complex systems."
New Jersey: World Scientific, 2014
614.4 ZHI m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Rev. ed. of: Principles and practice of public health survrveillance / edited by Steven M. Teutsch, R. Elliott Churchill. 2nd ed. 2000"
New York: oxford Univ Press, 2010
614.4 PRI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library